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1 72 5- 1 792
Thus thow once more George Mason't iron face
(That friend to liberty ; to license, foe),
A man who iAen our coming fate did trace ;
Saw States diminish, central power grow —
But, happy, died before the crowning woe.
F. E. A.
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Bl«ctraC]rp«l, Prtatad, Mid Dowid bf A ^
TTbe luiiclerbochcr pum, lUw Vorfc ^ ^ v*
O. P. Putnam's Som ^ ^k' *
•?! C\ •/
I. — In Private Life. 1780-1783,
II. — The Year ok the Peace. 1783. .
III. — Virginia's Compact with Maryland. 1784-1787.
IV.^Ih the Federal Convention. Mav-July, 1787.
V. — The Champion of States- Rights. July-Septem-
ber, 1787
VI. — Last Year IN THE Virginia Assembly. 1787-1788.
., ^Vll. — In the Virginia Convention. 1788. .
VIII. — An Antifederalist Leader. 1788. .
IX. — The Philosopher and Seer. 1788-1790.
X. — Conclusion. 1791-1792
I. letters relating to the compact with MARY-
LAND, 1785.
PAPERS, 1787.
[, 1778.
I 780- I 782.
George Mason did not attend the fall session of the As-
sembly in 1780, as had been his design, and his temporary
retirement from public life, which took place at this time,
occurred, therefore, a little earlier than he had at first con-
templated. In the letters of Joseph Jones, who was then in
the Assembly, letters which have been recently published,
there are several allusions to Colonel Mason. Jones wrote
to Madison in October that he had been applied to both by
Colonel Mason and Colone! Meade relative to the consulship
for Spain, which they desired should be given to Mr. Harri-
son, George Mason's merchant friend in Martinique. It is
satisfactory to know that this gentleman did get the ap-
pointment, some years later, after the adoption of the new
Constitution. Joseph Jones wrote to Madison the 2d of
December :
" Mr. Mason has not yet appeared, and I do not expect he
will this session, as he has the remains upon him of a severe
attack of the gout." '
' " Leiten of Joseph Jones." p. 59. 1'teputment of State, 1S69.
Vol. II— I I
- ■
The project of the land cession had therefore to be
carried through the Assembly without George Mason's
personal assistance, and on the 2d of January, 1781, the act
for this purpose was passed. But as two of its eight condi-
tions were not satisfactory to Congress, the matter was not
fully settled until some time later. Colonel Clark was in
Virginia during this winter, and no doubt he visited his
friend at " Gunston Hall " before leaving the State. Arnold's
raid took place at this time, and Colonel Clark assisted in
the defence of the James River. In the spring the Assem-
bly, which met in March, was disturbed by the British and
forced to adjourn from place to place. Colonel Mason, in
his retirement at " Gunston," was keenly alive to the critical
situation of the country, and though no longer in the coun-
'^cils of his State, he was revolving at home projects for the
, public good. And the fruit of some of his reflections appears
in the following letter to the Virginia delegates in Congress :
Letter to the Honorable the Virginia Delegates in Congress at Phila-
delphia^ April i^ 1 781.
Gentlemen :
Permit me to recommend to your consideration a subject which
I think merits the attention of Congress. The enemy is now pro-
fessedly carrying on a predatory war against the United States
contrary to the custom of civilized nations. A board of Refugees
has been some time sitting in New York upon the subject of
depredation and consulting upon the most effectual methods of
plundering the defenceless part of the inhabitants of the Ameri-
can States in which they are avowedly authorized and supported
by the British king and his generals. Several private people have
lately been robbed, their houses burned and their estates ruined
by the crews of British ships. Arnold is at this time preparing
a great number of flat-bottomed boats at Portsmouth notoriously
for the purpose of plundering the tobacco warehouses and the
inhabitants upon the rivers and creeks in Virginia and Maryland.
How practicable a plan of this sort is I need hardly mention to
gentlemen acquainted with the situation of this country. What
may be the fatal consequences not only of disabling many thou-
sands from paying their taxes and contributing to the support of
the common cause, but of throwing them also as a dead weight
on the rest of the community, or how few of them may have
public virtue enough to withstand the terrors of poverty and ruin
are topics which, however disagreeable, deserve the most serious
reflections that if possible the evil may be averted. Whether the
king and his ministry encouraged by their success in Carolina ex-
pect by such means to make an easier conquest of the Southern
States, or whether expecting the interference of the great powers
of Europe to compel them to relinquish their claim to the Ameri-
can States, they are now acting upon the principles of revenge
determined to desolate what they despair of recovering — be this
as it may — it is surely the duty of the Great Council of America
to endeavor if possible to prevent the mischief and save from
ruin such numbers of their citizens. Whoever considers the im-
portance of the trade of these States to Great Britain, and her
expectations of great part of it returning into British channels, "*
upon a peace, may readily conceive that she will be alarmed at
any measures which must affect it hereafter by imposing such
burdens upon it as will give a lasting preference to other nations.
If therefore Congress were to recommend to the Legislatures of
the different States immediately to enact laws, declaring that all
private property which has been or shall be plundered or de-
stroyed by the British troops or others acting under the authority
of the King of Great Britain, beyond high-water mark^ from a
certain day shall be hereafter reimbursed and made good to the
individual sufferers and their heirs by dutys to be imposed upon
all imports from Great Britain into the respective States, after a
peace and to be continued until full reparation shall be accord-
ingly made, and for this purpose directing valuations upon oath
to be made of all private property so plundered or destroyed, to
be returned with the names and places of abode of the owners to
some certain public office in each State and there duly registered,
it is more than probable it would produce good effects. The
fund is adequate to the purpose and the measure without con-
quest could not be counteracted. There is hardly a merchant
or manufacturer in Great Britain who would not feel himself ,
affected by it ; if anything can restrain them this probably would.
Their commanders here would immediately represent it to the
ministry and inquire their further instructions and the nation
would be cautious of repeating mischiefs which must one day
reverberate upon themselves. If it had not this effect it at least
would be a piece of justice to the injured to whom the commu-
nity owes justice, if it cannot afford them protection. The only
objection that occurs to me is the common maxim ''that all dutys
ultimately fall upon the consumer/' and consequently that this
would be a tax upon ourselves. If this were true I think it no
good objection, because it would only be reimbursing by a volun-
tary tax one part of the community what they had suffered from
their local circumstances more than the other without any fault
of their own. But the maxim is not true with respect to dutys
upon the imports of any particular country, while we are not con-
fined to their market, but have an open trade with all the world,
and therefore this charge would fall either upon the aggressing
nation, or upon those who, disaffected to the American cause,
were desirous of giving Great Britain an impolitic and undue
preference. It would fall partly upon both. I got a bill passed
a year or two ago in the Virginia House of Delegates but it was
rejected in the Senate for no other reason that I could learn but
that it was ruin for Virginia to make such a law unless similar
measures were adopted by the other States. Should these hints
be approved there is not a moment to be lost, and such a measure
should not be intended merely in terrorem^ but carried into the
strictest execution.
There is another subject which deserves the public attention.
I have always endeavored to make myself well acquainted with
the sentiments of the bulk of the people, conscious that in gov-
ernments like ours, upon this in a great measure must depend
the success of the present contest. I live in a part of the country
remarkable for its Whigism and attachment to the cause of liberty,
and it is with much concern I find a general opinion prevailing
that our allies are spinning out the war in order to weaken
America as well as Great Britain and thereby leave us at the end
of it as dependent as possible on themselves. However unjust
this opinion may be, it is natural enough to planters and farmers
burdened with heavy taxes and frequently dragged from their
families by military duty in the continual alarms occasioned by
the superiority of the British navy. They see their property
daily exposed to destruction ; they see with what facility the
British troops are removed from one part of the continent to
another, and with what infinite charge and fatigue ours are too
late obliged to follow. If our allies had a superior fleet here I
should have very little doubt of a favorable issue to the war,
but without it I fear we are deceiving both them and ourselves
in expecting we shall be able to keep our people much longer
firm in so unequal an opposition to Great Britain. Would it not
be wise and honest to lay this matter candidly before them, and
with decent firmness explain how much pur mutual interest
requires a fleet upon the American coast superior to that of our
common enemy.
I have mentioned to you my thoughts upon these very interest-
ing subjects, trusting that the motives upon which I act (the
good of our country) will induce you to pardon such a liberty in
a private gentleman and render any further apology unnecessary.
Ill health hindering my attendance at Richmond upon the last
session of the Assembly prevents my knowing which of the
Virginia delegates are now in Congress, otherwise I should only
have wrote to one or two of the members, instead of addressing
myself to the delegates in a letter which from the superscription
may appear to have the air of an official one.
I have the honor to be with the greatest respect, gentlemen,
Your most obedient servant,
G. Mason.
April 20. — P. S. Since the above letter was wrote, several of
the enemy's ships have been within two or three miles of Alexan-
dria ; they have burned and plundered several houses and carried
off a great many slaves ; though I have hitherto been fortunate
enough to lose no part of my property.'
The members of the Ohio Company proposed at this time
to make another effort with the Virginia Assembly to secure
their lands. Robert Carter of " Nomini *' wrote to a friend,
on this subject, April 14th :
'' It is said that the House of Delegates rejected the Company's
claim because their works of survey were returned by a surveyor
* Madison MSS., State Department
[Hancock Lee] not legally appointed. Nevertheless that session
established some officers' claims whose works of survey were
returned by surveyors acting under no better authority than the
surveyor appointed by the Ohio Company. It is expected that
these cases will be relied on as precedents and the claims of the
Ohio Company will be revived. This matter is of a joint concern,
therefore the parties must join in presenting a petition which I
apprehend should be done this approaching session, and I purpose
to make some movement therein."
He accordingly wrote to Colonel Mason on the nth of
May, suggesting such action, and he adds. 'Mf this idea
should be approved on and a petition shall be prepared and
presented, pray have my name inserted therein for two
fortieth parts, I having purchased two shares of the late Mr.
Augustine Washington and Mr. Gawin Corbin, members of
the Ohio Company." *
The American troops, under Lafayette, Steuben, and
Wayne, were in Virginia, in the spring of 1781, for the
purpose of repelling the invasion of the enemy ; and an act
of the Assembly, authorizing the seizure of cattle for the use
of the army, to supply them with provisions, was put in
operation, causing some dissatisfaction. George Mason
thought that the commissioners were carrying out this law
in a manner that would inflict needless injury on the people
and alienate them from the cause of patriotism, and he
wrote to Jefferson, then governor of the State, calling his
attention to the matter.
Fairfax County, Gunston Hall,
May 14th, 1 78 1.
The order for seizing live cattle for the supply of the army
is like to produce much confusion and oppression in this part of
the country from the vague, and (as I apprehend) illegal instnic-
tions of Mr. Brown to his deputies, who are acting very differently
in the different counties, according to each man's interpretation
of instructions which no man understands. This, if not timely
* Carter Letter-Bookt.
prevented by clear and precise orders from the executive, will in
many instances occasion lawsuits, and in some, most probably,
violence. The instructions I have seen from Mr. Brown direct
his deputies to take a tenth part of every maris stock. The true
construction of this I take to be a tenth part of every man's
stock, in quantity and quality. But it would be a wanton waste of
cattle. In some counties they estimate the value of a man's
whole stock, and take the tenth part of that value^ in beef cattle.
In other counties (particularly in this) the deputy commissary
thinks himself authorized to take in beef cattle the tenth part of
the number of each man's stock, which would generally be near
half of the vctlue of the whole. And as, upon the common
average of stocks, there is not a tenth part of them beef cattle,
if the measure was to be executed throughout the State in this
manner, every family would be left without beef, tallow, or leather
for the ensuing year ; the quantity of cattle immediately taken
would be enormous, not less, upon a moderate computation, I
conceive than forty or fifty thousand beeves, and there would
not be a beef left to supply the army another campaign. The only
laws I know of upon which this power of seizure is founded are the
two acts passed in the last May session, one '' for procuring a sup-
ply of provisions and other necessaries for the army," empowering
the governor and council to appoint commissioners for seizing
certain enumerated articles at fixed prices, and the other " an act
for giving further powers to the Governor and Council," extending
the powers given by the former act to the obtaining so many live
cattle as may be wanted for supplying the militia or other troops,
to be valued and appraised by two disinterested persons upon
oath &c ; provided always that not more than one half oi the bul-
locks and barren cows belonging to any person, fit for slaughter,
shall be subject to such seizure. These two acts are continued
by a subsequent session, with only an augmentation of the prices
enumerated in the first act, occasioned by the depreciation of
money in the meantime. But I think nothing is therein said
about the price of live cattle, it being unnecessary as the price
had not been ascertained by the former acts, and the cattle were
to be appraised at the time of seizure. The words fit for slaughter
can hardly be literally conformed to at this season of the year,
and may reasonably be extended to such cattle as are fit to fatten
for slaughter. But certainly the power is limited to the half of
such cattle belonging to any such person, and any commissary
presuming to exceed it will act contrary to law, and distress the
people unnecessarily, as the one half of such cattle will afford
more than an ample supply. There are also doubts with respect
to draught oxen, which I am sure it was not the intention of the
legislature to seize for beef, nor do they come within the descrip-
tion of the law. The people might as well have their waggon or
plough horses taken from them as their draught oxen.
Another subject of dispute is the price of cattle. By a vote of
both houses in November last the executive is empowered to
pursue such measures as to them appear practicable and effectual
for the laying in such quantity of beef and salt as shall be neces-
sary for supplying the army, allowing for grass beef 34/ per
pound and for salt £^o per bushel. And although from the
whole tenor and style of the said vote, it is evident that it relates
only to the supply of the army during the then slaughter season,
and not at all to the powers, prices or valuations described in the
before mentioned acts, yet some of the deputy commissaries
apply it to the present seizure of live cattle, and instead of
appraisement, the weight is judged by two men upon oath, and
certificates given at 24 / per pound, for which they say they have
late instructions. In some counties the judges fix this at what
they think the nett weight of the cattle in their present poor con-
dition ; in other counties at what they think would be the nett
weight if the cattle were fat and fit for slaughter, or what they
would weigh in the slaughter season next fall, as in the mean time
they would not cost their owners a penny. A grass bullock which
would have weighed 400 last November, will not at this time
weigh 200 pounds, so that in some counties the people will get
less that half what their neighbors receive, or of the real value of
their cattle, besides the loss by depreciation since last November.
The commissary in this and some other counties is, by these dif-
ficulties, prevented from proceeding, whereupon I promised to
lay the matter before your Excellency and the council, and to
communicate to them the result. Sensible of the important
objects in which the time of the executive is now taken up, I
should not have troubled them with this, if I did not foresee that
the purposes of the law will be in a great measure defeated, and
great confusion ensue, unless prevented by speedy and precise
instructions to the deputy-commissaries so as to put their busi-
ness upon a just and equal footing.
The people in this part of Virginia are well disposed to do
everything in their power to support the war, but the same prin-
ciples which attach them to the American cause will incline them
to resist injustice or oppression. I would further beg leave to
suggest that it might be better to take now only such a number
of cattle as are wanted for immediate use, and suffer the others
to remain longer on their own pastures, where at this season of
the year they will thrive faster, upon grass alone, than fed with
corn, collected in numbers in strange pastures, and a great ex-
pense be saved to the public. It will be necessary also to order
that the cattle be collected in places out of the reach of the enemy,
when the situation of the county will admit it. I am led to
mention this last circumstance from my knowing that the place
pitched upon in this county is so near the river that a party from
a single vessel might carry off the cattle in two or three hours,
although a considerable part of the county is out of the reach of
the enemy, except in great force.
I beg the favor of an answer by the first post, or other safe
conveyance, and remain with the greatest respect, Sir, your most
obedient humble servant,
G. Mason.
His Excellency, Thomas Jefferson, Esq. :
Governor of Virginia.'
The raids of the enemy along all the navigable waters of
Virginia were constant at this period, and the residents on
the Potomac, among the rest of this exposed class of the
population, were in a continual state of alarm. Col. Henry
Lee, father of Henry Lee, the young lieutenant-colonel of
cavalry, was the county lieutenant of Prince William, and in
a letter to Governor Jefferson of the 9th of April, he tells of
a small schooner which a few days before had gone up to
Alexandria, the raiders stealing negroes and burning houses
' MS. Letter published in Amtrican Historical Record, p. 231. Edited by
B. J. Lossing.
on their way, and he adds: ''If the enemy had succeeded
at Alexandria they intended, one of the prisoners says, to
have burnt General Washington's houses, plundered Colonel
Mason and myself, and endeavored to have made me a
prisoner." *
On the I2th, Alexandria was in much confusion at the
approach of the enemy's fleet. Six armed vessels went up
the river, and the counties of Stafford, Prince William, and
Fairfax were the " scene of war." " Colonel Fitzgerald, how-
ever, made such a bold show that the British did not land,
and so " Gunston " was not molested. Under the appre-
hension of the enemy's approach, George Mason prepared
to move into Maryland, farther from the river, and he sent
his valuables, with the following letter, to his friend, Pearson
Chapman, of Charles County.
Gunston Hall, Thursday Afternoon,
May 31st, 1781.
Dear Sir : — The rapid march of the enemy obliges me to send as
many of my effects, as I can readily remove, to Maryland, and I
expect to follow immediately with Mrs. Mason and my daughters.
I must therefore beg the favour of you to permit all the things I
send to be put into your dwelling house, for safety, until I can
carry them up to my son William's house at the head of Matta-
woman, which I shall do with all possible expedition. I expect
Mrs. Mason and the girls will be over early to-morrow.
Part of the Virginia Light Horse crossed at Fredericks[burg ?] on
Tuesday night ; the Marquis' Troops (who are not strong enough
for an action) were expected there last night, unless prevented
by the enemy. Lord Comwallis with the main body of the Brit-
ish army was at Hanover Court House (scarce fifty miles from
Fredericksburg) on Tuesday morning, their object, no doubt,
to defeat the Marquis' Troops before General Waine came up, or
to prevent the junction : this intelligence comes from an officer
sent express to General Waine and may be relied on. I think if
the winds permit we may expect their fleet up this river in a very
' '* Virginia Calendar Papers/' vol. ii., p. 21.
•/Wr/., p. 39.
few days. Our situation in Virginia is truly critical and danger-
ous ; a very few weeks, unless the enemy can be checked, will
place Maryland in the same predicament. Nothing can speedily
extricate the two States but the arrival of a strong French fleet
which there is reason to expect every day. I have given you the
earliest information in my power^ that you may endeavour to
secure your moveables by carrying them a few miles from the
river, where I think they will be safe for some time.
I beg the favour of you to let your people and cart assist my
people in carrying up the things from the landing to the house,
that the boat may return as quick as possible ; and am dear sir
Your most obedient servant
George Mason.
If Mr. Chapman is from home, Mrs. Chapman will be pleased
to open this letter.
Mr. Pearson Chapman
Charles County
Maryland '
The Chapmans lived almost immediately opposite '' Guns-
ton " on the Maryland side of the Potomac, and the old
Eilbeck place, " Mattawoman/' was three miles farther off
at the head of Mattawoman Creek. The mother of Pearson
Chapman, Mrs. Constance Chapman, was an intimate friend
of George Mason's first wife, and drawing up her will, in
1768, she makes therein the following bequest : " I give and
bequeath unto my friend Mrs. Ann Mason a mourning ring,
the stone to be set round with diamond sparks, the said ring
to be the value of three guineas and a half, and be inscribed
with my age and the time of my death." Mrs. Chapman,
however, survived Mrs. Mason many years, dying in Fairfax
County, in 1798. A great-grandson of Pearson Chapman is
living now at the old place in Maryland, which is called
Colonel Mason wrote two letters early in June to his son
George in France.
* A copy from the original in possession of Mr. Pemson Chapman, April 30,
i860, made by the late Mr. Joseph Homer, of Warrenton, Va.
Virginia, Gunston Hall,
Dear George : J""<* 3^- '78i.
A gentleman now here, on his way to the Northern States, and
from thence to the West Indies, affords me a better opportunity
of writing to you than I have had for a long time past ; and as
I shall write duplicates, and direct them to be sent by different
vessels, some of them will probably reach you : they will be en-
closed in covers to Messrs. Schweighauser and Dobree, Mer-
chants in Nantes. I find from some of your letters, that most,
if not all of our letters to you have miscarried, and consequently
that you are unacquainted with everything which has happened
here in your absence. Your grandmother, Mrs. Eilbeck died last
December and has willed her estate, in the manner she always
intended ; some legacies in slaves and money to her granddaugh-
ters, a negro boy to John and Tom, and the bulk of her fortune
to your brother William. Your estate here is at present in good
order, and a promising harvest coming on, if we are able to reap
it. There was a pretty good crop of com made on it last year,
and about 10,000 lbs. of pork sold at a high nominal price (;;£2oo
per hundred) but before the money could be invested in tobacco
the rapid depreciation reduced it exceedingly. Part has been
invested in tobacco, some in the usual way of Inspector's notes ;
the remainder I have advised your brother Thomson to endeavor
to invest in tobacco in the hands of substantial people, upon
tobacco bonds, rather than having it in the public warehouses,
where it is not safe a week from the enemy, who have within
these two months burned more than ten thousand hogsheads of
tobacco in Virginia, and still continue to destroy all they can get
at. I observe what you say of our tobacco at Bordeaux being
unsold in March. I hope it still remains so, as the quantity
destroyed here must raise the price in Europe, beyond anything
known within the memory of man. I will write to Messrs Delaps
upon the subject. This family has not yet lost any tobacco,
slaves or other property, by the enemy, although their ships have
been as high as Alexandria, but we are in daily expectation of
sharing the same fate with our neighbors upon this and the other
rivers, where many families have been suddenly reduced from
opulence to indigence, particularly upon James river, the enemy
taking all the slaves, horses, cattle, furniture and other property
^ •
they can lay their hands on ; and what they can't carry away they
wantonly destroy. We have removed our furniture, backwards
and forwards two or three times, upon different alarms, by which
it is very much damaged : great part of it was packed up last
week and sent to Maryland, where your brother Thomson and
your sisters now are.
The schooner Isabella was drove on shore, on the coast of
North Carolina, and the vessel lost ; some part of the cargo was
saved, but upon the average settlement of the proceeds, our pro-
portion in the present depreciated money was hardly worth the
trouble of receiving. Mine was about ;;^3>ooo and yours ^^366,
including Mrs. Eilbeck's, Dr. Brown's and the whole consign-
ment to your brother Thomson. The letters, bills of lading, and
invoyces all came safe to hand, but yours were so irregular, some
packages mentioned in the invoyce not being inserted in the bills
of lading, and some of the contents not particularized nor ex-
tended in the invoyce, so that if the goods had arrived safe we
should hardly have been able to ascertain them properly, much
less was it practicable to fix the real value upon the general
average. You have probably been a loser by this, though very
deservedly ; if ever you send any more goods, pray be more
methodical and exact. The ship General Washington is fitted out
as a privateer, and I believe is now upon a cruise. She arrived
from Amsterdam in a New England port, where her cargo pro-
duced less than half the value here. I had better than ;;^2oo
sterling cost of goods in her upon my own private account, which
still remain in New England, from whence I am not likely to get
them soon, if ever : by these disappointments the family are in
great want of necessaries. Our bay and rivers are entirely in the
possession of the enemy, our little trade totally at an end, and
almost all the Virginia vessels taken.
The family, I thank God, are all well, except myself, who am
but just recovering from a fit of the gout. No remarkable
changes have happened among your acquaintance. Pray let me
know if my order on Penet Da Costa and Company was duly
paid. Let me know also where Mr. William Lee is, and in what
circumstances, and way of life, &c., and give me the best infor-
mation you can respecting your expences, and manner of life,
health, &c. I am sorry to hear you make so slow progress in the
French language ; it is owing to your conversing too much among
your own countrymen, and to your not accustoming yourself to
write French. I hope, however, you will not be discouraged, but
will still endeavor to make yourself master of it.
I have not yet received the surveys of my back lands ; when I
do (if it is in time) I will transmit you copies of them, and par-
ticularize the terms by which I purpose to settle them. I can now
only mention the outlines. I will on no consideration risk the im-
porting, or maintaining people, at my charge. But if settlers can
be engaged to come in, at their own charge, I will grant them long
leases, at very low rents ; vizt, for three lives, or twenty-one years,
paying the first three years, only the taxes of the quantity of land
leased and afterwards the annual rent of about thirty shillings ster-
ling per hundred acres, and the taxes ; with covenants to plant
orchards and make the usual improvements of buildings (which
you know in this country are not great) within four or five years
after the end of the present war ; the lessee to have sub-tenants,
if he pleases, preserving one third part of the quantity leased
uncut and uncultivated, to supply the premises with wood and
timber. Considering the conveniencies of game, fish, wild-fowl,
and the navigation (my lands being below the Falls of the Ohio)
and the extreme richness and fertility of the soil, the fineness of
the climate, and the levelness of the land, these terms are very
reasonable, and I should think would induce men of substance to
take quantities and bring in settlers. I presume this will find
you in Paris, or, as I rather hope, in the south of France. I can-
not but think you judged extremely ill, in spending so much time
in Nantes, where you could expect no great improvement, either
in health, knowledge or manners. I think it will also be very
imprudent in you to return to America, without trying the effect
of one summer, either in the south of France, Italy or Spain, as
the best physicians in Paris may advise you : the recovery of
health should be considered as your primary object, for without
that you will have incurred much expence and loss of time to
little purpose.
I would recommend it to you to embark for America about
next May, so as to have a warm weather voyage, and be some
time again in your native climate, before the return of winter, and
to endeavor to get your passage in a ship of war. If any are
coming to America about the time, and you make proper use of
your letters and credentials, I should think you might by means
of Doctor Franklin, Colonel Lawrence, or some men of interest, '
procure an order from the court for a passage in one of them.
Mrs. Mason desires to be kindly remembered to you and joins
in wishing you a restoration to health, and a safe return to your
country and friends, with
Dear George,
Your affectionate father,
G. Mason.
P. S. — Under the same cover you will have a letter upon pub-
lic affairs.'
Virginia, Gunston Hall, June 3d, 1781.
Dear George : — Your brother William writes you by this
opportunity. He returned some time ago from South Carolina,
where he commanded a company of volunteers (75 fine young
fellows from this county). He had a rough campaign of it, and
has acquired the reputation of a vigilant and good officer ; and
I think is greatly improved by the expedition. Your brother
Thomson has lately returned from a tour of militia-duty upon
James River. He commanded a platoon, in a pretty close action
at Williamsburg, and behaved with proper coolness and intrep-
idity. He is now from home or would have wrote you.
I have written you very fully lately upon domestic subjects ;
but I am not able to give you any agreeable public news.
Our affairs have been, for some time, growing from bad to
worse. The enemy's fleet commands our rivers, and puts it in
their power to remove their troops, from place to place, when and
where they please without opposition ; so that we no sooner
collect a force sufficient to counteract them in one part of the
country, but they shift to another, ravaging, plundering, and de-
stroying everything before them. Our militia turn out with great
spirit, and have in several late actions, behaved bravely ; but they
are badly armed and appointed. General Green, with about
1,200 regular troops and some militia, is in South Carolina ; where
he has taken all the enemy's posts, except Charlestown. The
enemy's capital object, at this time, seems to be Virginia.
General Philips died lately in Petersburg ; upon which the com-
mand of the British troops there devolved upon Arnold ; but Ld.
' MS. Letter.
Cornwallis, quitting North Carolina, has since joined Arnold,
with about 1,200 infantry and 300 cavalry, and taken the chief
command of their army in Virginia, now consisting of about 5,000
men : They have crossed James River, and by the latest accounts
were at Westover ; their light horse having advanced as far as
Hanover Court House ; They have burned Page's warehouses,
where the greatest part of the York River tobacco was collected ;
they had before burned most of the tobacco upon James River,
and have plundered great part of the adjacent county. The
Marquis De La Fayette is about twenty miles below Fredericks-
burg with about 1,200 regulars and 3,000 militia, waiting the
arrival of General Waine, with about 1,500 regular troops of
the Pennsylvania line.
We have had various accounts of the sailing of a French fleet,
with a body of land forces, for America; should they really
arrive it would quickly change the face of our affairs, and infuse
fresh spirits and confidence ; but it has been so long expected in
vain, that little credit is now given to reports concerning it.
You know from your own acquaintance in this part of Virginia
that the bulk of the people here are staunch Whigs, strongly
attached to the American cause and well affected to the French
alliance ; yet they grow uneasy and restless, and begin to think
that our allies are spinning out the war, in order to weaken
America as well as Great Britain, and thereby leave us at the end
of it, as dependent as possible upon themselves.
However unjust this opinion may be, it is natural enough for
planters and farmers, burdened with heavy taxes, and frequently
dragged from their familys upon military duty, on the continual
alarms occasioned by the superiority of the British fleet. They
see their property daily exposed to destruction, they see with
what facility the British troops are removed from one part of the
continent to another, and with what infinite charge and fatigue
ours are, too late, obliged to follow ; and they see too very plainly,
that a strong French fleet would have prevented all this. If our
allies had a superior fleet here, I should have no doubt of a
favorable issue to the war, but without it, I fear we are deceiving
both them and ourselves, in expecting we shall be able to keep
our people much longer firm, in so unequal an opposition to Great
Britain. France surely intends the separation of these States for-
ever from Great Britain. It is highly her interest to accomplish
this ; but by drawing out the thread too fine and long, it may
unexpectedly break in her hands.
God bless you, my dear child 1 and grant that we may again
meet, in your native country, as freemen, otherwise, that we never
see each other more, is the prayer of
Your affectionate father,
G. Mason/
It seems not unlikely that this latter interesting and
patriotic letter may have had some influence with the
French Court, and hastened the arrival of the French fleet.
The Honorable James M. Mason, who possessed a copy of it
which he transcribed for the "Virginia Historical Register,"
wrote to the editor that "the indorsement on [the copy]
shows that the original had been by Dr. Franklin put into
the hands of the Count de Vergennes — doubtless from the
tenor of the letter, intended by Dr. F. to stimulate the
government of France to send to the revolted colonies the
promised succour. The concluding paragraph," adds Mr.
Mason, "you will agree with me, I think, would have
adorned the ages of Brutus and Manlius.*'
In Gen. John Mason's recollections of his childhood he
mentions that the last tutor that his father had at " Gunston "
was a Mr. Constable, who was a native of Scotland, and was
engaged in that country to come over to Virginia as a
teacher in Colonel Mason's family. In 1781 Mr. Constable
wished to leave Virginia to make his home in the West
Indies, and Colonel Mason wrote to Thomas Nelson, then
governor of the State, to obtain a passport for him.
Fairfax County, Gunston Hall,
Sir : September 3d, 1781.
A young gentleman (Mr. David Constable) a native of Scotland,
from the college of Aberdeen, has lived in my family ever since
the year 1774, as a tutor to my children, during which time he has
supported a very good character, and his behaviour has been un-
> Niles* " Principles and Acts of the Revolution," p. 126 ; "Virginia His-
torical Register," vol. ii., p. 32 ; " Virginia Calendar Papers," vol. ii., p. 141.
Vol. II— a
exceptionable, in every instance, but refusing the oath of alle-
giance to the commonwealth, which he told me at the time he was
induced to do from some expectations he had from his friends
in the British West Indies, where he intended to settle, after the
expiration of his engagements in my family. He has an elder
brother Who has lived many years in the island of St. Christo-
pher's, where he has had the management of some estates belong-
ing to gentlemen residing in Great Britain, and has acquired
considerable property. From this brother Mr. Constable has
very lately received a letter, informing him that he should return
to Britain the beginning of next winter, to repair a constitution
injured by long residence in a warm climate, pressing him to
come to St. Christopher's immediately, and promising if he
arrived while he remained there, to give him an estate he has
in the island and put all his agencies into his hands. This is so
much beyond anything Mr. Constable can expect in Virginia or
may ever meet with hereafter, that out of friendship to a man who
has lived so many years in my family, and behaved so well in it,
I wish him enabled to avail himself of it, and for that purpose
must entreat your Excellency to grant him a passport or permit,
to go with a flag to Lord Comwallis's army, from whence he may
readily obtain a passage to the West Indies. And his speedy
arrival there being of the utmost importance to him, you will
oblige me exceedingly in transmitting me such a passport by the
next post. This favor I flatter myself will be granted as an act of
the last session of Assembly invests the governor and council with
such a power ; as Mr. Constable's detention here would mate-
rially injure him as an individual, without the smallest bene-
fit to the American cause, and as it is not in his power to give any
useful intelligence to the enemy, or if it was, I know him to be a
man of more honor than to abuse any indulgence you shall be
pleased to grant him, and can venture to engage for his conduct
I am, with the greatest esteem and respect
Sir, your most obedient, humble servant
G. Mason.
P. S. If Mr. Constable is permitted to go by water it will
enable him to carry his books and other effects which he
CQuld not well carry by land.'
» MS. T-«ttcr.
Lafayette passed through Colchester, the little post town
near " Gunston," in the spring of 1781, and the tax commis-
sioners, one of whom was Martin Cockbum, George Mason's
friend, and another Richard Chichester, whose daughter
married one of Colonel Mason's sons, gave out to the Mar-
quis a quantity of wheat for his command.* I,t ' is very
likely that Lafayette visited " Gunston " at this time and
brought messages from Washington to its proprietor. The
army of Washington was on its way in September to the
memorable field of Yorktown, and great preparations were
made for its approach in the counties it would have to
traverse from Georgetown to Dumfries. The militia were
instructed by the county lieutenants, through letters from
the commander-in-chief, to repair the roads and make
them passable for wagons. The baggage wagons of the
American and French forces, the cavalry, and the beef
cattle were all to take this route. Washington wrote to
request the gentlemen of the neighborhood, as a pleasing
mark of attention, to assist the French officers, Rocham-
bcau, Chastellux, and others, with their carriages, from
point to point. From " Mt. Vernon " they were to be
furnished with carriages to Dumfries, where new relays
were requested to take them to Fredericksburg. Colonel
Mason must have met these distinguished strangers at
this time, and in all probability his equipage was at their
command. Washington arrived at " Mt. Vernon " on the
9th of September, Rochambeau, Chastellux, and their
suites the following day. A dinner-party was given at
" Mt. Vernon" on the nth, and the next morning the
journey to Williamsburg was resumed, lasting two days
longer. This was the first time Washington had been
home since 1775.
Thomson Mason, who was living at his country-seat in
Loudon County, wrote to Washington offering the services
of his two sons in the proposed campaign.
1 «•
Virginia Calendar Papers/* vol. ii., p. 128.
Raspberry Plain, Sept. 26th, 1781.
My dear General :
I must sincerely congratulate your Excellency upon your safe
return to your native country, and look upon it as a happy pres-
age of putting a glorious period to the present war.
But do not flatter yourself that your fatigues are to end with
this war. No, more glorious ones are yet reserved for you, in rid-
ding your country of its domestic enemies, more silent indeed,
but not less destructive, than its foreign invaders ; and in fixing
some permanent constitution that may render us happier than the
present ever can ; it is my most ardent wish and expectation, that
you will accomplish all this.
Nothing but my crazy constitution should have restrained me
from thanking your Excellency in person for the benefits which
I as a private citizen, am likely to enjoy from your labors ; but
as my health will not permit me to undertake so long a journey,
this will be handed to you by one of my two eldest sons. The
first Stevens Thomson is equipped as a volunteer horseman, the
second having served out his tour of duty as an ensign in the
Loudon militia, is also desirous of serving the remainder of the
campaign as a volunteer, to which I have consented and sent
him a horse. From the retired privacy in which they have been
brought up, I have no expectation that they can render their
country any effectual service. But to pay a grateful respect to
General Washington is a duty due from every citizen of America,
and for that reason only, do they wait upon your Excellency.
In whatever capacity you may employ them for the remainder of
the campaign, (and I can part with them no longer,) I will be an-
swerable they will discharge their duty with bravery, secrecy and
integrity ; and the oldest is tolerably ready at most kinds of
I have the honor to be, with the greatest respect and esteem,
your Excellency's most devoted, obliged and affectionate, humble
Thomson Mason.
The surrender of Comwallis took place on the 19th of
October, and a few days later Colonel Mason had occasion
' Washington MSS., State Department.
to write to Robert Carter of " Nomini," when he refers to
the recent victory.
GuNSTON Hall, October 27th, 1781.
Dear Sir :
The bearer, Capt. Cleon Moore, a neighbor and particular
friend of mine waits on you to rent some of your lands in Prince
William County. As I thought it probable that the abuses too
frequent among tenants might make you cautious of renting lands
to a stranger, I take the liberty of introducing Capt. Moore to
you, as a gentleman whose integrity and punctuality in whatever
contract he makes with you, I think may be relied on, and one to
whom I would most readily rent lands myself, if I had any which
suited him.
I congratulate you on the late signal success of our arms, which
there is reason to hope will lay the foundation of a safe and last-
ing peace.
I beg my compliments to your lady and family, and am,
Dear Sir,
Your most obedient servant,
G. Mason.
Hon. Robert Carter,
Nominy, Westmoreland.*
In Congress at this time the land companies were pushing
their claims to the Western territory, and they were sup-
ported in their pretensions by those States whose selfish
and short-sighted policy was opposed to the acknowledgment
of Virginia's charter rights — rights in which a principle was
involved most important to the autonomy of all the States.
Madison wrote indignantly from Philadelphia to Jefferson in
January, 1782, on this subject. The memorial of the In-
diana Company had been justified by Congress, in spite of
the emphatic protest of the Viginia delegates, though so
clearly an infringement upon Virginia's sovereignty. Madi-
son wished to receive from Virginia "an accurate and full
collection of the documents which relate to the subject."
* MS. Letter.
He sent the proceedings of Congress to his State while the
Assembly was in session, but to his mortification they were
not received in time. He had hoped that Jefferson would
have undertaken the task of preparing and forwarding these
papers; and as it was, he found himself left without ade-
quate material to contradict the calumnies and misrepresen-
tations that were rife. He had evidently written to George
Mason to aid him, for he adds : *' Colonel Mason's industry
and kindness have supplied us with some valuable papers
and remarks." There had also been sent Joseph Jones
" some judicious remarks " by Edmund Pendleton.*
Jefferson at this time was at " Monticello ** by the bedside
of his sick wife, and no assistance could be expected from
him. At the spring session of the Assembly in 1782, a com-
mittee had been appointed " to state the title of Virginia to
western territory," and this committee consisted of Jefferson,
George Mason, Edmund Randolph, Arthur Lee, and Dr.
Thomas Walker. Though Colonel Mason was not in the
Assembly, his name was the first one proposed, as Randolph
tells us. He was known to be an authority on this subject,
and in the task assigned the committee it was anticipated
that he would take the lead. Edmund Randolph writes to
Arthur Lee : " I expected the first movement from him
[George Mason], as being the first in nomination. Mr. Jef-
ferson's domestic happiness is threatened with too g^reat an
interruption by the illness of his wife, to suffer him to enter
into the researches which our subject requires. Should I
be so unfortunate as not to hear from Col. Mason on this
weighty business, notwithstanding your request to him to
communicate with me, I shall certainly write to him, urge
him to assist his country, and through me correspond with
Mr. Jefferson and Dr. Walker." *
In response to this call upon him, George Mason wrote
the following statement of Virginia's title, in a letter to
Edmund Randolph.
* "Madison Papers," vol. i., p. 109.
' Lee Papers, Southern Literary Messenger^ 185S.
GuNSTON Hall, October 19, 178a.
Dear Sir :
Your favor of the 30th of August was so long on the road that
it did not reach me until a few days ago. I must beg pardon for
not writing sooner to you and the other gentlemen of the Com-
mittee for stating the title of Virginia to her western territory.
The truth is I was somewhat embarrassed by an appointment,
which I was far from desiring or expecting ; and which I had not
an opportunity of refusing, as I should have done, had I received
notice of it before the last session ended. I quitted my seat in
the House of Delegates, from a conviction that I was no longer
able to do any essential service. Some of the public measures
have been so contrary to my notions of policy and of justice
that I wished to be no further concerned with, or answerable
for them ; and to spend the remnant of my life in quiet and
retirement. Yet with all her faults, my country will ever have
my warmest wishes and affections ; and I would at any time,
most cheerfully sacrifice my own ease and domestic enjoyments
to the public good. But though I look upon asserting the right
to our western territory, and thereby putting a stop to the
dangerous usurpations of Congress, before they shall have been
established into precedents, to be a matter of the utmost import-
ance, I do not know that it is in my power to give the committee
any assistance. My distance from the seat of government, and
the public archives, disables me from investigating the subject.
What evidence had occurred to me I sent you last year by our
friend Mr. May ; and I have since put into the hands of Dr.
Lee an official copy of all the council-entries for lands upon the
western waters. These necessarily imply an equal extension of
our laws and jurisdiction ; and upon the exercise of jurisdiction,
under the former as well as the present government, our title, in
my opinion, in a great measure depends. Among the council-
entries there is one for fifty thousand acres of land, near forty
years ago, upon the Mississippi, beginning at the confluence of
the Ohio and Mississippi, and running up both rivers to include
the quantity. And the royal instructions to Sir William Gooch,
respecting the Ohio Company in 1749, is to grant lands on either
side the Ohio river, " within our colony of Virginia." Governor
Dinwiddie, by proclamation in 1754, offered a bounty of two
hundred thousand acres of land, upon the Ohio River, to the
officers and soldiers of the First Virginia Regiment, commanded
by Colonel Washington (now his Excellency, .General Washing-
ton), which was afterwards surveyed accordingly, and patents
granted, in the time of Lord Botetourt and Lord Dunmore.
There were, besides, a great many patents and surveys upon
record, and in the secretary's office, under the former govern-
ment, some of them of pretty old standing ; and a great number
of inhabitants settled in that part of Augusta County which lay
beyond the Alleghany mountains (upon the different branches of
the western waters), under the particular encouragement of the
Virginia laws, which, having received the royal assent, were con-
stitutional acts of the British government. Dr. Walker is better
acquainted with the extent and dates of these settlements, sur-
veys, and grants than most men in America, and knows that the
principal water-courses, &c., received their names from Virginia
settlers. Col. Thomas Lewis is also very capable of giving
information upon this subject. If I mistake not, two or three
counties (Botetourt and Fincastle, besides the district of West-
Augusta) were separated from that part of Augusta County which
lay beyond the Alleghany mountains ; civil and military jurisdic-
tion regularly exercised, and representation in the Virginia
legislature enjoyed there, before the present Revolution. And
that more counties were not erected there was owing to a royal
instruction of a very alarming and tyrannical nature, restraining
the governor from assenting to any law for erecting new counties,
unless a clause was inserted to deprive such new counties of the
right of representation in the legislature ; which being evidently
calculated to maintain an undue influence of the crown in our
General Assembly, no such clause was submitted to. The gov-
ernor had recourse to the power of the prerogative, and instead
of a new county, established the district of West-Augusta (to
the north-westward) over the Alleghany mountains ; in which he
commissioned civil magistrates and militia officers, and courts
were regularly held there, suits brought, judgments granted, deeds
recorded, &c. In the year 1775, ^^^ district of West-Augusta
sent two representatives, John Harney and George Roots, Esqrs.,
to the general convention at Richmond, where they were re-
ceived ; and the inhabitants of the said district continued to send
their representatives to the Virginia legislature, until the same
was formed into three distinct counties, Ohio, Monongalia,' and
Youghyoughgaine ; which counties have regularly ever since
sent representatives to the House of Delegates and the Senate.
Soon after the present Revolution, the county of Kentucky was
separated from Botetourt and Fincastle^ upon the Ohio, to the
south-westward ; which has since been divided into three coun-
ties, Fayette, Lincoln, and Jefferson. Towns have been laid
off, courts established, and civil and military jurisdiction regularly
exercised in these counties, and each of them represented in the
Virginia legislature ; several thousand inhabitants are settled in
them, all deriving their titles from Virginia, subject to her laws,
and to all intents and purposes her citizens. The British posts,
within our chartered territory, at Kaskaskie upon the Mississippi,
and St. Vincents upon the Obache, have been reduced by Virginia \
militia, without any assistance from or charge to the United
States, and a garrison, as well as the civil establishment, under
the sole direction and at the sole expense of the Virginia govern-
ment, has been maintained there.
The purchase at the Treaty of Lancaster in 1743 was made
with Virginia money ; and if I remember right, there is a clause
showing that it was made for the use and benefit of the colony
of Virginia, as far westward as his majesty should at any time
choose to extend the settlements. It is evident, from the royal I
instructions in 1749 to Sir William Gooch, Lieutenant-Governor/
of Virginia, that the crown directed the settlements to be
extended over the Ohio river ; and several subsequent laws
were made for their encouragement. The purchase of Lancaster
was made in the reign of George the second^ when just regard
was paid to the constitutional rights of the American colonies.
It was made by Virginia commissioners appointed for that
purpose ; and from the proceedings upon record, it appears that
the whole transaction was fair, open, and in the presence of the
commissioners and governors of the other colonies, particularly
the province of New York, which a select committee of Congress
have lately discovered had always the right to these lands.
The purchase at Fort Stanwix (which in fact was only
purchasing the same lands over again, for ministerial pur-
poses, which had been before purchased and paid for) was
made in the reign of George the thirds in the year 1768,
when the rights of the colonies had been repeatedly violated, and
under the direction of that ministry which formed the system
for enslaving America, one of the first steps to which was dis-
membering the old colonies, and erecting new ones more immedi-
ately dependant upon the crown and the commands of the
ministry. The whole transaction wore the face of mystery and
knavery ; for though Dr. Walker was there as a public commis-
sioner for Virginia, he was refused access to the conferences, the
greatest caution was used to conceal from him what they were
about, and every thing until the business was finished, was con-
ducted privately with the Indian chiefs, by Sir William Johnston
and the traders. The substance of these facts was proved by the
oath of Dr. Walker, on his examination in the House of Dele-
gates, upon the hearing of the Indiana Company's title. It was
also proved by the depositions on the same trial, that the tribu-
taries of the Six Nations had been totally expelled from this side
the Ohio to the other (from whence they never returned) and the
country conquered in the course of the last war ; and that before
the treaty at Fort Stanwix, there were several Virginia settlers
upon the very lands purchased by Trent and Sir William John-
ston for the Indiana Company. But if these damning circum-
stances were not in the case, the purchase made by the crown
at the treaty of Fort Stanwix ought not to operate to the injury,
but inure to the benefit of the colony to whom the country had
been originally granted, as all the former purchases from the
Indians had done. If such purchases could operate against the
title of Virginia, they would have operated against the title to the
Northern Neck, the greater part of which was possessed by the
Indians when the grant was made by Charles II., and not pur-
chased from them for many years after. So late as Queen
Anne's reign (when Governor Spotswood presided here) the
Blue Ridge of mountains was by a solemn treaty fixed as the
boundary between the English subjects and the Indians, yet in
the reign of George the second the king and council gave Lord
Fairfax a judgment for the lands to the fountain head of Potomac
river, fourscore miles beyond the Blue Ridge. As our settle-
ments were extended, the wild game destroyed, and the country
rendered unfit for the savage life, the Indians have been forced
to remove further, for the convenience of hunting. As they
retired, purchase after purchase hath been made from them, and
temporary lines and boundaries, for the sake of peace, from time
to time accordingly settled between them and the English
inhabitants here, but none of them have ever been considered
as at all affecting the title of Virginia. When the colony of
Virginia was first settled, it was without any previous purchase
from the Indians. The first lands purchased from the Indians
were only upon and near the mouths and larger parts of the
rivers, then to the falls of the said rivers, then to the Blue Ridge of
mountains, and afterwards (before the unnecessary purchase at
Fort Stanwix) as far westward as the claim of Great Britain
extended. Most of these purchases were made subsequent to
the actual settlement and occupation of part of the lands pur-
chased. It is about sixty years ago since the people of Virginia
settled the country over the Blue Ridge, and near forty years
since they began to settle beyond the Appalatian or Alleghany
mountains ; but the purchase at Lancaster was not made until
1743, nor the purchase at Fort Stanwix till 1768. It has been
objected to the treaty at Lancaster, and urged as a proof that
the Indians were imposed on, that they sold their whole country,
or in the common phrase, that they sold themselves out of house
and home ; but this is a false suggestion. The country back of
New York adjacent to Lake Ontario, was originally and still is
the country and habitation of the Iroquois or Six Nations ; and
this it will be found (I believe upon due examination) was the
country which they put under the protection of the New York
govemmeilt, and perhaps also their beaver-hunting country,
between that and the great lakes. The country upon the Ohio,
above the Tennessee river, was what they called their con-
quered lands, from which they had totally extirpated the original
inhabitants, and afterwards permitted the Delawares from the
river Delaware, and the Shawnese from Potomac, with some
other small tribes, to live there as their tributaries : These lands
being of little use to them, and their right precarious, it may be
presumed they were desirous to sell. If according to the opin-
ion of the best writers, the occupation of a few hordes of savages
cannot give right to an extensive territory, as being contrary to
the primary laws of nature, a conquest which utterly extirpates
the inhabitants, and leaves the country desolate, being more con-
trary to the laws of nature, can confer no right on the conqueror.
If the country is considered in the light of derelict lands, which
the first possessor without any other claim, has a right to occupy
and enjoy, a fortiori had the colony of Virginia, having a pre-
vious title, a right to possess and occupy them, as it has done.
The English and American maps have uniformly laid down
Virginia across the continent, to the westward, until the Treaty
of Paris in 1762, and since to the river Mississippi, that having
been then established the boundary between the British and
French dominions. Many solemn acts of the British govern-
ment, at different periods, have recognized the right of Virginia
to her western territory, nor can there be found any one act of
government impeaching or invalidating it, until the conclusion of
the last war, and after the adoption of that system, which by
compelling America to assert her rights with the sword, has pro-
duced the present Revolution. Long before the Articles of Con-
federation (and I think previous to the American Declaration of
Independence) the Virginia legislature, in that act which formed
our constitution, had plainly described and declared the extent
of our western territory. This was notorious to Congress, when
the Articles of Confederation were formed, the sovereignty of
each State respectively secured to it, the mutual guarranty stipu-
lated, and the proviso inserted " that no State shall be deprived
of territory for the benefit of the United States." It was upon
these express conditions that Virginia acceded to the Articles of
Confederation ; the present attempt, therefore, to dismember
Virginia, without her consent, is a flagrant breach of public
faith, and if carried into execution dissolves the federal com-
pact, and renders it no longer obligatory upon this common-
wealth. Congress are properly the delegates of the different
States, with certain powers defined and limited by the Articles
of the Confederation ; these they can not be permitted to exceed,
without establishing an arbitrary and tyrannical aristocracy ; for
if under pretence of public utility, necessity, or under any pre-
tence whatsoever, they can, in one instance, exceed the powers
delegated to them, they may in another, or in a hundred ; every
usurpation will be urged as a precedent for others, and main-
tained by the command which they have (and must have) of our
fleets and armies. They may in time proceed to fill up their own
vacancies, vote themselves members for life, and what not !
The only natural and safe remedy is, for every State to have a
watchful eye over this great American council, to keep them con-
stantly within the lines of the Confederation, and to resist and
reprobate their first attempts to exceed them. This was intended,
about two years ago, by the General Assembly of Virginia, in
their Remonstrance, but an ill-judged timidity (miscalled deli-
cacy) in our delegates at that time (I believe) prevented its being
entered on the journals of Congress. If experience shall prove
that the present powers of Congress are, in some instances, insuf-
ficient, let them be increased by additional Articles to the Con-
federation, acceded to, after due deliberation, by all the States ;
but upon no pretence, however plausible, without.
It is strongly provided by the Articles of Confederation (with-
out whi^ji 'they would never have been acceded to by the difiFer-
ent States) that '' each State retains its sovereignty, freedom and
independenc1^, and every jurisdiction and right, which is not by
this Confederation expressly delegated to the United States in
Congress assembled." Yet the claim of Congress to the unap-
propriated lands is founded upon the assertion that the sov-
ereignty of Great Britain hath, on the present Revolution,
descended to them, as representatives of all the Sta,tes, though it
is as clear as the sun at noonday, that it has not descended to
them, but remains to each individual State, respectively, in its
own right, by whom alone it can be safely exercised. This doc-
trine of • sovereignty, teeming with oppression, and striking at|
the vitals of American liberty, has been eagerly patronized by ^
Congress; and echoed by P[ain]e, W[harto]n, and every mer-
cenary party-scribbler.
Posterity will reflect with indignation that this fatal lust of
sovereignty, which lost Great Britain her western world, which
covered our country with desolation and blood, should even
during the contest against it, be revived among ourselves, and
fostered by the very men who were appointed to oppose it !
There is not a single word in the Articles of Confederation
giving Congress a power of limiting, dividing, or parcelling out
any of the thirteen States, or of erecting new ones. The four-
teenth article declares that '' Canada acceding to this Confedera-
tion, and joining in the measures of the United States, shall be
entitled to all the advantages of this Union, but no other colony
shall be admitted into the same, unless such admission be agreed
to by nine States." This evidently relates to the other British
colonies of Nova Scotia and the Floridas, neither of which is to
be admitted into the Union, without the concurrence of nine
States. Yet under color of this article. Congress assumes
the power of curtailing and dividing the different States, of
depriving them of territory for the benefit of the United States
(directly contrary to the Confederation), of demanding cessions,
and of erecting new States. There is no power whatsoever which
they may not with equal propriety arrogate to themselves, and
pretend to derive it from the Articles of the Confederation. Did
the different States view this subject impartially, as they ought
no little jealousy, envy, or pique to any particular State, no local
or party views would induce them to connive at innovations and
unwarranted assumptions of power, which if continued, must end
either in the dissolution of the federal Union or the destruction
of American liberty. To show, therefore, the total absence of
power in Congress on this occasion, and to expose the danger of
their usurping it, I should conceive a very useful part of the work
confided to the committee ; and preserving good manners and
decency of language, I think the subject can hardly be too freely
It is worthy of observation that the arguments against the
chartered title of Virginia to the country on the north-west side
the Ohio, if they prove anything, will prove it part of the new
British province of Quebec or Canada. Because by an act of
Parliament in the latter end of 1773, or the beginning of 1774, the
boundaries of the province of Quebec or Canada were extended
so as to include the whole country between the Ohio and the
Mississippi rivers ; and this being done before the separation of
the colonies, or the Declaration of Independence, when we pro-
fessed ourselves British subjects, and acknowledged the obligation
of their laws, except on the subject of taxation, the authority of
Parliament to make the said act can not be impeached upon any
other ground than the title of some of the old colonies, under
their charters, to the country so included ; and that the British
government had no right to add to their new province of Quebec
what had been, long before, solemnly granted to others. Aware of
this, and to prevent too sudden an alarm or opposition, a proviso
was inserted in the act, saving to the other colonies the lands
within their respective charters. If, therefore, Congress taking
upon itself the insidious and dangerous work of curtailing the
boundaries of the different States, should set aside the title of
Virginia, and Virginia acquiesces in it, that country will thence-
forward be placed in the same predicament with the undisputed
part of Canada, and the other British provinces of Nova Scotia,
and the East and West Floridas ; and what claim or demand
could the United States or any of them, have upon it, unless they
can conquer and hold it by force of arms ? Or upon a negotiation
of peace with Great Britain, what argument could we fairly urge
for contracting the lately extended boundaries of Canada and
reducing it to its former limits ? Or what would any neutral or
mediating power probably say to us upon such an occasion ? The
consequences of suffering a British colony to surround great part
of the United States, and extend itself between them and the
numerous tribes of western Indians, are too obvious to need
explanation ; and this subject is the more important, as it may
easily be foreseen that settling the bounds of Canada will be one
of the most difficult objects of a treaty.
I have not by me the copies of the Virginia charters in 1606
and 1609, or I should have made some remarks on them, endeav-
oring to show that Payne's construction of them is capricious and
absurd, as several of his other strictures are, and some of them
founded in misrepresentation and falsehood ; that the description
and boundaries are intelligible, and admit a natural and easy con-
struction, the charter of 1609 confirming and enlarging, not
destroying that of 1606 ; that though the Virginia Company was
dissolved, and the government resumed by the crown, the charter,
so far as the settlers and their posterity are interested, or affected,
remains valid, and among other things, the covenant in the char-
ter of 1606, that no new colony should be settled to the westward,
which seems to have been one of the causes of the great western
extension of the second charter, whereby the repetition of the
former clause became unnecessary ; that the ancient method of
granting lands, established by the Virginia Company in virtue of
their charter, always continued under the king's government ;
that the charter granted to the colony of Virginia in 1667, by King
Charles the second, has reference to the country described in the
former charter of 1609, and by recognising and confirming the
ancient custom of granting lands for the importation of inhabi-
tants, the privileges of the people, and the jurisdiction of the
colony, has forever barred the crown from dismembering the
colony, or refusing to grant lands to persons coming hither to
settle, or importing others ; that the crown has always considered
the charter of 1667 in this light, and acted accordingly, until the
present reign, when all reverence to law and justice was thrown
aside, and a resolution formed to abolish the ancient constitution
of the colonies, annihilate their charters, and establish despotism
and slavery in their stead ; that the proclamation of 1763 there-
fore was absolutely illegal and void, as well as the scheme for
erecting the new province of Vandalia, even if no lands had been
previously granted, or inhabitants settled beyond the Alleghany
Mountains. And as to what has been said of the acquiescence
and approbation of the government of Virginia, the utmost that
is asserted only shows that the privy-council of Virginia (holding
their places at pleasure, and totally dependent upon the ministry)
did not venture to oppose it.
The charters, I presume, may all be found in the House of
Delegates' office : I had them all in my possession (made up in
one bundle) when I was formerly appointed to settle some matters
of jurisdiction in Chespeake Bay and Potomac River with the
State of Maryland, but our Assembly not thinking it prudent to
enter into any engagement with that State, while it refused con-
federating, I returned the charters into the House of Delegates
at the clerk's table. If any of the observations which I have
scattered up and down, without method or order, will be of use,
they are very much at the committee's service. And though I
hope to be excused from taking any particular part in this busi-
ness, for the reasons I have already given, yet if the gentlemen of
the committee conceive I can be useful to them on any occasion,
I will wait on them (my health permitting) at any time and place
they shall be pleased to appoint, for I can truly say there are no
men in the United States in whom I can more cordially confide,
or with whom I would more cheerfully act.
I must entreat them to consider this long epistle as a general
letter, and excuse my not writing to each particular member. I
must entreat them, too, to proceed in the business, without
delaying it on account of
Dear Sir,
Your affectionate and obedient servant,
G. Mason.
Edmund Randolph, Esquire,
George Mason, Jr., was still in France, and John Adams,
who was in Paris in the winter of 1782-3 negotiating the
treaty of peace, mentions in his journal Mr. Mason among
other Americans to whom he extends his hospitality. The
following letter from Colonel Mason to his son gives some
public as well as personal details which are not without
interest. There would seem to have been a number of
his countrymen abroad, at this time, in embarrassed circum-
stances, to whom Mr. Mason had given assistance, and
his father endorses this liberality in the same spirit of open-
handed sympathy.
•* GUNSTON Hau., January 8th, 1783.
'' As to the money you have spent in Europe, provided you can
satisfy me that it has not been spent in extravagance, dissipation,
or idle parade, I don't regard it. It is true, I have a large family
to provide for ; and that I am determined, from motives of
morality and duty, to do justice to them all ; it is certain also
that I have not lost less than ten thousand pounds sterling by
the war, in the depreciation of paper money and the loss of
the profits of my estate ; but think this a cheap purchase of
liberty and independence. I thank God, I have been able, by
adopting principles of strict economy and frugality, to keep *
my principal, I mean my country estate, unimpaired, and I have
suffered little by the depredations of the enemy. I have at this
time, two years' rents (you know mine are all tobacco rents)
in arrear and two crops uninspected ; so that if a peace happens,
it will find me plentiful handed in the article of tobacco, which
* Mason I'aj^crs.
Vol. II.— 3
will then be very valuable. The money it has cost you to relieve
the distresses of your unfortunate countrymen was worthily
expended, and you will receive retribution, with large interest, in
heaven — ^but in order to shorten the time of credit and also to
entitle myself to some proportion of the merit, I shall insist upon
replacing to you every shilling of it here ; I hope you will there-
fore keep an exact account of it.
" I beg you will freely communicate to me the situation of your
a£fairs ; and if there should be a necessity of making you remit-
tances, I will endeavor to do it at all events, though it must be by
selling some of the produce of my estate at an undervalue.
I am now pretty far advanced in life, and all my views are
centred in the happiness and welfare of my children — you will
therefore find from me every indulgence which you have a right
to expect from an affectionate parent.
'' I have been for some time in retirement and shall not probably
return again to public life ; my anxiety for my country in these
times of danger, makes me sometimes dabble a little in politics,
and keep up a correspondence with some men upon the public
stage. You know I am not apt to form opinions lightly and
without due examination. And I can venture to say that the
French court and nation may confide in the honor and good faith
of America. We reflect with gratitude on the important aids
France has given us ; but she must not, and I hope will not,
attempt to lead us into a war of ambition or conquest, or trail us
around the mysterious circle of European politics. We have
little news worth communicating — nothing of consequence has
happened here this campaign, the enemy having generally kept
close within their lines, and the American army not strong enough
to force them. We have a long time expected the evacuation of
Charlestown, the enemy having dismantled their outworks and
embarked their heavy artillery and some of their troops. How-
ever, by the last accounts (in December) they had still a garrison
there. By late accounts from Kentucky, we are informed that
General Qarke, vrith twelve hundred volunteers, had crossed the
Ohio river and destroyed six of the Shawnese towns, destroying
also about two thousand barrels of their com and bringing off
furs and other plunder to the value of three thousand pounds,
which was sold, and the money divided among his men ; this will
probably drive these savages near the lalces or the Mississippi
Upon Clarke's return the Cbickasaws sent deputies to him to treat
for peace. Everything was quiet in the new settlements, and
upwards of five thousand souls have been added to them since
last September. The people there are extremely uneasy lest the
free navigation of the Mississippi to the sea should not be secured
to them upon a treaty of peace. If it is not, it will occasion
another war in less than seven years. The inhabitants think they
have a natural right to the free, though not the exclusive, naviga-
tion of thu river, and in a few years they will be strong enough
to enforce that right" '
' Niki, " Prindptes vid AcU of the Revolation," p. 107.
In March, 1783, Colonel Mason addressed a letter to
General Washington, in behalf of the latter's young kins-
man, Lawrence Washington, of Chotank, who had been
engaged in a duel with Mr. Philip Alexander, in which
he had mortally wounded his antagonist. The father of
Lawrence, whom George Mason designates as "old Mr.
Lawrence Washington," was evidently the same person to
whom General Washington left a bequest in his will, speak-
ing of htm and his cousin, Robert Washington, as thu
" acquaintances and friends of his juvenile years." They
were descendants of Lawrence, the brother of Col. John
Washington. Lund Washington was one of this same
March 19th, 17S3.
Dear General :
My motives for troubling your Excellency at this particular
time are motives of humanity. Mr. Lawrence Washington, Junr.,
who will deliver this has been unfortunately engaged in a duel, or
rather an affray, with Mr. Philip Alexander of Chotanck ; in
which his antagonist was mortally wounded and died six or seven
days after. I have taken some pains to inform myself of the real
truth of the case, and have seen several testimonials, signed by
' " George Washington and Mount Vernon " ; Moncuro D. Conway.
" Mamoin of the Iiland Hutorical Society," vol. iv.
unprejudiced persons of credit, and though Mr. Washington may
not be strictly justifiable in a legal sense, I am entirely of opinion
that he has done no more than any man of sensibility and honour
would have thought himself obliged to do under the same circum-
stances of provocation. Mr. Alexander appears to have been, in
every instance, the aggressor ; the provocation given Mr. Wash-
ington was of the most interesting and aggravating kind — an
attempt to blast the reputation of a young lady of family and
character, allied to him by the nearest ties of blood. This is one
of the few cases which does not admit the usual reparation of
other wrongs, in a court of justice ; a young lady's character being
of too delicate a nature to be submitted to such an investigation ;
and however false the defamation, however generally disbelieved,
the injury is lasting. The custom of the world, the manners of
the age we live in, the voice of nature calls upon relations
and friends to redress an injured person, who from the natural
weakness and incapacity of her sex is deprived of the means
of doing it
Mr. Alexander after refusing to accept a challenge, and pro-
fessing to act upon the defensive, added fresh injuries to those
he had already offered, and continued to insult and abuse Mr.
Washington in the grossest manner ; and when they afterwards
met at a public place and walked out together, fired his pistol
first (at not more than a yard's distance) with a manifest intention
to kill the other, before he knew whether it was Mr. Washington's
design to act offensively or not ; the ball missed him, though so
very close that the powder burned his face. Mr. Washington
instantly stepped back, and drawing a pistol from his belt, under
his great-coat, shot the other in the body, which brought him to
the ground. This was done in the sight of many people, and I
think proves that Mr. Washington, in firing his pistol, acted upon
the defensive. The only circumstances against him are his for-
mer challenge and his having desired Mr. Alexander, that day,
to walk aside with him. Upon the whole, though I think Mr.
Washington may safely stand his trial, and trust himself in the
hands of an honest and impartial jury, yet he has been judiciously
advised to absent himself for the present, until men's passions
and prejudices have subsided, as he must first be tried by an
examining court in the county where the deceased had many
relatives and friends : and the circumstances of Mr. Alexander's
remaining wounded and his life despaired of, several days before
he died, during which time most of the neighbors visited him, has
contributed not a little to heighten the prejudices against Mr.
Washington. Such spectacles naturally excite our compassion
and, of course, our resentment against the man who has been the
cause ; our passions are inflamed too much to consult our reason ;
and it is not until cool reflection returns that we are capable of
inquiring into the merits. For these reasons, Mr. Washington has
determined to pass a month or two in the army, if you shall be
pleased to permit him to act in it as a volunteer.
I am well apprized of your Excellency's strict attention to the
authority of the civil power, and thoroughly sensible how greatly
and justly it has endeared your character to your fellow-citizens ;
I should therefore be one of the last men in the world who would
presume to recommend to your countenance or protection either
a criminal or a fugitive from justice ; but I think, in my con-
science, that this young gentleman has been rather unfortunate
than culpable ; and am assured and convinced he means to return
and submit himself to a fair trial, by the laws of his country ; if
the friends of the deceased, after due reflection, shall judge fit to
prosecute him ; which according to the best of my judgment I
think I should not do, if Mr. Alexander had been my nearest
I can truly declare that I have not the smallest connection, or
even acquaintance with either of the parties. I own I can't help
feeling, as a man and as a father, for old Mr. Lawrence Washing-
ton, who is a very worthy man, and is exceedingly distressed by
this unhappy accident. Your Excellency's permitting his son to
remain, for a short time, in the army will alleviate his present
distress, and, in a little time, I hope, he will have nothing to fear.
I sincerely wish you health, and every felicity ; and with sentiments
of the highest respect and esteem, I have the honour to be
Your Excellency's most affectionate and obedient servant,
G. Mason.
His Excellency General Washington,
Head Quarters.
P. favour — Mr. Lawrence Washington, Junr.'
' MS. Letter.
Thomson Mason, who was employed to defend Mr.
Washington, also wrote to the Commander-in-chief on the
same subject, the 17th of March, from '^ Chappawamsic.**
He enclosed a detailed statement of the difficulty between
Mr. Lawrence Washington " second son of that very worthy
man, Mr. Lawrence Washington of Chetauque," and " Mr.
Philip Alexander, a son of John Alexander of the same
place." Thomson Mason's letter concludes in these words :
'' Permit me now, sir, to return you my warmest acknowledg-
ments for your very great kindness showed to my son Stevens
Thomson at the siege of York, of which both my son and self
retain the most grateful sense. The success of that siege, so
glorious to your Excellency, gave none of your numerous friends
more unfeigned pleasure than your Excellency's most obedient
and most obliged humble servant,
"Thomson Mason."*
The preliminaries of the treaty of peace were signed by
the European powers in January, 1783. The Tory ministry
of Lord North had given place to the Whigs under the
Marquis of Rockingham. Fox was at the head of the
foreign department, and Lord Shelburne had charge of the
colonies. Fox and Shelburne differed on the question of
the status of the colonies, whether they should be treated as
already independent, or as made so by the treaty. Lord
Shelburne supported the latter view, and carried his point.
It was finally decided, through the suggestion of John
Adams, that the United States would not require from
Great Britain a formal declaration of their independence, if
the same form was used by the British commission treating
with them as was used in treating with other powers."
Thomson Mason, in a letter to be given later, compares a
certain party in the Virginia Assembly to the Shelburne
faction in Parliament. The following letter was written by
Colonel Mason to Arthur Lee, than in Congress :
> Washington MSS., Sute Department.
* " Life of John Adams/' p. 216 : American Statesmen Series.
Virginia, Gunston Hall.
Dear Sir: March as.'. 783.
I thank you for your several favors since I had the pleasure of
seeing you last, the receipt of which I should have acknowledged
earlier, but have been a long time disabled, by a very sore finger^
from holding a pen.
Since your last of the 12th instant, informing me of the arrival
of Capt. Barney, &:c., I have seen a printed hand bill containing
the preliminary Articles between Great Britain and the United
States, and so far as I am able to judge, they are, upon the whole,
as favorable as America, in her present situation, has a right
to expect. The grand points are ceded to her, and as for the
payment of debts contracted before the war, it is no more than
justice requires, nor do I think it would have been sound policy
in us to have abrogated them, had it been in our power. The
far-fetched distinctions which have been attempted to be shown
between this and other wars would hardly have been approved,
as understood by mankind in general ; and with what degree of
faith could the merchants of other nations have trusted their
effects here, if their private property was in danger of being
wrested from them and applied to our own use, upon any
national quarrel, and upon arguments and principles in which we
should be both judges and parties. There can't, therefore, be a
stronger proof of the weakness or wickedness of our Assembly,
than their late instructions to our delegates in Congress.
I once thought that we ought to risk a long war in order to
bring the remaining British colonies into our Union, but time and
reflection have altered my opinion. I have seen that lust of
power, so natural to the mind of man, prevailing in Congress at a
much earlier period than could well have been expected. I have
seen some of the States, from partial, local, temporary views,
conniving at, and fostering principles which would inevitably end
in their own destruction. I have seen our legislatures trampling
under foot the obligations of morality and justice, and wantonly
invading the sacred rights of their fellow-citizens. It may not be
* amiss to have some rival power at their door, some powerful
motives to restrain them within the bounds of moderation. It
will at least be a comfortable reflection, that if our government
should grow intolerable (which, judging of the future from the
past, is neither impossible nor improbable) a man would have
some place of refuge, the means of sheltering himself from anar-
chy, ignorance and knavery. But I hope everything from peace.
I hope then to see our great national council, as weU as our
different assemblies, filled with men of honest characters, and of
independent circumstances and principles, for until this shall be
the case, our affairs can never go well. I therefore hope that the
preliminary articles agreed to by our commissioners at Paris, will
be ratified by Congress; that Capt. Barney may return with
them as speedily as possible ; and that nothing on our part may
be wanting to hasten so desirable an event, for I presume his
passport from the King of Great Britain is both in and out
I am anxious to hear the determination of Congress upon this
important subject, and if there is no injunction of secrecy (and I
don't see why there should) shall be much obliged to you for the
earliest communication.
The refugee barges are lately returned, and again plundering
on the shores of Potomac. One of their crews was lately pretty
roughly handled by a small party of Northumberland militia.
They lost two of their rascally officers and a few men, upon
which they fled with the greatest precipitation. It is a mortifying
reflection, and accords badly with the ideas of sovereignty and
independence, that the power of two States is not sufficient to
protect us from a band of robbers.
I have lately received two or three letters from Europe, via
Philadelphia, every one of them broken open and sealed up again
there, or at some of the intervening post-offices, as almost all the
letters I have had these two years past from Europe have been.
The post-office is a considerable tax upon the people ; under proper
regulations and in honest hands, it would be a great convenience
and benefit to the public, but by such vile practices as these it is
likely to become a nuisance to society. If Congress fails to put
it under better regulations, or don't compel the postmaster-
general to be more circumspect in the appointment of his
deputies, the different States will soon be under the necessity
of taking it out of their hands into their own.
I sincerely wish you health, and am with great esteem and
Dear sir, your most obedient servant,
G. Mason.
P. S. — I beg leave to trouble you with the three inclosed letters
to Mr. Johnson of Nantes, covering letters to my son George, and
as they are duplicates, beg the favor of you to forward them by
different vessels.'
Captain Joshua Barney, the celebrated naval hero of the
Revolution, had sailed for France the preceding November
carrying despatches to Dr. Franklin, and he had returned
now with the welcome preliminaries of peace, and also with
a loan of money from the French king.
The Virginia Assembly met in May, and was confronted
with the important issues of the peace, as they affected Vir-
ginia and her section, as also with matters of internal gov-
ernment, and the powers of the Federal Congress. George
Mason wrote to two of his friends in the Assembly, William
Cabell and Patrick Henry, on the same day, asking them for
their interest in support of a project of his son's, Thomson
Mason, jr. Colonel Mason discusses public affairs in these
letters, and, as was natural, writing them both at one sitting
probably, he uses the same language frequently to his two
correspondents. But there is a sufficient variety in their
contents to warrant the publication of both letters.
Fairfax Co., Gunston Hall,
Dear Sir : May 6th. 1783.
I congratulate you most sincerely, upon the establishment of
American liberty and independence. Happiness and prosperity
are now within our reach ; but to attain and preserve them must
depend upon our own wisdom and virtue, I hope the Assembly
will revise several of our laws, and abolish all such of them as are
contrary to the fundamental principles of justice. This and a
strict adherence to the distinctions betvireen right and wrong for
the future, is absolutely necessary, to restore that confidence and
reverence in the people for the legislature, which a contrary con-
duct has so greatly impaired, and without which their laws must
ever remain little better than a dead letter. Frequent interference
with private property and contracts, retrospective laws destructive
of all public faith, as well as confidence between man and man,
and flagrant violations of the Constitution must disgust the best
* MS. letter.
and wisest part of the community, and occasion a general deprav-
ity of manners, bring the legislature into contempt, and finally
produce anarchy and public convulsion.
I write to you with the freedom and sincerity of a friend,
knowing that you detest such measures as much as I do. They
drove me out of the Assembly, with a thorough conviction that
it was not in my power to do any manner of good. The love of
my country is not extinguished by it, and if I recover tolerable
health, and have just cause to think I can do any essential public
service, I shall return again into the legislature.
We are told here that the present Assembly intend to dissolve
themselves to make way for a general convention to new model
the Constitution. Will such a measure be proper, without a
requisition from a majority of the people ? If it can be done
without such requisition, may not the caprice of future Assemblies
repeat it from time to time, until the Constitution shall have lost
all stability, and anarchy introduced in its stead ? Or at any rate,
will it not be better to defer it a year or two, until the present fer-
ment (occasioned by the late sudden change) has subsided, and
men's minds have had time to cool ? We are very much alarmed,
in this part of the country, least the Assembly should pass some
laws infringing the Articles of Peace, and thereby involve us in a
fresh quarrel with Great Britain, who might make reprisals upon
our shipping or coasts, without much danger of offending the late
belligerent powers in Europe, but I trust that more prudent and
dispassionate councils will prevail.
\pne of my sons and one William Allison have lately erected a
snufF manufactory in this county, and have already made a large
quantity of snuff, which they intend to send soon into different
parts of the country. Fearing the attempts of the British mer-
chants [to send] such a manufacture here, they have presented a
petition to the Assembly, for laying a duty upon snuff imported
from foreign countries. The reasons for this are fully stated in
their petition, which I beg the favor of you to examine, and if you
think their request just and reasonable, I flatter myself they will
be favored with your interest in the General Assembly.
I am with much respect and esteem. Dear sir.
Your most obedient servant, G. Mason.*
To Col. William Cabell. ^
I '* Virginia Historicml Register/* vol. iii.. p. 84.
Fairfax County, Gunston Hall,
Dear Sir : ^»y ^' '783.
Although it is a long time since I had the honor of hearing from
you, I reflect, and ever shall reflect, with pleasure on our former
acquaintance and the proofs I have experienced of your esteem
and friendship. I have enjoyed but indifferent health since I
retired from public business : should I recover a better state of
health, and have just cause to think I can render any essential
public service, I shall return again to the Assembly.
I congratulate you most sincerely on the accomplishment of
what I know was the warmest wish of your heart, the establish-
ment of American independence and the liberty of our country.
We are now to rank among the nations of the world, but whether
our independence shall prove a blessing or a curse, must depend
on our own wisdom or folly, virtue or wickedness ; judging of the
future by the past, the prospect is not promising. / Justice and
virtue are the vital principles of republican government ; but
among us a depravity of manners and morals prevails to the
destruction of all confidence between man and man. It greatly
behooves the Assembly to revise several of our laws ; to abolish
all such as are contrary to the fundamental principles of justice,
and by a strict adherence to the distinctioi^s between right and
wrong for the future to restore that confidence and reverence in
the people for the legislature which has been so greatly impaired
by a contrary conduct, and without which our laws can never be
much more than a dead letter. It is in your power, my dear sir,
to do more good and prevent more mischief than any man in this
State ; and I doubt not that you will exert the great talents with
which God has blessed you in promoting the public happiness and
prosperity. We are told that the present Assembly intend to dis-
solve themselves, in order to make way for a general convention
to new-model the constitution of government. Will such a
measure be proper without a requisition of the people ? If it can
be done without such requisition, the caprice of future Assemblies
may repeat it from time to time until the stability of the constitu-
tion is totally destroyed and anarchy introduced in its stead. Or
at any rate will it not be better to defer it a year or two until the
present ferment (occasioned by the late sudden change) has sub-
sided and men's minds have had time to cool ?
The people in this part of the country are made very uneasy by
the reports we have from below, that the Assembly will make
some laws or resolutions respecting British debts which may
infringe the articles of the peace, under the mistaken idea that
Great Britain will not risk a renewal of the war on account of
such an infraction of the treaty. We see by the late public papers
that the terms of peace with America are so strongly censured in
both houses of Parliament, that it has occasioned or will occasion
a total change in the ministry. A new ministry averse to the
treaty, or even the ministry who concluded it, might resent or
avenge any infraction of its provisions in any particular State, by
reprisals upon the ships or coasts of such State; or by sending
two or three frigates to intercept their trade, without danger of
involving themselves in a new war ; for the power of war and
peace and of making treaties being in Congress and not in the
separate States, any such act would be considered as an unwar-
rantable assumption of power in the State adopting it ; and we
have no reason to expect that either the late belligerent powers in
Europe, or even the American States in general, would make a
common cause of it. It is easy to foresee that, in such an event,
our situation would be neither safe nor honorable. Had it been
in the power of the American commissioners (which it certainly
was not) to have abolished the British debts here, it would have
been but short-sighted policy to have done so. The far-fetched
arguments which have been used to show the distinction between
this and other wars, would not have been approved or compre-
hended, by the bulk of mankind ; and with what degree of confi-
dence would foreign merchants have ventured their effects here,
if upon any national quarrel they were liable to confiscation?
I could have wished, indeed, that some reasonable time had been
allowed for the payment of the British debts, and that the interest
on them had been relinquished. As to the first, the desire of the
British merchants to reinstate themselves in their trade here will
probably prevent their pressing their debtors, and as to the last,
their bond-debts only will carry interest. It is notorious, that the
custom of giving interest upon common accounts was introduced
by the partiality of the merchants of whom the jurors at the
general court were chiefly composed for several years before the
late Revolution. Under our present circumstances, I think the
accounts of the British creditors may be safely trusted to the
Virginia juries without any interposition of the legislature. In
conversation upon this subject we hear sometimes a very absurd
question : '' If we are now to pay the debts due to British mer-
chants, what have we been fighting for all this while ? " Surely
not to avoid our just debts or to cheat our creditors ; but to
rescue our country from the oppression and tyranny of the British
government, and to secure the rights and liberties of ourselves and
of our posterity, which we have happily accomplished. The min-
istry in Great Britain and the Tories here have indeed constantly
accused us of engaging in the war to avoid the payment of our
just debts ; but every honest man has denied so injurious a charge
with indignation. Upon the whole we have certainly obtained
better terms of peace than America had cause to expect ; all the
great points are ceded to us, and I cannot but think it would be
highly dangerous and imprudent to risk a breach of it.
The people here too are greatly alarmed at a prevailing notion,
that those men who have paid the British debts into the Treasury
in depreciated paper money, instead of making up the real value
to their creditors, will now attempt to throw the difference upon
the shoulders of the public and raise it by taxes upon the people.
I should hope that such an iniquitous scheme will be rejected
with the contempt it deserves. If it is adopted it will probably
cause some violent convulsion ; the people being determined, in
many parts of the country, to form associations against it, and to
resist the payment of any taxes imposed on them for discharging
the private debts of individuals.
I hope the Assembly will, as soon as they meet, postpone the
collection of taxes (which by an act of last session were to be
paid in this month) until August or September ; the war being
ended, the delay will occasion no material inconvenience to the
public, and though it will not diminish the revenue a shilling, it
will lessen the taxes upon the people 100 fl by enabling them
to pay with one half the tobacco or other produce which it
would at this time require. If the people are compelled to pay
immediately, the merchants taking advantage of their necessity
^ will keep down the price of tobacco in a manner that may affect
the market through the whole season ; whereas if the collection
of taxes be postponed, the people will be under no necessity of
selling until the arrival of a great many ships has increased the
demand, and raised the price of country produce. In short, the
immediate collection of the taxes will, in a great measure, deprive
the people of the benefits of peace this year.
One of my sons and one William Allison (who have in partner-
ship erected a snuff manufactory in this county) have presented
a petition to the Assembly for laying a duty upon snuff imported
from foreign countries ; the reasons in support of it being fully
stated in their petition, I will not trouble you with a recapitulation,
but beg the favor of you to examine the petition, and if you think
it just and reasonable I flatter myself it will have your support
and patronage. My son George (who is still in Europe) desires
me to present his most respectful compliments to you, with his
thanks for the testimonial you were so kind as to give him under
the seal of the commonwealth ; it has been of great service in
recommending him to the notice of many gentlemen of rank and
fortune. I have lately received a letter from him dated Paris the
2oth February, in which he gives very strong hints of great
duplicity in some articles of European politics, such as, he says,
he does not care to venture upon paper that is to cross the
Atlantic, but shall reserve the communication until he arrives in
America, which he expects will be about the middle of July ; and
he concludes with the following expression : " I wish America
would put her trust only in God and herself, and have as little to
do with the politics of Europe as possible." He tells me our old
friend Mazzey [Mazzei ?] was then in Paris and preparing to
return to America.
I have reason to apologise for this long letter, but I hope your
candor wiU excuse it and ascribe it to its true cause, the unfeigned
esteem and regard with which I am, dear sir,
Your affectionate and obedient servant,
G. Mason.
To Hon. Patrick Henry.*
After seven years of war the land was blessed with peace.
After the long struggle to secure the autonomy they had
established, the independence of the American States was
acknowledged by all the world. Small wonder that men's
1 MS. Letter.
minds were in a " ferment " through the " late sudden
change." This was no time for remodelling the State con-
stitution George Mason felt. What Virginia's duties were,
and what the crisis demanded from her representatives in
the Assembly, Colonel Mason states clearly and forcibly in
"The Address and Instructions of their Constituents" to
Alexander Henderson and Charles Broadwater, the delegates
from Fairfax County at this time. Though no names are
signed to this paper there can be no doubt, to those who are
familiar with his style and his opinions, that George Mason
was the writer of it ; and as the leading citizen of his county,
and on so many previous occasions its spokesman, the pre-
sumption is most natural that the like office was assigned to
him at this time.
•• May yxh, 1783.
'^ Gentlemen :
'' We have committed to you the greatest and most sacred trust,
which a free people can repose in any of their fellow-citizens ;
the care of our dearest and most important interests, the protec-
tion of our rights and liberty, and the power of making, on our
behalf, those laws by which we are to be governed, and this com-
I monwealth preserved in safety and prosperity. And although we
\ confide thoroughly in your integrity and attachment to the public
good, yet we judge it expedient, at this critical and important
season, to communicate to you our sentiments, and to exercise our
undoubted right of instructing you, as our immediate Representa-
! tives in the Legislature.
'' And first, Gentlemen, we desire and expressly instruct you, that
" you give not your assent to, and on the contrary, that you oppose,
to the utmost of your power, the smallest infraction of the late
Treaty of Peace, either with respect to the payment of debts, or
y \ in any other matter whatsoever, whereby the public faith, sol-
emnly pledged by the American Commissioners duly authorized,
may be Violated, and this country again involved in the calamities
'.^ ftf war, or the dahger of reprisals.
''We also direct and instruct you, that you use your utmost
endeavors to enact a law for repayment of the principal and
interest to each and every individual, who hath paid paper money
into the public treasury, in discharge of debts due to British
creditors, according to its real value in specie, to be adjusted by
the legal scale of depreciation, at the time each sum was respect-
ively placed in the Treasury ; and that such debts, as well as all
other private debts and contracts, be thereafter left to the common
course of the laws of the land. And in case of any division of the
House, upon either of these subjects, or upon any other important
matter, whereby the rights of the people, and the safety of the
Commonwealth may be endangered, the maxims of justice contra-
vened, or the fundamental principles of the Constitution violated ;
we desire and instruct you to call for and cause to be published,
the yeas and nays upon the state of the question, that so the
people may, at least, be enabled to distinguish their country's foes
from its friends, and hereafter to separate the far^s from the corn,
" We desire and instruct you^ that you give not your assent to,
and that you firmly oppose, granting any exclusive privileges or
advantages in our trade, to any particular kingdom or nation, other
than what may be stipulated in the Commercial Treaties con-
cluded by the authority of Congress, it being the true and per-
manent interest of America to admit the trade of all nations, upon
equal terms, without preference to any, further than the goodness
and cheapness of their commodities may entitle them to.
'' We desire and instruct you that you give not your assent to, and
that you oppose, any further occlusion of the Courts of Justice ;
as withholding the due and regular administration of justice
in any country, must loosen the bonds of society, corrupt the
morals of the people, and tend to produce anarchy and public
** We desire and instruct you to oppose all future emissions of
paper money ; all interference of the Legislature in private con-
tracts, they being properly cognizable in the judiciary departments
of the State ; all ex post facto laws, except such only as are war-
ranted by the greatest emergencies, and the plain principles of
justice ; and that you endeavour to procure a revisal or repeal of
all laws, which may have been heretofore made, contrary to such
'' We desire and instruct you to oppose any further delay in the
collection of this year's taxes than will be absolutely necessary to
give the people the benefit of this summer's market, for their com-
Vol. II.— 4
modities now on hand ; all such delays being highly injurious to
public credit
" We desire and instruct you to promote a strict enquiry into the
expenditure of public money, and the bringing to speedy account
and punishment all public delinquents and defaulters.
'' We desire and instruct you to endeavour to procure ample jus-
tice to the officers and soldiers of the American army ; who though
constantly surrounded with uncommon distress and difficulties^
have so bravely defended the rights and liberties of their country.
" We desire and instruct you that you assent not to, and that you
oppose repealing the law for preventing extensive credits upon open
accounts ; and also that you assent not to, but oppose the imposi-
tion of any greater duty upon imported iron or cordage than shall
be imposed upon other imported goods, for the reasons respectively
given in our petitions to the Assembly upon these subjects.
" We desire and instruct you strenuously to oppose all encroach-
ments of the American Congress upon the sovereignty and juris-
diction of the separate States ; and every assumption of power,
not expressly vested in them, by the Articles of Confederation.
If experience shall prove that further powers are necessary and
safe, they can be granted only by additional articles to the Con-
federation, duly acceded to by all the States ; for if Congress,
upon the plea of necessity, or upon any pretence whatever, can
arrogate powers not warranted by the Articles of Confederation,
in one instance, they may in another, or in an hundred ; every
repetition will be strengthened and confirmed by precedents.
'^ And in particular we desire and instruct you to oppose any
attempts which may be made by Congress to obtain a perpetual
revenue, or the appointment of revenue officers. Were these
powers superadded to those they already possess, the Articles of
Confederation, and the Constitutions of Government in the
different States would prove mere parchment bulwarks to
American liberty.
'' We like not the language of the late address from Congress
to the different States, and of the report of their committee upon
the subject of revenue, published in the same pamphlet. If
they are carefully and impartially examined, they will be found
to exhibit strong proofs of lust of power : They contain the same
kind of arguments which were formerly used in the business of
ship money,, and to Justify the arbitrary measures of the race of
Stuarts in England. And the present king and council of Great
Britain might not improperly adopt great part of them, to prove
the expediency of levying money without consent of Parliament.
After having reluctantly given up part of what they found
they could not maintain, they still insist that the several States
shall invest the United States in Congress assembled with a power to
levy^ for the use of the United States, the following duties, &c., and
that the revenue officers shall be amenable to Congress. The very
style is alarming. The proposed duties may be proper, but the
separate States only can safely have the power of levying taxes.
Congress should not have even the appearance of such a power.
Forms generally imply substance, and such a precedent may be
applied to dangerous purposes hereafter. When the same man, or
set of men, holds both the sword and the purse, there is an end of
liberty. As little are we satisfied with the resolution of Congress
of the loth of October, 1780, lately renewed, engaging that the
unappropriated lands ' that may be ceded or relinquished to the
United States by any particular States, shall be disposed of for the
common benefit of the United States.' Who is to judge of the
quality and legality of pretended appropriations ? And will this
vague resolution be a sufficient bar to Congress against confirming
the claims under Indian purchases, or pretended grants from the
Crown of Great Britain, in which many of their own members are
interested as partners, and by which great part of the ceded lands
may be converted to private, instead of public purposes? The
intrigues of the great land companies, and the methods by which
they have strengthened their interest are no secret to the public.
We are also at a loss to know whence Congress derives the powers
of demanding cessions of lands and of erecting new States before
such powers have been granted them by their constituents.
'' And finally we recommend it to you (for in this we will not
presume to give positive instructions) to endeavour to obtain an
instruction from the General Assembly to the Virginia delegates in
Congress, against sending ambassadors to the courts of Europe ;
it being an expence which (in our present circumstances) these
United States are unable to support Such appointments can
hardly fail of producing dangerous combinations, factions, and
cabals, in the great council of America. And from the great
distance and the difficulty of knowing and examining their con-
ducty there is danger, too, that some of the persons so sent, may
be corrupted and pensioned by the courts where they reside. We
are of opinion, that consuls to superintend our trade (at less than a
^ tenth part of the charge of ambassadors) will be sufficient to
answer every good purpose. And nature having separated us, by
an immense ocean, from the European nations, the less we have to
do with their quarrels or politics, the better. Having thus, Gentle-
men, given you our opinions and instructions, upon such subjects
as we deem at this time most important, we remain, with senti-
ments of great respect and esteem, your friends and fellow-
citizens." *
Thonnson Mason was in the Assembly during this session,
and his views upon public affairs were given to his con-
stituents in the following letter :
To the Freeholders of Stafford County :
Richmond, June loth, 1783.
Gentlemen :
I return you my sincere thanks for the confidence you have
placed in me, in electing me a delegate to represent you in the
General Assembly ; and I shall now, in return, lay before you the
views and motives which induced me to offer myself a candidate at
your late election. It is needless to assert, that no private interest
of my own actuated me, because from your acquaintance with me
from my youth, you know it did not The fears of some of you,
that I would endeavour to prevent the Treaty of Peace from
being ratified, or the payment of British debts, were groundless ;
no man was more desirous of a peace, or entertained a more fixed
regard for the strict rules of justice than myself, and my disposition
is not vindictive ; but I think the safety of my country depends
upon excluding from the rights of citizenship those who joined the
enemy and not only deserted us in the hour of distress, but by
their arms and false councils assisted our enemies in prolonging
the war against us. And those who remained among us, and
avowed principles incompatible with American liberty, I think also
» Th€ Virginia GautU, June 7, 1783.
ought never to be trusted with any office, civil or military, nor
even to be allowed to vote for any man who is to guide our public
councils. I wished also to suspend all executions on judgments
obtained for debts contracted before the war, so as to issue for
one fourth or fifth part of the debt annually, till the whole was
discharged, in order to place the debtor as near as we could in the
same flourishing situation that he was when that debt was con-
tracted ; for I really dreaded, that if Tory and refugee creditors
were suffered to return and harass their debtors with that rapacious
and vindictive spirit which we have reason to suppose they will,
that those citizens who had been most active in defence of the
liberties of their country would be the devoted victims of their fury,
and in the present scarcity of money, great part of the property of
this country would centre in the hands of the avowed enemies to
liberty ; and as power is the constant, the necessary attendant on
property, that after all the struggles of the virtuous, the wicked
would at last prevail, and introduce a more slavish dependence
upon Britain than that from which we have just emerged.
I wished also to prevent the money paid into the Treasury,
either for British debts or loans, from being accounted for on any
other terms, than at the real depreciation at the time it was paid
in. I wished to introduce some regular system into our revenue
laws, so as to pass several distinct laws establishing separate sub-
stantial funds ; first for the support of our civil government,
secondly, for the annual payment of the interest of our foreign
debt, thirdly, for the payment of the annual interest of the debt
due to the army, and fourthly, for that due to our own citizens ;
that these funds should be most sacredly applied to the separate
purpose for which each was designed, and the overplus go towards
sinking the principal of each ; and I was not without hopes that
the increase of our inhabitants, commerce, and wealth would be
so rapidly great, that the excess of each fund would pay off that
principal in less than twelve years.
I wished to encourage the culture of hemp, by giving a bounty
to the makers of it, and laying such a duty on imported cordage
as would pay that bounty, that we might not be altogether de-
pendent upon foreigners for the means of fitting out vessels, either
for necessary defence or the extension of our commerce.
And I wished to place our bay and river trade, and above all
our fisheries, on such a foundation, as to render them useful
nurseries of free seamen ; on the increase of which our naval
strength and the extension of our commerce so materially
Whether I shall succeed in all or any of these views, I shall be
better able to inform you when I return ; in the meantime think
me not guilty of inconsistency, if you find by the journals that I
should often vote against measures which by them seem to be
proposed by myself; for where there are a large number to
deliberate upon any measure, in which a majority are to agree,
the measure is often so altered as to make it exceedingly different
from what it was first intended to be.
I am, gentlemen, with the highest sentiments of gratitude and
esteem, your sincerely affectionate,
Thomson Mason.'
The great question before the Assembly, in the estimation
of Madison, Jefferson, and Joseph Jones was the report on
the federal impost. The duty law passed at a previous ses-
sion had been repealed, it was said through the agency of
the Lees, Richard Henry, and Arthur, but it was now hoped
that it would be re-enacted. Jefferson wrote to Madison,
on the 3d of May, giving a somewhat cynical sketch of the
House, and the attitude of its prominent members in regard
to the articles proposed by Madison covering this subject.
The Lees were against them : " Henry, as usual, is involved
in mystery " ; Thomson Mason " is a meteor whose path
cannot be calculated. All the powers of his mind seem at
present to be concentrated in one single object — the pro-
ducing a convention to new-model the State constitution.
This is a subject much agitated, and seems the only one they
will have to amuse themselves with till they shall receive
your propositions." * Joseph Jones hurried from his seat in
Congress to attend the Assembly, and he wrote regularly to
Madison while in Richmond to report the progress of affairs. ^
Patrick Henry and Richard Henry Lee he describes as the
' Virginia Ganettt, June 14, 1783.
' Bancroft's '* History of the Constitution/' vol. i., Appendix, p. 310,
" two great commanders " in the House, but he intimates
that there is too much said and too little done. On the 21st
of June he wrote :
" We are now as usual putting to sleep many of the bills that
have employed our time and attention for great part of this ses-
sion. Among them two, one for the benefit of debtors, the other
for regulating the proceedings in the county courts. These were
thought to have some connection and ought to rest together. Mr.
Mason introduced and patronized the debtors' bill. I was not in
the House when it was read, but understand it allowed all
creditors to obtain judgment, but suspended execution, rather
permitted it for a fifth of the debt annually, for five years,
comprehending as well foreign as domestic credits. I came
into the House during the debate and from the observations of
R. H. L [ee] and those who opposed the bill its principle was
severely reprobated. Mr. Mason and C. M. T. [Charles Minn
Thruston] warmly supported it and pronounced it indispensably
necessary to preserve the people from ruin and the country inde-
pendent. The disposition of the members, however, was so
prevalent for lopping off all business not really necessary that the
latter gentlemen were obliged to submit to its being referred to
the next session. This bill, at least so far as respected British
creditors, would have had more advocates but for the late period
at which it was introduced, and because there already existed and
will continue in force until the ist of December a law that pro-
hibits suits for or on account of British subjects." '
A letter from Thomson Mason to John Francis Mercer,
half-brother to George and James Mercer, and at this time
in the Continental Congress, gives a graphic account of
Virginia politics, and brings before us in lively colors the
aspect of the Assembly which was just about to close its
My dear Sir : Richmond, 22d June, 1783.
I must entreat your forgiveness in having so long neglected to
answer your very obliging favor of April, but have really been so
much engaged in the duties of my profession, and the business of
* *' letters of Joseph Jones," p. 120.
the public, that I have scarce had a moment's leisure. Add to
this the very infirm state of my health, and at times the total dis-
ability of my better hand, and you will be convinced that my
silence proceeded not from any disrespect, for believe me, sir, I
esteem you as I ou^t
I thank you most sincerely for the very interesting intelligence
you gave me, of which I endeavoured to avail myself to promote
the public good, thou^ I am sorry to say to little purpose, as the
Shelbome faction, as I have christened them, are yet very power-
ful thou^ they lose ground.
I never saw the provisional Treaty of Peace till I reached Gar*
rard's, in my way to this place, and did not determine upon the
part I afterwards took on that occasion, till I knew whether I
could prevail on my son who was here to declare himself for Lou-
don, and till I had consulted your brother whether it might not
interfere with your election. The result of these conferences
ended in both my son and myself writing up to our respective
counties, that we would serve if they chose us. In my letter ta
my son John which I desired him to make public, I expressed my
wishes that all my friends would also be yours, and was not with-
out hopes that we should both have been elected, and we certainly
should have been so, but a particular party, having made several
unsuccessful attempts to raise you up an opponent, had after I
left the county, prevailed on young Col. Garrard to set up in
professed opposition to you, in partnership with Col. Carter. He
rode from house to house in the county, and supported by CoL
Carter prevailed upon many to promise him, even before my in*
tentions were known. Notwithstanding this, if our election had
been managed properly you would have run CoL Carter hard ;
but instead of our staunch friends (which actually formed a
majority of those present) pushing us both from the beginning,,
which they ought to have done, as both the other candidates were
our professed enemies, they only pushed in such who were only
for one of us, and they giving one vote, some to Garrard and some
to Carter, added to those who were their staunch friends, run
those gentlemen so far ahead that our friends began to be appre-
hensive we should both be dropped, and Garrard having declared
that he would resign his pretensions if you were withdrawn, out-
witted your friends so far as to withdraw you, expecting by sa
doing that I should then be certainly elected, as Garrard would
then withdraw. But here they found themselves deceived ; Gar-
rard and Carter still continued to push their elections, and my
friends threw their votes upon Carter till they got me about a
dozen votes ahead of Garrard, who finding he had not another
vote resigned, and upwards of thirty of my friends then thought
it unnecessary to vote at all, not duly considering that this might
possibly have overturned my election in case of a controversy.
Your old friend CoL Mountjoy quarrelled with his brother-in-law
on account of his conduct in setting up in opposition to you.
Thus I have given you a particular account of the election as
stated to me, for I was not there ; if I had [been] I think you
would have run my colleague hard ; if not have turned him out,
though many untruths, and the inconvenience of serving in Con-
gress and Assembly, were I am told urged much to your prejudice.
The Assembly have passed an act to render members of Con-
gress ineligible in future for the Assembly. I fancy some maneu-
vering was intended to your prejudice in the ballot for members of
Congress. It was the general sense of gentlemen without doors,
that there would be no election till the November session ; but
upon my going up to defend Mr. Lawrence Washington of King
George (who was discharged from further trial for the death of
Mr. Alexander) the House in that week proceeded to ballot for
members of Congress, and you were not even put in nomination
for some time, which my son Stephens perceiving, got so far the
better of his false modesty, as to propose you, and afterwards
supported your interest warmly without doors. Mr. Jefferson,
Mr. Hardy, yourself, Dr. Lee and Col. Monroe were elected. It
was lucky for Dr. Lee that the election came on so soon, as I am
told the part he took two days afterwards against a French ship,
which having been seized through the ignorance of the captain,
he petitioned for the interposition of the Assembly and obtained
it, against the violent opposition of several who always have been
staunch Whigs. Dr. Lee joined in this opposition, and by so
doing gave great umbrage to many who had before voted for him,
as a delegate to Congress, but declared they would never do so
again. So much for private intelligence.
I am really alarmed at the critical situation we stand in with
Great Britain, and the more so from their refusal to deliver up to
several of the citizens of this State their slaves, when demanded
under the authority of the Executive, by their respective masters,
in direct violation of the Treaty. I cannot entirely agree with
you in your sentiments on the subject of British debts. The occlu-
sion of the courts of justice by any law, would certainly be a legal
impediment, but still I think that even this might be justly done
without infringing the treaty, if we made no distinction between
the British and domestic creditor, for every country has an in-
herent right of regulating her internal police, and surely where
there is no discrimination, a British sovereign has no right by the
law of nations, to expect, much less to demand greater privileges
from us for his subjects than we grant to our own citizens. And
the present situation of our country is such, that the justice we
owe our citizens, renders it necessary to place them before they
are called upon to pay their debts, in the same situation they were
in when those debts were contracted. Under this idea I drew and
introduced a bill for the relief of debtors, and another for the
security of creditors. Under the last I placed our courts in such
a situation as to enable the creditor in all cases where no defence
could be made, to obtain a judgment in six months at the farthest,
and in all other cases in fifteen months. By the first bill I enabled
all debtors upon giving an additional security, who were also to
be liable to execution upon the judgment against the principal, in
case of non-payment, to pay off the judgments when obtained in
five annual payments ; the judgments to carry interest, and remain
in force for six years without being revived by Set: /a., and an
execution to issue annually for one fifth of the judgment, and
interest against principal and security, till the whole was dis-
charged. All interest during the war was to cease, and no debts
to be affected by this act' contracted after the passing of it ; with
a proviso that it should not extend to any debts contracted with
foreigners during the war by individuals.
These laws being for the mutual advantage of debtor and cred-
itor, and a mere regulation of our internal police, in which the
British subject was placed on the same footing with our own
citizens (indeed the word British was not even mentioned in the
bill) nor any kind of distinction set up, I well hoped would have
gone down ; but the Shelbome faction were apprehensive it might
possibly give umbrage to Britain, and induce them to infringe the
treaty. They put off the consideration of the first bill to the next
session of the Assembly, and I myself moved for putting off that
for speedy trials to the same time, and after a pretty warm oppo-
sition succeeded.
We have also been warmly engaged upon a bill to declare who
should in future become citizens of this State. The bill as I
had modelled it (for it was first brought in with great severity
and too little discrimination) excluded all persons who being resi-
dents of the United States after the Declaration of Independence
had aided and assisted the enemy, from ever becoming citizens
or residing amongst us for any longer or other time than was or
should be stipulated in the provisional articles or definitive treaty
of peace ; that all others who either left us or, remaining amongst
us, had avowed principles inimical to the independence of America,
should be incapable of holding any post, civil or military, of sit-
ting in either House of Assembly, of voting at any election, or of
participating in our councils for the preservation of that indepen-
dence which they had endeavoured to prevent. Here again the
Shelbome faction took the alarm, and the threat of being here a
week longer when harvest was approaching, induced a ma-
jority to postpone the consideration of this also till the next
session of Assembly, for which, as I had the yeas and nays taken,
I fancy their constituents will not thank them much on their return.
The plan proposed by Congress for placing in their hands a
permanent fund for the discharge of the federal debt was rejected
by a great majority as a precedent dangerous to liberty upon
this principle, that as we had already entrusted them with the
sword, if we were to give them the purse also, the control we should
afterwards have over them would be but a feeble barrier against
future encroachments ; for such was the lust of power, that who-
ever was in possession of it would still endeavour to extend it,
and though we should even change our members of Congress
annually it would be immaterial to us whether we chose A. B. C.
or X. Y. Z., since every letter of the alphabet, whilst they were
members of any body, would endeavour to support and extend
the power of that body, and I candidly confess, my friend, that I
joined with the majority in this opinion. Yet sensible of the
necessity of establishing funds, we have laid an impost of five per
cent, ad valorem and the duties recommended by Congress ex-
actly agreeable to their idea of this matter, as to the quantum, but
it is to be collected by our own officers, and paid by them to the
Congressional receiver, who is to give a receipt for it, to be car-
ried to our account and credited to this State upon a future
settlement, and this is to continue till the whole debt is dis-
charged. But this act is not to be applied to this purpose until
the other States have passed laws similar to it. This fund it is
calculated will amount to forty-thousand pounds, and we have
added to it our whole land tax, which amounts at this time to
ninety-five thousand pounds annually, and will be an increasing
fund as our back lands are rapidly settling. This tax is to be
paid by the sheriffs to our treasurer and by him paid to the Con-
tinental receiver, who is to give a receipt for the same, and carry
it to our credit on a future settlement ; and if these funds should
fall short, the deficiency is to be made good out of the slave tax,
which amounts to one hundred and twenty thousand pounds
annually, but as we do not expect that this last fund will ever be
called on, in aid of the others, we have ventured to appropriate
part of the slave tax to other purposes. That I may be perfectly
understood upon this subject, the duties upon imposts and the
land tax are appropriated to Congress till the whole of the Con-
tinental debt is discharged, without having any other regard to
this State's particular quota of that debt than to have credit at a
future settlement of what we may pay more than our quota
amounts to.
Without regard to our internal police of revenue we have
passed a law to establish a fund for paying the annual interest of
the certificates granted our officers and soldiers, and the principal
at eight annual payments, the first payment to be made the first
day of January, 1786. To do this we have laid an additional tax
of id, per bushel upon salt^ % 2 /per ct. on imported hemp, 1 /per ct.
on imported cordage, 1/ per lb. on imported snuff, 4d. per gal-
lon on imported spirits, 6 per gallon upon wine, a duty upon tea»
sugar and some other articles which I do not recollect, and j /
per hogshead on tobacco,% [Mr. Mason makes this marginal note :
'' N. B. I think the articles marked thus % ought not to have
been taxed, because the first being a necessary of life will fall
heavy upon the poor especially in the back parts where it will
raise the price of salt even in Loudon to 7 or 8/ and in coun-
ties further back to double that sum, and tobacco is an export/']
This it is thought will amount to thirty thousand pounds. The
deficiency is to be made good by the slave tax. It is presumed
that a fund of seventy thousand pounds will answer the ends pro-
posed by this law.
For my own part I think this law an unwise one, because no
new tax ought ever to be appropriated to any purpose but to the
contingent charges of government, till experience has evinced that
the commodity taxed will bear it with convenience, and some
certain estimate can be made of what it will produce, as when it
is once appropriated to a permanent fund it cannot afterwards be
discontinued, however inconvenient, without a breach of public
faith. I should therefore have been better pleased that the whole
seventy thousand pounds had been drawn from the State tax,
and these duties appropriated to the contingent charges of gov-
ernment, and then they might have been altered hereafter as
experience might have convinced us was necessary. Besides
there not being a particular portion of the slave tax fund set
apart for this use, and the civil list, the deficiencies to Congress
and the deficiency to the officers and soldiers, all being quartered
upon that fund, without pointing out what proportion of it shall
be applied to each, will introduce confusion ; some creditors will
get all, some none, and our credit be thereby impaired, for I am
convinced our funds are amply sufficient, but from want of sys-
tem and method in that department alone, all our distresses
arrive. To illustrate this I will state the true situation of our
debts and funds as nearly as I can from memory, which though
not strictly right will be nearly so.
Annual land tax £ 95,000 increasing rapidly.
Impost 40,000
Part of slave tax 15,000
;f 150,000 to be paid to Congress.
Annual balance of slave tax ;f 105,000
Additional imposts 30,000
Poll tax upon whites, rapidly increasing 50,000
Upon horses, cattle and wheel carriages 40,000
Upon ordinary and marriage licences 5i<'<^
Officeni* and soldiers' certificates ;f 70,000
Civil list expenditures, including the executive, judiciary and legis-
lative and members to Congress 30,000
Loan Office certificates. 950.000, is i5>ooo
British debts paid into the treasury when settled a depreciation
50,000 3.000
Foreign and domestic debt 150,000 15.000
Contingent charges of government 20.000
Balance to be applied towards pajring the principal ;f 77.000
We yesterday received the report from a committee to whom
was referred Mr. Simon Nathan's claim to a large quantity of
tobacco, under an award given by some gentlemen in Philadel-
phia to whom it was submitted by our delegates in Congress at
the request of the governor. The committee had voted it
reasonable, upon a supposition that the State was bound by the
acceptance of the bills by the governor, and the award in Phila-
delphia ; but it appearing manifestly that the bills were drawn
for paper currency at a depreciated value, only equal to ;^i5oo»
though the bills were for ;^ 13,000, and that the governor had
actually paid 200,000 tobacco at 25 per ct., a large majority
refused to pay more, upon this principle, that the governor being
deceived or even mistaken at the time of his acceptance, that
acceptance was not binding for more than was actually due ; and
it appearing upon the face of the award, that the arbitrators were
mistaken in the matter of fact, viz. that they were drawn for
specie value the State was not bound by it, since that would be a
sufficient foundation for setting aside an award in any court of
Judicature. The matter is again to be referred to arbitrators in
Thus I have now given you a particular account of all our public
affairs worth mentioning. And now let me ask my young friend
if none of the young ladies of Philadelphia have had influence
enough with you to resign the name given you by some ladies in
Prince William ? I presume you have heard that your acquaint-
ance my son Stephens was married the first of May. He and his
^ (*ompare the letter of Edmund Randolph on this subject. Conway's *' Life
0/ Uanddlph," p. 51. Thomson Mason gives good reasons for the so-called
" rapudlalion."
lady (formerly Miss Polly Armistead) who are both in town, pre-
sent their compliments to you.
Adieu my dear sir, and believe me to be
Your sincerely afifectionate
Thomson Mason.'
George Mason wrote from " Gunston Hall," the 27th of
August to Messrs. Hunter, Allison, and Company, merchants
in Alexandria, a letter of business relating to his tobacco
sales, and in a postscript he gives the news he had lately
received from Europe. " I have a letter," he writes, " from
my son George, dated in Nantes, June 20th, where he has
been waiting six or seven weeks for a passage in the Hannibal^
Capt. Cunningham. He says the definitive treaty is proceed-
ing slowly, on account of the difficulties of adjusting matters
with the States-General. The court of London, have in the
meantime made provision by proclamation, for a commercial
intercourse with the United States of America. The Al-
gcrines have fitted out a small fleet on purpose to cruise
against American vessels, notwithstanding the Emperor of
Morocco's orders to his Admiral. I very much suspect this
a British intrigue to discourage our trade in the Mediterra-
nean." *
General Greene, returning from the South in the fall of
1783, records in his diary the incidents of his journey.
Near Dumfries his carriage was overturned, and he was
much bruised. But he spent an agreeable evening there
at Colonel Grayson's, and dined on the 13th of September
at *' Mount Vernon." At Alexandria he was taken ill with
fever, which prevented him from accepting the public din-
ner the citizens wished to give him. He writes from Alex-
andria :
" R. H. Lee and many others came to see me, but I was too
unwell to enjoy company, and most part of the time to see any.
. . . Colonel [name illegible] and his son William, an amiable
youth, was to see me, and carried off. Major Hyrne on a visit to
• MS. Letter.
Mr. Mason's, where one of the young ladies made a great impres-
sion on his heart." '
This was probably Colonel Mason and his son William
At the meeting of the Assembly in October, General
Nelson presented a bill to invest the United States with
a power to lay certain duties for the use of the United
States. This power of taxation was the one the States least
liked to entrust to Congress, but an urgent public necessity
eventually forced the measure from them. On the 26th of
November, the speaker laid before the House a letter from
Edmund Randolph, respecting the proceedings of the per-
sons appointed to vindicate the title of Virginia to western
territory, stating the progress made in that business. Rives,
in his " Life of Madison," says of the work appointed the
committee that it does not appear the task was ever exe-
cuted. A defence, however, was prepared, as would appear
from this letter of Edmund Randolph to the Speaker of
the House. In it he speaks of the difficulty of getting the
committee together, and adds:
" Mr. George Mason has already, however, perused and
approved about a third of the composition. If the General
Assembly will therefore permit the work to go into print under
the correction of Mr. Mason and myself, we may probably be
able soon to concert the measures necessary for its publication,
as I shall see him on my way to Alexandria about the 24th
of next month, whither I am going on business of Mr. Nathan." '
On the 8th of December the House resolved :
" That the delegates of this State to the Congress of the United
States be instructed and fully authorized to convey, by proper
instrument, in writing on the part of this State to the Congress
of the United States, all right, title and claim, which the said
Commonwealth hath to the lands northward of the Ohio, upon
' '* Life of Genl. Nathaniel Greene," vol. ii., George Washington Greene, p.
* MS. Letter, State Library, Richmond.
the terms contained in the act of Congress of the thirteenth
September last : Provided that lands be reserved out of these
hereby proposed to be ceded sufficient to make good the several
military bounties agreed to be given to sundry officers by resolu-
tions of both Houses of Assembly : the lands hitherto reserved
being insufficient for that purpose."
And on the 15th Joseph Jones presented a bill in accord-
ance with this resolution.' This cession was accepted by
Congress and, as Hinsdale says in his able work on this
subject, it ended the long struggle between Virginia and the
States in Congress opposed to her rights, leaving Virginia
substantially victorious. She retained, as she had desired,
the lands now forming the States of Kentucky and West
Virginia, "the territory south-east of the Ohio, the sole
question at issue."' In the interests of peace and union,
Virginia had made a generous gift to the Confederacy. She
parted with two hundred and seventy thousand, five hundred
and fifty square miles of territory, which by its sale since to
private individuals has enriched the Federal treasury to the
extent of more than a hundred million of dollars.' George
Mason, as has been seen, first sketched the terms of this
cession, and by his influence, in and out of the Assembly,
aided in securing its adoption by his State.
What Colonel Mason thought of the measures of the
Assembly at this session we learn through a letter from
Madison to Jefferson, written after his return from Congress
then sitting at Annapolis :
" Orange, December loth, 1783.
" I took Col. Mason in my way, and had an evening's conver-
sation with him. I found him much less opposed to the general
impost than I expected. Indeed he disclaimed all opposition
* Journal of the Assembly.
• ** The Old Northwest," p. 245. A part of this territory was torn from Vir-
ginia, in direct violation of the Constitution, and erected into a new State,
within our own time.
' Bill introduced into the Virginia Assembly, February, 1888.
Vol. II.— 5 \
to the measure itself, but had taken up a vague apprehension,
that, if adopted at this crisis, it might embarrass the defence of
our trade against British machinations. He seemed, upon the
whole, to acquiesce in the territorial cession, but dwelt much on
the expediency of the guaranty. On the article of a convention
for revising our form of State government, he was sound and
ripe, and, I think would not decline a participation in the work.
His heterodoxy lay chiefly in being too little impressed with
either the necessity or the proper means of preserving the
Confederacy." '
Jefferson wrote to Madison from Annapolis on the follow-
ing day, making anxious inquiries as to the sentiments of
the recluse at "Gunston" on the subject of the State
Constitution :
'' You have seen G. M. I hope, and had much conversation
with him. What are his sentiments as to the amendment of our
constitution ? What amendments would he oppose ? Is he
determined to sleep on, or will he rouse and be active ? I
wish to hear from you on this subject."*
His compatriots were all desirous to know George Mason's
views, and to see him back again in public life. Joseph
Jones wrote to Jefferson on the 29th of December in regard
to the British debt question and other important subjects
that would come before the Assembly at its next session.
And he feared the abilities of this body would not be equal
to the trust : " Madison's aid I think we may depend on " ;
he adds, '' perhaps old Mr. G. Mason's, as the business of
the land offices requires revision, and his apprehensions on
that subject, if nothing else, may draw him from his retire*
ment." ■
Washington resigned his commission in December, and
left Annapolis in time to reach " Mount Vernon " Christmas-
eve. From a young lady's letter, Miss Lewis of Fredericks-
* ** Madison Papers," vol. i., p. 579.
' Bancroft's *' History of the Constitution/* vol. i., p. 335, Appendix.
• ** Letters of Joseph Jones," p. 137.
CHRISTiiAS-DA Y IN 1783. 67
burg, probably the daughter of Colonel Fielding Lewis,
General Washington's brother-in-law, we obtain a lively pic-
ture of the home-coming of the chief and the attendant
festivities. And the foremost figure among the guests was
Colonel Mason, whose appearance is pleasantly portrayed
by the pen of his fair young admirer:
" I must tell you what a charming day I spent at Mount Ver-
non with Mama and Sally. The general and madame came home
on Christmas Eve, and such a racket the servants made, for they
were glad of their coming ! Three handsome young officers
came with them. All Christmas afternoon people came to pay
their respects and duty. Among them were stalely dames and
gay young women. The general seemed very happy, and Mis-
tress Washington was busy from daybreak making everything as
agreeable as possible for everybody. Among the most notable
of the callers was Mr. George Mason, of Gunston Hall, who was
on his way home from Alexandria, and who brought a charming
granddaughter with him, about fourteen years old. He is said to
be one of the greatest statesmen and wisest men in Virginia. We
had heard much of him and were delighted to look in his face,
hear him speak, and take his hand, which he offered in a courtly
manner. He is straight in figure but not tall, and has a grand
head and clear gray eyes. He has few white hairs, though they say
he is about sixty years old." '
* " M«r7 and Martha Wuhington," B. J. Losing, p. 33q.
I 784-1 787.
The following letter, found amon^ Monroe's papers,' Is
believed to have been written by him to George Mason, to
whom the younger statesman had applied for advice on the
several important public questions before the country. Mon-
roe was at this time in Congress at Annapolis :
" Anmapolis, Febrnuy, 1784.
" Dear Sir :
"Your favor of the 5 th ultimo did not reach me till a few days
since from the difficulty the severity of the season hath created
in passage of the rivers. I am particularly happy to receive it as it
promises to me, in the office which I hold, the aid of your age,
judgment and experience. I have paid great attention to your
reasoning, and think that in two instances, viz., the peace estab-
lishment and the seat for the residence of Congress, it is conclu-
sive. If no European power had possessions on the continent I
should suppose the idea of a standing army would never have
been brought upon the carpet. The Indian incursions or trade,
as you observe, would more regularly come within the cognizance
of the State exposed or to derive advantage from it. But the
possessions of these powers, and particularly of Great Britain, is a
matter of more serious import. The impolicy of New York hath
already thrown a considerable body of people into Nova Scotia ;
and Canada, in tracts at present uninhabited, is certainly capable
* Evidently the rough, liimt dnft -at the letter Knt to his correspondeat.
There wu some doubt *t finl u lo Iti auChonhip, but Mr. BuicrofI, to whom
the MS. vru ibown, pronounced It unmiitakabl]' Mooroc'i handwriting.
of maintaining extensive settlements. Many European countries,
in a higher northern latitude, are thickly settled, and the lands of
Canada are perhaps richer than those of the Swiss Cantons, Den-
mark, Sweden or Russia. These provinces are also well tim-
bered, and at the same time that the inhabitants promise to be an
hardy and robust race of men give them all the advantages from
their situation of a nursery for seamen, dock-yards for building
ships and a share in our carrying business.
'' The court of London hath turned its attention to the Indies,
proposing to attempt such arrangements as may compensate to the
nation the loss of America. But what can Great Britain promise
[herself] from the Indies which she doth not now possess. If
colonies are established upon the footing we lately stood, and
emigration is encouraged, how long will they be connected with
the parent country ? And will not such establishments which
take the Indies out of the Company induce the necessity of stand-
ing armies and respectable fleets to prevent insurrection,, and
turn the tide of commerce into the bosom of the parent country,
and will not this expense be thrown upon the state ? And as the
climate suits a despotic government, and the general in com-
mand may be popular with his troops, is it not rational to suspect
he will seek the sovereignty himself ? If these questions could
be answered in the negative, I think it will be granted that the
possession of India will only prove a commercial advantage. The
inhabitants of these provinces will have but little attatchment to
the parent country, and will personally be never brought to add
to its number or increase its strength in any European operation,
While this trade and government are in the possession of a com-
pany, the nation is free from the expense of these troops or fleets.
Considering therefore all the relative circumstances, I think it a
doubtful question whether this change would be of public advan-
tage, while most certainly it would prove very materially injurious
to the Crown. The Crown now has the advantage of the sale
occasionally of the renewal of the charter to the Company, and
of this it would of course be deprived. I think therefore the
conclusion just that the monopoly of the trade and expense of
the government will remain with the Company, and that any
arrangement the court of London may make with respect to that
country will only tend to create dependants on the Crown and
increase its influence in the Parliament without effecting any
material change in the constitution of India. View the prospects
of Britain as we will in the East and I cannot see how in any
event any arrangements can turn to any great national advantage.
Will the population of India increase the number of British citi-
zens ? Will any Eastern arrangement increase the fleet or add to
the army but to guard itself ? I am therefore of opinion that if
the court of London are wise they will be cautious how they
interpose in the affairs of the East.
'' I am therefore of opinion that the Court of London will still
turn her attention to this continent in every consideration she
may have in view to add to or increase her national strength.
Passion or folly may sometimes govern her councils, but in time
she will observe her error and attempt to correct the fault. I
think as national advantages are to be derived from it, she will
turn her attention to these provinces, and there is a kind of
energy in the natives of that country which is not to be found in
the peasantry of any of the monarchies of Europe. When any of
the countries are overstocked in France or Spain the overplus
turn beggars in the street or starve ; but the people of England
seek a dwelling in foreign climes and distant countries. I suppose,
therefore, these provinces will prove a drain to the surplus of
citizens in Great Britain. What will be their policy with respect
to these provinces, whether they will extend to them the freedom
of the British Constitution, or keep in them a standing army, be
this as it may, will it not be a desirable circumstance to us to
prevail on them to keep few or no troops in Canada ? Will not
this be a proper subject for a convention between us ? But
if they will not acceed to it, I still think with you that the
defence of the country should be thrown on the militia." *
Colonel Mason's friends in Fairfax County were anxious
to see him again in the Assembly, and some of them, it
seems, in the spring of 1784 were about to take a step that
would force him to re-enter the Legislature, as they hoped.
Against this proceeding he made a vigorous protest in a
letter to his friend Mr. Cockburn, declaring that it was an
infringement of his personal liberty :
> Gouverneur Collection. The MS. draft is endorsed by Monroe, *' Supposed
to have been written to Col. George Mason.'*
GuNSTON Hall, April i8, 1784.
Dear Sir :
I have been lately informed that some people intend to open a
poll for me at the election to-morrow in this county. I hope this
will not be offered for I have repeatedly declared that I cannot
serve the county at this time as one of its representatives. I
should look upon such an attempt in no other light than an
oppressive and unjust invasion of my personal liberty, and was I
to be elected under such circumstances I should certainly refuse to
act, be the consequences what they may. I mention this to you
in your official capacity as high sheriff of the county, and if a
poll is demanded for me I must request the favor of you to
inform the people publicly of my resolution, and that such a
demand is made against my consent or approbation. If ever
I should see a time when I have just cause to think I can render
the public essential service and can so arrange my domestic con-
cerns so as to enable me to leave my family for any length of
time, I will most cheerfully let the county know it, but this is not
the case in either instance at present.
Your affectionate and obedient servant,
G. Mason.'
Others besides his constituents, as we have seen, wished to
recall George Mason to the councils of the State. Madison
and Jefferson were still urging changes in the Virginia Con-
stitution. Madison wrote to his friend on this subject
March i6th : " Much will depend on the politics of Mr.
Henry which are wholly unknown to me. Should they be
adverse, and G. Mason not in the Assembly, hazardous as
delay is, the experiment must be put off to a more au-
spicious conjunction."' After the opening of the session
he writes from Richmond, deploring Jefferson's departure to
Europe at this time, and adds in regard to the contemplated
revision of the Constitution : " As Col. Mason remains in
private life, the expediency of starting the idea will depend
much on the part to be expected from R. H. Lee and Mr.
Henry." '
' Mason Papers. * " Writings of Madison,** vol. i., p. 73.
* /Hd., vol. i., p. 80.
In the meantime though George Mason was no longer
in the Assembly, his State had some work for him to do
which he could not refuse to undertake. On the 28th of
June the following resolution was introduced in the House
of Delegates :
*' Whereas great inconveniences are found to result from the
want of some concerted regulations between this State and
the State of Maryland, touching the jurisdiction and naviga-
tion of the river Potomac ; Resolvedy That George Mason, Ed-
mund Randolph, James Madison, jun., and Alexander Henderson,
Esqrs. be appointed commissioners ; and that they, or any three
of them, do meet such commissioners as may be appointed on
the part of Maryland, and in concert with them frame such liberal
and equitable regulations concerning the said river, as may be
mutually advantageous to the two States ; and that they make
report thereof to the General Assembly." '
Questions of trade and revenue were much discussed at
this session, and the subject of the British debts still agitated
the Assembly and the people. Should the treaty of peace
be carried out in all its provisions, while the British still held
the western posts, was asked. At the fall session of 1784-5
the subject was renewed in the Assembly, and through Madi-
son's influence, provision was finally made for payments of
British debts in seven annual instalments. But the House
adjourned before the bill was acted upon, and the matter
remained practically unsettled until after the adoption of
the Federal Constitution. Other subjects of interest to
Colonel Mason brought before this Assembly were the assess-
ment plan, and resolutions adding to the duties assigned the
commission of which he had been appointed a member at
the previous session. On the nth of November the House
resolved : " That the people of this commonwealth, accord-
ing to their respective abilities, ought to pay a moderate tax
or contribution annually, for the support of the Christian
religion, or of some Christian church, denomination or com-
' Journal of the Assembly.
munion of Christians, or of some form of Christian wor-
ship." * Patrick Henry, who favored the resolution, was
made chairman of the committee appointed to bring in a
bill on the subject. Those who opposed the assessment,
with Madison at their head, finally induced the Assembly to
postpone consideration of the bill until the following Novem-
ber. It was to be published with a record of the votes upon
it, in handbills, and twelve copies given to each member to
be distributed in their respective counties, and the people
were requested to signify their opinion respecting the adop-
tion of such a bill to the next session of the Assembly. On
the 28th of December the House came to the following
resolutions :
" That the commissioners or any two of them appointed on the
twenty-eighth of June last, to concert with commissioners on the
part of Maryland, regulations touching the navigation and juris-
diction of the Potomac, be further authorized to unite with the said
commissioners in representing to the State of Pennsylvania, that
it is in contemplation of the said two States to promote the clear-
ing and extending the navigation of the Potomac, from tide water
upwards as far as the same may be found practicable ; to open a
convenient road from the head of such navigation to the waters
running into the Ohio ; and to render the waters navigable as far
as may be necessary and proper : That the said works will require
great expense, which may not be repaid unless a free use be se-
cured to the said States and their citizens, of the waters of the
Ohio and its branches so far as the same lie within the limits of
Pennsylvania. That as essential advantages will accrue from
such works, to a considerable portion of said State, it is thought
reasonable that the legislature thereof, should by some previous
act, engage that for the encouragement of the said works, all articles
of produce and merchandise which may be conveyed to or from
either of the said two States through either of the said rivers,
within the limits of Pennsylvania to or from any place without
the said limits, shall pass throughout free from all duties or tolls
whatsoever other than such tolls as may be established and be
necessary for reimbursing expenses incurred by the State or its
^ IHd.
citizens, in clearing, or for defraying the expense of preserving
the navigation of the said rivers : And that no articles imported
into the State of Pennsylvania through the channel or channels,
or any part thereof to be opened as aforesaid and vended or used
within the said State, shall be subject to any duties or imposts
other than such articles would be subject to if imported into the
said State through any other channel whatsoever : That in case
a joint representation in behalf of this State and of Maryland
shall be rendered by circumstances unattainable, the said com-
missioners or any two of them, may of themselves make such
representations on the subject to the State of Pennsylvania, as
will in such event become proper." '
We obtain a glimpse of Colonel Mason in domestic life,
and of the family circle, through a letter to his daughter,
Mrs. McCarty, on the death of an infant. The original
letter has been carefully preserved by this lady's grand-
daughter :
GUNSTON Hall, February loth, 1785.
My dear Child :
I most sincerely condole with you for the loss of your dear
little girl, but it is our duty to submit with all the resignation
human nature is capable of to the dispensation of Divine Provi-
dence which bestows upon us our blessings, and consequently
has a right to take them away. A few years' experience will con-
vince us that those things which at the time they happened we
regarded as our greatest misfortunes have proved our greatest
blessings. Of this awful truth no person has lived to my age
without seeing abundant proof. Your dear baby has died inno-
cent and blameless, and has been called away by an all wise and
merciful Creator, most probably from a life of misery and mis-
fortune, and most certainly to one of happiness and bliss.
Your sisters are both at Col. Blackburn's and not expected
home before Sunday or you should immediately have their com-
pany. Your brother George and his wife are in Chotanck. I
wish you could come to Gunston Hall. In the meantime I would
by all means advise you to lose a little blood without delay, and
» IHd,
to take two or three times a day twenty or thirty drops of spirits
of lavender of which I send you some by the bearer. I am, my
dear child,
Your affectionate father
George Mason.
P. S. — Mrs. Mason says your sisters told her they should go
to Col. Cook's, and would not be at home before the middle of
next week. She begs that you ^ will come to Gunston Hall.
" Colonel Cooke *' was Travers Cooke, of StafTord County,
son of Sir John Cooke and grandson of Raleigh Travers.
Colonel Cooke's son, John Cooke, married Mary Mason, one
of George Mason's daughters.
In this same month of February, 1785, Colonel Mason lost
his brother, Thomson Mason, who died on the 26th, and was
buried at his place, " Raspberry Plain," in Loudoun County.
He drew up his will shortly before his death. Bailey Wash-
ington, Jr., was named one of his executors. He describes
himself as " Thomson Mason of StafTord County in the
Commonwealth of Virginia Esq. : ** He begins with the
usual solemn formula, giving his soul into the hands of his
Creator " to dispose of as His justice and mercy shall think
fit, and I humbly beg," adds the testator, " that through the
merit and mediation of my blessed Redeemer Jesus Christ
the manifold sins I have committed in this life will be for-
given, and I declare that I have lived and hope to die in the
belief of the Christian faith." To his widow, who was his
second wife, Thomson Mason left all the estate that came to
him through his marriage with her. She had been a Miss
Westwood, of Elizabeth City County, and the country-seat,
" Errol," in that county, which is mentioned in the will, was
probably her patrimony. She was the widow of Dr. Wallace
at the time of her marriage with Thomson Mason. Mrs.
Mason was to receive a life estate in lands of Thomson
Mason on Chappawamic Run, in Stafford County, lying
below " lands of the late Mr. Moncure " ; also in another
plantation on the same run in Prince William County, lying
below the property of Col. Burr Harrison and Robert Carter,
Esq. There were about twelve hundred and twenty acres
in the two tracts, and the testator reserved out of them for
his son, John Thomson Mason, his choice of fifty acres, " to
be laid off in a square for a seat, on which side the run he
pleases, so that it does not include the garden, orchard, or
any of the housing in the county of Stafford, or any of the
low grounds in the same county." John Thomson Mason
was to fall heir to this Stafford and Prince William property,
eventually, with other lands in the same counties, amounting
in all to three thousand acres. This the third son of Thom-
son Mason made his home later in Maryland, where he
owned a beautiful country-seat in Montgomery County,
called " Montpelier.** He became an eminent lawyer of
Maryland. Stevens Thomson, the eldest son of Thomson
Mason, was confirmed by his father's will in his possession
of " Raspberry Plain," already given him by deed, with the
plate and furniture belonging to it. He was also to have a
square of four acres of land on which to build a public-house,
with certain unimproved lots in the towns of Richmond and
Manchester, " which were drawn in the late Colonel Byrd's
lottery, by tickets marked with the initials of his mother's or
his brother George's name." Stevens Thomson Mason was
also to have the ground in Richmond '' on which the public
storehouse lately stood," together with the money due from
the public for its valuation, etc., it having been destroyed
during Arnold's raid. Other bequests of houses, lots, etc.,
were left to the eldest son. And to the second son, Abram
Barnes Thomson, his father also left lands in Loudoun
County, besides town lots drawn in Colonel Byrd's lottery.
To his only daughter, Ann Thomson Mason, her father
bequeathed certain slaves and a sum of money. She mar-
ried Richard McCarty Chichester, son of Richard Chichester,
of ^* Newington," and a brother of Sarah Chichester, wife of
Thomson Mason, of " Hollin Hall." Mrs. Mason, by her
husband's will, was to have the household furniture at
" Errol " and at " Chappawamsic," with all the stock at the
former place. She was to have also a chariot and harness
and four chariot horses well matched ; also the use of certain
slaves, " Silvia," " Catina," and others. A square of one
hundred and fifty acres of land in Loudoun County was to be
laid off in half-acre lots for a town, and sold to the highest
bidder for a term of twenty-one years, with a ground rent of
two silver dollars on each lot. The two youngest sons of
Thomson Mason, the only children of his second marriage,
were very young at the time of their father's death, and in
the latter's will, after naming their mother and two of their
half-brothers as their guardians, he gives the following in-
structions as to their education. He desires '' that they may
be put to learning English at one of their guardian's houses
till eight years of age, and that then they be kept at writing,
arithmetic, and reading elegant English authors and modem
languages till they are twelve years of age, and then to be
kept at learning the Latin language, book-keeping, mathe-
matics, and other useful branches of literature, till the age
of eighteen, and then to be put out to such business or pro-
fession as their geniuses are best calculated for.'* Thomson
Mason then adds a caution against the temptations of the
gayer portion of the State. " I positively direct," he says,
"that neither of my younger sons, Westwood Thomson
Mason or William Temple Thomson Mason, shall reside on
the south side of James River or below Williamsburg before
they respectively attain the age of twenty-one years, lest
they should imbibe more exalted notions of their own
importance than I could wish any child of mine to possess."
Thomson Mason provides watches for each of his children
by name, except Stevens, who it is presumed was already in
possession of one. His wife is to have "a new gold watch
with an embossed case and equipage, suitable for a lady, of
the price of thirty guineas," purchased for her. His own
gold watch is to go to the youngest son. Ann Thomson is
to have the " equipage that was her mother's," and a gold
watch purchased for twenty guineas to go with it. The
three other sons are to have each a silver horizontal watch.
John is to have his father's brass barrelled pistols.
A faithful servant was rewarded after the following
manner :
*' I direct that my negro man Jack be allowed to settle upon
any of my lands in Loudon, Stafford or Prince William and that
my executors lay off for him thirty acres of good arable land and
ten acres of pasturage to tend a crop for himself, build him a bam
of logs twenty feet square and furnish him one cow, two sows,
one ewe and a mare of ten pounds value, one bar share plow, one
Dutch plow, one broad hoe, one narrow hoe, one axe, one mat-
tock, five bushels oats, five baskets rye, five bushels of wheat and
ten barrels of corn to stock his plantation and set him forward,
and let him have one month's work of an able negro man and the
loan of my ox cart for the same time to put his little farm in
order ; with liberty to get rails and firewood off my adjacent
In addition to the farm and stock, his master gave Jack
the annual sum of six pounds specie. The use of the land
was given him for life, the stock forever. He was to be pro-
tected in all his just rights and '* subject to the control of no
person whatsoever, and this provision I have made for him,"
concludes the testator, '' as a grateful acknowledgment of the
remarkable fidelity and integrity with which he has con-
ducted himself to me for twenty years and upwards." Jack
was to receive also three hundred-weight of pork. To his
wife's maid, Catina, if ever she should be parted from her
mistress, her master left her two hundred-weight of pork,
and certain articles of clothing annually. Certain profits of
the estate were to be used " in the purchase of white ser-
vants, stocks and improvements." Two " indented farming,
white servants," who have four or five years to serve, were
to be purchased for one of the testator's sons, " provided
they do not exceed the price of thirty pounds each." Thom-
son Mason, like most of the Virginia planters of his day,
owned thorough-bred horses and took an interest in the turf.
In his will he leaves to his son, John Thomson, his " riding
horse Rupert, the young St. George's mare, the two-year-old
sorrel filly, her year-old Sweeper horse colt, and Camilla and
her colts." To another son is left, among less distinguished
steeds, '* a bay Tamerlane colt," and to a third son his
" Eclipse bay horse colt." '
In giving directions for his burial, Thomson Mason makes
the one allusion to his brother that is found in his will. He
desires to be buried at " Raspberry Plain," where his son
George lies, and he wishes the remains of his first wife to be
brought from ** the family burying-ground at my brother's,"
to be laid beside his own.
George Mason must have felt this loss keenly. But un-
fortunately no letters have been preserved which allude to it.
And now, while the work of the younger brother was over,
the elder one was to come forward into the federal arena in a
way that could have been little dreamed of by either of them
in 1785. But for two years longer George Mason remained
out of the Assembly. In the meantime he was not unem-
ployed. . Two months after his brother's death we find him
attending a meeting of the county court of Fairfax, at Alex-
andria, on the 22d of March, and as the presiding justice,
drawing up a protest against what he conceived to be a vio-
lation of the rights of the court by the executive :
** 1785, March 22. At a court held for the county of Fairfax.
" Present:
** George Mason, John Gibson,
Charles Broadwater, David Stuart;
Alexander Henderson, William Payne,
George Gilpin, (Gentlemen Justices).
** A new commission for this county, signed by the Hon. Benj.
Harrison Esq: late Governor of this Commonwealth being this
day presented and read, whereby the Justices of the county are
constituted and appointed de navo^ and consequently are required
to take the oath of qualifications over again, notwithstanding they
' Will of Thomson Mftson (on record at Stafford Court House). Old copy
in possession of Arthur Mason Chichester, Loudoun County, Va.
Volume ii. of Grigsby's ** Convention of 1788 *' ('* Virginia Historical CoUec-
tions/' vol. X.) contains sketches of Thomson and Stevens Thomson Mason.
had before taken them under the commonwealth^ and several of
the justices have been many years acting magistrates, by virtue
of former commissions, for this county. The court, unanimously
refuse to receive, and do protest against the same, for the follow-
ing reasons &c.
" P. Wagener, Clk. Ct.
" A copy of the protest to be transmitted to the executive."
The protest goes on to state that they object to such
commissions because ''of unnecessary multiplication and
repetition of oaths, rendering them common and familiar,
etc. Because such a commission would afford a dangerous
precedent and tend to renew, in this commonwealth, one of
the many abuses and arbitrary practices of the late monarchi-
cal government here, yielding to the secretary an unnecessary
fee and to the governor and council an unjust and oppressive
power of insulting or turning any man out of his ofBce of a
civil magistrate, as prejudice, malice, or caprice might dic-
tate, without a hearing, or without a cause of complaint
against him ; for the constituting and appointing the former
acting justices de navo^ necessarily implies the power of
vacating the former commissions; that the justices derive
their office entirely from the last, and consequently, that by
issuing a new commission, and misplacing any man in it, he
might lose his rank, and might be degraded from the first to
the last justice in the county ; or by leaving out any justice's
name he would thenceforward be deprived of his office, both
of which, it is notorious, were frequently practised under the
former government. Because it is conceived that the exer-\
cise of such a power is altogether illegal, giving to the execu-l
tive power of the State an undue and dangerous influence
over the courts of justice, directly contrary to the Declaration
of Rights and to the fundamental principles of our free gov-
ernment. And although this court hath no cause to believe
that the present commission was issued for any such evil
purposes, yet we should think we were deficient in the duty
we owe to our country and to posterity, if we suffered our-
selves to become accessory to establishing a precedent
evidently tending to introduce them, and by renewing the
oppressive maxims and practices of the government from
which we have so lately been rescued by force of arms,
to sap the foundations of that liberty which has been pur-
chased at the expense of so much blood and treasure." '
In this same month of March the commissioners met at
Alexandria to settle the jurisdiction of the Chesapeake Bay
and the Potomac and Pokomoke rivers. Maryland had sug-
gested the time and place of meeting, and her commissioners
arrived in good season. By some inadvertence, however,
the Virginia commissioners were not informed when and
where they were to hold the conference, and on this account
only George Mason and Alexander Henderson were able to
be present. By invitation of General Washington the com-
missioners adjourned from Alexandria to " Mount Vernon."
Ten days before, Washington records in his journal a visit to
Colonel Mason and some of his neighbors. Finding Law-
rence Lewis, who lived at " Woodlawn," away from home,
he proceeded to Colonel Mason's, where he "dined and
lodged," leaving "Gunston Hall" for Mr. Cockburn's, at
"Springfield," about twelve the next day. On the 20th,
the diary relates :
" Major Jenifer came here to dinner, and my carriage went to
Gunston Hall to take Col. Mason to a meeting of commissioners
at Alexandria for settling the jurisdiction of Chesapeake Bay and
the rivers Potomac and Pokomoke between the States of Virginia
and Maryland. The commissioners on the part of Virginia be-
ing Col. Mason, the Attorney General, Mr. Madison and Mr.
Henderson. On that of Maryland, Major Jenifer, Thomas John-
son, Thomas Stone and Samuel Chase, Esqrs." *
Two of the Maryland gentlemen had written to Geoi^e
Mason that they would stop at his house on their way to
Alexandria, and they were very probably there at this time.
' ** Virginia Calendar Papers," vol. iv., p. 16.
'MS. Joamals, State Department.
Vol. II.— 6
On the 24th, General Washington writes : " Sent my car-
riage to Alexandria for Col. Mason according to appoint-
ment, who came in about dusk." The next day, the
journal continues, about one o'clock Major Jenifer, Mn
Stone, Mr. Chase, and Mr. Henderson arrived at " Mount
Vernon." This was Friday. Saturday and Monday the
commissioners were in session, and Tuesday they all left
for their homes. Colonel Mason drove back to " Gunston
in the " Mount Vernon " carriage, " by the return of which,
adds Washington, " he sent me some young shoots of the
Persian jessamine and Guelder rose." It is a very meagre
chronicle, and one cannot but wish that some of the table-
talk at " Mount Vernon ** during these four days had been
preserved for us. The commission, it will be seen, finished
their work on the 28th, having been four days apparently at
Alexandria and four at " Mount Vernon."
On the fifth of April Colonel Mason wrote from " Gunston
Hall" to General Washington, sending him a present of
some cider. He had broached, he says, four or five hogs-
heads, and filled the bottles with the best, though there was
not much difference, "all being made of Maryland red
streak and managed in the same manner." The cider this
year is not so clear and fine, he tells his friend, and he does
not know the reason except that he had ground his apples
last fall later than usual. And Colonel Mason adds : " As
the cider in bottles will not ripen for use until late in May,
I have also filled a barrell out of the same, which I beg your
acceptance of." He recommends that a little ginger should
be put in it, as it improves sweet cider ; and he sends Wash-
ington some watermelon seed which he had promised him.*
Colonel Mason, in this letter, speaks of suffering again with
the gout. He had gone back from the convention at " Mount
Vernon " to the pleasant home interests and occupations, to
the enjoyment of the rural tastes, which he shared with the
retired commander-in-chief. But in the meanwhile he was
preparing also to g^ve an kccount to the Assembly of the
* Washington MSS.. State De|>artment.
work undertaken by the commission. The responsibility of
its seeming irregularity had fallen upon him, a responsibility
he would not evade, and which he felt the circumstances
fully justified his assuming. Joseph Jones, however, only
expressed a surprise which was natural when he wrote to
Madison, June 12th, of the rumor that had reached him on
the subject. He says : " I know not whether any copy of the
resolution you allude to has been officially communicated to
Mr. Masoti. Such as Beckley copied for the executive have
been, so whether titat should have been of the number I can-
not tell, as we are not yet favored with the journals by the
printer, and I cannot inform myself at the clerk's office, Mr.
Beckley being out of town." The Assembly now only met
once a year, in October, and the resolution referred to was
probably the one passed at the last session of the House,
when new powers were delegated to the commission ap-
pointed the previous June. Joseph Jones adds: "I heard,
but have only heard, that Mason and Henderson proceeded
to execute the other branch of the business committed to
the commissioners without the attendance, or call for at-
tendance, of the other commissioners. What they have done
has not come to my knowledge." '
Madison had already written on the 2d of June to George
Mason, probably making inquiries on the subject, and the
latter sent the following letter of explanation in reply :
" GUNSTON Hall, August 9th, 1785.
"Dear Sir:
" I should have answered your favor of the second of June, long
ago, had not ill health, and the absence of my sons from home,
disabled me from making out the copies of the proceedings of
the Virginia and Maryland Commissioners which I now enclose,
and upon which I wish to be favored with your sentiments.
" We thought ourselves unfortunate in being deprived of yours
and my friend the Attorney's assistance, in this important busi-
ness ; and nothing but absolute necessity should have induced
me to enter upon it without you. But the Maryland gentlemen
' ** letters of Joseph Jones," p. 144.
would have been much disgusted with a disappointment, after
attending at such a distance in very bad weather. We waited
some days expecting your arrival in Alexandria, when I received
a letter from the Attorney, upon other business, without mention-
ing a word of the meeting, or of the Assembly's appointment.
This convinced us that there must have been some blunder or
neglect, in some of the public offices, in not giving the proper
notification to the Virginia Commissioners. The Maryland gentle-
men declared that nothing had been omitted on their part, that
they had written an official letter to the Virginia Commissioners
(addressed by their governor to the commissioners) proposing
the time and place, if agreeable to them ; and if not, desiring
they would name some other ; that having received no answer,
they took it for granted that the time and place was accepted,
and attended accordingly.
'* So great has been the neglect in some of our public depart-
ments that neither Mr. Henderson or myself had been furnished
with copies of the Assembly's resolutions. And I should not have
known that I was one of the persons appointed, had I not by mere
accident, two or three days before the meeting, been informed of
it by two of the Maryland commissioners writing to me that they
should endeavor to take my house in their way, and go with me
to Alexandria. His Excellency General Washington happened
to have a copy of the Assembly's resolutions respecting the ap-
plication to be made to the government of Pennsylvania, which
he very obligingly gave me, by which any tivo or more of the
commissioners were empowered to proceed. And it was natural
for us to conclude that these last resolutions had pursued the
style of the former respecting the jurisdiction of the two States ; \
as well as that the subject had been taken up upon the same I
principles as in the year 1778, when commissioners were directed \
to settle the jurisdiction of the Chesapeake Bay and the rivers \
Potomac and Pokomoke * ; in which sentiments Mr. Henderson, 1
from what he was able to recollect of the resolutions, concurred. J
'' Thus disagreeably circumstanced, only two of the Virginia |
commissioners present, and without any copy of the resolves upon i
the principal subject, we thought it better to proceed than to dis- 1
^ George Mftson, Thomas Ludwell I.«e, and James Henry were the Virginia
commissioners appointed, 1778.
appoint the Maryland commissioners ; who appeared to have
brought with them the most amicable dispositions, and expressed
the greatest desire of forming such a fair and liberal compact, as
might prove a lasting cement of friendship between the two
States ; which we were convinced it is their mutual interest
to cultivate. We therefore upon the particular invitation of the
General adjourned to ' Mount Vernon * and finished the business
there. Some time after, Mr. Henderson wrote to Mr. Beckley
(clerk of the House of Delegates) for a copy of the resolves ;
upon receiving which we were surprised to find no mention made
of Chesapeake or Pokomoke River^ that our powers were confined
to Potomac River ^ and to not less than three of the commissioners.
I am still inclined to think that the omission of Chesapeake Bay
and Pokomoke River was owing to a mistake or inadvertence, in
not attending to the resolves of 1778 ; and, if so, it was perhaps
lucky that we had not been furnished with a copy of the resolves ;
for the Maryland commissioners had an express instruction from
their Assembly to consider the relinquishment, on the part of Vir-
ginia, of any claim of laying tolls, &c., on vessels passing through
the capes of Chesapeake as a sine qua non ; and if it was refused
immediately to break off all further conference with the Virginia
" This blundering business, however, will give me the trouble
and expence of a journey to Richmond, next session, to apologize
for and explain our conduct ; where, if the substance of the com-
pact is approved by the Assembly, I hope forms will be dispensed
with, especially as the breach of them has been the fault of some
of their own ofhcers, not ours, and as I am conscious of our hav-
ing been influenced by no other motives than the desire of
promoting the public good." '
With this letter George Mason sent to Madison drafts of
the communication of the Virginia commissioners to the As-
sembly, stating briefly the points that had been settled ; and
also the letter to the president of the Executive Council of
Pennsylvania from the commission on the subject of co-
operation with Virginia and Maryland.* The following
memorandum was added as a postscript to the letter to
' Madison MSS.. State Department. 'Appendix i.
Madison. The suggested correction or alteration in the
compact was not made, however, as may be seen by refer-
ence to the law in the Virginia and Maryland codes.
" Memorandum, The concluding clause of the seventh article
of the compact is not so clearly expressed as it ought to be, and
is capable of a construction which was not intended ; and though
it would be a strained and unnatural one, it had better be re-
moved. The words are * provided, &c., and that the citizens of
neither State shall have a right to fish with nets or seins upon the
shores of the other.' This may be construed to restrain the citi-
zens of either State, having lands upon the river in the other,
from fishing with nets or seins upon their own shores ; which
would be unreasonable and unjust ; although in its present form,
it seems to be the grammatical construction. The addition of
two or three words will set it right — thus : ' And that the citizens
of neither State shall have a right to fish with nets or seins upon
the shores of the citizens of the other.' I never observed this cir-
cumstance till very lately, or I am sure I could easily have had it
altered by the Maryland commissioners, at any time before the
meeting of their Assembly. The fisheries upon Potomac River
are becoming a very important object, and therefore I could wish
the above clause in the compact properly amended. If the
amendment goes no farther than I have mentioned, it will occa-
sion no objection from Maryland, and I wish the article to be no
otherwise altered, for this was the most difficult business we had
to settle with the Maryland commissioners. The idea of the
right of fishing on both shores of Potomac River is one the
Marylanders are not fond of parting with ; and I trust it will be
found we have obtained everything for Virginia, with respect to
Potomac River, which she can desire. The exceptionable part
of the article before mentioned was really a mistake. Not hav-
ing time now to write to my friend the Attorney upon this
subject, Mr. Madison will be pleased to mention it to him.
"And I shall be particularly obliged to Mr. Madison to inform
me what is done with respect to the Northern Neck, on the sub-
ject of the records in the late proprietor's office, entering, or
resurveying lands, quit-rents, &:c.
" G. M."
Another subject which interested George Mason at this
time was the Assessment Bill. Its fate was to be decided at
the next session of the Assembly, and so energetically did
its enemies work against it, its rejection was readily secured.
To George Mason, in great part, this success was due.
Madison, in a letter to one of Colonel Mason's grandsons,
written in 1826, gives the following account of the matter:
'' During the session of the General Assembly, 1784-5, a bill
was introduced into the House of Delegates, providing for the
legal support of Teachers of the Christian Religion, and being
patronized by the most popular talents in the House, seemed
likely .to obtain a majority of votes. In order to arrest its
progress, it was insisted with success, that the bill should be
postpK>ned till the ensuing session ; and in the meantime be
printed for public consideration. That the sense of the people
might be better called forth, your highly distinguished ancestor.
Col. George Mason, Col. George Nicholas, also possessing
much public weight, and some others thought it advisable that
a remonstrance against the bill should be prepared for general
circulation and signature, and imposed on me the task of draw-
ing up such a paper. The draught having received their sanction,
a large number of printed copies were distributed, and so exten-
sively signed by the people of every religious denomination, that at
the ensuing session the projected measure was entirely frustrated,
and under the influence of the public sentiment thus manifested
the celebrated bill ' Establishing Religious Freedom ' created
into a permanent barrier against future attempts on the rights of
conscience, as declared in the great charter prefixed to the Con-
stitution of the State." '
The fact of Madison's authorship of the " Remonstrance "
was not generally known until after his death, and there
were some persons in Virginia who attributed it to George
Mason.* Colonel Mason probably wrote to a number of his
friends enclosing them this paper for signature, and two of
' MS. Letter. Compare Rives* " Madison/' vol. i., p. 631,
' Oration of Mr. Williams on the death of Madison.
these letters, written, the first part of them, in identical
terms, one to General Washington and one to Robert Carter
of " Nomini," are preserved. The letter to Washington is
as follows :
GuNSTON Hall, October 2d, 1785.
Dear Sir :
I take the liberty of enclosing you a Memorial and Remon-
strance to the General Assembly, confided to me by a particular
friend whose name I am not at liberty to mention ; and as the
principles it avows entirely accord with my sentiments on the
subject (which is a very important one), I have been at the
charge of printing several copies to disperse in the different
parts of the country. You will easily perceive that all manner of
declamation and address to passions have been avoided, as unfair
in themselves, and improper for such a subject ; and although
the Remonstrance is long, that brevity has been aimed at, but the
field is extensive.
If upon consideration, you approve the arguments and the
principles upon which they are founded, your signature will both
give the Remonstrance weight, and do it honor. I would have
waited on you personally upon this occasion, but have been so
shattered by a late violent fit of the convulsive cholic, com-
plicated with the gout in my stomach, that I am hardly able to
walk across the floor. The bearer will deliver you a packet
inclosing another copy for my friend Doctor Stuart. I am in
hopes he and his colleague will endeavor to forward the sub-
scriptions in this county. Mrs. Mason, and the family here, pre-
sent their compliments to you, your lady and Miss Bassett, with.
Dear Sir,
Your afifectionate and obedient servant,
G. Mason.*
In the letter to Robert Carter, George Mason says :
'' If upon consideration you approve the reasoning and the
principles upon which it is founded, I make no doubt you will
endeavor to promote the subscriptions in your part of the
country ; if they can be completed, and the Remonstrance
' Washington MSS.» SUte Department.
sent down to the Assembly, by the first or second week in
November, I presume it will be in good time." '
Washington wrote in reply to Colonel Mason :
j^ q Mount Vernon, October 3d, 1785.
I have this moment received yours of yesterday's date, enclos-
ing a memorial and remonstrance against the Assessment Bill,
which I will read with attention. At present I am unable to do
it, on account of company. The bill itself I do not recollect
ever to have read ; with attention I am certain I never did, but
will compare them together.
Although no man's sentiments are more opposed to any kind
of restraint upon religious principles than mine are, yet I must
confess, that I am not amongst the number of those, who are so
much alarmed at the thoughts of making people pay towards the
support of that which they profess, if of the denomination
of Christians, or declare themselves Jews, Mahometans, or other-
wise, and thereby obtain proper relief. As the matter now
stands, I wish an assessment had never been agitated, and as it
has gone so far, that the bill could die an easy death ; because I
think it will be productive of more quiet to the State, than by
enacting it into a law, which in my opinion would be impolitic
admitting there is a decided majority for it, to the disquiet of a
respectable minority. In the former case, the matter will soon
subside ; in the latter, it will rankle and perhaps convulse the
State. The dinner bell rings, and I must conclude with an
expression of my concern for your indisposition.
Sincerely and affectionately, I am, &:c.*
Councillor Carter's answer to George Mason was a more
emphatic condemnation of the proposed law. He wrote
from " Nomony Hall," October 15, 1785 :
" Sir :
'' Your favor inclosing a copy of a Remonstrance and Memo-
rial against a bill for establishing a provision for teachers of the
Christian religion was put into my hands this day. The violence
' MS. Letter.
• "Writings of Washington," Sparks, vol. xii.. Appendix, p. 404.
offered therein to the Declaration of Rights and the presumptu-
ous aid intended to Christ's visible church below, were very
alarming — and in the month of last June I joined some persons
in the lower counties in this neck in offering to the people, there,
a petition addressed to the General Assembly noting therein some
reasons against the bill and praying that it might be rejected. I
fully intend to present to the people to-morrow the Remonstrance
and Memorial." '
Many of the Virginia statesmen, however, still clung to the
principle of some compulsory law for the support of religion.
, Edmund Randolph, Patrick Henry, Richard Henry Lee, and
John Page of " Rosewell," afterwards Governor of Virginia,
all of them members of the Church of England, favored an
assessment by the State for this purpose. John Page wrote
to Jefferson in August, 1785 : " We have endeavored eight
years in vain to support the rational sects by voluntary con-
tributions." And the clergy of the former establishment
were many of them without the means of remaining in their
parishes. Yet churchmen such as George Mason, Madison,
and George Nicholas looked beyond the exigencies of the
hour, and were ready to sacrifice present convenience for the
sake of the principle involved. And theirs, which was the
religion of a majority of the landed gentry, was, of course,
the " rational sect " which suffered most from the new order
of things.
Colonel Mason wrote to Washingfton early in November,
making reference to the proceedings of the Assembly then
in session :
GuNSTON II ALL, Qth Novcmbcr, 1785.
Dear Sir :
The bearer waits on you with a side of venison (the first we
have killed this season), which I beg your acceptance of.
I have heard nothing from the Assembly except vague reports
of their being resolved to issue a paper currency ; upon what
principles or funds I know not ; perhaps upon the old threadbare
security of pledging solemnly the public credit. I believe such
* Carter letter-Books.
an experiment would prove similar to the old vulgar adage of
carrying a horse to the water. They may pass a law to issue it,
but twenty laws will not make people receive it.
I intended to go down to Richmond about the fifteenth of the
month to have reported the compact with the Maryland commis-
sioners, but I have lately had so severe a fit of the convulsive
colic, or the gout, in my stomach, that I dare not venture far
from home ; it held me from Sunday evening till Tuesday morn-
ing, and has left me so weak that I am hardly able to walk across
the floor.
We hope to hear that you, your lady, and family are well ; to
whom Mrs. Mason and the family here present their best compli-
ments, with those of, dear sir,
Your affectionate and obedient servant
G. Mason.'
Washington, in his diary, records a visit made to Colonel
Mason on the 25th of this month. He writes : " Set out
after breakfast, accompanied by Mr. G. Washingfton to make
Mr. Mason at Colchester a visit, but hearing on the road that
he had removed from there I turned in to Gunston Hall
where we dined and returned in the evening." * The two
friends doubtless discussed Assembly affairs, the Assessment
Bill, the paper-money question, the commercial compact with
Maryland, etc.
Madison had visited ** Mount Vernon " early in Septem-
ber and also on the 12th of October, staying until the 14th,
as we learn from Washingfton's diary. And it was probably
on the latter occasion that he went also to " Gunston Hall."
The constant attacks of illness, of which Colonel Mason
makes mention in his letters at this time, had prevented him
from going to Richmond with the report of the commission,
which he wished to lay before the Assembly, so he was
obliged to send it in a letter to the Speaker of the House.
He wrote, about the same time, to Madison :
» Washington MSS., State Department. Bancroft^ " History of the Consti-
tution/' vol. i., Appendix, p. 468.
' MS. Journals, Toner Transcripts.
GuNSTON Hall, December 7th, 1785.
Dear Sir :
I have had such frequent fits of the convulsive colic, compli-
cated with the gout in the stomach, since you were here, that I
dare not undertake a journey to Richmond ; and therefore, after
putting it off as long as I well could, in hopes of recovering such
health as would permit me to present the compact with the State
of Maryland, in person, I have now inclosed it in a letter to the
Speaker. I incurred a small expense of ^3 15 9, in waiting
three or four days in Alexandria for the Maryland commissioners ;
which the Assembly may repay me if they please, otherwise I am
very well satisfied without it. I also incurred an expense equal
to about ^5 in specie, attending the committee upon the revisal
of the laws in Fredericksburg, and about double that sum in
Williamsburg, at different times, after the sessions of Assembly
ended, in collecting evidence, and cross examining witnesses be-
tween the Commonwealth and Colonel Richard Henderson, in
the cause which I was directed to manage, by a vote of both
Houses ; but I never made any particular account of it.
I must intreat you, if you find it necessary, to make my apology
to the Assembly for having rather exceeded our authority. I gave
you the reasons in a former letter, soon after the meeting of the
commissioners ; but least you should not recollect them, I will
repeat them. . . . My paper draws to an end, and leaves me
only room to beg your attention to the inclosed memorandum, to
express my desire of hearing from you on the subject of the com-
pact, and such other public matters as you may have time to com-
municate, as soon as convenience will permit ; and to assure you
that I am with the most sincere esteem and regard.
Dear sir.
Your affectionate friend and obedient servant,
G. Mason.'
On the 13th of December the Speaker laid before the
House a letter from George Mason, Esq., enclosing the pro-
ceedings of the commissioners on the compact between the
States of Virginia and Maryland respecting the jurisdiction
and navigation of the rivers Potomac and Pokomoke ; which
* Madison MSS., State Department.
were read and referred to the Committee on Commerce, and,
on the 30th, the bill to ratify the compact passed the House.'
The compact consisted of a dozen articles on the jurisdiction
of the Chesapeake Bay and the two rivers mentioned, cover-
ing the items of tolls, Asheries, lighthouses, buoys, piracies,
etc. And the letter to the Speaker from the Virginia com-
missioners opened up other and wider views of the commis-
sion : such as the regulation of gold and silver money passing
current in the two States, bills of exchange, etc., duties on
imports or exports, which it was proposed should be settled
by an annual commission, appointed by the leg^islatures of
the two States, the number of the commissioners to be not
less than three or more than five from each State. The
conference at " Mount Vernon," as it proved, was the first
step in the direction of a new federal government. Mary-
land, in ratifying the compact and supplementary report of
the commission, proposed that Pennsylvania and Delaware
should be invited to unite in the same commercial system.
The Virginia legislature went still further. On the 21st of
January, 1786, at the close of the session, the following
resolution passed the House :
''That Edmund Randolph, James Madison, Walter Jones,
St. George Tucker, and Meriwether Smith be appointed com-j
missioners, who, or any of them, shall meet such commissioners;
as may be appointed by the other States of the Union at a time:
and place to be agreed on, to take into consideration the trade of \
the United States ; to examine the relative situations and trade
of the said States ; to consider how far a uniform system in their '
commercial regulations may be necessary to their common inter-
est and their permanent harmony ; and to report to the several
States, such an act relative to this great object as, when unani-!
mously ratified by them, will enable the United States in Congress
effectually to provide for the same." *
' Journal of the Assembly. This letter of George Mason to the Speaker,
etc. (as in the Madison MSS.), is in the State Library, Richmond.
* Journal of the Assembly.
At first only three commissioners were named, Tucker
and Smith were then added by the House, and when the
resolution was sent to the Senate it was amended by the
addition of three others — George Mason, William Ronald,
and David Ross. Ronald's name was struck out at his own
desire, but the rest stood. Madison thought that there were
too many, and that the multitude of associates would " stifle
the thing in its birth and was probably meant to do so." '
There had been much excitement in the Assembly over
the question of regulating trade ; on the one hand, lest the
power of the States should be abridged, and, on the other,
lest the power of Congress should be inadequate to the pur-
poses for which the Union had been formed. Mr. Tyler
introduced the proposition of a convention at the last
moment, having vainly sought an earlier opportunity to
eflfect his object. To invest Congress with the means of
regulating commerce, and yet insure certain qualifying
clauses, it was thought would satisfy both the friends of.
Congress and the upholders of the rights of the States, j
Colonel Mason's opinions on the subject were not clearly I
known. It was suspected that he was adverse to a stronger >
Union, and those who favored it desired to obtain an influ-
ence so important. Monroe wrote to Madison from New
York, where Congress was in session, on the 3d of Septem-
ber : " I consider the convention of Annapolis as a most
important era in our affairs. . . . Prevail, I beg of you,
on Colonel Mason to attend the convention. It will give
him data to act on afterward in the State." ' The convene
tion met on the nth of September, 1786, but George Masonl
did not attend, doubtless on account of the attacks of gout, \
from which he still suffered. Commissioners were present \
from four States only — New York, New Jersey, Pcnnsyl- 1
vania, and Virginia. Edmund Randolph, Madison, and I
St. George Tucker were the three delegates who at-
' '* Writings of Madison/' vol. i., p. 317. The names do not appear in the
printed journal of the Senate.
• Rives' " Life of Madison." vol. ii., p. 123.
- — ■ ■ - — ■ - . ■
tended from Virginia. The convention adjourned on the
I4thy proposing that all the States should meet in the '
following May at Philadelphia " to render the Constitution
adequate to the exigencies oif the Union." ,'
Monroe was uneasy at this time concerning the projects
of Jay and his party. He saw in them an attempt to break
up the Union, and he wrote to the prominent men in Vir-
ginia to ascertain and influence their views on the subject.
In a letter to Madison of the 29th of September, he says :
"I wrote some weeks since to Colonel Mason upon this
subject, at the time I wrote Governor Henry, but have received
no answer from him, from which circumstance, as well as that
of R. H. Lee*s being in the opposite sentiment, there is room to
conjecture he is not with us." *
It was generally taken for granted, it seems, that Lee and
Mason would concur in their political views. General Henry
Lee, who was in Congress at this time, also wrote to General
Washington, incidentally giving his testimony to the con-
sideration in which George Mason was held, and the desire
that was felt to bring him back into public life. In regard
to the navigation of the Mississippi, which Spain, in the pro-
jected treaty with her Jay was negotiating, proposed to close
to the United States for thirty years, he says : " Should this
matter come before our Assembly, much will depend on Mr.
Mason*s sentiments." And Washington replies on the 31st :
"Colonel Mason is at present in a fit of the gout. What
his sentiments on the subject are, I know not, nor whether he
will be able to attend the Assembly during the present session.
For some reasons, however, which need not be mentioned, I am
inclined to believe he will advocate the navigation of that river."'
There was another subject on which much was expected
from George Mason ; this was the question of emitting
* Buncroft's " History of the Constitution," vol. ii., p. 397.
'"Correspondence of the American Revolution," Sparks, vol. Iv., p. 140;
•• Writings of Washington,'* Sparks, vol. ix., p. 205.
paper money. And on the 12th of August Madison had
written to Jefferson, referring to the action of the several
States who advocated the measure : " Whether Vii^inia is to
remain exempt from the epidemic malady, will depend on
the ensuing Assembly. My hopes rest chiefly on the exer-
tions of Colonel Mason, and the failure of the experiment
ekewhere."* Bancroft says that aided by an unfavorable
balance of trade and the burden of heavy taxation, an effort,
it was known, would be made by Meriwether Smith and
others to issue a paper medium in 1786: ''Aware of the
danger, Washington insisted that George Mason should be
a candidate for the Assembly; and his election proved
a counterpoise to the public cry." * Colonel Mason had not
consented to serve again in the Assembly, but the honor
was forced upon him ; and Washington, in his journal of
April 17, 1786, speaks of going "up to Alexandria to an
election of delegates to represent the county, Colo. Mason
and Doctr. Stuart elected." And he adds, the "suffrages
of the people fell upon the first contrary to, and aft,er
he had declared he could not serve, and on the other
whilst he was absent at Richmond. Capt. West .who
had offered his services and was present was rejected.
The votes were, for Col. Mason 109, for Dr. Stuart 105,
and for Capt. West 84." " George Mason's health did not
permit him to attend at this year's session of the Assembly,
but he was present the following October. The question of
paper money was brought up 1786-7, and was defeated ;
its emission was denounced as " unjust, impolitic, and de-
structive of public confidence, and of that virtue which is the
basis of republican government." * George Nicholas headed
the long list of those who voted in favor of this resolution,
and doubtless George Mason's influence was felt here, as in
the assessment controversy, though he was not present. On
' ** Writings of Madison/' vol. i., p. 345.
• ** History of the Constitution," vol. i., p. 338.
' Washington's MS. Journals. Toner Transcripts.
^ Journal of the Assembly.
the 4th of December, 1786, the Assembly appointed seven ^
deputies to the convention in Pennsylvania, George Wash-
ington, Patrick Henry, Edmund Randolph, John Blair,
James Madison, George Mason, and George Wythe.* Pat-
rick Henry declined the appointment, and James McClurg
was nominated in his place.
But one letter of George Mason's, written in 1786, has
been preserved. This was addressed to "Col. John Fitz-
gerald, Merchant in Alexandria." It is on the subject of
Colonel Mason's tobacco shipments to Bordeaux, where he
hears of the failure of a certain house to which his consign-
ments had been sent: " I should think," he writes, "it will
be proper for me, without loss of time, to write to some
merchant of credit in Bordeaux, authorizing him to take
possession of the tobacco and sell it on my account, for
which purpose perhaps a power of attorney from me may
be necessary in case the authority merely of a letter should
be disputed. Mercantile transactions are so out of my line
of life that I am really at a loss how to proceed, and shall
be obliged to you for your advice."*
The year 1787 was to bring George Mason out of his
retirement into a wider field of action than he had ever r
before entered. He had come forward at the call of his
State to serve in the Federal Convention, a council to which
all were* now anxiously looking as the final effort to amend
the Union. It was to meet in Philadelphia in May. Madi- ;
son, who was an ardent advocate of a stronger federal gov-
ernment, wrote from Congress to Jefferson on the 23d of
April :
*' The prospect of a full and respectable convention grows
stronger every day. . . . Our Governor, Mr. Wythe, Mr.
Blair, and Col. Mason will pretty certainly attend. The last,
I am informed, is renouncing his errors on the subject of the
confederation, and means to take an active part in the amend-
ment of it."
' Journal of the Assembly. ' MS. Letter.
Vol. II.— 7
Colonel Mason's " errors," in the eyes of Madison, con-
sisted undoubtedly in his wholesome fears of drawing too
tight the bonds of union. With Patrick Henry and Richard
jHenry Lee he was jealous of unnecessary encroachments on
the sovereignty of Virginia. Edmund Randolph, then gov-
ernor, was at this time of the same party. The following
letters were written to Edmund Randolph in reply to the
latter, who had given Colonel Mason notice of the time
appointed for the meeting of the convention, and informed
him that the money to defray his expenses would be pro-
vided by the State.
(iUNSTON Hau., April 12th, 1787.
Dear Sir :
I have received your favour, notifying the time appointed for
the meeting of the deputies of the different States in the city
of Philadelphia, and informing me that the money was ready in
the treasury to be advanced us, for defraying our expenses ; this
last is, at present, an article of such importance to me, that
without it, I could hardly have attended ; having been dis-
appointed in the payment of several sums of tobacco sold ; so
that I have lately been obliged to commence suits in Virginia
and Maryland, for nearly the amount of six thousand pounds,
upon contracts, in which I expected punctuality.
I have desired the bearer, my neighbor Col. Wagener, to
bring me up, from the treasury, the sum of sixty pounds.
Should our stay in Philadelphia prove shorter than I expect,
whatever money may remain, more than my due, shall be punc-
tually returned. You will oblige me exceedingly in giving what-
ever directions may be necessary from the Executive, for remit-
ting the said sum of sixty pounds to me by Col. Wagener ; as I
shall not probably meet ^with another safe hand, in time.
I hope I shall have the pleasure of seeing you at Gunston
Hall, on your way to Philadelphia ; and have the honor to be,
with greatest respect,
Dear Sir,
Your most obedient servant,
G. Mason.'
' MS. Letter. The address is missing in the original.
GuNSTON Hall, April 33d, 1787.
Dear Sir :
I have received your favor by Col. Wagcncr with the sum of
sixty pounds from the treasury. I was unacquainted with the
sum allotted for each deputy, and was afraid of exceeding it.
Considering the number of deputies from the different States,
the great distance of some of them, and the probability that we
may be obliged to wait many days before a full meeting can be
obtained, we may, perhaps, be much longer from home than I at
first expected. I will, therefore, accept your very obliging offer
of getting the balance of the sum of ;£^ioo (vizt. ;£'4o), invested
for me in Philadelphia Bank notes, or good notes on Mr. Robert
Morris, either of which, I presume, will be equal to cash in the
city of Philadelphia, and you will do me the favor to bring them
up with you. Whatever remains more than our allowance of six
dollars per day, shall be punctually returned to the treasury.
I think to set out time enough to spend a day or two in
Annapolis, in order to have a little conversation with some of the
Maryland deputies on the subject of the convention, and if
the weather proves fine to cross the bay there ; otherwise to go
through Baltimore. I expect to have the pleasure of seeing you
at Gunston Hall on your way, and if you will do me the favor to
let me know at what time to expect you, I will regulate my
movements accordingly. I am, with the greatest regard and
esteem, dear Sir,
Your most obedient servant,
G. Mason.'
1 ««
Virginia Calendar Papers,*' vol. iv., p. 273.
May-July, 1787.
Of the Convention which framed the Constitution of the
United States, Flanders says :
"Over its delibentions presided Washington; the genial
wisdom of Franklin illastrated its debates; the trained mind,
extensiTe information and reflective habits of Madtscm ; the
fertile resonrccs, the ready and treachant talents of Gonventenr
Morris ; the liberal views and sound sense of Charles Coteswortb
PInckney ; the tnJUxibU iniegrity and unbendii^ rtp^MitoMum 0/
Celamel Mason ; the penetrating mind and persuasive eloquence
of Rnfus King, were all displaced on this conspicnons theatre,
and more or less determined the course and result of the Con-
vention." '
To this brilliant assemblage we now follow the subject of
our memoir. Colonel Mason arrived in Philadelphia the
17th of May, and two letters of his to George Mason, Jr.,
and one to Arthur Lee, bring us to the threshold of the new
scene in which he was to act such a conspicuous part.
" PBttADU.rMIA. Majr loth, 1787-
"Dear George:
" Upon our arrival here on Thursday evening, seventeenth May,
I found only the Sutes of Virginia and Pennsylvania fully repre-
sented ; and there are at this time only five — New York, the two
Carolinas, and the two before mentioned. All the States, Rhode
■ "CUef JoMkM of th« United Suies." vol. ii., p. 1*7.
Island excepted, have made their appointments ; but the mem-
bers drop in slowly ; some of the deputies from the Eastern
States are here, but none of them have yet a sufficient represen-
tation, and it will probably be several days before the Convention
will be authorized to proceed to business. The expectations and
hopes of all the Union centre in this Convention. God grant
that we may be able to concert effectual means of preserving
our country from the evils which threaten us.
"The Virginia deputies (who are all here) meet and confer
together two or three hours every day, in order to form a proper
correspondence of sentiments ; and for form's sake, to see what
new deputies are arrived, and to grow into some acquaintance
with each other, we regularly meet every day at three o'clock.
These and some occasional conversations with the deputies of
different States, and with some of the general officers of the late
army (who are here upon a general meeting of the Cincinnati),
are the only opportunities I have hitherto had of forming any
opinion upon the great subject of our mission, and, consequently,
a very imperfect and indecisive one. Yet, upon the great princi-
ples of it, I have reason to hope there will be greater unanimity
and less opposition, except from the little States, than was at first
apprehended. The most prevalent idea in the principal States
seems to be a total alteration of the present federal system, and
substituting a great national council or parliament, consisting of
two branches of the legislature, founded upon the principles of
equal proportionate representation, with full legislative powers
upon all the subjects of the Union ; and an executive : and to
make the several State legislatures subordinate to the national,
by giving the latter the power of a negative upon all such laws
as they shall judge contrary to the interest of the federal Union.
It is easy to foresee that there will be much difficulty in organizing
a government upon this great scale, and at the same time reserv-
ing to the State legislatures a sufficient portion of power for
promoting and securing the prosperity and happiness of their
respective citizens ; yet with a proper degree of coolness, liberal-
ity and candor (very rare commodities by the bye), I doubt not
but it may be effected. There are among a variety some very
eccentric opinions upon this great subject ; and what is a very
extraordinary phenomenon, we are likely to find the republicans,
on this occasion, issue from the Southern and Middle States, and
the anti-republicans from the Eastern ; however extraordinary
this may at first seem, it may, I think be accounted for from a
very common and natural impulse of the human mind. Men
disappointed in expectations too hastily and sanguinely formed^
tired and disgusted with the unexpected evils they have experi-
enced, and anxious to remove them as far as possible, are very
apt to run into the opposite extreme ; and the people of the
Eastern States, setting out with more republican principles, have
consequently been more disappointed than we have been.
"We found travelling very expensive — from eight to Aine
dollars per day. In this city the living is cheap. We are at the
old Indian Queen in Fourth Street, where we are very well accom-
modated, have a good room to ourselves, and are charged only
twenty-five Pennsylvania currency per day, including our servants
and horses, exclusive of club in liquors and extra charges ; so
that I hope I shall be able to defray my expenses with my public
allowance, and more than that I do not wish."
Philadelphia, May ai, 1787.
Dear Sir :
I take the opportunity by Col. Carrington of returning the
papers you left in my hands, when I had the pleasure of your
company at Gunston Hall.
I arrived in this city on Thursday evening last, but found so
few of the deputies here from the several States that I am unable
to form any certain opinion on the subject of our mission. The
most prevalent idea I think at present is a total change of the
federal system, and instituting a great national council or parlia-
ment upon the principles of equal, proportionate representation,
consisting of two branches of the legislature invested with full
legislative powers upon the objects of the Union ; and to make
the State legislatures subordinate to the national by giving to the
latter a negative upon all such laws as they judge contrary to the
principles and interest of the Union ; to iestablish also a national
executive, and a judiciary system with cognizance of all such mat-
ters as depend upon the law of nations, and such other objects as
the local courts of justice may be inadequate to.
' Bancroft's " History of the Constitution,** vol. ii.. Appendix, p. 421.
I shall do myself the honor of corresponding with you from
time to time, and shall be much obliged to you for your senti-
ments upon the important subjects that will be agitated in this
Convention, upon which the prosperity and the safety of our
country will so materially depend.
I have received your favor by Major Jackson ; nothing that I
have heard has yet been mentioned upon this subject among the
deputies now here ; though I understand there are several candi-
dates, which I am surprised at^ as the office will be of so short
duration, and merely honorary, or possibly introductory to some*
thing more substantial.
I am with the greatest esteem and regard
Dear Sir
Your most obedient servant
G. Mason.
The Honorable Arthur Lee, Esq :
New York.'
Philadelphia, May 27, 1787.
Dear George :
I wrote you by the post a few days after my arrival in this
city. I shall be glad to know whether my letter has come safe
to hand, as also the letters I wrote from Baltimore to your
brothers William and Thomson, to which I have not yet received
any answer. I wish to be informed also whether you have had
any good rains and what prospect of the crops of wheat and
tobacco. It is impossible to judge how long we shall be de-
tained here, but from present appearances I fear until July, if
not later. I begin to grow heartily tired of the etiquette and
nonsense so fashionable in this city. It would take me some
months to make myself master of them, and that it should
require months to learn what is not worth remembering as many
minutes, is to me so discouraging a circumstance as determines
me to give myself no manner of trouble about them. I have not
yet been able to do anything respecting your brother John, and
fear I shall meet with much difficulty on that subject.
' MS. Letter (published in " Life of A.* vol. ii., p. 319). On the same
sheet of the original are given seven amendments to the Constitution — in the
handwriting of Arthur Lee. See Appendix ii. The biographer of Arthur Lee
regrets " the loss of the residue of the valuable letters of G. Mason."
Wc had yesterday, for the first time, a representation of seven
States — New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Vir-
ginia, and the two Carolinas, and it is expected that the deputies
from Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Georgia will be here by
Monday or Tuesday. The State of Rhode Island has refused
to appoint deputies, and although New Hampshire has appointed
it is thought we shall be deprived of their representation by no
provision having been made for defraying their expenses. The
State of Delaware has tied up the hands of her deputies by an
express direction to retain the principle in the present Con-
federation of each State having the same vote ; no other State^
so far as we have yet seen, hath restrained its deputies on any
Nothing was done yesterday but unanimously appointing
General Washington President ; Major Jackson (by a majority of
five States to two) Secretary ; reading the credentials from the
different States on the floor, and appointing a committee to draw
up and report the rules of proceeding. It is expected our doors
will be shut, and communications upon the business of the Con-
vention be forbidden during its sitting. This I think myself a
proper precaution to prevent mistakes and misrepresentation
until the business shall have been completed, when the whole
may have a very different complexion from that in which the
several crude and indigested parts might in their first shape
appear if submitted to the public eye.
Present me kindly to Betsy, to the family at Gunston, to Mr.
McCarty and Sallie, and to all our friends.
I am, dear George,
Your affectionate father,
G. Mason.'
Richard Henry Lee had declined a seat in the Conven-
tion, wishing to leave himself free to act in Congress as his
convictions should determine. He wrote to George Mason^
giving his views in regard to the changes to be desired,
knowing that Colonel Mason would be likely to forward
' Mason Papers.
May 15, 1787, Chantilly.
Dear Sir — It has given me much pleasure to be informed that
General Washington and yourself have gone to the Convention.
We may hope, from such efforts, that alterations beneficial will
take place in our Federal Constitution, if it shall be found, on
deliberate inquiry, that the evils now felt do flow from errors in
that constitution ; but, alas ! sir, I fear it is more in vicious
manners, than mistakes in form, that we must seek for the
causes of the present discontent. The present causes of com-
plaint seem to be, that Congress cannot command the money
necessary for the just purposes of paying debts, or for support-
ing the federal government ; and that they cannot make treaties
of commerce, unless power unlimited, of regulating trade be
given. The Confederation now gives right to name the sums
necessary, and to apportion the quotas by a rule established.
This rule is, unfortunately, very difficult of execution, and,
therefore, the recommendations of Congress on this subject
have not been made in federal mode ; so that States have
thought themselves justified in non-compliance. If the rule
were plain and easy, and refusal were then to follow demand, I
see clearly, that no form of government whatever, short of force,
will answer ; for the same want of principle that produces
neglect now, will do so under any change not supported by power
compulsory ; the difficulty certainly is, how to give this power in
such manner as that it may only be used to good, and not abused
to bad, purposes. Whoever shall solve this difficulty will receive
the thanks of this and future generations. With respect to the
want of power to make treaties of trade, for want of legislation,
to regulate the general commerce, it appears to me, that the
right of making treaties, and the legislative power contended for
are essentially different things ; the former may be given and
executed, without the danger attending upon the States parting
with their legislative authority, in the instance contended for.
If the third paragraph of the sixth article were altered, by
striking out the words, in pursuance of any treaties already pro-
posed by Congress, to the courts of France and Spain ; and the
proviso stricken out of the first section in the ninth article, Con-
gress would then have a complete and unlimited right of making
treaties of all kinds, and, so far, I really think it both right and
necessary ; but this is very different from, and in danger far
short of, giving an exclusive power of regulating trade. A min-
ister of Congress may go to a foreign court with full power to
make a commercial treaty ; but if he were to propose to such
court that the eight northern States in this Union, should have
the exclusive right of carrying the products of the five southern
States, or of supplying these States with foreign articles, such a
proposition of monopoly would be rejected ; and, therefore, no
danger here from the power of making treaty ; but a legislative
right to regulate trade through the States may, in a thousand
artful modes, be so abused as to produce the monopoly aforesaid,
to the extreme oppression of the staple States, as they are called.
I do not say that this would be done, but I contend that it
might be done ; and, where interest powerfully prompts, it is
greatly to be feared that it would be done. Whoever has served
long in Congress, knows that the restraint of making the consent
of nine States necessary, is feeble and incompetent. Some will
sometimes sleep, and some will be negligent, but it is certain that
improper power not given cannot be improperly used.
The human mind is too apt to rush from one extreme to
another ; it appears, by the objections that came from the differ-
ent States, when the Confederation was submitted for considera-
tion, that the universal apprehension was, of the too great, not
the defective powers of Congress. Whence this immense change
of sentiment, in a few years ? for now the cry is power, give Con-
gress power. Without reflecting that every free nation, that hath
ever existed, has>lost its liberty by the same rash impatience, and
want of necessary caution. I am glad, however, to find, on this
'occasion, that so many gentlemen, of competent years, are sent
to the Convention, for, certainly, *' youth is the season of credu-
lity, and confidence a plant of slow growth in an aged bosom."
The States have been so unpardonably remiss, in furnishing their
federal quotas, as to make impost necessary, for a term of time,
with a provisional security, that the money arising shall be un-
changeably applied to the payment of their public debts ; that
accounts of the application, shall be annually sent to each State ;
and the collecting officers appointed by, and be amenable to the
States : or, if not so, very strong preventives and correctives of
official abuse and misconduct, interpose, to shield the people from
oppression. Give me leave, sir, to detain you a moment longer,
with a proposition that I have not heard mentioned. It is that
the right of making paper money shall be exclusively vested in
Congress ; such a right will be clearly within the spirit of the
fourth section of the ninth article of the present confederation.
This appears to me, to be a restraint of the last importance to the
peace and happiness of the Union, and of every part of it
Knaves assure, and fools believe, that calling paper money, and
making it tender, is the way to be rich and happy; thus the
national mind is kept in constant ferment ; and the public coun-
cils in continual disturbance by the intrigues of wicked men, for
fraudulent purposes, for speculating designs. This would be a
great step towards correcting morals, and suppressing legislative
frauds, which, of all frauds, is the most hateful to society. Do
you not think, sir, that it ought to be declared, by the new system,
that any State act of legislation that shall contravene, or oppose,
the authorized acts of Congress, or interfere with the expressed
rights of that body, shall be ipso facto void, and of no force what-
soever ?
My respects, if you please, to your brethren of the Convention,
from this State, and pardon me for the liberty I have taken of
troubling you with my sentiments on the interesting business that
calls you to Philadelphia. I have the honour to be, with affec-
tionate esteem and regard.
Your friend and servant,
Richard Henrv Lee.
George Mason, Esq.*
The Convention met on Friday, the 25th of May, seven '
States being represented. On the following Monday nine/
other deputies took their seats, and Connecticut and Mary-
land were added to the number of States present. The rules
as reported were read. Mr. King of Massachusetts objected
to that one authorizing any member to call for the yeas and
nays and have them entered on the minutes. Colonel Mason
seconded the objection, adding " that such a record of the
opinions of members would be an obstacle to a change of
I •«
Life of Richftrd H. Lee," vol. ii., p. 71.
them on conviction ; and in case of its being hereafter pro-
mulgated must furnish handles to the adversaries of the
result of the meeting." ' The rule was then rejected. Madi-
'son tells us in his report of these debates that previous to
the opening of the Convention it had been a subject of dis-
cussion among the members present, as to how the States
should vote in the Convention. Several of the members
from Pennsylvania had urged that the large States unite in
refusing to the small States an equal vote, but Virginia, be-
lieving this to be injudicious if not unjust " discountenanced
and stifled the project." On the 29th the real business of
the Convention was opened by Edmund Randolph, who as
Governor of Virginia was put forward as spokesman by his
colleagues. He began by saying that as the Convention had
originated from Virginia, and the delegation from this State
supposed that some proposition was expected from them,
the task had been imposed on him. After enumerating the
defects of the Confederation, he detailed the remedy pro-
posed. This latter was set forth in fifteen resolutions and
was called afterwards the Virginia plan of government.
Charles Pinckney from South Carolina had also a draft of a
federal government, which was read and like the former re-
ferred to a committee of the whole House.
The first proposition debated was a resolution presented
by Edmund Randolph but formulated by Gouvemeur Mor-
ris, " That a national government ought to be established
consisting of a Supreme Legislative, Executive, and Judici-
ary." Here South Carolina asked if Mr. Randolph meant to
abolish the State governments. Doubts were expressed by
members from Massachusetts and South Carolina whether
the deputies could discuss a system founded on different
principles from the Federal Constitution. Gouverneur Mor-
ris explained the difference, as he conceived it, between a
federal and a national government. The term federal, how-
ever, was to change its signification, and to be used by the
advocates of a '* national government " to describe themselves.
' " Madison Papers," vol. ii., p. 724.
George Mason spoke after Mr. Morris, and put his finger on
one of the chief weaknesses of the existing system. He ob-
served, " not only that the present Confederation was defi- '
cient in not providing for coercion and punishment against •
delinquent States, but argued very cogently that punishment
could not in the nature of things be executed on the States
collectively, and therefore that such a government was neces-
sary as could directly operate on individuals, and would
punish those only whose guilt required it." * This was a
cardinal principle, that coercion could not be used against
States. And here George Mason was in direct opposition to
a clause in the sixth resolution of the Virginia plan, as pre-
sented by Edmund Randolph, which declared that the
National or Federal legislature should have the power " to
call forth the force of the Union against any member of the
Union failing to fulfil its duty under the Articles thereof."
Of all the Virginia delegation, apparently, Washington,
Madison, Randolph, McClurg, and Mason, the latter alone
saw clearly the danger here, and he was the first one in the
Convention to suggest the solution of the difficulty which
was subsequently adopted.
On the 31st of May Georgia was represented in the Con-
vention, making ten States present. It was agreed without
debate on this day that the " National Legislature " ought
to consist of two branches, but the succeeding resolution,
that the members of the first branch ought to be elected by
the people of the several States, provoked some discussion.
It was opposed, says Yates, " strange to tell by Massachu-
setts and Connecticut, who supposed they ought to be
chosen by the legislatures ; and Virginia supported the re-
solve, alleging that this ought to be the democratic branch of
government, and as such immediately vested in the people." •
Colonel Mason spoke first after Sherman and Gerry, and
Madison followed after Wilson, of Pennsylvania, all three of
the latter contending for an election of the larger branch of
' IHd,, p. 748.
* Yates* Minutes, Elliot's " Debates," second edition, 1861, vol. i., p. 392.
Congress by the people. " It was to be," said George
Mason, " the grand depository of the democratic principle
of the government. It was, so to speak, to be our House
of Commons. It ought to know and sympathize with every
part of the community ; and ought therefore to be taken,
not only from different parts of the whole republic, but also
from different districts of the larger members of it ; which
had in several instances, particularly in Virginia, different
interests and views arising from difference of produce, of
habits, etc. He admitted that we had been too demo-
cratic, but was afraid we should incautiously run into the
opposite extreme. We ought to attend to the rights of
every class of the people. He had often wondered at the
indifference of the superior classes of society to this dictate
of humanity and policy; considering, that, however afflu-
ent their circumstances, or elevated their situations, might
be, the course of a few years not only might, but certainly
would, , distribute their posterity throughout the lowest
classes of society. Every selfish motive, therefore, every
family attachment, ought to recommend such a system of
policy as would provide no less carefully for the rights
and happiness of the lowest, than of the highest, order of
citizens.' *
On the 1st of June the Convention considered the ques-
tion of the Executive. It was moved that his term of office
should be for seven years, though others advocated three
years, providing for re-eligibility. George Mason " was for
seven years at least, and for prohibiting a re-eligibility, as the
best expedient, both for preventing the effect of a false
complaisance on the side of the Legislature towards unfit
characters ; and a temptation on the side of the Executive to
intrigue with the Legislature for a re-appointment." * And
seven years was the term then agreed upon. On the mode of
appointing the Executive, whether it should be by Congress,
as proposed in the Virginia plan, or by the people, as was
moved at this time, there was some debate. George Mason
* " Madison Papers," vol. ii., p. 754. * Ibid,, p. 766.
• - — -^- - - , ^ ^-^_^^^.^^_
advocated the latter mode '' but thought it impracticable.
He wished, however, that Mr. Wilson, who had suggested
the election by the people might have time to digest it in
his own form." ' On the following day the subject was
renewed, but the plan of Presidential Electors was not agreed
to. In regard to a resolution " that the Executive be made
removable by the National Legislature," George Mason said :
" Some mode of displacing an unfit magistrate is rendered
indispensable by the fallibility of those who choose, as well
as by the corruptibility of the man chosen. He opposed
decidedly the making the Executive the mere creature of
the Legislature, as a violation of the fundamental principles
of good government"*
The vote on the question of a single Executive was taken
on Monday, the 4th of June. Colonel Mason happened
not to be in the House at the time, but he was known to be,
opposed to the resolve. Later in the day he spoke against
vesting the executive powers in a single person. Among
these powers, he went on to say, was that of appointing to
offices in certain cases.
'* The probable abuses of a negative had been well explained
by Dr. Franklin, as proved by experience, the best of all tests.
Will not the same door be opened here ? The Executive may
refuse its assent to necessary measures, till new appointments
shall be referred to him ; and having by degrees engrossed
all these into his own hands, the American Executive, like the
British, will, by bribery and influence, save himself the trouble
and odium of exerting his negative afterwards. We are, Mr.
Chairman, going very far in this business. We are not, indeed,
constituting a British government, but a more dangerous mon-
archy, an elective one. We are introducing a new principle into
our system, and not necessary, as in the British government,
where the executive has greater rights to defend. Do gentlemen
mean to pave the way to hereditary monarchy ? Do they flatter
themselves that the people will ever consent to such an inno-
vation ? If they do, I venture to tell them, they are mistaken.
» IHd,, p. 768. • iHd,, p. 776.
The people never will consent. And do gentlemen consider the
danger of delay, and the still greater danger of a rejection, not
for a moment, but forever, of the plan which shall be proposed to
them ? Notwithstanding the oppression and injustice experi-
enced among us from democracy, the genius of the people is in
favor of it ; and the genius of the people must be consulted. He
could not but consider the Federal system as in effect dissolved
by the appointment of this convention to devise a better one.
And do gentlemen look forward to the dangerous interval
between extinction of an old, and the establishment of a new,
government ; and to the scenes of confusion which may ensue ?
He hoped that nothing like a monarchy would ever be attempted
in this country. A hatred to its oppressions had carried the
people through the late Revolution. Will it not be enough
to enable the Executive to suspend offensive laws, till they shall
be coolly revised, and the objections to them overruled by a
greater majority than was required in the first instance? He
never could agree to give up all the rights of the people to
a single magistrate. If more than one had been fixed on,
greater powers might have been entrusted to the Executive.
He hoped this attempt to give such powers would have its
weight hereafter, as an argument for increasing the number of
the executive." *
George Mason's views on the subject of the Executive are
further elaborated in the following speech, which is pre-
served in manuscript, and which is undated, but was evi-
dently written for delivery in the Convention at this or a
subsequent period.
'* It is not yet determined how the Executive is to be regulated,
whether it is to act solely from its own judgment, or with
the advice of others ; whether there is, or is not to be a council
annexed to it, and if a council how far their advice shall operate
in controlling the judgment of the supreme magistracy. If there
is no Council of State and the executive power be vested in
a single person, what are the provisions for its proper operation,
» Ibid,, p. 787.
upon casual disability by sickness or otherwise. These are sub-
jects which must come under our consideration, and perhaps
some of the most important objections would be obviated by
placing the executive power in the hands of three, instead of one
'* There is also to be a council of revision, invested, in a great
measure, with a power of negative upon the laws ; and an idea
has been suggested, either within or without doors, that this
council should be formed of the principal officers of the state,
I presume of the members of the Treasury Board, the Board of
War, the Navy Board, and the Department for Foreign Affairs.
It is unnecessary, if not improper, to examine this part of the
subject now, but I will venture to hazard an opinion, when
it comes to be thoroughly investigated, that we can hardly find
worse materials out of which to create a council of revision,
or more improper or unsafe hands in which to place the power
of a negative upon our laws. It is proposed, I think, sir, in the
plan upon your table, that this council of revision shall be
formed out of the members of the Judiciary departments joined
with the Executive ; and I am inclined to think, when the subject
shall be taken up, it may be demonstrated, that this will be the
wisest and safest mode of constituting this important council of
revision. But the federal inferior courts of justice must, I pre-
sume, be fixed in the several respective States, and consequently
most of them at a great distance from the seat of the federal
government. The almost continual operation of the council
of revision upon the acts of the national parliament, and upon
their negative of the acts of the several State legislatures, will
require that this council should be easily and speedily convened,
and consequently, that only the judges of the Supreme Federal
Court, fixed near the seat of government, can be members of it.
Their number will be small. By placing the Executive in three
persons, instead of one, we shall not only increase the number of
the council of revision (which I have endeavored to show will
want increasing), but by giving to each of the three a vote in the
council of revision, we shall increase the strength of the Execu-
tive in that particular circumstance in which it will most want
strength — in the power of defending itself against the encroach-
ments of the legislature. These, I must acknowledge, are, with
Vol. 11—8
;me, weighty considerations for vesting the Executive rather in
three than in one person.
' " The chief advantages which have been urged in favor of unity
in the Executive, are the secresy, the dispatch, the vigor and
energy which the government will derive from it, especially in
time of war. That these are great advantages, I shall most
readily allow. They have been strongly insisted on by all
monarchical writers ; they have been acknowledged by the ablest
and most candid defenders of republican government; and it
cannot be denied that a monarchy possesses them in a much
greater degree than a republic. Yet perhaps a little reflection
may incline us to doubt whether these advantages are not greater
in theory than in practice, or lead us to enquire whether there is
not some pervading principle in republican government which
sets at naught and tramples upon this boasted superiority, as
hath been experienced to their cost, by most monarchies which
have been imprudent enough to invade or attack their republi-
can neighbors, f This invincible principle is to be found in the
love, the affection, the attachment of the citizens to their laws»
to their freedom, and to their country. Every husbandman will
be quickly converted into a soldier when he knows and feels
that he is to fight not in defence of the rights of a particular
family, or a prince, but for his own. This is the true construc-
tion of the pro arts et focis which has, in all ages, performed such
wonders. ' It was this which in ancient times enabled the little
cluster of Grecian republics to resist, and almost constantly to
defeat, the Persian monarch. It was this which supported the
States of Holland against a body of veteran troops through a
thirty years' war^with Spain, then the greatest monarchy in
Europe, and finally rendered them victorious. { It is this which
preserves the freedom and independence of the Swiss Cantons in
the midst of the most powerful nations. ' And who that reflects
seriously upon the situation of America, in the beginning of the
late war — ^without arms — without soldiers — without trade, money
or credit, in a manner destitute of all resources, but must ascribe
our success to this pervading, all-powerful principle ?
" We have not yet been able to define the powers of the Execu-
tive, and however moderately some gentlemen may talk or think
upon the subject, I believe there is a general tendency to a strong
Executive, and I am inclined to think a strong Executive necessary. ^
If strong and extensive powers are vested in the Executive, and
that executive consists only of one person, the government will
of course degenerate (for I will call it degeneracy) into a mon*
archy — a government so contrary to the genius of the people
that they will reject even the appearance of it. I consider the
federal government as in some measure dissolved by the meeting
of this Convention. Are there no dangers to be apprehended
from procrastinating the time between the breaking up of this
Assembly and the adoption of a new system of government ? I
dread the interval. If it should not be brought to an issue in
the course of the first year the consequences may be fatal. Have
not the different parts of this extensive government, the several
States of which it is composed a right to expect an equal partici-
pation in the Executive, as the best means of securing an equal
attention to their interests ? Should an insurrection, a rebellion
or invasion happen in New Hampshire when the single supreme
magistrate is a citizen of Georgia, would not the people of New
Hampshire naturally ascribe any delay in defending them to such
a circumstance and vice versa f ( li the Executive is vested in
three persons, one chosen from the Northern, one from the
Middle, and one from the Southern States, will it not contribute
to quiet the minds of the people and convince them that there
will be proper attention paid to their respective concerns ? Will
not three men so chosen bring with them, into office, a more per-
fect and extensive knowledge of the real interests of this great
Union ? { Will not such a mode of appointment be the most
effectual means of preventing cabals and intrigues between the
legislature and the candidates for this office, especially with
those candidates who from their local situation, near the seat of
the federal government, will have the greatest temptations and
the greatest opportunities ? Will it not be the most effectual
means of checking and counteracting the aspiring views of
dangerous and ambitious men, and consequently the best secur-
ity for the stability and duration of our government upon the
invaluable principles of liberty ? These Sir, are some of my
motives for preferring an Executive consisting of three persons
rather than of one." '
' Mason Papers.
Edmund Randolph advocated in the Convention this sug-
gestion of his colleague, that the Executive should consist
of three members, taken from the three sections of the
country. .
On Wednesday, June 6th, the important question was.,
debated as to the election of the first branch of the legis-
lature. Should it be by the State legislatures or by the
people ? The latter method, embraced in the Virginia plan,
was now advocated by both Madison and Mason. " Under
the existing Confederacy," said George Mason, " Congress
represent the States and not the people of the States ; their
acts operate on the States, not on the individuals. The case
will be changed in the new plan of government. The people
will be represented ; they ought therefore to choose the
Representatives. The requisites in actual representation
are, that the Representatives should sympathize with their
constituents ; should think as they think, and feel as they
feel ; and that for these purposes they should be residents
among them. Much, he said, had been alleged against
democratic elections. He admitted that much might be
said ; but it was to be considered that no government was
free from imperfections and evils ; and that improper elec-
tions in many instances were inseparable from republican
governments. But compare these with the advantage of
this form, in favor of the rights of the people, in favor
of human nature! He was persuaded there was a better
chance for proper elections by the people, if divided into
large districts, than by the State Legislatures. Paper-money
had been issued by the latter, when the former were against
it. Was it to be supposed that the State Legislatures, then,
would not send to the National Legislature patrons of such
projects, if the choice depended on them." * The Conven-
tion recurring again to the Executive, the resolution to
give the latter power, with the assistance of some of the
judiciary, to revise the laws passed by the legislature, was
reconsidered, and Colonel Mason was for " giving all possi-
* •* Madison Pai>crs," vol. ii., p. 803.
ble weight to the revisionary institution. The executive
power," he thought, " ought to be well secured against
legislative usurpations on it. The purse and the sword
ought never to get into the same hands, whether legislative
or executive." '
On the following day another great point in the forma-
tion of the Constitution was debated. The motion was
made by Mr. Dickinson for the appointment of the Senate
by the State legislatures, and carried in the affirmative.
George Mason was the last one to speak on this occasion.
" Whatever power," he said, " may be necessary for the
national government, a certain portion must necessarily be
left with the States. It is impossible for one power to
pervade the extreme parts of the United States, so as to
carry equal justice to them. The State Legislatures also
ought to have some means of defending themselves against
encroachments of the national government. In every other
department we have studiously endeavoured to provide for
its self-defence. Shall we leave the States alone unprovided
with the means for this purpose? And what better means
can we provide, than the giving them some share in, or
rather to make them a constituent part of, the national
establishment ? There is danger on both sides, no doubt ;
but we have only seen the evils arising on the side of the
State governments. Those on the other side remain to be
displayed. The example of Congress does not apply.
Congress had no power to carry their acts into execution, as
the national government will have." • The thirteenth resolu-
tion of the Virginia plan, providing for making amendments
to the Constitution without the assent of the legislature of
the Union, came up for consideration on the nth, and
Colonel Mason urged the necessity of such a provision :
" The plan now to be formed will certainly be defective, as the
Confederation has been found on trial to be. Amendments, there-
fore, will be necessary ; and it will be better to provide for them
» IHd,, p. 8ii. • IHd,, p. 82a
in an easy, regular and constitutional way, than to trust to chance
and violence. It would be improper to require the consent of
the national legislature, because they may abuse their power,
and refuse their assent on that very account. The opportunity
for such an abuse may be the fault of the Constitution calling
for amendment." *
George Mason seconded a motion made by Madison the
following day, relating to the payment of members of the
federal legislature. He thought " that it would be improper
to leave the wages to be regulated by the States, — first the
different States would make different provision for their
representatives, and an inequality would be felt among them,
whereas he thought they ought to be in all respects equal ;
secondly, the parsimony of the States might reduce the
provision so low, that, as had already happened in choosing
delegates to Congress, the question would be, not who were
most fit to be chosen, but who were most willing to serve." •
The qualification for the age of Senators was fixed at thirty.
Among George Mason's memoranda of the Convention are
this note and resolve, showing his agency in an important
part of the Convention's work :
*' G. Mason begs the favor of Maj. Jackson to correct the
following Resolution, in the manner it hath been agreed to by
the Convention.
'' 4. Resolved, That the members of the second branch of the
legislature of the United States ought to be chosen by the indi-.
vidual legislatures, to be of the age of thirty years at least, to
hold their offices for the term of six years, one third to go out
biennially ; to be ineligible to and incapable of holding any office
under the authority of the United States, except those peculiarly
belonging to the functions of the second branch, during the
term for which they were chosen and for one year thereafter.***
The Committee of the Whole had debated from day to
day the resolutions contained in the Virginia plan, and on
* IHd,» p. 844. * Ibid,^ p. 849. ' Mas(in l*a|>ers.
the 13th of June they reported nineteen resolutions based
upon those of Virginia, forming a system of government in
outline. On the following day Mr. Paterson, of New Jersey,
asked for time to prepare another plan founded on the Ar-
ticles of Confederation. This was submitted to the Conven-
tion on the 15th. The Virginia and the New Jersey plan
were contrasted briefly by one of the members :
Virginia plan proposes two branches in the legislature.
Jersey, a single legislative body.
Virginia, the legislative powers derived from the people.
Jersey, from the States.
Virginia, a single executive.
Jersey, more than one.
Virginia, a majority of the legislature can act.
Jersey, a small majprity can control.
Virginia, the legislature can legislate on all national concerns.
Jersey, only on limited objects.
Virginia, legislature to negative all State laws.
Jersey, giving power to the executive to compel obedience
by force.
Virginia, to remove the executive by impeachment.
Jersey, on application of a majority of the States.
Virginia, for the establishment of inferior judiciary tribunals.
Jersey, no provision.'
Neither of these plans commended themselves to men like
Hamilton, who wanted a strong government, and were
afraid of democracy or giving power to the people. He
thought the Virginia plan " but pork still with a little change
of the sauce.'* The Articles of Confederation amended, as
in the New Jersey plan, set forth a government approved of
by the opposite wing of the Convention, consisting of men
like Lansing, who professed an ultra devotion to the rights
and autonomy of the States, yet strangely enough were
ready to admit the use of force against them by the general
government. George Mason, more consistent both as a
' Yates' Minutes, Elliot, vol. i., p 414.
champion of State sovereignty and a believer in the rights
of the people, sought to give each idea its practical exposi>
tion in the new government. Irt a debate, June 20th, on
giving two branches to the legislature, Colonel Mason
summed up the arguments in its favor, replying to those
who opposed it. Paterson's propositions had been re.
jected by the committee the day before, and the nineteen
resolutions based on the Virginia plan were again reported.
The second resolution referred to the constitution of the
'' He did not expect this point would have been reagitated.
The essential differences between the two plans had been clearly
stated. The principal objections against that of Mr. Randolph
were, the want of power ^ and the want of practicability. There
can be no weight in the first, as the fiat is not to be here^ but in the
people. [The power in the Convention to frame an entirely new
Constitution is meant here.] He thought with his colleague (Mr.
Randolph) that there were, besides, certain crises, in which all
the ordinary cautions yielded to public necessity. He gave as
an example, the eventual treaty with Great Britain, in forming
which the Commissioners of the United States had boldly disre-
garded the improvident shackles of Congress ; had given to their
country an honorable and happy peace, and instead of being
censured for the transgression of their powers had raised to
themselves a monument more durable than brass. The imprac^
ticability of gaining the public concurrence, he thought, was still
more groundless. Mr. Lansing had cited the attempts of Con>
gress to gain an enlargement of their powers, and had inferred,
from the miscarriage of these attempts, the hopelessness of the
plan which he (Mr. Lansing) opposed. He thought a very dif-
ferent inference ought to have been drawn, viz., that the plan
which Mr. Lansing espoused, and which proposed to augment
the powers of Congress, never could be expected to succeed. He
meant not to throw any reflections on Congress as a body, much
less on any particular members of it. He meant, however, to
speak his sentiments without reserve on this subject ; it was a
privilege of age, and perhaps the only compensation which nature
had given for the privation of so many other enjoyments ; and
he should not scruple to exercise it freely. Is it to be thought
that the people of America, so watchful over their interests, so
jealous of their liberties, will give up their all, will surrender
both the sword and the purse, to the same body, — and that, too,
not chosen immediately by themselves ? They never will. They
never ought. Will they trust such a body with the regulation of
their trade, with the regulation of their taxes, with all the other
great powers which are in contemplation ? Will they give un-
bounded confidence to a secret journal, — to the intrigues, to the
factions, which in the nature of things appertain to such an
assembly ? If any man doubts the existence of these characters
of Congress, let him consult their Journals for the years seventy-
eight, seventy-nine, and eighty. It will be said, that if the people
are averse to parting with power, why is it hoped that they will
part with it to a national legislature ? The proper answer is,
that in this case they do not part with power ; they only transfer
it from one set of immediate representatives to another set.
Much has been said of the unsettled state of the mind of the
people. He believed the mind of the people of America, as
elsewhere, was unsettled as to some points, but settled as to
others. In two points he was sure it was well settled, — first, in
an attachment to republican government ; secondly, in an attach-
ment to more than one branch in the legislature. Their consti-
tutions accord so generally in both these circumstances, that
they seem almost to have been preconcerted. This must either
have been a miracle, or have resulted from the genius of the
people. The only exceptions to the establishment of two branches
in the legislature are the State of Pennsylvania and Congress ;
and the latter the only single one not chosen by the people them-
selves. What has been the consequence ? The people have been
constantly averse to giving that body further powers.
" It was acknowledged by Mr. Paterson that his plan could not
be enforced without military coercion. Does he consider the
force of this concession ? The most jarring elements of nature,
fire and water themselves, are not more incompatible than such a
mixture of civil liberty and military execution. Will the militia
march from one State into another, in order to collect the arrears
of taxes from the delinquent members of the republic ? Will
they maintain an army for this purpose ? Will not the citizens of
the invaded State assist one another, till they rise as one man and
shake off the Union altogether ? Rebellion is the only case in
which the military force of the State can be properly exerted
against its citizens. In one point of view, he was struck with
horror at the prospect of recurring to this expedient To punish
the non-payment of taxes with death was a severity not yet
adopted by despotism itself ; yet this unexampled cruelty would
be mercy compared to a military collection of revenue in which the
bayonet could make no discrimination between the innocent and
the guilty. He took this occasion to repeat, that, notwithstand-
ing his solicitude to establish a national government, he never
would agree to abolish the State governments, or render them ab-
solutely insignificant They were as necessary as the general gov-
ernment, and he would be equally careful to preserve them. He
was aware of the difficulty of drawing the line between them, but
hoped it was not insurmountable. The Convention, though com-
prising so many distinguished characters, could not be expected
to make a faultless government And he would prefer trusting
to posterity the amendment of its defects, rather than to push the
experiment too far."
Judge Yates, who gives his abstract of the debates in the
first person always, has reported this speech of Geoi^e
Mason's a little differently, and of course, as he only pro-
fessed to give minutes, much more briefly :
''These measures are supported by one who, at his time
of life, has little to hope or expect from any government
. . . What ! would you use military force to compel the
observance of a social compact ? It is destructive to the rights
of the people. Do you expect the militia will do it ? or do
you mean a standing army ? The first will never on such an oc-
casion, exert any power ; and the latter may turn its arms against
the government which employs them. I never will consent to
destroy State governments, and will ever be as careful to preserve
the one as the other. . . . That the one government will be
productive of disputes and jealousies against the other, I believe ;
but it will produce mutual safety. I shall close with observing,
* •* Madison Papers," vol., ii., p. 912.
that though some have expressed much warmth on this and
former occasions, I can excuse it, as the result of sudden passion ;
and hope that although we may differ in some particular points,
if we mean the good of the whole, our good sense, upon re-
flection, will prevent us from spreading our discontent farther." '
The Convention did not go again into committee of the
whole, but continued to debate the nineteen resolutions
from the 19th of June until the 23d of July. Some of
these were referred to grand committees, consisting of one
member from each State, or they were referred to select
committees consisting of five members. On the question
of the election of the first branch of the legislature, it was
moved that it should be as each State legislature directed,
when Colonel Mason was again on his feet :
" I am for preserving inviolably the democratic branch of the
government. True we have found inconveniences from pure
democracies ; but if we mean to preserve peace and real freedom,
they must necessarily become a component part of the national
system. Change this necessary principle, and if the government
proceeds to taxation, the States will oppose your powers." •
When the motion was considered of the election of
the first branch for two years, George Mason observed,
"that the States being differently situated, such a rule
ought to be formed as would put them as nearly as possible
on a level. If elections were annual, the middle States
would have a great advantage over the extreme ones. He
wished them to be biennial, and the rather as in that case
they would coincide with the periodical elections of South
Carolina, as well of the other States." " On the subject of the
" fixed stipends to be paid out of the national treasury "
to the representatives, Colonel Mason moved to change the
phraseology of the resolve ; that is to say, ** to receive an
» Elliot's '• Debates," vol. i., p. 429.
• IHd,, p. 433.
• *' Madison Papers," vol. ii., p. 930.
adequate compensation for their services, and to be paid out
of the treasury," which motion was agreed to.*
Jeflferson, in characterizing George Mason's merits as a
public speaker, notices the " touch of biting cynicism ** which
sometimes seasoned his arguments. Examples of this qual-
ity are to be found in the following passages. The question
of the age required for members of Congress was brought
up by Colonel Mason, and he moved to insert " twenty-five
years of age as a qualification for members of the first
branch." He ** thought it absurd that a man to-day should
not be permitted by the law to make a bargain for himself,
and to-morrow should be authorized to manage the affairs
of a great nation. It was the more extraordinary as every
man carried with him, in his own experience, a scale for
measuring the deficiency of young politicians; since he
would, if interrogated, be obliged to declare that his politi-
cal opinions at the age of twenty-one were too crude and
erroneous to merit an influence on public measures. It had
been said, that Congress had proved a good school for our
young men. It might be so, for anything he knew ; but if
it were, he chose that they should bear the expence of their
own education." " The exclusive clause in the third resolve
being under consideration, George Mason spoke as follows :
'* It seems as if it were taken for granted that all offices will
be filled by the Executive, while I think many will remain in the
gift of the legislature. In either case it is necessary to shut the
door against corruption. If otherwise, they may make or multi-
ply offices in order to fill them. Are gentlemen in earnest when
they suppose that this exclusion will prevent the first characters
from coming forward ? Are we not struck at seeing the luxury
and venality which has already crept in among us ? If not
checked, we shall have ambassadors to every petty State in
Europe ; the little republic of St. Marino not excepted. We
must in the present system remove the temptation. I admire
many parts of the British constitution and government, but I
' Yates' Minutes, Elliot, vol. i., p. 436.
• " Madison Papers," vol. ii.. p. 936.
detest their corruption. Why has the power of the Crown in-
creased, so remarkably increased, the last century ? A stranger,
by reading their laws, would suppose it considerably diminished ;
and yet by the sole power of appointing the increased officers of
the government, corruption pervades every town and village in
the kingdom. If such a restriction should abridge the right of
election, it is still necessary, as it will prevent the people from
ruining themselves. And will not the same causes here produce
the same effects ? I consider this clause as the corner-stone on
which our liberties depend ; and if we strike it out, we are erect-
ing a fabric for our destruction." *
The subject was continued on the following day, June
23d, when Madison renewed his motion to render the mem-
bers of the first branch " ineligible during their term of ser-
vice, and for one year after, to such offices only, as should
be established, or the emolument augmented, by the legis-
lature of the United States during the time of their being
members." Colonel Mason "thought the motion of his
colleague but a partial remedy for the evil. He appealed
to him as a witness of the shameful partiality of the legis-
lature of Virginia to its own members. He enlarged on
the abuses and corruption in the British Parliament con-
nected with the appointment of its members. He could not
suppose that a sufficient number of citizens could not be
found who would be ready, without the inducement of eligi-
bility to offices, to undertake the legislative service. Genius
and virtue, it may be said [he here alluded to some remarks
of Mr. Wilson], ought to be encouraged. Genius, for aught
he knew might ; but that virtue should be encouraged by
such a species of venality, was an idea that at least had the
merit of being new.** " Yates, in reporting this speech, gives
the substance of the last clause in these words :
'* It is asserted that it will be very difficult to find men suffi-
ciently qualified as legislators without the inducement of emolu-
> Yates* Minutes, Elliot, vol. i., p. 437.
' *' Madison Papers," vol. ii., p. 940.
ments. I do believe that men of genius will be deterred unless
possessed of great virtues. We may well dispense with the first
characters when destitute of virtue. I should wish them never
to come forward. But if we do not provide against corruption,
our government will soon be at an end ; nor would I wish to
put a man of virtue in the way of temptation. Evasions and
caballing [he continued] would evade the amendment. Nor
would the danger be less, if the executive has the appointment
of officers. The first three or four years we might go on well
enough, but what would be the case afterwards ? I will add, that
such a government ought to be refused by the people ; and it
will be refused." *
On the 25th of June, the vexed question of the mode of
appointing the Senate was brought up, Mr. Wilson moving
that the members be elected by electors chosen by the
people. This was a point which divided, as a class, the
large and small States, the former advocating proportional
representation in both Houses, the latter opposing it, and, as
Bancroft observes, the election of the Senate by the State
legislatures was looked upon " as the stepping-stone to an
equal representation.**" And while Virginia's vote went
with that of Pennsylvania against a doctrine so important
for the preservation of the individual commonwealth, it was
one of Virginia's representatives who consistently supported
it as a pillar of States-rights. "It has been agreed, on all
hands," said George Mason, " that an efficient government
is necessary ; that to render it such, it ought to have the
faculty of self-defence ; that to render its different branches
effectual each of them ought to have the same power of
self-defence. He did not wonder that such an agreement
should have prevailed on these points. He only wondered
that there should be any disagreement about the necessity
of allowing the State governments the same self-defence. If
they are to be preserved, as he conceived to be essential,
they certainly ought to have this power ; and the only mode
* Yates' Minutes, Elliot, vol. i., p. 440.
' '* History of the Constitution," vol. ii., p. 56.
THE ''CONNECTICUT compromise:* 12/
left of giving it to them was by allowing them to appoint
the second branch of the national legislature." ' Dr. John-
son, of Connecticut, in advocating this means of self-defence
for the States, gives George Mason credit as the author
of the scheme. "This is the idea of Col. Mason, who
appears to have looked to the bottom of this matter."*
Much has been written, of late, on the " Connecticut Com-
promise," as Bancroft styles it, the equal representation of
the States in the Senate, and here is one of the three repre-
sentatives from Connecticut who urged the measure upon
the Convention avowing that it was the " idea " of Colonel
Mason, that the States should appoint the members of the
Senate, the " stepping-stone " to equal representation. The
proportional representation in the first branch, which would
make the large States more powerful there, was acquiesced
in by the small States in consideration that an equality in
the Senate would give them the same voice in its councils as
their more powerful sisters. The small States, led by Con-
necticut, finally effected this settlement in the Convention.
But Sherman, Ellsworth, and Johnson only made practical
an idea independently evolved by the Virginia statesman,
who, wiser than his colleagues, had " looked to the bottom
of this matter." Madison, in the Federalist^ frankly avowed
his subsequent conversion to the equality of votes in the
Senate, which he opposed throughout the sessions of the
A recent writer says :
"The adoption of dififerent bases for the two Houses, the
House of Representatives representing the States according to
population while the Senate represented them equally, was one
of the most important pieces of work which the Convention
accomplished, as well as the one which it reached most unwil-
* Madison Papers, vol. ii., p. 958.
•/JiV/., p. 987.
* As John Dickinson, representing the small State of Delaware in the Con-
vention, made the motion for the appointment of the Senate by the State legis-
latures, he is entitled to some of the credit for this measure.
lingly. All the States experimenting to find different bases for
their two Houses, Virginia had come nearest to the appearance
of the final result, in having her Senate chosen by districts and
her Representatives by counties ; and as the Union already had
its 'districts' formed (in the States) one might think that the
Convention merely followed Virginia's experience. But the real
process was far different and more circuitous.'*
In fact, says this writer, it was the Connecticut system,
where the towns were equally represented in the lower
House, while the upper one was chosen from the whole
people, which was the model proposed by Connecticut dele-
gates to the Convention.* George Mason, however, stand-
ing apart from his colleagues, did, in effect, propose the
Virginia constitution, of which he was the author, as a type
for the new constitution, when he advocated both ideas
combined — equal and unequal representation, for the legis-
lature of the Union, or the choice of one House by the
people and of the other by the States.
In regard to the qualifications of senators. Colonel Mason
thought that **one important object in constituting the
Senate was to secure the rights of property. To give them
weight and firmness for this purpose, a considerable duration
in office was thought necessary. But a longer term than six
years would be of no avail in this respect, if needy persons
should be appointed. He suggested, therefore, the pro-
priety of annexing to the office a qualification of property.
He thought this would be very practicable, as the rules of
taxation would supply a scale for measuring the degree of
wealth possessed by every man." '
It was now nearly the last of June. Five weeks, as Dr.
Franklin anxiously noted, had been spent in trying to
reconcile the opposing views that were to be found in the
Convention ; to steer between the rock of centralized gov-
ernment and the whirlpool, as it was deemed, of a pure
> *' The First Century of the Constitution/' article in The New Princeton
Review, Sept., 1887.
• Madison " Papers," vol. ii.. p. 971.
confederation ; to decide upon the features of the equitable
via media. ** Groping as it were in the dark to find political
truth, and scarce able to distinguish it when they found it/'
it were well, Dr. Franklin thought to implore for them-
selves each day the Divine guidance. The proposal came a
little late, it is true, and there might be reason to think, as
was suggested, that it would alarm the people. But surely
the daily consecration was needed, and the proposition
should have been agreed to. On the question for allowing
each State one vote in the Senate, there seemed to be
at this time no hope of a settlement. It was then deter-
mined to appoint a committee, consisting of one member
from each State, in order, if possible, to effect a solution of
the difficulty. George Mason was the significant choice
from Virginia, and the Convention adjourned from Monday
the 2d, to Thursday the 5th, of July.
The following letters were written by Colonel Mason to
George Mason, Jr., and to Beverley Randolph during the
month of June. The solemn words to his son on the great
responsibility of the work in which he was engaged, evince
George Mason's profound sense of duty, and his earnest
desire to carry out its obligations.
PhiladbLPHIA, June ist, 1787.
Dear George :
. . . The idea I formerly mentioned to you, before the
Convention met, of a great national council, consisting of two
branches of the legislature, a judiciary and an executive, upon
the principle of fair representation in the legislature, with powers
adapted to the great objects of the Union, and consequently a
control in these instances, on the State legislatures, is still the
prevalent one. Virginia has had the honor of presenting the
outlines of the plan, upon which the convention is proceeding ;
but so slowly that it is impossible to judge when the business will
be finished, most probably not before August— /esh'na lente may
very well be called our motto. When I first came here, judging
from casual conversations with gentlemen from the different
States, I was very apprehensive that soured and disgusted with
Vol. ll.-o
the unexpected evils we had experienced from the democratic
principles of our governments, we should be apt to run into the
opposite extreme, and in endeavoring to steer too far from
Scylla, we might be drawn into the vortex of Charybdis, of
which I still think there is some danger, though I have the
pleasure to find in the convention, many men of fine republican
principles. America has certainly, upon this occasion, drawn
forth her first characters ; there are upon this Convention many
gentlemen of the most respectable abilities, and so far as I can
discover, of the purest intentions. The eyes of the United States
are turned upon this assembly, and their expectations raised to a
very anxious degree.
May God grant, we may be able to gratify them, by establishing
a wise and just government. For my own part, I never before
felt myself in such a situation ; and declare I would not, upon
pecuniary motives, serve in this convention for a thousand
pounds per day. The revolt from Great Britain and the for-
mations of our new governments at that time, were nothing
compared to the great business now before us : there was then
a certain degree of enthusiasm, which inspired and supported
the mind ; but to view, through the calm, sedate medium of rea-
son the influence which the establishment now proposed may
have upon the happiness or misery of millions yet unborn, is an
object of such magnitude, as absorbs, and in a manner suspends
the operations of the human understanding.
Remember me kindly to Betsy and all the family ; let me know
from time to time how they do. I am, dear George,
Your affectionate father,
G. Mason.
P. S. All communications of the proceedings are forbidden
during the sitting of the Convention ; this I think was a necessary
precaution to prevent misrepresentations or mistakes ; there be-
ing a material difference between the appearance of a subject in
its first crude and undigested shape, and after it shall have been
properly matured and arranged.
I would thank you to desire Thomson to send me, if he can
find it, the plan I drew, two or three years ago, for equalizing the
Virginia land tax, which I have promised a copy of to the North
Carolina delegates ; I believe he will find it among the loose
papers on the right hand division of the second drawer in my
desk and bookcase in the little parlor ; and I should be glad to
have the strictures I wrote some time ago, upon the port bill ;
but where it is I don't remember ; it lay among the loose papers
in one of the dining-room windows, which a little before I left
home I tied up in a bundle and I believe put into one of the
pigeon-holes in the bookcase in the dining-room, but am not cer-
tain. Pray desire him in looking over the papers, not to dissort
them, but make them up again together, in the same separate
bundles, and where any of the bundles arc endorsed, to make
them up again with the endorsations on the outside.
G. M.»
George Mason to Hon. Beverley Randolph :
Philadelphia. June 30th, 1787.
Dear Sir :
The Convention having resolved that none of their proceedings
should be communicated during their sitting, puts it out of my
power to give you any particular information upon the subject.
Fesiina Unte seems hitherto to have been our maxim. Things,
however, are now drawing to that point on which some of the
fundamental principles must be decided, and two or three days
will probably enable us to judge — which is at present very
doubtful — whether any sound and effectual system can be estab-
lished or not. If it cannot, I presume we shall not continue
here much longer ; if it can, we shall probably be detained 'til
I feel myself disagreeably circumstanced in being the only
member of the Assembly in the Virginia delegation, and, conse-
quently, if any system shall be recommended by the Convention
that the whole weight of explanation must fall upon me ; and if
I should be prevented by sickness or accident from attending the
Assembly, that it will be difficult for the Assembly to obtain such
information as may be necessary upon the subject, as I presume
that in the progress through the legislature many questions may
be asked and inquiries made, in which satisfactory information,
from time to time, can hardly be given but by a member of the
House in his place.
' Mason Papers ; Nilcs* "Principles and Acts of the Revolution/* p. 138 ;
Bancroft's " History of the Constitution," vol. ii., p. 424.
We have just received information here that Mr. Wythe has
made a resignation, and does not intend to return. Under these
circumstances I would beg leave to submit it to the consideration
of the Executive, whether it might not be proper to fill the vacancy
in the delegation, occasioned by Mr. Wythe's resignation, with
some member of the Assembly. Mr. Corbin being here, his ap-
pointment, if it shall be judged proper, would occasion little
additional charge to the State, if the Convention should, unfor-
tunately, break up without adopting any substantial system — that
event will happen, I think — before the appointment can reach
this place ; if the Convention continues to proceed on the busi-
ness, with a prospect of success, Mr. Corbin is on the spot ; and
I doubt it may be difficult to prevail on any member of the
Assembly, now in Virginia, to come hither at this late stage of
the business.
I beg you will do me the favor to lay this subject before the
Council, and believe me, with the greatest esteem and regard.
Dear Sir,
Your most obedient servant,
G. Mason.*
The report of the grand committee, which was made on
the 5th of July, consisted of two propositions made mutually
conditional. The compromise consisted in giving the first
branch of the legislature the power of originating money
bills, a concession, as it was maintained, made by the small
States in order that the large States should concede the
equal vote in the Senate. There had been hot and hasty
words in the Convention, and threats of secession, and of
looking to foreign countries for assistance. And it was felt
that a crisis had come and a determined effort must be made
to meet it. In reply to animadversions on the report, George
Mason expLiincd that it '' was meant not as a specific propo-
sition to be adopted, but merely as a general ground of
accommodation. There must be some accommodation on
this point, or we shall make little further progress in the
work. Accommodation was the object of the House in the
* ** Virginia Calendar Papers," vol. iv., p. 310.
appointment of the committee, and of the committee in
the report they had made. And however liable the report
might be to objections, he thought it preferable to an appeal
to the world by the different sides, as had been talked of by
some gentlemen. It could not be more inconvenient to any
gentleman to remain absent from his private affairs, than it
was for him, but he would bury his bones in this city, rather
than expose his country to the consequences of a dissolution
of the Convention without anything being done." * A mo-
tion was made to put restrictions upon the representation of
the Western States, when Colonel Mason said " the case of
new States was not unnoticed in the committee : but it was
thought, and he was himself decidedly of opinion, that if
they made a part of the Union, they ought to be subject to
no unfavorable discriminations. Obvious considerations
required it.*** And in this opinion Edmund Randolph
The minutes of Judge Yates cease at this time, as he and
his colleague, Mr. Lansing, left the Convention on the 6th
of July, thoroughly dissatisfied with the course matters were
taking. The first proposition in the report was under dis-
cussion on this day. This fixed the representation in the
first branch as " one member for every forty thousand
inhabitants.** It was moved by Gouvemeur Morris to refer
this to a select committee of five. With it went the clause
relating to money bills, and Dr. Franklin thought they could
not be voted for separately. George Mason then suggested
a reference of the rest of the report to the committee just
appointed. He urged that " the consideration which weighed
with the committee [the grand committee that reported on
the 5th] was, that the first branch would be the immediate
representatives of the people ; the second would not ; should
the latter have the power of giving away the people*s money,
they might soon forget the source from whence they received
it. We might soon have an aristocracy. He had been much
' "Madison Papers," vol. ii., p. 1033.
• Ibid,^ p. 1035.
concerned at the principles which had been advanced by
some gentlemen, but had the satisfaction to find they did
not generally prevail. He was a friend to proportional
representation in both branches, but supposed that some
points must be yielded for the sake of accommodation.*"
The clause allowing each State one vote in the second
branch was taken up and agreed to on the 7th. And on the
9th the report of the committee of five on the clause fixing
representation in the first branch of the legislature was given
to the Convention. This altered the representation from
" one member to every forty thousand inhabitants," and
gave fifty-six members for the first Congress, and this num-
ber to be augmented from time to time. The change did
not give satisfaction, and the first part of the report was
then put into the hands of another grand committee, Madi-
son this time being the member selected from Virg^inia.
And here the representation was augmented to sixty-five
members. But it wa§ becoming more and more apparent
that the question of the balance of power was not so much
between the large and small States as between the Northern
and Southern States, and the Southern members contended
that the changes made in the representation of the House
were unfavorable to the South. Mr. Madison proposed to
double the number from each State ; some of the Northern
members were for a reduction, urging the expense. Mr.
Gerry, however, proposed to increase the number. George
Mason " admitted that the objection drawn from the con-
sideration of expense had weight both in itself and as the
people might be affected by it. But he thought it out-
weighed by the objections against the smallness of the
number. Thirty-eight will, he supposes, as being a majority
of sixty-five, form a quorum. Twenty will be a majority of
thirty-eight. This was certainly too small a number to make
laws for America. They would neither bring with them all
the necessary information relative to local interests, nor
possess the necessary confidence of the people. After
' Ibid., pp. 1040-1042.
doubling the number, the laws might still be made by so
few as almost to be objectionable on that account." ' Mr.
Madison's motion being lost, and the report of the commit-
tee of eleven agreed to, Edmund Randolph moved that the
legislature take a periodical census to redress inequalities in
the representation. Colonel Mason here gave expression to
his fears, that the South would not be sufficiently secured
in her rights by the new Constitution : • •
*' The greater the difficulty we find in fixing a proper rule of
representation, the more unwilling ought we to be to throw the
task from ourselves on the General Legislature. He did not
object to the conjectural ratio which was to prevail in the outset ;
but considered a revision from time to time, according to some
permanent and precise standard, as essential to the fair repre-
sentation required in the first branch. /According to the present*,
population of America, the Northern part of it had a right to'
preponderate ; and he could not deny it. But he wished it not
to preponderate hereafter, when the reason no longer continued.
From the nature of man, we may be sure that those who have
power in their hands will not give it up, while they can retain it
On the contrary, we know that they will always, when they can,
rather increase jtj If the Southern States, therefore, should have
three-fourths of the people of America within their limits, the
Northern will hold fast the majority of i^epresentatives. One-
fourth will govern the three-fourths. The Southern States will
complain, but they may complain from generation to generation
without redress. Unless some principle, therefore, which will do
justice to them hereafter shall be inserted in the Constitution,
disagreeable as the declaration was to him, he must declare he
could neither vote for the system here, nor support it in his
State. Strong objections had been drawn from the danger to
the Atlantic interests from new Western States. Ought we to
sacrifice what we know to be right in itself, lest it should prove
favorable to States which are not yet in existence ? If the
Western States are to be admitted into the Union, as they arise,
they must, he would repeat, be treated as equals, and subjected
to no degrading discriminations. They will have the same pride,
' Ibid.y p. 1061.
II ^ I
and other passions, which we have ; and will either not unite
with, or will speedily revolt from, the Union, if they are not in
all respects placed on an equal footing with their brethren. It
has been said, they will be poor, and unable to make equal con-
tributions to the general treasury. He did not know but that, in
time, they would be both more numerous and more wealthy than
their Atlantic brethren. The extent and fertility of their soil
made this probable ; and though Spain might for a time deprive
them of the natural outlet for their productions, yet she will, be-
cause she must, finally yield to their demands. He urged that
numbers of inhabitants, though not always a precise standard of
wealth, was sufficiently so for every substantial purpose.** *
The representation to be regulated on a census of the free
white inhabitants and three fifths of the slaves was the next
proposition discussed. Some of the Northern members of
the Convention were opposed to any representation of the
slaves, while the extreme Southern delegates insisted that
they should be counted equally with the whites. The three-
fifths basis was another one of the compromises of the Con-
stitution. George Mason advocated it, and on a motion for
an equal representation of the blacks, declared he "could
not agree to the motion, notwithstanding it was favorable
to Virginia, because he thought it unjust. It was certain
that the slaves were valuable, as they raised the value of
land, increased the exports and imports, and of course the
revenue, would supply the means of feeding and supporting
an army, and might in cases of emergency become them-
selves soldiers. As in these important respects they were
useful to the community at large, they ought not to be
excluded from the estimate of representation. He could
not, however, regard them as equal to freemen, and could
not vote for them as such. He added, as worthy of remark,
that the Southern States have this peculiar species of prop-
erty, over and above the other species of property common
to all the States." " Mr. Sherman said that he had become
convinced by the observations of Mr. Randolph and Colonel
' Ibid.^ p. 1064. * Ibid., p. io68.
# __^
Mason that the periods and the rule of revising the rep-
resentation ought to be fixed by the Constitution. George
Mason "objected to a motion [made by Rutiedge] to
include wealth with population in the estimate, as requiring
of the legislature soniething too indefinite and impracticable,
and leaving them a pretext for doing nothing.** * In reply
to Gouverneur Morris, who reiterated his objections to
admitting the Western country on an equal footing with the
Atlantic States, Colonel Mason, while agreeing with him,
" that we ought to leave the interests of the people to the
representatives of the people," said, that "the objection
was, that the legislature would cease to be the representa-
tives of the people. It would continue so no longer than
the States now containing a majority of the people should
retain that majority. As soon as the southern and western
population should predominate, which must happen in a
few years, the power would be in the hands of the minority,
and would never be yielded to the majority, unless provided
for by the Constitution.** '
Gouverneur Morris startled the Convention on the 12th
by a proposal that "taxation should be in proportion to
representation.** This was a blow aimed at the Southern
proposition for a full representation of the slaves. George
Mason in reply " admitted the justice of the principle but
was afraid embarrassments might be occasioned to the legis-
lature by it. It might drive the legislature to the plan
of requisitions.** * Morris then limited his motion to direct
taxation, and this was agreed to. After a little further^
skirmishing, it was finally decided that representation
should be proportioned to direct taxation, and both to the
number of the free white and three fifths of the slave popu-
lation. On a motion to assess the inhabitants of the States,
until a census could be taken according to the number
of their representatives in the first branch. Colonel Mason
said he " did not know that Virginia would be a loser by the
proposed regulation, but had some scruple as to the justice
* IHd., p. 1071. * Ibid,, p. 1075. * IHd,, p. 1089.
of it. He doubted much whether the conjectural rule
which was to precede the census would be as just as it
would be rendered by an actual census." ' The equal vote
in the Senate was the next disputed point taken up. The
small States refused to confederate on any other terms, and
the lai^e States as a class still opposed it. On the 16th
an adjournment was voted to enable the dissatisfied ones to
talk over the subject, and the result was satisfactory, for the
compromise was finally effected at this time.
> IHd., p. 10B9.
July-September, 1787.
The mode of electing the Executive was under discussion
on the i7th of July. George Mason approved of an election
by the legislature rather than by the people at large. In
animadverting upon some of the opinions that had been ex-
pressed, Colonel Mason said :
" It is curious to remark the different language held at different
times. At one moment we are told that the legislature is entitled
to thorough confidence, and to indefinite power. At another, that
it will be governed by intrigue and corruption, and cannot be
trusted at all. But not to dwell on this inconsistency, he would
observe that a government which is to last ought at least to be
practicable. Would this be the case if the proposed election
should be left to the people at large ? He conceived it would be
as unnatural to refer the choice of a proper character for Chief
Magistrate to the people, as it would, to refer a trial of colors to
a blind man. The extent of the country renders it impossible,
that the people can have the requisite capacity to judge of the
respective pretensions of the candidates.'"
On a motion to strike out seven years as the term of office
for the Executive, and substitute "during good behaviour,"
Colonel Mason spoke decisively against it :
" This motion was made some time ago, and negatived by a
very large majority. He trusted that it would be again negatived.
' " Modisoii P>pen," vol. ii., |i. II33.
It would be impossible to define the misbehaviour in such a man-
ner as to subject it to a proper trial ; and perhaps still more im-
possible to compel so high an offender, holding his office by such
a tenure, to submit to a trial. He considered an executive during
good behaviour as a softer name only for an executive for life.
And that the next would be an easy step to hereditary monarchy.
If the motion should finally succeed, he might himself live to see
such a revolution. If he did not, it was probable his children or
grandchildren would. He trusted there were few men in that
House who wished for it. No State, he was sure, had so far re-
volted from republican principles, as to have the least bias in its
favor." »
On the 1 8th the subject of the judiciary was discussed, and
it was proposed that the judges should be appointed " by the
Executive with the consent of the Senate," instead of by the
Senate as declared in the eleventh resolution of the report.
George Mason spoke as follows :
'' The mode of appointing the judges may depend in some de-
gree on the mode of trying impeachments of the executive. If
the judges were to form a tribunal for that purpose they surely
ought not to be appointed by the executive. There were in-
superable objections besides against referring the appointmenjt to
the executive. He mentioned as one, that as the seat of govern-
ment must be in some one State ; and as the executive would re-
main in office for a considerable time, for four, five or six years
at least, he would insensibly form local and personal attachments
within the particular State that would deprive equal merit else-
where of an equal chance of promotion.'
f» 1
Concerning the twelfth resolution, " that the national legis-\
lature be empowered to appoint inferior tribunals," Colonel \
Mason " thought many circumstances might arise, not now
to be foreseen, which might render such a power absolutely
necessary." " Objections being made to the sixteenth reso-
lution guaranteeing a republican constitution to each State
by the United States, George Mason said, " if the general
* IHd,^ p. 1127. • Ibui., p. 1131. • find,, p. 1137.
government should have no right to suppress rebellions
against particular States, it will be in a bad situation indeed.
As rebellions against itself originate in and against individual
States, it must remain a passive spectator of its own subver-
sion." •
The appointment of the Executive through electors having
been decided upon, the question of impeachment was re-
sumed. Colonel Mason declared :
'' No point is of more importance than that the right of im-
peachment should be continued. Shall any man be above jus-
tice ? Above all, shall that man be above it who can commit the
most extensive injustice ? When great crimes were committed,
he was for punishing the principal as well as the coadjutors.
There had been much debate and difficulty as to the mode of
choosing the executive. He approved of that which had been
adopted at first, namely, of referring the appointment to the na-
tional legislature. One objection against electors was the danger
of their being corrupted by the candidates, and this furnished a
peculiar reason in favor of impeachment whilst in office. Shall the
man who has practised corruption, and by that means procured
his appointment in the first instance, be suffered to escape punish-
ment by repeating his guilt ?
>> t
On the motion to associate the judiciary "with the execu-
tive in the revisionary power," Colonel Mason said, " he had
always been a friend to this provision. It would give a con-
fidence to the executive, which he would not otherwise have,
and without which the revisionary power would be of little
avail." He urged again, ** thatlthc defence of the executive
was not the sole object of the revisionary power. He ex-
pected even greater advantages from it. Notwithstanding
the precautious taken in the constitution of the legislature,
it would still so much resemble that of the individual States,
that it must be expected frequently to pass unjust and per-
nicious laws. This restraining power was therefore essen-
tially necessary. It would have the effect, not only of
^ IHd,, p. 1 139. • Ibid., p. II 54.
hindering the final passage of such laws, but would discour-
age demagogues from attempting to get them passed. It
has been said (by Mr. Luther Martin), that if the judges
were joined in this check on the laws, they would have a
double negative, since in their expository capacity of judges
they would have one negative. He would reply, that in this
capacity they could impede, in one case only, the operation
of laws. They could declare an unconstitutional law void.
But with regard to every law, however unjust, oppressive or
pernicious, that did not come plainly under this description^
they would be under the necessity, as judges, to give it a
free course. He wished the further use to be made of the
judges of giving aid in preventing every improper law. Their
aid will be the more valuable, as they ar^ in the habit and
practice of considering laws in their true principles, and in
all their consequences." '
In regard to the appointment of judges, Mr. Madison
made the motion that they should be nominated by the?
Executive, and the appointments so made, unless disagreed!
to by two thirds of the Senate, were to hold good. Governor
Randolph favored the motion. Colonel Mason did not
assent to it ; he " found it his duty to differ from his col-
leagues in their opinions and reasonings on this subject.
Notwithstanding the form of the proposition, by which the
appointment seemed to be divided between the executive
and Senate, the appointment was substantially vested in the
former alone. The false complaisance which usually pre-
vails in such cases will prevent a disagreement to the first
nominations. He considered the appointment by the ex-
ecutive as a dangerous prerogative. It might even give him
an influence over the judiciary department itself. He did
not think the difference of interest between the Northern
and Southern States could be properly brought into this
argument. It would operate, and require some precautions
in the case of regulating navigation, commerce, and imposts ;
but he could not see that it had any connection with the
^ Ibid,, pp. II63-1168.
judiciary department." * Madison had contended that ap-
pointments by the Senate would give the balance of power
to the Northern States. The committee had given the
appointment of judges to the second branch of the legisla-
ture, but a motion had been made on the i8th to alter
this decision, which was revived by Madison.
On the 23d the Convention debated on the mode of ratify-
ing the Constitution. Should it be by the States through their
legislatures, or by conventions of the people in each State ?
George Mason warmly espoused the latter alternative. He
" considered a reference of the plan to the authority of the
people as one of the most important and essential of the
resolutions. The legislatures have no power to ratify it.
They are the mere creatures of the State constitutions, and
cannot be greater than their creators. And he knew of no
power in any of the constitutions — he knew there was no
power in some of them — that could be competent to this
object. Whither, then, must we resort? To the people,
with whom all power remains that has not been given up in
the constitutions derived from them. It was of great mo-
ment, he observed, that this doctrine should be cherished, as
the basis of free government. \ Another strong reason was
that, admitting the legislatures to have a competent authority,
it would be wrong to refer the plan to them, because suc-
ceeding legislatures, having equal authority, could undo the
acts of their predecessors; and the national government
would stand in each State on the weak and tottering foun-
dation of an act of Assembly. There was a remaining con-
sideration of some weight. In some of the States, the gov-
ernments were not derived from the clear and undisputed
authority of the people. This was the case in Virginia.
Some of the best and wisest citizens considered the Consti-
tution as established by an assumed authority. A national
constitution derived from such a source would be exposed
to the severest criticism.** '
A motion was made that the members of the Senate
• Ibid,^ p. 1174. ^ Ikid», p. 1177.
should vote per capita^ and that the number from each State
should be three. Colonel Mason thought " three from each
State, including new States, would make the second branch
too numerous. Besides other objections, the additional
expense ought always to form one, where it was not abso-
lutely necessary." * The puzzling question of the mode of
electing the Executive was discussed on the 24th and 25th.
Among other plans, the motion was made that he should be
appointed by the legislature, and be not eligible " for more
than six years in any twelve years." Colonel Mason ap-
proved the suggestion :
'' It had the sanction of experience in the instance of Congress,
and some of the executives of the States. It rendered the exec-
utive as effectually independent as an ineligibility after his first
election ; and opened the way, at the same time, for the advan-
tage of his future services. He preferred on the whole the
election by the national legislature ; though candor obliged him
to admit, that there was great danger of foreign influence, as had
been suggested. This was the most serious objection, with him,
that had been urged.'
i> 1
On the 24th of July, the twenty-three resolutions which
the Convention had elaborated from the nineteen resolutions
reported on the 19th of June were referred to a Committee
of Detail to be shaped into a constitution. This committee
consisted of five members, Gorham, Ellsworth, Wilson, Ran-
dolph, and Rutledge, three Northern and two Southern
men. The resolution on the Executive was not given to the
committee until the 26th. On this day George Mason
made the opening speech in the Convention, passing in
review the various propositions that had been made in
regard to the subject under discussion :
" In every stage of the question relative to the executive, the
difficulty of the subject and the diversity of the opinions concern-
ing it, have appeared. Nor have any of the modes of constitut-
ing that department been satisfactory. First, it has been proposed
that the election should be made by the people at large ; that is,
' /3iV/.. p. 1185. « IHd., p. 1202.
that an act which ought to be performed by those who know
most of eminent characters and qualifications, should be per-
formed by those who know least ; secondly, that the election
should be made by the legislatures of the States ; thirdly, by the
executives of the States. Against these modes, also, strong ob-
jections have been urged. Fourthly, it has been proposed that
the election should be made by electors chosen by the people for
that purpose. This was at first agreed to ; but on further consid-
eration has been rejected. Fifthly, since which, the mode of
Mr. Williamson, requiring each freeholder to vote for several
candidates, has been proposed. This seemed, like many other
propositions, to carry a plausible face, but on closer inspection is
liable to fatal objections. A popular election in any form, as
Mr. Gerry has observed, would throw the appointment into the
hands of the Cincinnati, a society for the members of which
he had a great respect, but which he never wished to have a
preponderating influence in the government. Sixthly, another
expedient was proposed by Mr. Dickinson, which is liable to
so palpable and material an inconvenience, that he had little
doubt of its being by this time rejected by himself. It would ex-
clude every man who happened not to be popular within his own
State ; though the causes of his local unpopularity might be of
3uch a nature, as to recommend him to the States at large.
Seventhly, among other expedients, a lottery has been intro-
duced. But as the tickets do not appear to be in much demand,
it will probably not be carried on, and nothing therefore need be
said on that subject. After reviewing all these various modes,
he was led to conclude, that an election by the national legisla-
ture, as originally proposed, was the best. If it was liable to
objections, it was liable to fewer than any other. He conceived,
at the same time, that a second election ought to be absolutely
prohibited. Having for his primary object — for the polar star of
his political conduct — the preservation of the rights of the peo-
ple, he held it as an essential point, as the very palladium of civil
liberty, that the great officers of state, and particularly the execu-
tive, should at fixed periods return to that mass from which they
were at first taken, in order that they may feel and respect those
rights and interests which are again to be personally valuable to
Vol. II. — 10 * lOid., p. 1207.
He concluded with moving, that the constitution of the
Executive, as reported by the Committee of the Whole,
be reinstated, viz. : " that the executive be appointed for
seven years [by the legislature] and be ineligible a second
time." Mr. Dickinson's proposition had been that each
State should select its best citizen, and out of the thirteen
names the Executive should be chosen, either by the na-
tional legislature or by electors appointed by it. It was
from Mr. Wilson of Pennsylvania, that the singular scheme
emanated, which called forth George Mason's shrewd sar-
casm. This was, to elect the Executive for six years, by not
more than fifteen of the members of the legislature, these
members to be drawn from it not by ballot but by lot, and
they were to retire immediately and make the election with-
out separating. Colonel Mason's resolution passing in the
affirmative, he then moved ** that the Committee of Detail
be instructed to receive a clause requiring certain qualifica-
tions of landed property and citizenship of the United
States, in members of the national legislature; and dis-
qualifying persons having unsettled accounts with, or being
indebted to, the United States, from being members of the
national legislature." He observed " that persons of the
latter descriptions had frequently got into the State legis-
latures, in order to promote laws that might shelter their
delinquencies ; and that this evil had crept into Congress, if
report was to be regarded." * Gouverneur Morris opposed
this discrimination, when Colonel Mason mentioned "the
parliamentary qualifications adopted in the reign of Queen
Anne, which he said had met with universal approbation.'*
Mr. Morris retorted that these " had been disregarded in
practice ; and were but a scheme of the landed against the
monied interest." • The first part of Colonel Mason's mo-
tion passed in the affirmative ; the clause disqualifying pub-
lic debtors was lost. He next observed " that it would be
proper, as he thought, that some provision should be made
in the Constitution against choosing for the seat of the gen-
' Und,^ p. 1211. • Ibid,^ pp. 1212, 1213.
eral government, the city or place at which the seat of any
State government might be fixed. There were two objec-
tions against having them at the same place, which, without
mentioning others, required some precaution on the subject.
The first was, that it tended to produce disputes concerning
jurisdiction. The second and principal one was, that the in-
termixture of the two legislatures tended to give a provincial
tincture to the national deliberations." He moved "that
the committee be instructed to receive a clause to prevent
the seat of the national government being in the same city
or town with the seat of the government of any State,
longer than until the necessary public buildings could be
erected." There was some opposition to this, and Colonel
Mason then said '' he did not mean to press the motion
at this time, nor to excite any hostile passions against the
system. He was content to withdraw the motion for the
present." * The Convention then adjourned from the 26th
of July to the 6th of August, in order to give the Commit-
tee of Detail time to prepare a constitution.
The report of the committee delivered to the Convention
on the 6th of August consisted of twenty-three articles.' It
was taken up the following day for consideration. The pre-
amble, '* We, the people of the States of " etc., with the first
and second articles, was agreed to. The third article was
debated, and George Mason " doubted the propriety of giv-
ing each branch a negative on the other * in all cases.* There
were some cases in which it was, he supposed, not intended
to be given, as in the case of balloting for appointments."
Mr. Morris moved to insert " legislative acts," instead of " in
all cases." Colonel Mason " thought the amendment of Mr.
Gouverneur Morris extended too far. Treaties are in a sub-
sequent part declared to be laws; they will therefore be
subjected to a negative, although they are to be made, as
proposed, by the Senate alone. He proposed that the mu-
tual negative should be restrained to * cases requiring the
distinct assent ' of the two Houses." Mr. Morris considered
' /W</.. pp. 1218-1220. • Ihid,^ pp. 121S-1220.
this " but a repetition of the same thing ; the mutual nega-
tive and distinct assent being equivalent expressions. Trea-
ties, he thought, were not laws." * The whole clause in regard
to a negative was struck out at the instance of Madison,
and Gouverneur Morris* motion passed in the negative.
Discussion then followed on the concluding clause, ap-
pointing the time for the legislature to meet. Colonel
Mason '' thought the objection against fixing the time
insuperable ; but that an annual meeting ought to be
required as essential to the preservation of the Constitu-
tion. The extent of the country will supply business. And
if it should not, the legislature, besides legislative^ is to have
inquisitorial powers, which cannot safely be long kept in a
state of suspension." * The clause received, at this time, cer-
tain alterations which proved to be final. The qualifications of
electors coming up for consideration, Mr. Morris wished to
restrain the right of suffrage to freeholders. The- Constitu- \
tion left it to the States to decide, each one in its own way.
George Mason said :
" The force of habit is certainly not attended to by those gentle-
men who wish for innovations on this point. Eight or nine States
have extended the right of suffrage beyond the freeholders. What
will the people there say, if they should be disfranchised ? A
power to alter the qualifications, would be a dangerous power in
the hands of the legislature. We all feel too strongly the remains
of ancient prejudices, and view things too much through a Brit-i
ish medium. A freehold is the qualification in England, and]
hence it is imagined to be the only proper one. The true idea, ii
his opinion, was that every man having evidence of attachmen]
to, and permanent common interest with, the society, ought i\
share in all its rights and privileges. Was this qualification r<
strained to freeholders? Does no other kind of property but
land evidence a common interest in the proprietor? Does
nothing besides property mark a permanent attachment ? Ought
the merchant, the monied man, the parent of a number of chil-
dren whose fortunes are to be pursued in his own country, to be
* ** Madison Papers," vol. iil., pp. 1243-1244. ' /(W</., p. 1246.
viewed as suspicious characters, and unworthy to be trusted with
the coraraon rights of their fellow citizens ? ** '
The second section of the fourth article required of a rep-
resentative that he should have been a citizen of the United
States at least three years before his election. Colonel
Mason was '* for opening a wide door for emigrants ; but
did not choose that foreigners and adventurers make laws
for us and govern us. Citizenship for three years was not
enough for ensuring that local knowledge which ought to be
possessed by the representative. This was the principal
objection to so short a term. It might also happen, that a
rich foreign nation, for example Great Britain, might send
over her tools, who might bribe their way into the legisla-
ture for insidious purposes." He moved that " seven ** years,
instead of "three" be inserted.* The motion was agreed
to. It was then proposed to alter the next clause, and
require a representative to be a resident for a certain term
of years, of the State which should elect him. George
Mason thought seven years, which was suggested, too
long, " but would never agree to part with the principle.
It is a valuable principle. He thought it a defect in the
plan, that the representatives would be too few to bring
with them all the local knowledge necessary. If residence
be not required, rich men of neighboring States may employ
with success the means of corruption in some particular dis-
trict, and thereby get into the public councils after having
failed in their own States. This is the practice in the
boroughs of England."* He then moved, with Mr. Ells-
worth, to insert " one year " for previous inhabitancy. The
fifth section, giving the power of originating money-bills to
the House of Representatives, again met with opposition.
Colonel Mason said, " he was unwilling to travel over this
ground again. To strike out the section, was to unhinge
the compromise of which it made a part. The duration of
the Senate made it improper. He did not object to that
' Ihid.^ pp. 1250-1253. • Ibid,, p. 1256. * Ibid., p. 1259.
duration. On the contrary, he approved of it. But joined
with the smallness of the number, it was an argument against
adding this to the other great powers vested in that body.
His idea of an aristocracy was, that it was the government
of the few over the many. An aristocratic body, like the
screw in mechanics, working its way by slow degrees, and
holding fast whatever it gains, should ever be suspected of
an encroaching tendency. The purse-strings should never be
put into its hands." * The section was struck out, however,
on the motion of Madison. The next day Edmund Ran-
dolph and others moved to reconsider it. Dr. Franklin be-
lieved the two clauses, the originating of money-bills in the
House, and the equality of votes in the Senate, were essen-
tially connected by the compromise which had been made
by the grand committee and reported the 5th of July.
George Mason thought " this was not the time for discussing
this point. When the originating of money-bills shall be
reconsidered, he thought it could be demonstrated, that it
was of essential importance to restrain the right to the
House of Representatives, the immediate choice of the
people." * On considering the first section of article fifth,
Edmund Randolph wished to postpone the last sentence,
" each member shall have one vote.** It was observed that
this could not be necessary, " as in case the sanction as to
originating money-bills should not be re-instated, and a re-
vision of the Constitution should ensue, it would still be
proper that the members should vote per capita, A post-
ponement of the preceding sentence, allowing to each State
two members, would have been more proper." Colonel
Mason replied, " he did not mean to propose a change of this
mode of voting per capita in any event. But as there
might be other modes proposed, he saw no impropriety in
postponing the sentence. Each State may have two mem-
bers, and yet may have unequal votes. He said that unless
the exclusive right of originating money-bills should be
restored to the House of Representatives, he should — not
• Ibid,^ p. 1266. * Ibid,, p. 1 271.
from obstinacy, but duty and conscience — oppose through-
out the equality of representation in the Senate." ' The
third section was taken up and Gouverneur Morris proposed
to make fourteen year's citizenship, instead of four, a qualifi-
cation for senators. Colonel Mason " highly approved of the
policy of the motion. Were it not that many, not natives
of this country, had acquired great credit during the Revo-
lution, he should be for restraining the eligibility into the
Senate, to natives." * Nine years was finally made the
period of citizenship required.
In considering article sixth, section third, several of the
members contended that less than a majority in each House
should constitute a quorum. George Mason ** opposed the
change. This is a valuable and necessary part of the plan
he urged. In this extended country, embracing so great a
diversity of interests, it would be dangerous to the distant
parts to allow a small number of members of the two
Houses to make laws. The central States could always
take care to be on the spot ; and by meeting earlier than the
distant ones, or worrying their patience, and outstaying
them, could carry such measures as they pleased. He ad-
mitted that inconveniences might spring from the secession
of a small number ; but he had also known good produced
by an apprehension of it. He had known a paper emission
prevented by that cause in Virginia. He thought the Con-
stitution as now moulded, was founded on sound principles,
and was disposed to put into it extensive powers. At the
same time he wished to guard against abuses as much as
possible. If the legislature should be able to reduce the
number at all, it nfiight reduce it as low as it pleased, and the
United States might be governed by a junto. A majority
of the number which had been agreed on was so few that he
feared it would be made an objection against the plan." "
The right of expulsion, article sixth, section sixth, Madison
observed ** was too important to be exercised by a bare ma-
jority of a quorum," and he moved that " with the concur-
* Ibid,^ p. 1272. ^ Ifnd.^ p. 1274. • Ibid,^ p. 1287.
rence of two-thirds " might be inserted between '' may ** and
''expel/' an amendment that both Randolph and Mason
approved of. The seventh section, that the yeas and na3rs
shall at the desire of one fifth of the members be entered on
the journal, it was proposed to alter. Some were for allow-
ing any member to call for the yeas and nays, and others
proposed to strike them out altogether. Colonel Mason
" liked the section as it stood. It was a middle way between
two extremes.*' ' Whether the clause should be retained,
that the Congress publish their proceedings from time to
time, was debated, and George Mason was in favor of it.
He "thought it would give a just alarm to the people,
to make a conclave of their legislature." The words, how-
ever, were inserted, " except such parts thereof as may in
their judgment require secrecy."" Recurring to article
fourth, section second. Colonel Mason's alteration requiring
citizenship of the United States for seven years as a qualifi-
cation for representatives, was assailed, and four years sug-
gested as a substitute. Mr. Sherman, in defending the
theory of the longer term, said that the United States had
not "pledged their faith" to foreigners, as was asserted,
giving them equal privileges with native citizens, but the
individual States had done this, and the former could there-
fore make discriminations. Mr. Madison was shocked at
this doctrine. Colonel Mason, however, was struck, as he
said, " not, like Mr. Madison, with the peculiarity^ but with
the propriety y of the doctrine of Mr. Sherman. The States
have formed different qualifications themselves for enjoying
different rights of citizenship. Greater caution would be
necessary in the outset of the government than afterwards.
All the great objects would then be provided for. Every-
thing would be then set in motion. If persons among us
attached to Great Britain should work themselves into our
councils, a turn might be given to our affairs, and particu-
larly to our commercial regulations, which might have
pernicious consequences. The great houses of British mer-
' IHd,, pp. 1 29 1, 1292. * /AlV/., p. 1294.
chants would spare no pains to insinuate the instruments of
their views into the government." * The important section
fifth of article fourth was reconsidered again, and Edmund
Randolph moved to alter the clause in regard to originating
money-bills by inserting " for the purpose of revenue," and
allowing amendments by the Senate with certain restrictions.
Colonel Mason spoke at length on this subject :
"This amendment removes all objections urged against the
section, as it stood at first. By specifying purposes of revenue^ it
obviated the objection that the section extended to all bills under
which money might incidentally arise. By authorizing amend-
ments in the Senate it got rid of the objections that the Senate
could not correct errors of any sort, and that it would introduce
into the House of Representatives the practice of tacking foreign
matter to money bills. These objections being removed, the
arguments in favor of the proposed restraint on the Senate ought
to have their full force. First, the Senate did not represent the
people^ but the States, in their political character. It was im-
proper therefore that it should tax the people. The reason was
the same against their doing it, as it had been against Congress
doing it. Secondly, nor was it in any respect necessary, in order
to cure the evils of our republican system. He admitted that,
notwithstanding the superiority of the republican form over every
other, it had its evils. The chief ones were, the danger of the
majority oppressing the minority, and the mischievous influence
of demagogues. The general government of itself will cure
them. As the States will not concur at the same time in their
unjust and oppressive plans, the general government will be able
to check and defeat them, whether they result from the wicked-
ness of the majority, or from the misguidance of demagogues.
Again the Senate is not like the House of Representatives, chosen
frequently, and obliged to return frequently among the people.
They are to be chosen by the States for six years — will probably
settle themselves at the seat of government — will pursue schemes
for their own aggrandizement — will be able by wearying out the
House of Representatives, and taking advantage of their im-
patience at the close of a long session, to extort measures for that
' Ibid,, p. 1304.
purpose. If thej shonld be pmid, Jis he expected would be yd
determined and wished to be so, out of the national treasmy,
they will, pardcnlarl j, extort an increase of their wages. A bare
negative was a Tery different thing from that of originating biDa.
The practice in England was in point. The House of Lords
does not represent nor tax the people, becaose not elected by the
people. If the Senate can originate, they will, in the recess of
the legislative sessions, hatch their mischierons projects, fcM* tbcir
own purposes, and have their money bills cut and dried (to use
a common phrase) for the meeting of the House of Representa-
tives. He compared the case to Poyning's law,' and signified
that the House of Representatives might be rendered by degrees
like the parliament of Paris, the mere depository of the decrees
of the Senate. As to the compromise, so much had passed on
that subject that he would say nothing about it. He did noC
mean by what he had said, to oppose the permanency of the
Senate. On the contrary he had no repugnance to an increase
of it, nor to allowing it a negative, though the Senate was not, by
its present Constitution, entitled to it. But in all events he would
contend that the purse strings should be in the hands of the
representatives of the people.** *
When article sixth, section ninth, regarding the inel^i-
bility of members of Congress to office, was debated, and a
motion was made to alter it, George Mason pncq>osed ironi-
cally '* to strike out the whole section, as a more effectual
expedient for encouraging that exotic corruption which
might not otherwise thrive so well in the American soQ;
for completing that aristocrac>* which was probaUy in the
contemfdation of some among us : and for inviting into the
legislative service those generous and benevolent characters,
who will do justice to each other's merit, by carvii^ out
offices and rewards for it. In the present state of American
morals and maimers, few friends, it may be thought, will be
' Fttsib^'s Ad, made sadcr the Admi&sQmxScB U Sir Edvanl
Visegerec: c^ beiukd in the re^ of Heaxr \1I. Uader iliis Uv
czfLal be cocaei ia the Izish Pariiimest cnjess :: hsi beem m»inffcl
hr tike kia£ :s cocsciL
• •■ lUdiuo Papers," toI. iiL, jk ijob.
lost to the plan, by the opportunity of giving premiums to
a mercenary and depraved ambition." ' The tenth section
provided that members be paid by their respective States.
The Convention discussed it with special reference to the
Senate, when Colonel Mason remarked '' that the clause as
it now stands makes the House of Representatives also de-
pendent on the State legislatures ; so that both Houses will be
made the instruments of the politics of the States, whatever
they may be." * It was finally agreed to pay the members of
the legislature out of the treasury of the general government.
It was proposed to amend section twelfth so as to read :
" Each House shall possess the right of originating all bills,
except bills for raising money for the purposes of revenue, or for
appropriating the same, and for fixing the salaries of the officers
of the government, which shall originate in the House of Repre-
sentatives ; but the Seuate may propose or concur with amend-
ments as in other cases."
George Mason seconded the motion. " He was extremely
earnest to take this power from the Senate, who, he said,
could already sell the whole country by means of treaties." *
Mr. Mercer then contended " that the Senate ought not to
have the power of treaties "; a power which belonged to the
executive department, adding " that treaties would not be
final, so as to alter the laws of the land, till ratified by legis-
lative authority." Colonel Mason, to whose observations
Mr. Mercer had alluded, replied that he '' did not say that a
treaty would repeal a law ; but that the Senate by means of
treaties might alienate territory, &c., without legislative
sanction. The cessions of the British islands in the West
Indies, by treaty alone, were an example. If Spain should
possess herself of Georgia, therefore, the Senate might by
treaty dismember the Union. He wished the motion to be
decided now, that the friends of it might know how to
conduct themselves." *
' Ibid,, p. 1318. ' Ibid,, p. 1331.
■ Ibid,, p. 1327. * Ibid,, p. 1332.
The Convention proceeding to article seventh, the first
section, first clause, giving the legislature power " to lay and
collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises," was considered,
and Colonel Mason " urged the necessity of connecting with
the powers of levying taxes, duties, &c., the prohibition in
article seventh, section four, ' that no tax should be laid on
exports.' He was unwilling to trust to its being done in a
future article. He hoped the Northern States did not mean
to deny the Southern this security. It would hereafter be
as desirable to the former, when the latter should become
the most populous." He professed his jealousy for the pro-
' ductions of the Southern, or Staple States, as he called
them. He moved the following amendment : " Provided,
that no tax, duty, or imposition shall be laid by the legisla>
ture of the United States on articles exported from any
State." But the question was left to be decided later. The
clause giving Congress the power to " emit bills on the credit
of the United States," it was proposed to strike out. Colo-
nel Mason " had doubts on the subject. Congress, he
thought, would not have the power, unless it were ex-
pressed. Though he had a mortal hatred to paper money,
yet as he could not foresee all emergencies, he was unwilling
to tie the hands of the legislature. He observed that the
late war could not have been carried on, had such a prohibi-
tion existed." He was still " averse to tying the hands of
the legislature altogether^* he added later. " If there was
no example in Europe, as just remarked [by Pierce Butler],
it might be observed, on the other side, that there was none
in which the government was restrained on this head." But
the motion for striking out was agreed to.* In regard to the
clause to appoint a treasurer by ballot, Mr. Read moved that
this appointment should be left to the Executive. George
Mason, in opposition to Mr. Read's motion, " desired it
might be considered, to whom the money would belong;
if to the people, the legislature, representing the people,
ought to appoint the keepers of it.'" In the clause " to de-
» Ibid., pp. 1 339-1 344. • IHd,, p. 1347.
clare the law and punishment of piracies and felonies/* etc.,
Madison moved to strike out '' and punishment." Colonel
Mason doubted '' the safety of it, considering the strict rule
of construction in criminal cases. He doubted also the pro-
priety of taking the power in all these cases wholly from the
States." * It was moved to insert " declare " war instead of
'' make " war, and Colonel Mason was against giving the
power of war to the Executive, as was suggested, " because
not safely to be trusted with it ; or to the Senate, because
not so constructed as to be entitled to it. He was for clog-
ging, rather than facilitating war ; but for facilitating peace.'*
He preferred " declare " to " make,** and the motion was
agreed to.
On the 1 8th of August Madison submitted certain powers
to be added to those of the general legislature, and George
Mason introduced the subject of regulating the militia. He
thought " such a power necessary to be given to the gen-
eral government. He hoped there would be no standing
army in time of peace, unless it might be for a few garrisons.
The militia ought, therefore, to be the more effectually pre-
pared for the public defence. Thirteen States will never
concur in any one system, if the disciplining of the militia be
left in their hands. If they will not give up the power over
the whole, they probably will over a part, as a select militia."
He moved to refer to the Committee of Detail, " a power
to regulate the militia,** as one of the prerogatives of the
federal legislature. But he was led later to change his
mind on this point. Mr. Rutledge wished to refer a clause
to the committee, " that funds appropriated to public cred-
itors should not be diverted to other purposes." Colonel
Mason said he '' was much attached to the principle, but
was afraid such a fetter might be dangerous in time of war.
He suggested the necessity of preventing the danger of
perpetual revenue, which must of necessity subvert the
liberty of any country. If it be objected to on the princi-
ple of Mr. Rutledge*s motion, that public. credit may require
' /W</., p. 1347.
perpetual provisions, that case might be excepted, it
declared that in other cases no taxes should be laid for a
longer term than . . . years. He considered the caution
observed in Great Britain on this point as the palladium of
public liberty." ' And Colonel Mason interposed later a
motion that the committee prepare a clause for restraining
perpetual revenue, which was agreed to nem. can. A grand
committee was appointed to consider the necessity and ex-
pediency of the United States assuming all the State debts,
and George Mason was the member from Vii^nia placed on
this committee. Returning to the subject of the militia.
Colonel Mason moved to give Congress power " to make
laws for the regulation and discipline of the militia of the
several States, reserving to the States the appointment of
the officers." He considered " uniformity as necessary in
the regulation of the militia throughout the Union." " Mr.
Ellsworth '' was for going as far in submitting the militia to
the general government, as might be necessary ; but thought
the motion of Mr. Mason went too far." And Mr. Dickin-
son thought the States ought not to give up all power over
the militia. Colonel Mason then alluded to his idea of a
select militia. He *' was led to think that would be, in fact,
as much as the general government could advantageously be
charged with. He was afraid of creating insuperable objec-
tions to the plan. He withdrew his original motion, and
moved a power * to make laws for regulating and disciplining
the militia, not exceeding one tenth part in any one year,
and reserving the appointment of officers to the States.' " *
General Pinckney renewed Colonel Mason's original motion.
In the course of the debate that followed, Mr. Sherman
" took notice that the States might want their militia "
for their own defence and for other purposes. Colonel
Mason " thought there was great weight in the remarks
of Mr. Sherman," and moved an exception to his motion,
" of such part of the militia as might be required by the
States for their own use," and the two motions were
" IHd., p. 1356. • Ihid., p. 1361. ■ Ibid,, p. 1362.
referred to the grand committee/ of which Mason was a
George Mason about this time moved to enable Congress
" to enact sumptuary laws." No government, he urged,
'* can be maintained unless the manners be made consonant
to it. Such a discretionary power may do good, and can do
no harm. A proper regulation of excises and of trade,
may do a great deal ; but it is best to have an express pro-
vision. It was objected to sumptuary laws, that they were
contrary to nature. This was a vulgar error. The love of
distinction, it is true, is natural ; but the object of sump-
tuary laws is not to extinguish this principle, but to give it a
proper direction." * The motion, however, was not carried..
On the 20th the Convention discussed the second section
of article seventh, concerning treason. Colonel Mason was
in favor of pursuing the statute of Edward III. In the
course of the discussion it was contended that there could
be no treason against a particular State. .Colonel Mason
replied : " The United States will have a qualified sovereignty
only. The individual States will retain a part of the sover-
eignty. An act may be treason against a particular State,
which is not so against the United States. He cited the
rebellion of Bacon in Virginia, as an illustration of the doc-
trine." ' The section was amended so as to read ** Treason
against the United States shall consist only in levying war
against them, or in adhering to their enemies "; when Colo-
nel Mason moved to insert the words, " giving them aid and
comfort," as restrictive of " adhering to their enemies," etc.
The latter, he thought,** would be otherwise too indefinite."
And this motion was agreed to. On the 2ist George Mason
called for the twelfth section of article sixth, which had been
postponed on the 1 5th. He ** wished to know how the proposed
amendment, as to money-bills, would be decided, before he
agreed to any further points "; but the subject was again
postponed, and the section of the seventh article on the
power of taxing exports was debated. George Mason said :
* /«</., p. 1364. • Ibid.^ p. 1369. * Ibid,, p. 1373.
** If he were for reducing the States to mere corporations, as
seemed to be the tendency of some arguments, he should be
for subjecting their exports as well as imports to a power of
general taxation. He went on a principle often advanced
and in which he concurred, that a majority, when interested,
will oppress the minority. This maxim had been verified
by our own legislature [Vii^nia]. If we compare the States
in this point of view, the eight Northern States have an
interest different from the five Southern States ; and have,
' in one branch of the legislature, thirty-six votes, against
twenty-nine, and in the other in the proportion of eight
against five. The Southern States had therefore ground for
their suspicions. The case of exports was not the same with
that of imports. The latter were the same throughout the
States; the former very different. As to tobacco, other
nations do raise it, and are capable of raising it, as well as
Virginia, &c. The impolicy of taxing that article had been
demonstrated by the experiment of Virginia." ' The power
to tax exports was denied to the general government, and Vir-
ginia's vote against it was due to Mason, Randolph, and Blair.
The clause allowing the importation of slaves called forth
a heated debate. George Mason, in opposition to Mr. Sher-
man, of Connecticut, who was for leaving the clause as it
stood, made a speech of some length. " This infernal traf-
fic," he said, " originated in the avarice of British merchants.
The British Government constantly checked the attempts of
• Virginia to put a stop to it. The present question concerns
not the importing States alone, but the whole Union. The
evil of having slaves was experienced during the late war.
Had slaves been treated as they might have been by the
enemy, they would have proved dangerous instruments in
their hands. But their folly dealt by the slaves as it did by
the Tories. He mentioned the dangerous insurrection of
the slaves in Greece and Sicily ; and the instructions given
by Cromwell to the commissioners sent to Vii^nia, to arm
the servants and slaves, in case other means of obtaining its
« yw</.. p. 1387.
submission should fail. Maryland and Virginia, he said, had
already prohibited the importation of slaves expressly —
North Carolina had done the same in substance. All this
would be in vain, if South Carolina and Georgia be at liberty
to import. The Western people are already calling out for ^
slaves for their new lands ; and will fill that country with
slaves, if they can be got through South Carolina and Georgia.
Slavery discourages arts and manufactures. The poor de- '
spise labor when performed by slaves. They prevent the
emigration of whites, who really enrich and strengthen a
country. They produce the most pernicious effect on man-
ners. Every master of slaves is bom a petty tyrant. They
bring the judgment of heaven on a country. As nations
cannot be rewarded or punished in the next world, they
must be in this. By an inevitable chain of causes and effects.
Providence punishes national sins by national calamities.
He lamented that some of our Eastern brethren had, from a
lust of gain, embarked in this nefarious traffic. As to the
States being in possession of the right to import, this
was the case with many other rights, now to be properly
given up. He held it essential in every point of view, that
the general government should have power to prevent the
increase of slavery." ' George Mason's attitude here must
not be misunderstood. He was no abolitionist in the modern
sense of the term. While he regretted the existence of
slavery in the South and opposed the slave trade, at the
same time he insisted that the rights of his section in this
species of property should be protected, and he wished for a
guarantee in the Constitution t6 insure it. He is himself an
instance that the effect of slavery on manners was not essen-
tially deleterious. No doubt this was the case in individual
instances, but, as a class, there were no nobler men nor more
gracious women than the old slave-holding aristocracy of the
South, from whence came the patriots and sages of 1776,
and the generation that gave equally shining names to his-
tory in 1 861. As the Virginia poet sings:
* Ibid., p. 1391.
Vol. II— II
** Who shall bUme the socUl order
Which gmve us men ms great as these ?
Who condemn the soil of th' forest
Which brings forth gigantic trees ? "
After some further debate on this clause relating to slav-
ery, Gouvemeur Morris proposed that the whole subject be
committed, including the clauses regarding taxes on exports
and a navigation act. ** These things may farm a bargain
among the Northern and Southern States" said Morris. This
was the beginning of the compact so reprobated by Colonel
Mason, which altered the Constitution, as he declared, fun-
damentally, and made it impossible for him to subscribe to it.
The committee was appointed, a grand committee, including
one member from each State, and Madison, as might be
expected, was the choice from Virginia.
While the seventh article was under consideration some-
what later, it was moved to add, as an additional power to be
given to the general legislature, a negative on all the laws
of the several States interfering with the interests of the
Union, provided two thirds of each House assent to the
same. Colonel Mason " wished to know how the power was
to be exercised. Are all laws whatever to be brought up ?
Is no road nor bridge to be established without the sanction
of the general legislature ? Is this to sit constantly in order
to receive and revise the State laws? He did not mean by
the remarks, to condemn the expedient ; but he was appre-
hensive that great objections would lie against it." * The
grand committee, to whom the subject had been referred, had
given to the United States power to assume the several
State debts, making their report on the 2ist, and on the 25th
the Convention modified this decision, simply affirming " that
the engagements of the Confederation should be equally
valid against the United States under this Constitution."
Colonel Mason "objected to the term * shall* fulfil the en-
gagements and discharge the debts, &c., as too strong. It
may be impossible to comply with it. The creditors should
' IHd.^ p. 14 10.
be kept in the same plight. They will in one respect be
necessarily and properly in a better. The government will
be more able to pay them. The use of the term shall will
beget speculations, and increase the pestilential practice of
stock-jobbing. There was a great distinction between origi-
nal creditors and those who purchased fraudulently of the
ignorant and distressed. He did not mean to include those
who have bought stock in the open market. He was sensible
of the difficulty of drawing the line in this case, but he did not
wish to preclude the attempt. Even fair purchasers, at four,
five, six, eight for one, did not stand on the same footing
with the first holders, supposing them not to be blamable.
The interest they received, even in paper, is equal to their
purchase money. What he particularly wished was, to leave
the door open for buying up the securities, which he thought
would be precluded by the term * shall ' as requiring nominal
payment^ and which was not inconsistent with his ideas of
public faith. He was afraid, also, the word * j/W/* might ex-
tend to all the old continental paper." ' On this same day
the report of the committee of eleven delivered into the
Convention the twenty-fourth, allowing the importation of
" such persons as the several States now existing, shall think
proper to admit '* etc., was discussed. Gouverneur Morris was
for making this clause read " the importation of slaves into
North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia shall not be
prohibited," etc. George Mason was not " against using the
term ' slaves,' but against naming North Carolina, South
Carolina and Georgia, lest it should give offence to the
people of those States.* The year 1800 was fixed in the
report as the term when the importation of slaves should
cease. This was changed to 1808. Objections were
made by Sherman to the tax on slaves as acknowledging
them to be property, to which Colonel Mason replied, " not
to tax, will be equivalent to a bounty on, the importation of
slaves." ■ Gouverneur Morris remarked, that as the clause
stood it implied that the legislature might tax freemen im-
* Ibid,, p. 1425. * Ibid,, p. 1428. ■ Ibid,, p. 1429.
ported ; to which Colonel Mason replied : " The provision,
as it stands, was necessary for the case of convicts, in order
to prevent the introduction of them." It was finally amended
so as to read " importation " only, instead of " migration
and importation," as in the report of the committee.*
Certain propositions made in regard to regulating trade
were referred to a grand committee, and George Mason was
the member selected for Virginia, the choice being made as
usual by ballot.' Colonel Mason and Mr. Madison moved
to add to the oath to be taken by the supreme executive
" and will, to the best of my judgment and power, preserve,
protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States,"
which amendment passed. Article eleven, section second,
having reference to the salaries of the judges, was consid-
ered, and it was urged to reinstate the words " increased or,"
before the word " diminished." Colonel Mason contended
strenuously for the motion. " There was no weight," he said,
" in the argument drawn from changes in the value of the
metals, because this might be provided for by an increase of
salaries, so made as not to affect persons in office ; and this
was the only argument on which much stress seemed to have
been laid." " The amendment, however, was not made. A
proposition followed, to prohibit the States from interfering
in private contracts, and Mr. Madison conceived "that a
negative on the State laws could alone secure the effect."
George Mason replied : " This is carrying the restraint too
far. Cases will happen that cannot be foreseen where some
kind of interference will be proper and essential. He men-
tioned the case of limiting the period for bringing actions
on open account — that of bonds after a certain lapse of time
— asking whether it was proper to tie the hands of the
States from making provision in such cases." * A motion
was made restricting the power of the States, in the words,
" nor pass bills of attainder, nor retrospective laws," which
received the assent of the Convention, Virginia, however,
» Ibid., p. 1430. • Ibid., p. 1437.
• Ibid,, p. 1432. * Ibid., p. 1443.
voting against it. Madison then moved to insert '' nor lay
embargoes." Colonel Mason thought "the amendment
would be not only improper but dangerous, as the general
legislature would not sit constantly, and therefore could not
interpose at the necessary moments. He enforced his ob-
jection by appealing to the necessity of sudden embargoes,
during the war, to prevent exports, particularly in the case of
a blockade." ' The motion was lost. Madison moved next
that the prohibition, " nor lay imposts or duties on imports,"
be transferred from article thirteen, where the consent of .
the general legislature may license the act, to article twelve,
which would make the prohibition absolute. To this George
Mason observed, "that particular States might wish to
encourage, by impost duties, certain manufactures, for '
which they enjoyed natural advantages, as Virginia the
manufacture of hemp, &c." * This motion was lost ; but
coming to article thirteen it was moved to insert after the
word " imports '* the words " or exports," which passed by a
majority of one only, all the Southern States except North
Carolina being in the negative.
On the 29th of August the Convention took up the im-
portant section of article seven relating to navigation acts,
which the committee of eleven had, in accordance with the
compromise before mentioned, reported to be struck out.
This provision required the assent of two thirds of the mem-
bers present in each House to pass a navigation act. Mr.
Pinckney moved to postpone the report in favor of the
following proposition : " That no act of the legislature for
the purpose of regulating the commerce of the United
States with foreign powers, among the several States, shall
be passed without the assent of two thirds of the members
of each House." Colonel Mason spoke with much feeling
on the subject :
" If the government is to be lasting it must be founded in the
confidence and affections of the people ; and must be so con-
' Ibid,, p. 1444. • Ibid., p. 1445.
structed as to obtain these. The majority will be governed by
their interests. The Southern States are the minority in both
Houses. Is it to be expected that they will deliver themselves
bound, hand and foot, to the Eastern States, and enable them to
exclaim, in the words of Cromwell, on a certain occasion — ' the
Lord hath delivered them into our hands ' ? " *
The question to postpone was lost, South Carolina joining
with the Northern States in their unanimous vote against
it. The report striking out section sixth was agreed to, and
thus the die was cast and the way made easy for that sec-
tional legislation which was to lead at length to the Nullifi-
cation crisis, and was to be one of the causes of the war
between the States.
In considering article seventeen relating to the admission
of new States, Gouvemeur Morris made a fresh motion, put-
ting restrictions on them, and Madison and Mason both
opposed him. Colonel Mason said : "If it were possible by
just means to prevent emigration to the western country,
it might be good policy. But go the people will, as they
find it for their interest; and the best policy is to treat
them with that equality which will make them friends not
enemies." " On the question of filling the blank in article
twenty-one naming the number of States sufficient for rati-
fying the Constitution, thirteen, ten, nine, and eight were all
suggested. George Mason was for " preserving ideas familiar
to the people. Nine States had been required in all great
cases under the Confederation, and that number was on that
account preferable." " Article twenty-second was taken up :
" This Constitution shall be laid before the United States in
Congress assembled, for their approbation, etc.," and it was
moved by Mr. Gerry to postpone it. George Mason " sec-
onded the motion, declaring that he would sooner chop off
his right hand, than put it to the Constitution as it now
stands. He wished to see some points, not yet decided,
brought to a decision, before being compelled to give a final
opinion on this article. Should these points be improperly
» IHd,, p. 1453. * Ibid,, p. 1457. * [hid., p. 1473.
settled, his wish would then be to* bring the whole subject
before another general convention." * Gouvemeur Morris
on the 3d of September, moved to amend the report con-
cerning the respect to be paid acts, records, etc., of one State
in other States so as to read, " and the legislature shall, by
general laws, prescribe the manner in which such acts, rec-
ords, and proceedings shall be proved, and the effect thereof,"
instead of '' and the effect which judgments obtained in one
State shall have in another.'* Colonel Mason favored the
met ion, particularly if the '' effect " was to be restrained to
judgments and judicial proceedings.*
Certain parts of the Constitution had been referred to a
grand committee on the 31st of August, Madison being the
delegate from Virginia on the committee, and their report
was made the 4th of September. Much of it referred to the
Executive, the manner of his election, etc. He was to be
balloted for by electors, not chosen by the legislature, was to
sen^e for four years instead of seven, but in case more than
one candidate had a majority of votes, then the Senate was
to choose by ballot one of these candidates for President.
Colonel Mason '' confessed that the plan of the committee
had removed some capital objections, particularly the danger
of cabal and corruption. It was liable, however, to this
strong objection, that nineteen times in twenty the President
would be chosen by the Senate, an improper body for the
purpose." ■ The question was debated the following day,
when George Mason spoke as follows. He " admitted that
there were objections to an appointment by the legislature,
as originally planned. He had not yet made up his mind,
but would state his objections to the mode proposed by the
committee. First, it puts the appointment in fact into the
hands of the Senate, as it will rarely happen that a majority
of the whole vote will fall on any one candidate ; and as the
existing President will always be one of the five highest, his
reappointment will of course depend on the Senate. Sec-
ondly, considering the powers of the President and those of
' Ibid,, p. 1475. • Ibid,^ p. 1480. • Ibid,, p. 1490.
the Senate, if a coalition should be established between
these two branches, they will be able to subvert the Con-
stitution. The great objection with him would be removed
by depriving the Senate of the eventual election." * He
accordingly moved to strike out the words " if such number
be a majority of that of the electors.** This would make
the person having the highest number of votes, though not
a majority, President. Gouverneur Morris thought the
point of no great consequence, and that it was probable
that a majority of votes would fall on the same man. Cclo-
nel Mason replied : " Those who think there is no danger of
there not being a majority for the same person in the first
instance, ought to give up the point to those who think oth-
erwise.'** George Mason's motion was lost by a la^e
majority. Then, after several other propositions made by
different members, Colonel Mason moved to strike out the
word " five " and insert the word ** three,** as the highest
candidates for the Senate to choose from, which motion vas
also lost. He continued his objections : " As the mode of
appointment is now regulated, he could not forbear express-
ing his opinion that it is utterly inadmissible. He would
prefer the government of Prussia to one which will put all
power into the hands of seven or eight men, and fix an
aristocracy worse than absolute monarchy.'* " This question
coming up again the following day, it was proposed that an
eventual choice should be made by the House in conjunction
with the Senate, and finally that the House of Representa-
tives be substituted for the Senate. Colonel Mason " liked
the latter mode best as lessening the aristocratic influence of
the Senate," and the motion was agreed to by an almost
unanimous vote.* Other amendments were made which
met with George Mason*s approval, and the clause received
its final form.
In considering the section, " the Vice-President shall be
ex-officio president of the Senate,** Colonel Mason spoke at
* IHd,y p. 1499. * IHd,^ p. 1503.
• /W</., p. 1499. * Ibid,, p. 1511.
some length. He " thought the office of Vice-President an
encroachment on the rights of .the Senate, and that it mixed
too much the legislative and the executive, which, as well as
the judiciary department, ought to be kept as separate as
possible. He took occasion to express his dislike of any
reference whatever, of the power to make appointments, to
either branch of the legislature. On the other hand, he was
averse to vest so dangerous a power in the President alone.
As a method for avoiding both, he suggested that a privy
council, of six members, to the President, should be estab-
lished, to be chosen for six years by the Senate, two out of
the Eastern, two out of the Middle, and two out of the
Southern quarters of the Union ; and to go out in rota*
tion, two every second year, the concurrence of the Senate
to be required only in the appointment of ambassadors, and
in making treaties, which are more of a legislative nature.
This would prevent the constant sitting of the Senate, which
he thought dangerous, as well as keep the departments
separate and distinct. It would also save the expense of
constant sessions of the Senate. He had, he said, always
considered the Senate as too unwieldy and expensive for
appointing officers, especially the smallest, such as tide-
waiters, &c. He had not reduced his idea to writing, but it
could be easily done, if it should be found acceptable.*' '
This idea of a council was supported by Mr. Wilson, but
opposed by Mr. King. Colonel Mason then said, " that in
rejecting a council to the President we were about to try an
experiment on which the most despotic governments had
never ventured. The Grand Seignior himself had his divan.
He moved to postpone the consideration of the clause
[" and may require the opinion in writing of the principal
officer in each of the Executive Departments, upon any sub-
ject relating to the duties of their respective offices,"] in
order to take up the following : ' That it be an instruction
to the Committee of the States to prepare a clause or
clauses for establishing an Executive Council, as a Coun-
* Ibid.^ p. 1518.
cil of State, for the President of the United States, to con-
sist of six members, two of which from the Eastern, two
from the Middle, and two from the Southern States, with a
rotation and duration of office similar to those of the Senate:
such Council to be appointed by the Legislature or by the
Senate.' " *
This motion, seconded by Dr. Franklin and approved of
by Madison and others, was rejected by the Convention.
The Constitution on the 8th of September was referred to
a committee of five to revise the style. Johnson, Hamilton,
Morris, Madison, and King composed this committee, and
the final draft of the Constitution was the work of Gouv-
emeur Morris. The clause referring to the Senate the trial
of impeachments against the President was taken up by the
Convention on the 8th, and George Mason inquired :
" Why is the provision restrained to treason and bribery only ?
Treason, as defined in the Constitution, will not reach many great
and dangerous offences. Hastings is not guilty of treason. At-
tempts to subvert the Constitution may not be treason, as above
defined. As bills of attainder, which have saved the British
constitution, are forbidden, it is the more necessary to extend the
power of impeachments."
He moved to add, after " bribery," " or maladministra^
tion." Colonel Mason was seconded by Mr. Gerry, but
Madison objecting to the vagueness of the term " mal-
administration," he withdrew it and substituted " other high
crimes and misdemeanours " [against the State]. The ques-
tion then passed in the affirmative.* The word " State "
was afterwards struck out and " United States " unani-
mously inserted, to prevent ambiguity. But these words
" United States " were finally struck out by the committee
on style. On the loth Edmund Randolph stated at some
length his objections to the Constitution as now formulated.
He made a motion to submit the system to the Congress,
thence to the State legislatures and conventions, the pro-
* Ibid., p. 1523. • Ibid., p. 1528.
cess to close with another general convention, with power
to adopt or reject amendments proposed by the State con-
ventions. Colonel Mason '' urged and obtained that the
motion should lie on the table for a day or two, to see what
steps might be taken with regard to the parts of the system
objected to by Mr. Randolph." On the 12th the Committee
of Style and Arrangement reported the Constitution, and it
was moved to reconsider the clause requiring three fourths
of each House to overrule the negative of the President, and
insert two thirds. Gouvemeur Morris said the difference in
the two proportions amounted " in one House to two mem-
bers only ; and in the other to not more than five." George
Mason said he " had always considered this as one of the
most exceptionable parts of the system. As to the numeri-
cal argument of Mr. Gouverneur Morris, little arithmetic was
necessary to understand that three fourths was more than
two thirds, whatever the numbers of the legislature might
be. The example [given by Morris and Hamilton] of New
York depended on the real merits of the laws. The gentle-
men citing it had no doubt given their own opinions. But
perhaps there were others of opposite opinions who could
equally paint the abuses on the other side. His leading
view was to guard against too great an impediment to the
repeal of laws." * The amendment was made, Virginia's
vote counting in the negative, however, as Mason and
Randolph were opposed by Washington, Blair, and Madi-
son. It was then observed that no provision was made for
juries in civil cases, to which Mr. Gorham replied : " It is
not possible to discriminate equity cases from those in which
juries are proper." fcolonel Mason said he "perceived tKe|
difficulty mentionea by Mr. Gorham. The jury cases can-'
not be specified. A general principle laid down, on this
and some other points, would be sufficient. He wished the
plan had been prefaced with a Bill of Rights, and would
second a motion if made for the purpose. It would give
great quiet to the people ; and with the aid of the State
* Ibid,^ p. 1563.
Declarations, a bill might be prepared in a few hours." Mr.
Gerry concurred in the idea, and moved for a committee to
prepare a Bill of Rights, George Mason seconding the motion.
Mr. Sherman thought it was not required, as the State j"
Declarations of Rights were not repealed by this Constitution. :
Colonel Mason replied : " The laws of the United States
are to be paramount to State Bills of Rights/^ On the
question for a committee to prepare a Bill of Rights, five*
States voted in the affirmative and the five Southern States
in the negative. Massachusetts was absent.' Virginia's vote'
probably went as before, Washington, Blair, and Madison
against Mason and Randolph.
The clause relating to exports was reconsidered at the
instance of Colonel Mason, who urged " that the restrictions
on the States would prevent the incidental duties necessary
for the inspection and safe-keeping of their produce, and be
ruinous to the Staple States, as he called the five Southern
States. He moved as follows : " Provided nothing herein
contained shall be construed to restrain any State from lay-
ing duties upon exports for the sole purpose of defraying
the charges of inspecting, packing, storing, and indemnify-
ing the losses in keeping the commodities in the care of
public officers, before exportation." In answer to a remark
which he anticipated — to wit, that the States could provide
for these expenses by a tax in some other way, he stated
the inconvenience of requiring the planters to pay a tax
before the actual delivery for exportation. Mr. Madison
seconded the motion, but the Convention soon after ad-
journed without further action in the matter. The next day
George Mason, who was the first to address the Convention,
said he *' had moved without success for a power to make
sumptuary regulations. He had not yet lost sight of his
object. After descanting on the extravagance of our man-
ners, the excessive consumption of foreign superfluities, and
the necessity of restricting it, as well with economical as
republican views, he moved that a committee be appointed
' /W</., p. 1566.
to report articles of association for encouraging, by the
advice, the influence, and the example of the members of
the Convention, economy, frugality, and American manu-
factures." The motion was seconded and without debate
agreed to, and a committee of five appointed, Colonel
Mason at the head of it. But no report, it seems, was
ever made by this committee. George. Mason renewed at
this time his proposition of the day before " on the subject
of inspection laws, with an additional clause giving to Con-
gress a control over them in case of abuse — as follows :
' Provided, that no State shall be restrained from imposing
the usual duties on produce exported from such State, for
the sole purpose of defraying the charges of inspecting,
packing, storing, and indemnifying the losses on such
produce, while in the custody of public officers; but all
such regulations shall, in case of abuse, be subject to the
revision and control of Congress.' " There was no debate,
and the question passed in the affirmative.'
In considering the section, " Each \House shall keep a
journal of its proceedings, and from ume to time publish
the same, excepting such parts as may in their judgment
require secrecy," Colonel Mason and Mr. Gerry moved to
insert after the word ** parts " the words " of the proceedings
of the Senate," so as to require publication of all the pro-
ceedings of the House of Representatives. But the question
passed in the negative.* Dr. Franklin moved to add to the
powers vested in Congress " to provide for cutting canals
where deemed necessary." Madison wished to enlarge the
motion, " to grant charters of incorporation, &c." Colonel
Mason was for ** limiting the power to the single case of
canals. He was afraid of monopolies of every sort, which
he did not think were by any means already implied by the
Constitution, as supposed by Mr. Wilson."' The motion,
however, limiting the power to the case of canals, was lost.
Colonel Mason, '' being sensible that an absolute prohibition
of standing armies in time of peace might be unsafe, and
* Ibid., p. 1569. • Ibid., p. 1573. ■ Ibid,, p. 1577.
wishing at the same time to insert something pointing out
and guarding against the danger of them, moved to preface
the clause (Art. I., Sect. 8), * to provide for organizing, arm-
ing, and disciplining the militia, &c./ with the words ' and
that the liberties of the people may be better secured
against the danger of standing armies in time of peace.' " *
Both Randolph and Madison were in favor of the motion,
but only two States, Virginia and Georgia, voted for it.
George Mason then moved to strike out from the clause
(Art. I., Sect. 9) " no bill of attainder, nor any ex post facto
law, shall be passed," the words "nor any ex post facto
law." He " thought it not sufficiently clear that the prohi-
bition meant by this phrase was limited to cases of a criminal
nature ; and no legislature ever did or can altogether avoid
them in civil cases." ' All the States opposed the motion,
however. In Article I., Section 9, it was moved by Colo-
nel Mason to insert the words " or enumeration " after, as
explanatory of, " census." He also moved a clause requiring
'' that an account of the public expenditures should be annu-
ally published." The motion was altered by striking out
" annually " and inserting " from time to time," and passed
in this form.* The subject of inspection laws was again
taken up, and, in consequence of the proviso moved by
George Mason, and agreed to by the Convention on the
13th, this part of the section was laid aside in favor of the
form now in the Constitution (Art. I., Sect. 10). But a
motion to strike out the last words of the paragraph, " and
all such laws shall be subject to the revision and control of
the Congress," passed in the negative. All the States then
agreed to the substitute except Virginia.* Messrs. Mc-
Henry and Carroll, of Maryland, moved that " no State
shall be restrained from laying duties of tonnage for the
purpose of clearing harbours and erecting light-houses."
Colonel Mason, in support of this motion, " explained and
urged the situation of the Cheisapeake, which peculiarly
» Ibid., p. 1578. • IHd„ p. 1581.
• Ibid,, p. 1579. « Ibid,, p. 1584.
required expenses of this sort/' But in place of this right
reserved the motion passed " that no State shall lay any
duty on tonnage without the consent of Congress." * On
the subject of the power of the Executive to grant reprieves
and pardons, Edmund Randolph moved to except ** cases
of treason/* and Colonel Mason supported the motion.
Madison thought the Senate should share this power with
the President, if it was to be given to the latter. Colonel
Mason replied ** that the Senate has already too much
power. There can be no danger of too much lenity in
legislative pardons, as the Senate must concur; and the
President moreover can require two thirds of both Houses." *
The motion received the support of only two States, Vir-
ginia and Georgia. George Mason thought the plan of
amending the Constitution ** exceptionable and dangerous.
As the proposing of amendments is in both the modes
to depend, in the first immediately, and in the second
ultimately, on Congress, no amendments of the proper kind
would ever be obtained by the people, if the government
should become oppressive, as he verily believed would be
the case/* •
Returning for the last time to a subject which he considered
of vital importance, Colonel Mason expressed " his discontent
at the power given to Congress, by a bare majority to pass
navigation acts, which he said would not only enhance the
freight, a consequence he did not so much regard, but would
enable a few rich merchants in Philadelphia, New York and
Boston, to monopolize the staples of the Southern States,
and reduce their value perhaps fifty per cent." He then
moved " that no law in the nature of a navigation act be
passed before the year 1808, without the consent of two
thirds of each branch of the Legislature." * Maryland, Vir-
ginia, and Georgia were the only States that voted in the affirm-
ative on this motion. North Carolina was absent, and South
Carolina apparently regarded herself as pledged to Northern
• Idui,, p. 1586. • IM,, p. 1591.
• IHd., p. 1588. * I&ii/., p. 1593.
interests here. Edmund Randolph animadverted on the in-
definite and dangerous power given by the Constitution to
Congress, and he made a motion '' that amendments to the
plan might be offered by the State conventions, which should
be submitted to, and finally decided on by, another general
convention." George Mason seconded the motion, and fol-
lowed Randoph in strictures " on the dangerous power and
structure of the government, concluding that it would end;
either in monarchy, or a tyrannical aristocracy ; which, he
was in doubt, but one or other, he was sure. This Constitu-'*
tion had been formed without the knowledge or idea of the •
people. A second convention will know more of the sense
of the people, and be able to provide a system more conso-
nant to it. It was improper to say to the people. Take this- ,
or nothing. As the Constitution now stands, he could
neither give it his support or vote in Virginia ; and he could
not sign here what he could not support there. With the\.
expedient of another convention, as proposed, he could
sign."' This was Colonel Mason's last utterance in the :
Federal Convention. He was followed by Elbridge Gerry, .
who stated briefly his objections to the proposed system.
Then, on the proposition of Edmund Randolph for a second
convention, all the States voted in the negative. This was
on Saturday, the 15th of September. On Monday, the 17th,
the engrossed Constitution was read and signed by all the
members present except George Mason, Edmund Randolph, |
/ and Elbridge Gerry.
George Mason told Jefferson that the Constitution as
agreed to only a fortnight before met with his approval. It
was, however, somewhat earlier that the changes were made
which so altered its character as to render it, in Mason's
opinion, no longer a safe charter of government. Luther
Martin, in answering an assertion of one of his political
adversaries, in 1788, that he had cautioned certain members
of the Convention to be on their guard against the wiles of
Elbridge Gerry, ** for that he and Mason held private meet-
' IHd., p. 1594.
ings, where the plans were concerted to aggrandize, at the
expense of the small States, * Old Massachusetts and the
Ancient Dominion,* " gives an account of the efforts of the
States-rights party to restore the Constitution to the form_
first " agreed to." /" Some time in the month of August,"
he says, " a number of members who considered the system,
as then under consideration, and likely to be adopted, ex-
tremely exceptionable, and of a tendency to destroy the
rights and liberties of the United States, thought it advisa^
ble to meet together in the evenings, in order to have a com-
munication of sentiments, and to concert a plan of conven-
tional opposition to, and amendment of, that system, so as,
if possible, to render it less dangerous. Mr. Gerry was the
first who proposed this measure to me, and that before any
meeting had taken place, and wished we might assemble at
my lodgings ; but not having a room convenient we fixed
upon another place. There Mr. Gerry and Mr. Mason did
hold meetings.; but with them also met the delegates from
• New Jersey and Connecticut, a part of the delegation from
Delaware, an honorable member from South Carolina, [Charles
Pinckney ?] one other from Georgia and myself. Those were
the only * private meetings * that ever I knew or heard to be
held by Mr. Gerry and Mr. Mason — meetings at which I my-
self attended until I left the Convention — and of which the
sole object was not to aggrandize \}x^ great at the expense of
the smally but to protect and preserve, if possible, the ex-
istence and essential rights of all the States, and the liberty ,
and freedom of their citizens." *
Hoping against hope and vigilant to the end, Colonel
Mason is to be seen at his post in the last weeks of the Con-
vention, striving to bring about alterations of more or less
signficance and value. The vote of the 29th of August had
been a great disappointment to him, but he still sought to
reverse its decision. Among his manuscripts is to be found
a paper showing the points of the Constitution to which he
* Maryland Journal and Baltimore Advtrtiitr^ March 18, 1788. Letter of
Luther Martin.
Vol. 11—12
took exception and the amendments designed by him at this
time. Opposite most of these notes, of which there are
twenty in all, George Mason has marked in the margin
" agreed " or " refused/' as the case might be. One of them,
endorsed as " not proposed," is as follows :
*' Sect. 2 — Art. 4. The citizens of one State having an estate
in another, have not secured to them the right of removing their
property as in the Fourth Article of the Confederation. Amend
by adding the following clause : And every citizen having an
estate in two or more States shall have a right to remove his
property from one State to another."
George Mason's reference to Article V fixes the date of the
manuscript to some extent. He says :
'' By this article Congress only have the power of proposing
amendments at any future time to this Constitution, and should
it prove ever so oppressive the whole people of America can't
make, or even propose alterations to it ; a doctrine utterly sub-
versive of the fundamental principles of the rights and liberties
of the people."
\ •
Here Colonel Mason's watchfulness was of great service
in detecting and bringing to light a device of Gouverneur
Morris to prevent the States from having the power to pro-
pose amendments. George Mason gave an account of the
circumstance to Jefferson, who thus reports it :
" One morning Gouverneur Morris moved an instrument for
certain alterations (not one half the members yet come in). In
a hurry and without understanding, it was agreed to. The com-
mittee [on style] reported so that Congress should have the
exclusive power of proposing amendments. George Mason
observed it on the report and opposed it. King denied the con-
struction. Mason demonstrated it, and asked the committee by
what authority they had varied what had been agreed. Gouv-
erneur Morris then imprudently got up and said, By authority of
the Convention, and produced the blind instruction before men-
tioned, which was unknown by one half the house, and not till
then understood by the other. They then restored it as it
originally stood." *
Morris was not scrupulous, as his own admissions show,
in his desire to secure a centralized government. He tells
how, in his capacity of draftsman for the committee on style,
he sought by the wording of another portion of the Constitu-
tion, the article on the judiciary, to give it a more decided bias
in the desired direction.* Mason and Morris were types of op-
posing political views, and it is noticeable in the debates
of the Convention how often they engaged one another in
combat. They were strongly contrasted in character also,
which made the antagonism more complete.
George Mason's last and cardinal amendment is given in
this manuscript as originally proposed by him :
" No law in the nature of a Navigation Act shall be
passed without the assent of two thirds of the members
present in each House."
In another hand, the qualifying phrase is inserted which
it was believed might make it more acceptable — " before the
year 1808." ' Among George Mason's manuscripts, relating
to the period of the Federal Convention, is a draft of a con-
stitution in the handwriting of Edmund Randolph. It is
discussed at length by Mr. Moncure D. Conway in his
biography of Randolph.* This paper, full of details, and
with marginal notes by John Rutledge, was evidently used
in one of the Convention committees. Other manuscripts,
chips preserved by George Mason from the Convention
workshop, are a fragment of a speech of his, and some
suggestions, in an unknown hand, on the subject of the
' '* Jefferson's Works.'* vol. ix., Anas, p. 119.
* ** Life and Writings of Gouverneur Morris," Sparks, vol. iii., p. 323,
' Appendix ii.
* " Life of Edmund Randolph." p. 73.
* Appendix ii.
Washington notes in his journal September 17, 1787 ;
" Met in Convention, when the Constitution received the unani-
mous assent of eleven States, and of Col. Hamilton from New
York, the only delegate from thence in Convention, and was sub-
scribed to by every member present, except Governor Randolph
and Colonel Mason from Virginia, and Mr. Gerry from Massa-
chusetts. The business being thus closed the members adjourned
to the City Tavern, dined together, and took a cordial leave of
each other. After which I returned to my lodgings, did some
business with and received the papers from the Secretary of the
Convention, and retired to meditate on the momentous work,
which had been executed, after not less than five, for a large part
of the time six, and sometimes seven hours' sitting every day
(except Sundays and the ten days' adjournment to give a commit-
tee an opportunity and time to arrange the business) for more
than four months." '
We have no record of George Mason's last day in the
Convention. But his meditations upon the " momentous
work" there executed were, doubtless, of a very dtfterent
nature from Washington's. He went home, perhaps, in
company with his neighbor of " Mount Vernon," and dis-
cussed by the way the Constitution and its shortcomings.
Alexandria is said to have been strongly in favor of the new
' "WrilingioF Washington," Sparks, vol. ix. (Appendix), p. 541.
government. And such was certainly the bias of a Phila-
delphia paper, which published in its editorial columns a
remarkable story purporting to be a veracious account of
George Mason's reception in Alexandria on his return from
the Convention. "We hear from Alexandria," says this
Baron Munchausen, " that on the arrival of Mr. Mason (one
of the delegates in Convention) at Alexandria, he was waited
on by the Mayor and Corporation of that town, who told
him, they were not come to return him their thanks for his
conduct in refusing to sign the Federal Constitution, but to
express their abhorrence to it, and to advise him to withdraw
from that town within an hour, for they could not answer
for his personal safety from an enraged populace should he
exceed that time." * George Mason was too much respected
by the mayor and corporation of Alexandria to have received
from them any such treatment as is here described, even had
the town been so foolish as to resent the action of their rep-
resentative, which is by no means proved. And as neither
Washington nor George Mason refer to any such incident,
in their letters, it may well be dismissed as completely ficti-
tious. Edmund Randolph, too, would most likely have
reported it to Madison, if his " dissenting colleague " had
met with such an experience, when he wrote from Bowling
Green, September 30th :
'* In Alexandria the inhabitants are enthusiastic [/. e, in favor
of the Constitution], and instructions to force my dissenting col-
league to assent to a convention are on the anvil. I wrote to
him yesterday suggesting to him this expedient : to urge the
calling of a convention as the first act of the Assembly : if they
should wish amendments let them be stated and forwarded to the
States. Before the meeting of the convention an answer may be
obtained. If the proposed amendments be rejected, let the con-
stitution immediately operate : if approved by nine States, let the
assent of our convention be given under the exceptions of the
points amended. This will, I believe, blunt the opposition, which
will be formidable, if they must take altogether or reject." "
' The Pennsylvania Journal^ October 17, 1787.
* '* Life of Edmund Randolph," M. D. Conway, p. 95.
This letter of Edmund Randolph to George Mason has
been lost, and it is not very clear, partly owing to the fact
that the sentence is not punctuated at all in the manuscript,
what the Governor meant, as he described his scheme to,
Madison. On the subject of calling a convention, George V
Mason did not need any prompting, either from his Alex-
andria constituents or from Edmund Randolph. He had
prepared, in the last days of the Convention, his " Objec-
tions to the Constitution." These he enclosed to Washing-' ^
ton, in a letter dated October 7th. He writes :
'' I take the liberty to enclose to you my objections, to the new
constitution of government, which a little moderation and tem-
per at the latter end of the Convention might have removed. I,
am, however, most decidedly of opinion, that it ought to be sub-
mitted to the people for that special purpose, and should any
attempt be made to prevent the calling of such a Convention here,
such a measure shall have every opposition in my power to give
it. You will readily observe that my objections are not numer-
ous (the greater part of the enclosed paper containing reasonings
upon the probable effects of the exceptionable parts), though in
my mind some of them are capital ones."
Colonel Mason in his letter then leaves politics for agri-
culture, and tells his correspondent of the failure of some of
his crops, and that Dr. Williamson and Colonel Davie, of
North Carolina, whom he had met at the Convention, had
shown him letters mentioning large crops of corn in their
State. He proposes to supply himself there, and will write
to Dr. Williamson at Edenton for this purpose. And George
Mason offers to make a contract for Washington also, should
the latter desire it.*
George Mason wrote out his objections to the Constitution
before leaving the Convention, apparently, as they are found
on the edition of the Constitution printed for the benefit of
the members, and given to them September 13th. This was
the ** Report " of the " Committee on Style and Arrange-
* Washington MSS., State Department.
/ "
ment." George Mason's copy,* which is among the few that
bave been preserved, is full of interlineations and marginal
-notes, having been used, no doubt, in Committee of the
Whole. The " Objections," as they appeared afterwards in
pamphlet form, were somewhat expanded, and there were
changes in the style here and there.* They were not a great
many, as George Mason told Washington, but they covered
-the whole ground, and were dwelt upon fully in the debates
'of the Virginia Convention some months later. In the
" Address of the Sixteen Seceding Members of the Legisla-
ture of Pennsylvania,** September 29th,* as Washington wrote
'Madison, George Mason*s objections are detailed, and no
doubt he was in communication with the Antifederalists of
Pennsylvania and gave them the benefit of his views. His
objections were circulated among his friends in manuscript
before they appeared in print, and Madison wrote a reply to
them in a letter to Washington, October i8th.* It is evident
they excited a great deal of interest and no little alarm
among the Federalists, though Madison affected to think
them of small importance. They were published in Rich-
mond, " Addressed to the Citizens of Virginia," ' probably
in November or December, 1787, and it is said they were
also published in Boston, '* mutilated of that which pointed
at the regulation of commerce.** * An answer to them ap-
peared in the Massachusetts Centinel oi the i8th of Decem-
ber, copied from the Connecticut Courant, which was supposed
to have been written by Ellsworth, or Sherman, or some
equally able champion of the Constitution.^ The most
elaborate reply to George Mason's " Objections ** was that
made by James Iredell, of North Carolina, published in the
biography of the latter, and reprinted among the pamphlets
* Owned by Mrs. St. George Tucker Campbell, of Philadelphia. V4oy3 CKAPiM UiO
» Appendix ii. £oiLLlAirv%S OOi^Li
* American Museum^ vol. ii., p. 362.
* " Writings of Washington," Sparks, vol. ix., App. vi.
^ " Pamphlets on the Constitution," Paul L. Ford, p. 390.
* " Writings of Washington," Sparks, vol. ix., p. 288.
^ •* The Republic of Republics," p. 444, P. C. Centz, Appendix A, No. i.
collected by Mr. Ford. James Wilson, of Pennsylvania, was
one of the most prominent advocates of the Constitution, ■
in its unamended shape, and his pamphlet in its defence is
considered the ablest on that side that appeared at this
period. I An amusing " Recipe for an anti-Federalist essay,'*
which was published in one of the newspapers of the day»
brings Wilson and Mason together as typical men of the two,
parties. The phrase ** well-bom," alluded to as a shibboleth ^
of the Federalists, belonged to John Adams, and will be
met with later in the debates of the Virginia Convention :
" Take * well-born ' nine times ; * aristocracy ' nine times ; * lib- ^
erty of the press ' thirteen times ; * liberty of conscience ' once ;
* negro slavery ' once ; * trial by jury ' seven times ; * great men *
six times ; ' Mr. Wilson ' forty times ; and lastly, ' George Mason's
right hand in a cutting-box ' nineteen times. Put all together^
boil or roast or fry, and dish at pleasure. After being once
used the remains of the same dish may be served a dozen times
Edmund Randolph published a letter embodying his objec-
tions to the Constitution, and Richard Henry Lee wrote
very ably in advocacy of amendments to the charter of gov-
ernment as it then stood. As Mason and Randolph had
been the Virginia Antifederalists of the Convention, so
Richard Henry Lee and William Grayson were leaders of
this party in Congress. The following letter from Richard
Henry Lee to George Mason, written in reply to one from
the latter, giving an account of the last days of the Conven-
tion, details the action of Lee in Congress in his efforts to
advance the cause which he had at heart. Unfortunately,
all the letters of Mason to Lee written at this period have
been lost. Tradition says that the wife of Ludwell Lee, son
of R. H. Lee, converted many of these letters into covers
for her preserve-jars, and so like similar treasures among the
Bland Papers, which served to line baskets of eggs, they
perished ignobly.
* Review in Th€ Nation ^ January 17, 1889.
New York, October ist, 1787.
Dear Sir :
I have waited until now to answer your favor of September
• loth from Philadelphia, that I might inform you how the Con-
. vention plan of government was entertained by Congress. Your
, \ prediction of what would happen in Congress was exactly veri-
-.fied. It was with us, as with you, this or nothing; and this
urged with a most extreme intemperance. The greatness of the
powers given, and the multitude to be created produces a coali-
tion of monarchy men, military men, aristocrats and drones,
whose noise, impudence and zeal exceeds all belief. Whilst the
commercial plunder of the South stimulates the rapacious trader.
In this state of things the patriot voice is raised in vain for such
changes and securities as reason and experience prove to be ^
necessary against the encroachments of power upon the indis-
pensable rights of human nature. Upon due consideration oif
the Constitution under which we now act, some of us were
clearly of opinion that the Thirteenth Article of the Confedera- /
tion precluded us from giving an opinion concerning a plan sub-
versive of the present system, and eventually forming a new
Confederacy of nine instead of thirteen States. The contrary
doctrine was asserted with great violence in expectation of the
strong majority with which they might send it forward under
terms of much approbation. Having procured an opinion that
Congress was qualified to consider, to amend, to approve or dis-
approve, the next game was to determine that though a right to
amend existed, it would be highly inexpedient to exercise that
right, but merely to transmit it with respectful marks of appro-
bation. In this state of things I availed myself of the right to
amend, and moved the amendments, a copy of which I send
herewith, and called the ayes and nays to fix them on the jour-
nal. This greatly alarmed the majority and vexed them ex-
tremely ; for the plan is to push the business on with great
dispatch, and with as little opposition as possible, that it may be
adopted before it has stood the test of reflection and due exami-
nation. They found it most eligible at last to transmit it merely,
without approving or disapproving, provided nothing but the
transmission should appear on the journal. This compromise
was settled and they took the opportunity of inserting the word
unanimously^ which applied only to simple transmission, hoping
to have it mistaken for an unanimous approbation of the thing.
It states that Congress having received the Constitution unani-
mously transmit it, &c. It is certain that no approbation was
given. This Constitution has a great many excellent regulations
in it, and if it could be reasonably amended would be a fine
system. As it is, I think *t is past doubt, that if it should be estab-
lished, either a tyranny will result from it, or it will be prevented
by a civil war. I am clearly of opinion with you that it should
be sent back with amendments reasonable, and assent to it
withheld until such amendments are admitted. You are well
acquainted with Mr. Stone and others of influence in Maryland.
I think it will be a great point to get Maryland and Virginia to
join in the plan of amendments and return it with them. If you
are in correspondence with our chancellor Pendleton it will be
of much use to furnish him with the objections, and if he approves
our plan, his opinion will have great weight with our Conven-
tion ; and I am told that his relation Judge Pendleton of South
Carolina has decided weight in that State, and that he is sensible
and independent. How important will it be then to procure his
union with our plan, which might probably be the case if our
chancellor was to write largely and pressingly to him on the sub-
ject, that if possible it may be amended there also. It is certainly
the most rash and violent proceeding in the world to cram thus
suddenly into men a business of such infinite moment to the
happiness of millions. One of your letters will go by the packet
and one by a merchant ship.
My compliments, if you please, to your lady and to the young
ladies and gentlemen.
I am, dear sir, affectionately yours,
Richard Henry Lee.
Suppose when the Assembly recommended a Convention to
consider this new Constitution they were to use some words like
these : It is earnestly recommended to the good people of Virginia
to send their most wise and honest men to this Convention that it
may undergo the most intense consideration before a plan shall
be without amendments, adopted that admits of abuses being
practised by which the best interests of this country may be
injured and civil liberty greatly endangered. This might per-
haps give a decided tone to the business.
Please to send my son Ludwell a copy of the amendments
proposed by me to the new Constitution sent herewith.*
These amendments correspond almost entirely with the
" Objections " of George Mason. The chief variation is in the
manner of composing the Executive Council. Washington
wrote to Madison on the loth of October, soon after receiv-
ing George Mason's letter with his " Objections to the
Constitution ** :
'* As far as accounts have been received from the southern and
western counties, the sentiment with respect to the proceedings
of the Convention is favorable. Whether the knowledge of this
or a conviction of the impropriety of withholding the Constitu-
tion from the State conventions, has worked most in the breast of
Col. Mason, I will not decide ; but the fact is, he has declared
unequivocally, in a letter to me, for its going to the people. Had
his sentiments, however, been opposed to the measure, his in-
structions (for the delegates of his county are so instructed)
would compel him to vote for it. Yet I have no doubt, that his
assent will be accompanied by the most tremendous apprehen-
sions which the highest coloring can give to his objections. To
alarm the people seems to be the groundwork of his plan. The \
want of a qualiRed navigation act is already declared to be a
means by which the price of produce in the Southern States will
be reduced to nothing, and will become a monopoly of the East-
ern and Northern States. To enumerate the whole of his objec-
tions is unnecessary, because they are detailed in the address of
the seceding members of the Assembly of Pennsylvania, which,
no doubt, you have seen."
Comparing George Mason and Richard Henry Lee, Wash-
ington adds :
" The political tenets of Col. M. and Colonel R. H. L. are
always in unison. It may be asked which of them gives the tone ?
Without hesitation I answer the latter because I believe the latter
* Mason Papers.
will receive it from no-one. He has, I am informed, rendered
himself obnoxious in Philadelphia by the pains he took to dis-
seminate his objections among some of the leaders of the seceding
members of the legislature of that State. His conduct is not less
reprobated in this country. How it will be relished generally is
yet to be learned by me." *
The late commander-in-chief clearly belongs to the ** mili-
tary men ** of whom Richard Henry Lee speaks in his letter
to Mason. He advocated a strong government, and could
see no need for bills of rights. He was not in a temper to
appreciate the motives of the opposition leaders. But it is
difficult to see why he should think it necessary to take from
George Mason the credit of originality, on a subject which
had been so thoroughly canvassed by him in the Federal
Convention, and to suppose that Lee gave the " tone ** to
his " political tenets." Two independent thinkers may be
" always in unison," it has been often seen, upon principles
which each one has arrived at by his own method. So the
mere fact that Mason's " Objections " antedated Lee's
" Amendments " would not be an argument against Lee's
originality, though his paper closely resembled that of his
friend. Five days later Washington wrote to Henry Knox :
'^ It is highly probable that the refusal of our Governor and
Colonel Mason to subscribe to the proceedings of the Convention
will have a bad effect in this State ; for as you well observe, they
must not only assign reasons for the justiRcation of their own
conduct, but 'li is highly probable that these reasons will be
clothed in most terrific array for the purpose of alarming." '
The Virginia Assembly met on the 1 5th of October. It was
the last Assembly under the old freer life of the Confederation ;
and it was to be Colonel Mason's last session in the Virginia
Legislature. Besides the regular business of the Assembly,
the all-important question of the new Federal Constitution
was to come up, incidentally, in the recommendation of a
* Bancroft's ** History of the Constitution," vol. ii., p. 443 (Appendix).
• " Writings of Washington.'* Sparks, vol. ix., p. 270.
convention. Madison wrote from Congress to Washingfton
on the 28th, expressing his anxiety as to the attitude on this
point of George Mason and Patrick Henry. He had heard
from one of his correspondents in the Assembly " that Colo-
nel Mason had not got down, and it appears that Mr. Henry
is not at bottom a friend." He is therefore " not without
fears that their combined influence and management may yet
create difficulties." * The resolution of Congress transmit-
ting the Constitution to the several State legislatures came
under consideration on the 19th, when Patrick Henry de-
clared that it must go before a convention of the people, as
the Assembly had no power to decide the matter. George
Mason must have arrived in the Assembly by the 23d, as on
this day Edmund Randolph wrote to Madison from Rich-
mond : *' Mr. Mason has declared in Assembly that although
he is for amendments, he will not quit the Union even if
they should not be made." Then follows a phrase in this
letter showing that there had been some display of feeling
on Mason's part, apparently, against Madison, which is not
to be wondered at under the circumstances. The indistinct
manuscript reads : " Colonel Mason has said nothing good
[sic] and you may rest yourself in safety in my hands, for I
will certainly repel the smallest insinuation." * If Madison
feared the influence of Mason, it might well be that Mason
returned the compliment. Already the Federalist had begun
its work, in which Madison's pen was to be so potent.
And George Mason must have viewed with chagrin a publi-
cation which was to do so much towards establishing political
views of which he emphatically disapproved. However, as
will be seen subsequently, the two statesmen, if estranged
for a short period, renewed later their former friendly
On the 25th of October the House debated the question
of calling a convention, and the following account is given
of the proceedings in a letter from Petersburg to a Phila-
* ** Correspondence of the American Revolution," Sparks, vol. iv., p. 185.
' " Life of Edmund Randolph," M. D. Conway, p. 97.
delphia newspaper, dated November ist, the only record
that has been preserved of the debate, it would seem. The
writer says : " On Thursday last the House of Delegates of
this State took under consideration the resolution of Con-
gress by which the appointment of a State Convention was
recommended." The debate was opened by Francis Corbin,
who " spoke with approbation of the new plan of govern-
ment." He closed his speech with a resolution that a
convention be called according to the recommendation of
Congress. Patrick Henry rose to oppose the resolution, as
it then stood.
" He did not question the propriety or necessity of calling a
Convention. No man was more truly Federal than himself, but
he conceived that, if this resolution was adopted, the Convention
would only have it in their power to say that the new plan should
be adapted^ or rejected^ and that however defective it might appear
to them, they would not be authorised to propose amendments.
There were errors and defects in the Constitution, and he there-
fore proposed the addition of some words to Mr. Corbin's reso-
lutions by which the power of proposing amendments might be
Mr. Corbin defended his resolution, and George Nicholas
seconded his defence.
" He warmly reprobated Mr. Henry's amendment, because it
would give the impression that the Virginia Assembly thought
amendments might be made to the new government, whereas he
believed there was a decided majority in its favor. At the same
time he did not deny the right of the Convention to propose
The writer goes on to say :
'< Mr. Mason, who had just taken his seat in the House, rose
to second Mr. Henry's motion. He told the Committee that he
felt somewhat embarrassed at the situation in which he then
stood. He had been honored with a seat in the Federal Con-
vention, and all knew that he had refused to subscribe to their
proceedings. This might excite some surprise, but it was not
necessary at that hour, he said, to make known his reasons ; at
a proper season they should be communicated to his countrymen.
He would, however, declare that no man was more completely
federal in his principles than he was : that from the east of
New Hampshire to the south of Georgia, there was not a man
more fully convinced of the necessity of establishing some general
government : that he regarded our perfect union as the rock of
our political salvation : but, that he had considered the new
federal government according to that measure of knowledge
which God had given him — that he had endeavored to make
himself master of the important subject ; that he had deeply and
maturely weighed every article of the new Constitution ; and
with every information which he could derive, either from his
own reflection, or the observations of others, he could not approve
it. He said : * I thought it wrong, Mr. Chairman, — I thought it
repugnant to our highest interests, and if with these sentiments I
had subscribed to it, I might have been justly regarded as a
traitor to my country. I would have lost this hand before it
should have marked my name to the new government.'
• It
John Marshall spoke next:
" He thought Mr. Corbin's resolution improper for the reason
given by Mr. Henry. He thought Mr. Henry's amendment
improper for the reasons given by Mr. Nicholas. He wished
that the future Convention should have the fullest latitude in
their deliberations, etc., but he thought, with Mr. Nicholas, that
the people should have no reason to suppose that their Legisla-
ture disapproved the new federal government, and therefore he
proposed this resolution : That a Convention should be called,
and that the new Constitution should be laid before them for their
free and ample discussion."
This resolution passed without opposition. The other
speakers in the debate were Prentis, Bland, Thruston, and
Benjamin Harrison. And it was decided that the conven-
tion should meet in May, the election of members to take
place in March.'
The first mention of George Mason's name in the printed
* Pennsylvania Packet^ November 10, 1787.
journal of the Assembly occurs on the 26th of October, the
day after the debate just given, when he is added to the
Committees on Revenue and Trade. Between this date and
the 8th of November there is no further reference to him in
the journal, but we learn from other sources how he was
employed. On Saturday, the 3d of November, he ans^vered
the expectations of his friends by giving the death-blow to
paper currency. In a letter to Washington, written a few
days later, he tells of the petitions before the House for an
emission of paper money, and other similar expedients,
against which he argued, maintaining that they were founded
upon fraud and knavery. Though he called upon the advo-
cates of these measures to come forward and explain their
motives, not one of them was bold enough to enter the lists
against such a champion, and the resolutions which he had
prepared passed unanimously.
" Resolved^ &'c,, That the present scarcity of circulating money
has been, in a great measure, caused by the general fear and
apprehension of an emission of paper currency ; inducing monied
men to lock up their gold and silver, or remit it to Europe, and
prefer receiving a very low interest for it there, to the risk of
lending or letting it out here ; That money, by the common
consent and custom of commercial nations, is and ought to be
considered as a scale or standard by which to estimate the com-
parative value of commodities ; and that nothing can be more
improper and unjust than to substitute such a standard as would
be more uncertain and variable than the commodities themselves.
That an emission of paper money would be ruinous to trade and
commerce, and highly injurious to the good people of this Com-
monwealth ; and that by weakening their confidence in the laws
and government, corrupting their manners and morals, destroying
public and private credit and all faith between man and man, it
would increase and aggravate the very evils it is intended to
remedy ; That the making paper currency, or anything but gold
and silver coin, a tender in discharge of debts contracted in
money is contrary to every principle of sound policy as well as
justice." *
* Journal of the Assembly. Virginia Gatittc, November 22, 1787.
In the first resolution an amendment was made, striking
out ** remit to Europe, &c./' and inserting " preferring the
loss of interest." George Mason enclosed a copy of these
resolutions in his letter to Washington. And he tells his
correspondent of a resolution which' passed on the third also,
prohibiting the importation of spirits and some other things,
all of which he thought impolitic. Madison ascribes this
resolution to Patrick Henry.' A plan was before the House,
Mason writes, for " a three years* instalment of all debts,"
which he thought exceptionable, but as he had no hope that
the opposition against it would be effective he meant to try
and change it by making the consent of the creditor neces-
sary and the instalments voluntary. Colonel Mason also
enclosed Washington the "resolutions upon the proposed
Federal government." On the 8th of November, the
House in committee on the state of the commonwealth
came to the following resolution :
*' That the delegates of this Commonwealth in Congress ought
to be instructed to urge that honorable body to allow a credit to
this State against the present existing requisitions of Congress
for the ascertained amount of the claim of this Commonwealth
against the United States for expenses incurred on account of
the territory ceded to Congress by this State." •
The committee of ten appointed to prepare these instruc-
tions included George Mason, Patrick Henry, and James
Monroe. Four days later other important resolutions were
passed by the House. The question of the free navigation
of the Mississippi was still unsettled, and the Assembly now
restated Virginia s position on the subject in these resolu-
tions :
" That the free use and navigation of the western streams and
rivers of this Commonwealth and of the waters leading to the
sea, do of right appertain to the citizens thereof, and ought to be
considered as guaranteed to them by the laws of God and nature
* *' Writings of Madison," vol. i., p. 366.
• Journal of the Assembly.
Vol. II— 13
as well as compact ; That every attempt in Congress or elsewhere
to barter away such right ought to be considered as subversive
of justice, good faith and the great foundations of moral recti-
tude, and particularly destructive of the principles which gave
birth to the late Revolution as well as strongly repugnant to all
confidence in the Federal Government, and destructive to its
peace, safety, happiness and duration ; That a committee ought
to be appointed to prepare instructions to the delegates repre-
senting this State in Congress to the foregoing import, and to
move that honorable body to pass an act acknowledging the
rights of this State, and that it transcends their power to cede or
suspend them ; and desiring the said delegates to lay before the
General Assembly such transactions as have taken place respect-
ing the cession of the western navigation." '
Mason and Henry were appointed on the committee here
recommended. But a subject was presently to be considered
where these two leaders are found on opposite sides. This
was the controversy respecting the immediate payment of
British debts. Should all legal obstacles be removed in the
way of their liquidation, in accordance with a provision in
the treaty of peace, or should they remain on the statute
books until Great Britain fulfilled her part in evacuating the
posts on the western frontier? George Mason supported
the resolutions for repealing the former legislation in this
matter, while Patrick Henry opposed them. The former
was ably seconded here by George Nicholas. The contest
lasted three days, but at length George Mason triumphed.
He gives an interesting account of the debate in a letter to
Washington of the 27th of November. The journal of the
Assembly records that on the 17th, the committee of the
whole House resolved : ** That all and every act or acts of
Assembly now in force in this Commonwealth repugnant to
the treaty of peace between the United States and the King
of Great Britain, or any article thereof, ought to be repealed ;
but the operation of this law shall be suspended until the
executive shall be informed by Congress that the other
States in the Union have passed similar laws of repeal." A
motion was made by Patrick Henry to strike out from the
word ** repealed " to the end of the sentence, and insert " but
the operation of such repeal ought to be suspended until
the treaty of peace is complied with on the part of Great
Britain/* This amendment passed in the negative. Another
amendment was then proposed, to insert after the word
" repealed ** " and that an act ought to p^tss, to compel the
payment of all debts due to British subjects, in such time
and manner as shall consist with the exhausted situation of
this Commonwealth.*' This was also negatived, and the
main question then passed in the affirmative.' The commit-
tee of ten to whom the resolution was then referred, to
prepare the necessary bill, consisted of Francis Corbin,
George Mason, George Nicholas, and others, concluding
with Monroe and Marshall. George Mason wrote Washing-
ton how " Mr. C n, with the vanity so natural to a
young man,'* undertook to draw up the bill without consult-
ing his colleagues, and did his work so injudiciously that it
would require to be " regenerated *' in the committee before
it could be presented. On the 24th a bill passed the House
declaring tobacco receivable in payment of certain taxes for
the year 1787. George Mason voted against it, and in his
letter to Washington he speaks of it as " a foolish and inju-
dicious project.** Colonel Mason, on this day, was added to
the committee ** to amend the several acts making provision
for the poor.'* On the 26th he was made chairman of a
committee of seven who were to bring in a bill explaining
and amending " the act for preventing fraudulent gifts of
slaves." The following day, leave was given to bring in a
bill " to remedy abuses in certain cases, and for the relief of
debtors,** and George Mason was one of a committee of six
appointed to prepare it." In his letter to Washington of
this date. Colonel Mason says : ** Little progress has yet been
made on the subject of revenue. I shall use my best endeav-
ors to prevent the receipt of public securities of any kind
' IHd, « IHd.
in taxes. ... By way of experiment, and to show the
members the utility of such a plan, we have this day, against
a strong opposition, ordered about ;^6,cxx> now in the
treasury to be immediately applied to that purpose," [1. ^.,
purchasing the securities up at the market-price]. On the
28th, the House in committee of the whole on the state of
the commonwealth, resolved : " That the executive ought to
be authorized to dispose of the public tobacco now in the
treasury, in such manner and for specie, or such public
securities, whether State or Continental, as may seem to
them best for the public interest." And George Mason was
appointed on the committee to prepare the necessary bills.
Two days later, resolutions passed the House, making
provision ** for ascertaining the privileges and defraying the
expenses " of the members of the Convention, which was to
meet the first Monday in the following June, instead of
May as at first decided on. And it was further resolved,
that if this Convention "should deem it proper to send "
a deputy or deputies to confer with the Convention or
Conventions of any other State or States in the Union, the
General Assembly will make provision for defraying the
expenses thereof." ' Patrick Henry and George Mason
were placed second and third on the committee appointed
for this purpose. This last resolution was considered a
triumph for the Antifcderalists, and gave the other party
no small alarm. Bushrod Washington wrote an account of
the matter, three days later, December 3d, to his anxious
relative at " Mount Vernon." He says :
" I am sorry to inform you, that the Constitution has lost
so considerably that it is doubted whether it has any longer
a majority in its favor. From a vote which took place the other
day, this would appear certain, though I cannot think it so
decisive as its enemies consider it. It marks, however, the
inconsistency of some of its opponents. At the time the resolu-
tions calling a Convention were entered into, Colonel Mason
sided with the friends of the Constitution, and opposed any hint
» Ibid.
being given, expressive of the sentiments of the house as to
amendments [?]. But, as it was unfortunately omitted at that
time to make provision for the subsistence of the Convention, it
became necessary to pass some resolution on the subject ; when
a resolution was added, providing for any expense which may
attend an attempt to make amendments. As Colonel Mason
had, on the former occasion, declared that it would be improper
to make any discovery of the sentiments of the House on the
subject, and that we had no right to suggest anything to a
body paramount to us, his advocating such a resolution was
matter of astonishment. It is true, he declared, it was not
declaratory of our opinion. But the contrary must be very
obvious. As I have heard many declare themselves friends to
the Constitution since the vote, I do not consider it altogether
decisive of the opinion of the House with regard to it.** '
There was some debate in the Assembly, evidently, on
these resolutions. But it may be certain, whatever George
Mason said on the 30th of November was not inconsistent
with the opinions so emphatically expressed by him on the
25th of October.
On the 1st of December, Colonel Mason and several other
members were appointed to prepare a bill " to supply the
defect of evidence of the Royal assent to certain Acts of
Assembly under the former government." And on this day
the vexed question of the British debts was again before the
House, and two amendments were made to the bill. The
first two clauses, including the preamble, were stricken out
and the following was inserted :
" Whereas it is stipulated by the fourth article of the treaty of
peace between the king of Great Britain and the United States
of America in Congress assembled, that creditors on either side
shall meet with no lawful impediment in the recovery of the full
value in sterling money, of all bona fide debts heretofore con-
tracted. Be it therefore enacted, &c. — That such of the act
or acts of the legislature of this Commonwealth, as have pre-
vented, or might prevent, the recovery of debts due to British
' "Writings of Washington," Sparks, vol. ix., p. 273.
IQ8 UFE and correspondence of GEORGE MASON.
subjects, according to the true intent and meaning of the said
treaty of peace, shall be and are hereby repealed."
This first amendment may have been due to the making
over in the committee of the illy drawn instrument as it
came from Mr. Corbin's hands. But the second amendment
showed Patrick Henry's influence, and in fact was meant to
nullify the whole bill. The proviso that the operation of
the law shall be suspended until the Governor with the
advice of the Council shall, by his proclamation declare
the same to be in force ; which proclamation he is hereby
empowered and directed, with the advice aforesaid to issue
on receiving official information from Congress that the
other States in the Union have passed laws enabling British
creditors to recover their debts agreeably to the terms of
the treaty, was struck out and in its place was inserted :
** Provided that this act shall be suspended until the Governor
with the advice of the Council shall, by his proclamation notify
to this State that Great Britain hath delivered up to the United
States the posts therein now occupied by British troops, which
posts were stipulated by treaty to be given up to Congress imme-
diately after the conclusion of peace ; and is also taking measures
for the further fulfilment of the said treaty, by delivering up the
negroes belonging to the citizens of this State taken away con-
trary to the seventh article of the treaty, or by making such
compensation for them as shall be satisfactory to Congress." *
Patrick Henry "carried his point," as Madison wrote
No doubt the subject was warmly debated this day also
between Mason and Henry. There was much to be said on
both sides, and that side advocated by Patrick Henry was
the one most likely to appeal to popular favor. An attack
was made on the church glebes at this time, on a petition of
the Presbyterians praying a repeal of the law reserving to
' Journal of the Assembly.
* '* Writings of Madison/' vol. i., p. 379.
the Episcopal Church the church buildings and glebes.
George Mason was not prepared to go the length of depriv-
ing the Church of her rightful property, and he voted
against the resolution to sell the glebe lands in the parishes
which were without a rector. And it was not until some
years after Colonel Mason's death that the spoliation was
effected. On the 6th of December the House in com-
mittee of the whole, considering that " the distresses of the
people, arising from a variety of causes, are such, that
property taken in execution to satisfy debts and contracts,
does not in most cases sell for near its value, thereby in the
end tending to the ruin both of debtor and creditor. Re-
solved &c. That some act of the legislature ought to pass
for remedy thereof ; That an act ought to pass for establish-
ing district courts, and for reforming the county courts."
George Mason, Patrick Henry, and George Nicholas were
on the committee of sixteen, who were to prepare a bill for
these purposes.* A resolve which Colonel Mason enclosed
to Washington in his letter of November 27th was on this
subject of debts, and suggested a measure for the accom-
modation of both debtor and creditor. A few days later
George Mason was made chairman of a committee to amend
two acts concerning roads, to repair some and open others.
These roads passed through Colonel Mason's own neighbor-
hood, so it was a matter in which his constituents were
specially interested. The former acts, it seems, had proved
oppressive, in requiring tolls from those who received no
benefit by the turnpikes. The new bill, as drawn up by
George Mason remedied this injustice. As much travelling
in those days was done by private conveyance, the subject
of tolls was an important one to the country gentlemen.
The report of the treasurer's account was referred to a com-
mittee of which Colonel Mason was a member. And on
the seventeenth he was appointed one of a committee of
five to prepare a bill " concerning debts due to and from
citizens, partners with British subjects." A committee, con-
' Journal of Ihe Assembly.
sisting of Nicholas, Mason, Cabell, Monroe, Corbin, and
Henry, was appointed to amend the acts " for sequestering*
British property and enabling those indebted to Britisli
subjects to pay off such debts, and directing the proceed-
ings in suits where such subjects are parties/*
George Mason was also at this time appointed chainnan
of a committee of six, who were " to call on the commission-
ers now engaged in liquidating and adjusting the expenses
incurred by this commonwealth, for the northwestern terri-
tory ceded to Congress, and request of them a statement
of their proceedings therein &c/' * On the 22d of December
George Mason was appointed chairman of a committee of
six to prepare a bill " for regulating the rights of cities^
towns and boroughs, and the jurisdiction of corporation
courts." This act recites :
"Whereas the accumulating different and distinct offices of
power and authority in the same persons has a tendency to
introduce abuses, and to create an improper and dangerous
influence in a few individuals, contrary to the spirit and genius
of republican government, and naturally productive of oppres-
sion and subversive of liberty : Be it therefore enacted by the
General Assembly, that from and after the first day of March
next, no person being a member of any corporation court, court
of hustings or common council be capable of acting as a justice
of any county court.**
And in conclusion it is enacted that,
" Whereas it is contrary to the true principles of representa-
tion, that a freehold estate in any particular place should enable
the possessor to vote in the elections of different and distinct
places, so the citizens of a town etc., sending a delegate to the
Assembly are not to vote in the county elections." "
In its statesman-like recurrence to fundamental principles
this bill is easily traceable to George Mason's pen. A week
later. Colonel Mason reported a bill to the House, " pro-
> Ibid. ' Hcning's " Statutes," vol. xiu
viding for the regular payment of the expenses accruing
from the trial of criminals in the county and corporation
courts.** In a bill providing for the manumission of slaves,
an amendment was proposed and lost, that those emanci-
pated should leave the State within twelve months or be
sold at public auction. Colonel Mason voted for the amend-
ment. On the last day of December an act was passed by
the Assembly for establishing and incorporating the Ratu
dolph Academy^ which was to be situated in the western
part of the State, in one of the following counties: Har-
rison, Monongalia, Randolph, and Ohio. One sixth of
the fees appropriated to the support of William and Mary
College was to go to the aid of this new institution. Ed-
mund Randolph, Benjamin Harrison, Patrick Henry, George
Mason, and George Nicholas were among the trustees
named, and they were to hold their first meeting on the
second Monday in the following May, at Morgantown in
Monongalia.' It is not probable that Colonel Mason
attended this meeting, if it was ever held. And but little
is heard of the Academy in the later legislation of the
Assembly. Morgantown and its neighborhood were still
subject to raids from the Indians on the border, and pro-
tected by scouts and rangers from these incursions, and the
inhabitants were scarcely in a situation to patronize institu-
tions of learning. George Mason and three other members
of the Assembly were appointed on the 3d of January to
bring in a bill ** to authorize the executive to establish fire
companies.'* Two days later the journal of the House
records a determined effort that was made, when it came
to the third reading of the bill " to enable citizens, partners
with British subjects to recover their proportion of debts,"
to postpone it until the following March. The vote was
equally divided, forty-three on each side. The Speaker
decided the question by a vote in the negative. George
Mason, of course, voted against the postponement.
The last action of Colonel Mason in the Assembly was to
give in his report from the committee appointed to confer
with the commissioners engaged in liquidating and adjusting
the expenses incurred by Virginia for the northwestern terri-
tory ceded to Congress. And here, it seems, it was necessary
to look sharply to Virginia's interests. Congress was un-
generously anxious to evade Virginia's just claims. There
had been much delay in getting the board appointed, the
deed of cession dating from the spring of 1784, more than
three years previously. There were three commissioners
forming the board ; one was appointed by the United States
and one by Virginia, while the third was appointed by the
two other commissioners. George Mason enclosed the
resolve of the House of Delegates to the board, in a letter
requesting to know at what time they could have their pro-
ceedings ready for inspection. The board from the " Office
of Illinois Accounts,** December 20th, responded that they
were uncertain whether to comply or not, but finally decided
that it was proper to notice the request, and they would
submit the rough entries for perusal by Monday or Tuesday
next. The commissioner appointed by Congress, however,
dissented from the " propriety of our furnishing the informa-
tion to the house of delegates requested by their note &c.,
because that as commissioners appointed to settle these ac-
counts between the State of Virginia and the United States I
think that we cannot prior to our final report, consistent with
our duty to each party communicate any official information
to one party without the privity or consent of the other."
The committee then say that being refused information from
the above commissioner they entered upon the examination
of the proceedings of the board as laid before them by the
other two gentlemen. The deed ceding the territor}' speci-
fied "that the necessary and reasonable expenses incurred
by this State in subduing any British posts, or in maintain-
ing forts and garrisons within and for the defence, or in
acquiring any part of the territory so ceded or relinquished,
shall be fully reimbursed by the United States." But the
committee, after their examination, declare that they " find
the negotiation now in such a train that Virginia, unless the
General Assembly interpose, will be denied a credit for
great part of the money she has actually and bona fide paid,
in acquiring and maintaining the territory so ceded and
relinquished to the United States. Questions have arisen
concerning the true spirit, intent and meaning of the words
' necessary and reasonable expenses,* as used in the act of
session ; on the depreciation of money advanced by this
State ; on bills paid, bona fide by the State on the Illinois
account, and on the expenses of establishing and maintain-
ing forts Jefferson and Nelson &c. Your committee," as the
report proceeds to state, " observing the progress of this
business, so unfavorable to the interest of the State and so
inconsistent with the apparent intentions of the contracting
parties, requested the commissioners to reconsider the busi-
ness and to do Virginia that justice to which, in the opinion
of the committee, she is entitled. But the commissioner on
the part of Congress and the third commissioner have in-
formed us that they mean to proceed unless the powers
given them be revoked by both the contracting parties."
Virginia had incurred expenses in subduing British posts
and maintaining forts, etc., to the amount of more than two
hundred and twenty thousand pounds. And yet if the
accounts were settled as proposed by the commission, this
would be " reduced to a pittance not worth acceptance."
The General Assembly protested against these proceedings
of the commissioners, and the Virginia delegates in Con-
gress were instructed to assure that body that the General
Assembly " animated by the same spirit which governed
them in the cession of such a vast territory to the Union,
will be satisfied with the reimbursement of such sums which
she [Virginia] hath actually expended in acquiring, main-
taining and defending said territory to be paid in reasonable
instalments." ' These resolutions were carried to the
Senate by Colonel Mason. Instrumental as he had been in
urging upon his State to make this cession, in the interest of
' Journal of Ihe Assembly.
harmony and union, to the general government, George
Mason was watchful of his "country's" rights, and he now
sought, as his final work in her legislative halls, to secure to
Virginia the modest and equitable terms named in her deed
of gift.
The following letters from George Mason to General
Washington afford an interesting view of the proceedings of
the Assembly up to the latter part of November.
Richmond, November 6, 1787.
Dear Sir :
On Saturday last, in a committee of the whole house upon the
state of the commonwealth, to whom were referred sundry peti-
tions, some praying for an emission of paper money, and others
for making property at an appraised value, a tender in the dis-
charge of debts, I moved and carried the resolutions of which I
inclose a copy. During the discussion of the subject, after treat-
ing the petitions as founded upon fraud and knavery, I called
upon any of the members of the House, who were advocates for
such measures, if any there were, to come boldly forward, and
explain their real motives. But they declined entering into the
debate, and the resolutions passed unanimously. I hope they
have given this iniquitous measure a mortal stab, and that we
shall not again be troubled with it.
A resolution this day passed for an absolute prohibition of all
imported spirits, with some others, in my opinion, almost equally
impolitic, and calculated to subject the eastern part of the State
to the arbitrary impositions of the western. The prohibition of
the single article of rum, would cut off a net revenue of eleven
thousands pounds per annum. When the bill is brought in, I
think they will find such insuperable difficulties in the mode of
carrying into execution, as will oblige them to abandon the project.
I take the liberty of inclosing a copy of the resolutions upon
the proposed Federal Government ; by which it will appear
that the Assembly have given time for full examination and dis-
cussion of the subject, and have avoided giving any opinion of
their own upon the subject. I beg to be presented to your lady
and family, and am, with greatest respect and regard,
George Mason.
P. S. A plan is before the House for a three years' instalment
of all debts. Though, in my opinion, very exceptionable, it is
better than the plans of that kind heretofore proposed, and I be-
lieve will be adopted, in spite of every opposition that can be
made to it. I shall, therefore, instead of pointing the little oppo-
sition I can make against the whole, endeavour to change the
plan, by making the consent of the creditor necessary, and the
instalments voluntary, and, in such cases, giving the force of
judgments to the instalment bonds.'
Richmond, November 27, 1787.
Dear Sir :
I this morning received your favor of the fifteenth, and shall
do myself the honor of communicating such of our proceedings
as are important ; though very little business, of that kind, has
yet been completed. The Instalment Plan, after being presented
to the committee of the whole house upon the state of the com-
monwealth, and some hours' debate upon the subject, has been
postponed from time to time. From the best information I can
collect, I fear there is a majority for it ; I shall therefore, when-
ever the committee proceed upon the consideration, endeavor to
substitute the Resolve, of which I enclose a copy, and upon
which I wish to be favored with your sentiments.
The performance of the treaty with respect to British debts,
has taken up three days of warm debate ; Mr. Henry, General
Lawson and Meriwether Smith on one side, and Col. George
Nicholas (who is improved into a very useful member) and my-
self on the other. The yeas and nays were demanded upon these
questions on this subject ; first upon an amendment proposed by
Mr. Henry for suspending the operation until the treaty should
be fully performed on the part of Great Britain, which was
rejected by a majority of thirty-three ; secondly upon an amend-
ment proposed by Mr. Ronald, tantamount to an instalment of
British debts. Knowing that instalments were calculated to
please a strong party, we avoided going into the subject at large,
and confined ourselves to the impropriety of installing British
debts, before we could know the sense of the legislature upon a
general instalment of all debts ; as any discrimination would be
' " Correspondence of the American Revolution," Sparks, vol. iv., p. 190.
a palpable infraction of the treaty. The amendment was rejected
by a majority of twenty-two ; the main question was then put
upon the resolve for repealing all laws which prevented the
recovery of British debts, with a clause suspending the operation
of the repeal until other States shall also pass laws to enable
British subjects to recover debts, and carried by a majority of
forty. A bill has been brought in in consequence of the said
Resolve, once read and committed to a committee of the whole
house on Friday next. Some of the most respectable characters
in the house were nominated a committee to prepare the bill ;
but Mr. C n with the vanity so natural to a young man, took
upon himself to draw without the other gentlemen having time
to consider it, and has drawn it so very injudiciously, that in its
present shape, it would infallibly be thrown out on the third
reading. However' we will take care to regenerate it in the com-
mittee, and I make no doubt of its passing the House of Dele-
gates ; there will be a strong but I trust a fruitless opposition in
the senate. As soon as the Treaty Bill is secured we will bring
forward the Sequestration business ; ^275,000 paper currency
of the average value of about 14^/. in the pound having been paid
into the treasury, in discharge of British debts. In the discussion
of this subject, I expect we shall see some long faces.
A bill for receiving tobacco in discharge of taxes will certainly
pass ; it is in my opinion a foolish and injurious project ; as such
it was opposed, but to no purpose. After finding their strength,
the first step was to raise the last year's price of the James river
tobacco ; we had then nothing left but to endeavor to bring up
the price of our tobacco in proportion, in which we, with some
difficulty succeeded, and got our tobacco fixed at 281., the James
river tobacco having been previously settled at 30J.
Little progress has yet been made on the subject of revenue.
I shall use my best endeavors to prevent the receipt of public
securities of any kind in taxes (as the only effectual means of
digging up speculation by the roots) and appropriating a good
fund for purchasing them up at the market price. By way of
experiment and to show the members the utility of such a plan,
we have this day, against a strong opposition, ordered about
;^6,ooo now in the treasury, to be immediately applied to that
purpose ; which I hope will have a good effect upon the minds of
the members. Yet I fear the interest of the speculators is too
powerful, to suffer any regular extensive system upon this subject.
The bill for prohibiting the importation of spirits stands com-
mitted to a committee of the whole house, the day after to-mor-
row. Dr. Stuart tells me he has sent you one of the printed bills ;
you will find it fraught with such absurdities as render it perfectly
ridiculous, yet I much doubt their finding them out so as to amend
the bill in the committee. The opposers ought to let them go on
their own way, and reserve their attack to the passage on the third
reading. As the bill now stands, according to the strict gram-
matical construction, spirits are subject to forfeiture after they
have been swallowed, and the informer will be equally subject to
the penalty with the persons he informs against. But besides the
nonsense of the bill, the very principle of it is impolitic as it will
affect our commerce and revenue ; partial and unjust in sacrific-
ing the interest of one part of the community to the other. I am
afraid this scrawl is hardly legible, being obliged as I am to write
with bad spectacles, bad light and bad ink.
I beg my compliments to your lady, and the family at Mount
Vernon, and am with the most sincere respect and esteem.
Dear Sir,
Your affectionate and obedient servant,
G. Mason.
The resolution enclosed, of which the writer asked Wash-
ington's opinion, is to the following effect :
" Resolved, that it is the opinion of this committee, in order to
alleviate, as far as is consistent with justice, the present distresses
of the people of this commonwealth, to prevent tedious and ruin-
ous law-suits, and by making it their mutual interest to encourage
and promote voluntary and amicable settlements and compositions
between debtors and creditors, that the force of judgments ought
to be given to all bonds on account of debts contracted or due
before the day of 1787* which shall be entered into
within one year after the day of by the mutual con-
sent of debtor and creditor, for the instalment of debts by annual
payments, for any number of years not exceeding six years ; and
that no appeal or replevin ought to be allowed upon the judg-
ments or executions, which shall be obtained in virtue of such
instalment bonds, when they respectively become due." '
Madison in a letter to Jefferson of the 9th of December
makes the following allusions to the Liquor Bill and the Port
Bill of this session. He says :
" I find Mr. Henry has carried a Resolution ior prohibiting the
importation of rum, brandy and other spirits, and, if I am not
misinformed, all manufactured leather, hats and sundry other
articles are included in i\it prohibition. Enormous duties at least,
are likely to take place on the last and many other articles. A
project of this sort, without the concurrence of the other States,
is little short of madness. . . . Col. Mason made a regular
and powerful attack on the Port Bill, but was left in a very small
majority. I found at the last session that that regulation was not
to be shaken, though it certainly owes its success less to its
principal merits than to collateral and casual considerations."*
The port bill was amended, however, probably in accord-
ance with Colonel Mason's views. George Mason returned
to ** Gunston Hall " on the 4th of February, and Washington
wrote to Madison the following day, expressing his anxiety
about the approaching Convention, the election of delegates
being the absorbing topic just then. He says : " Many have
asked me with anxious solicitude, if you did not mean to get
into the Convention, conceiving it of indispensable import-
ance. Colonel Mason who returned but yesterday, has I am
told, offered himself for Stafford county and his friends say
he can be elected, not only in that, but in the counties of
Prince William and Fauquier also." * Here we see Madison
and Mason were instinctively pitted against each other in
Washington's thoughts, as leaders of the two parties in the
approaching struggle. George Mason, on his side was
anxious to secure Richard Henry Lee as an ally in the Con-
vention. Arthur Lee who probably visited " Gunston
• Washington MSS., State Department.
• ** Writings of Madison," vol. i., p. 364.
• *' Writings of Washington," Sparks, vol. ix., p. 313.
Hall " at this time, wrote from Alexandria to his brother on
the 19th of February :
** Col. Mason laments very much that you do not stand for the
Convention. He says there will be no one in whom he can confide.
That you will be regarded as having deserted a cause on which
you have published your persuasion of its being of the last
moment to your country. That this belief will be strengthened
by a report which some of your friends have propagated, that you
have given up all idea of opposing the constitution because your
friends think differently, and have recommended two violent con-
stitutionalists to the freeholders of Westmoreland. He is afraid
these things will injure your character so much that should
another General Convention be ordered you will not be among
the delegates, which he shall consider a misfortune to the country.
It is his opinion that the Convention will recommend another
Creneral Convention." *
The letters of the public men in Virginia at this time are
full of speculations as to the probable complexion of the
Convention, and the result anticipated was federal or anti-
federal according to the bias of the writer. Madison writing
to Jefferson in December, represents "the body of the peo-
ple in Virginia as favorable *' to the Constitution. " What
•change,** he adds, " may be produced by the united influ-
ence of Mr. Henry, Mr. Mason, and the Governor with some
pretty able auxiliaries is uncertain."" Cyrus Griffin gave
currency to some of the extravagant rumors of the day,
when he wrote from New York, February 15th:
"Col. R. H. Lee and Mr. John Page, men of influence in Vir-
ginia, are relinquishing their opposition ; but what to us is very
extraordinary and unexpected, we are told that Mr. George
Mason has declared himself so great an enemy to the Constitu-
tion that he will heartily join Mr. Henry and others in promoting
a Southern Confederacy." *
' Lee Papers, University of Virginia. (Quoted in " Life of E. Randolph,**
p. 99)
* •* Writings of Madison," vol. i., p. 364.
* Bancroft's " History of the Constitution.*' vol. ii., p. 461.
Vol. n — 14
Again, in April, he speaks of the personal characteristics
of the more eminent members of the opposition in the
Convention, clearly showing to which side he leaned :
" In point of virtues and real abilities the federal members are
much superior. Henry is mighty and powerful, but too inter-
ested ; Mason too passionate, the governor by nature timid and
undecided, and Grayson too blustering." '
Randolph was still looked upon as an Antifederalist by
the uninitiated. Madison, about the same time, writes of
the opponent whom it is probable he most feared : " Colonel
Mason is growing every day more bitter and outrageous in
his efforts to carry his point, and will probably in the end
be thrown by the violence of his passions into the politics of
Mr. Henry." " Washington wrote to Lafayette in April, ex-
pressing a belief that the Convention would favor the adop-
tion of the Constitution. He adds : " There will, however, be
powerful and eloquent speeches on both sides of the ques-
tion. . . . Henry and Mason arc its great adversaries.
The Governor, if he opposes it at all, will do it feebly." *
The position of Edmund Randolph, still undefined to the
public, was evidently no secret to Washington. George
Mason's ally in the Convention of 1787 was to be his foe in
the Convention of 1788, and already in April had given
token of his tergiversation. Washington's influence in Fair-
fax County had doubtless contributed to the election there
in March, of Federalists to the Convention. But Stafford
County elected George Mason with Andrew Buchanan.
The characteristic story is told of George Mason at this
time, that " he was informed that if he opposed the ratifica-
tion of the Federal Constitution the people of Alexandria
would mob him, [when] he mounted his horse, rode to the
town, and going up the court-house steps, said to the sheriff,
* Mr. Sheriff, will you make proclamation that George Mason
' Ibid.^ p. 463.
« •* Writings of Madison," vol. i., p. 38S.
• ** Writings of Washington," Sparks, vol. ix., ]>. 356.
will address the people ? ' A crowd assembled, and Mason
addressed them, denouncing the Constitution with bitter
invective, after which he mounted his horse and returned
home."' One of the opposition delegates, from Loudoun
County, was George Mason's nephew, Stevens Thomson
Mason. His vote was always given to the Antifederalists,
though his youth and modesty prevented him from speaking
in the Convention.
Two letters of George Mason, written in April and May,
are all that remain to us of his correspondence at this
period. One of them is addressed to Robert Carter, of
" Nomini,'* and the other to John Francis Mercer, who had
been a delegate in the Federal Convention from Maryland,
and held similar views to Mason on the subject of the Con-
stitution. He had taken charge of some law business for
Colonel Mason on the death of Thomas Stone, which event
occurred in Alexandria the previous October :
GuNSTON Hall, April 30th, 1788.
Dear Sir :
This will be delivered you by my son John, who is going to
settle in Bordeaux, having lately entered into partnership with
two Maryland gentlemen (Messrs. Joseph and James Fen wick)
who about a year or two ago established a house there, the firm
of which has hitherto been Joseph Fenwick and Company.
Their capital will not be large (only about t,ooo sterling each),
and their plan is to give no credit, nor even advance more than
the value of effects in their hands for any man. This at the
same time that it will enable them to send out their correspond-
ent's goods, upon better terms than those can, who buy upon
credit, will also be the most effectual means of rendering safe
whatever property their friends shall think fit to commit to their
charge. They are determined to examine themselves, into the
prices and quality of all the goods they send to America ; and as
wines, brandy, silks, cambrics, chintz, calicoes, and several other
articles may be purchased in France, of which Bordeaux is one
of the greatest trading towns, as cheap as in any part of Europe,
* J. Esten Cooke in Magazine 0/ American History ^ May, 1884.
they hope to be able to give general satisfaction ; and there
being no other American house in Bordeaux they flatter them-
selves with considerable encouragement and preference, from
their own country, so long as they continue to deserve it. They
daily expect a ship of about 300 hhds. to load in Potomac river,
upon consignment, to their address. Any tobacco, clear of
trash and sound, although not of extraordinary quality, will
answer the French market ; but from the number of British and
Irish smugglers who frequent Bordeaux, I have reason to believe
that fine, stout, dark, waxy tobacco, of the best quality, will find
as good a market there as in Europe.
If you can make it convenient to encourage the house, with a
consignment of some of your tobacco, I am sure you will find
from them the strictest justice ; and I hope their attention to
their friends' interest, by rendering the correspondence mutually
advantageous, will merit a continuation of your favors,
I am, dear sir,
Your most obedient servant,
G. Mason.
Robert Carter, Esq.,
Westmoreland County.
Per Mr. John Mason.' )
Virginia, Gunston Hall, May i, 1788.
Dear Sir :
Your favor of the i8th of April did not come to hand until to-
day. I am exceedingly obliged to you for the trouble you have
taken to investigate the situation of my affair with Rutland. Had
my former counsel, Mr. Stone, taken half as much, it would have
saved me a great deal of vexation, and probably much loss, which,
I fear, by his neglect I shall now sustain.
I thoroughly agree with you in thinking Mr. James Little's debt,
under the circumstances you mention, must have preference to
mine, and that my case, so far as it is affected by that debt, is
without remedy. The only thing which could be done is what
you have so kindly determined to do, to see that the sale is fairly
conducted, that the value, as near as circumstances will admit,
may be procured for that part of the property on which the fi: fa:
' MS. Letter.
was served for Mr. Little's debt, that my security may be as little
\word iU€gibli\ by it as possible. I should be glad to know
whether Rutland's new store, or warehouse and wharf (which I
conceive the most valuable part of his improvements) are upon
the part advertised to be sold for Mr. Little's debt. From Rut-
land's account of things, I am also inclined to suspect there has
been some attempt made by him and Mr. Duvall, to subject my
mortgaged property to some demand of the State against them.
Upon reflecting on some past circumstances, I have some hopes
that, upon examination it will appear that Mrs. Rutland was of
age when she relinquished her right of dower, on the twenty-
second of February, 1787. Mr. Rutland went to London with a
shipload of tobacco in 1783, and I remember it was reported he
was engaged to this lady some time before he left the country.
However, if Mrs. Rutland was not of age at the the time she re-
linquished her right of dower, I hope she will be prevailed on to
relinquish it now ; not only from motives of justice, as I gave
Mr. Rutland the indulgence I did, upon the assurance of her re-
linquishment of dower, but because her relinquishment will do
her no injury though it may benefit me ; for the land will be sold
by virtue of Mr. Carroll's mortgage made before her marriage,
which I presume will bar her claim of dower against the pur-
chaser, and her pretension of dower as to my mortgage would
have no other effect than injuring me, in causing the land to sell
for less than its value. I think I have been informed that Mr.
Rutland had a tract of land or two, particularly one in Mont-
gomery, Frederick or Washington, at the time of my judgment
against him, which Mr. Stone did not include in my mortgage,
thinking the mortgaged premises sufficient without ; and if I re-
member right, there is a clause in the mortgage declaring, if they
should prove insufficient, that I do not lose my remedy against
any other part of his property. Those lands then, if he had such
at the time, are still subject to my judgment, in whatsoever hands
they may now be, and it may probably be a matter of importance
to me ; as I very much fear that the incumbrances upon the
mortgaged premises, which I knew nothing of, confiding entirely
in Mr. Stone on the occasion, will fall short of securing my debt
I beg the favor of you, my dear sir, to inquire particularly in this
matter, and I must also entreat you to push my attachment
against Mr. Stephen West to as speedy decision as you can ; I
presume Mr. West can have no defence to make but such as tends
merely to delay.
I wish to know, as soon as you can conveniently inform me,
whether you have got my papers from Mr. Stone's executors, par-
ticularly the state of the case in Ross's suit against me for a tract
of the Ohio Company's land, and your opinion of the said suit
I think I gave you some memorandum also respecting the Ohio
Company's title to a tract of land adjoining Fort Cumberland,
called the Treasury of Walnut Bottom fraudulently granted by
Governor Eden to one French, a creature of his.
From the returns I have seen of the elections here, I think the
Convention of Virginia will be so equally divided, that no man
can at present form a judgment of what may be the determina-
tion. The Federalists, as they improperly style themselves, talk
of a considerable majority ; but it is notorious that many of them
\torn\ honor of their cause be it spoken, stick at no falsehood or
torn\ to accomplish their purpose. As soon as any tolerably
torn\ judgment can be formed of the politics of our Convention
I will not fail to communicate them to you.
I beg my compliments to your lady, and am, with the most
sincere esteem and regard, dear sir.
Your affectionate friend and servant,
G. Mason.
Col. John Francis Mercer,
Annapolis, Maryland.*
Richard Henrj^^JLeej-from his home in Westmoreland,
wrote to George Mason at this time, giving his views as to
the course Virginia should pursue in the coming con-
Chantilly, May 7, 17S8.
Dear Sir :
Your son delivered me the letter that you were pleased to write
me on the 30th instant, and I have promoted his views, as far as it
is in my power at present, by directing the tobacco I had intended
to sell in the country, to be put on board his vessel. I am
inclined to think, for the reasons assigned by him, that the
> MS. Letter.
French market will be as good a one, at least, as any that we can
send to.
Give me leave now, dear sir, to make a few observations on
the important business that will call you to Richmond next
month. It seems pretty clear at present, that four other States,
viz.. North Carolina, New York, Rhode Island, and New Hamp-
shire, will depend much upon Virginia for their determination
on the Convention project of a new constitution ; therefore it
becomes us to be very circumspect and careful about the
conduct we pursue, as, on the one hand, every possible exertion
of wisdom and firmness should be employed to prevent danger
to civil liberty, so, on the other hand, the most watchful precau-
tion should take place to prevent the foes of union, order, and
good government, from succeeding so far as to prevent our
acceptance of the good part of the plan proposed. I submit
to you, sir, whether, to form a consistent union of conduct,
it would not be well for six or eight leading friends to amend-
ments to meet privately, and, having formed the best possible
judgment of the members' sentiments from knowledge of the
men, to see how far it may be safe to press either for modes of
amendment or the extent of amendments, and to govern accord-
ingly. But, certainly, the firmest stand should be made against
the very arbitrary mode that has been pursued in some States,
that is, to propose a question of absolute rejection or implicit
admission. For though it is true that the Convention plan looks
something like this, yet I think every temperate man must agree
that neither the Convention, nor any set of men upon earth, have
or had a right to insist upon such a question of extremity. To
receive the good and reject the bad is too necessary and inherent
a right to be parted with. As some subtle managers will be
upon the Convention, I believe you will find entrapping questions
proposed at first as a ground- work of proceeding, which will
hamper, confine, and narrow all attempts to proper investigation
or necessary amendment, and this will be done under the plaus-
ible pretext of losing all by attempting any change. I judge that^
it will be so here, because I observe a similar conduct has been
pursued in other places, as in Maryland and Pennsylvania. I *
trust that such uncandid and dangerous stratagems will be
opposed and prevented in the Convention of Virginia, and a
thorough, particular^ and careful examination be first made into
all its parts as a previous requisite to the formation of any ques-
tion upon it During this process a tolerable judgment may be
formed of the sentiments of the generality, and a clue furnished
for forming successful propositions for amendment, as the candid
friends to this system admit that amendments may be made to
improve the plan, bat say that these amendments ought to be
made, and may be obtained from the new Congress without
endangering a total loss of the proposed Constitution. I say
that those who talk thus, if they are sincere, will not object to
this plan which, as I propose it, is something like the proceeding
of the Convention Parliament of 1688 ; in the form of ratifica-
tion, insert plainly and strongly such amendments as can be
agreed upon, and say, that the people of Virginia do claim^
demand and insist upon these as their undoubted rights and lib-
erties which they mean not to part with, and if these are not
obtained and secured by the mode pointed out in the fifth article
of the Convention plan, in two years after the meeting of the new
Congress, that Virginia shall, in that case, be considered as dis-
engaged from this ratification. Under this proposition a develop-
ment will be made of the sincerity of those who advocate the new
plan, the beneficial parts of it retained, and a just security given
to civil liberty. In the fifth article it is stated that two-thirds of
Congress may propose amendments, which, being approved by
three-fourths of the legislatures, become parts of the Consti-
tution. By this mode, the new Congress may obtain our amend-
ments without risking the convulsion of conventions, and the
friends of the plan will be gratified in what they say is necessary,
the putting the government in motion, when, as they again say,
amendments may and ought to be obtained. By this mode, too,
in all probability, the undetermined States, may be brought to
harmonize, and the formidable minorities, in the assenting States,
may be quieted. By this friendly and reasonable accommoda-
tion, the perpetual distrust and opposition, that will inevitably
follow the total adoption of the plan, from the State legislatures,
may be happily prevented, and friendly united exertions take
place. Much reflection has convinced me that this mode is the
best that I have had an opportunity of cultivating. I have,
therefore, taken the liberty of recommending it to your serious
and patriotic attention ; in the formation of these amendments
localities ought to be avoided as much as possible.
The danger of monopolized trade may be prevented by calling
for the consent of three-fourths of the United States on regula-
tions of trade. The trial by jury, in this State, to be insisted on,
as it is used under our present government, and confining the
supreme federal court to the jurisdiction of law^ excluding f<uL
The Massachusetts amendments, except the second, and extend-
ing the seventh to foreigners as well as citizens of other States,
appear to me to be very good, and for their adoption the aid of
that powerful State may be secured. The freedom of the press
is, by no means, sufficiently attended to by Massachusetts, nor
have they remedied the want of responsibility by the impolitic
combination of president and senate. It does appear to me,
that, in the present temper of America, if the Massachusetts
amendments, with those suggested by me, being added, and
inserted in our ratification as before stated, we may easily agree,
and I verily believe that the most essential good consequences
would be the result.
Affectionately yours,
Richard Henry Lee.
George Mason, Esq. :
Gunston Hall.'
A curious mention is made of George Mason in a letter of
Samuel Adams to Richard Henry Lee, showing that he
had been, apparently, defending Mason against the stric-
tures of the Boston Federalists. Adams writes to his
Virginia correspondent on the 3d of December, 1787, dis-
cussing the new Constitution, and he adds, in a postscript :
" As I have thought it a piece of justice, I have ventured to
say, that I had often heard from the best patriots from
Virginia, that Mr. G. Mason was an early, active, and able
advocate for the liberties of America." • There had been
no opportunity for personal acquaintance between these
two representative men of their sections, it would seem.
Yet we can fancy they would have had much sympathy in
" •• Life of R. H. Lcc." vol. ii., p. 88. By Richard H. Lee.
• Ibid,^ p. 130.
their tastes and convictions, for in the characteristics of
independence, public spirit, and absence of personal ambition
there is great resemblance between them. And on the
political question of the hour, Samuel Adams and Geoi|;e
Mason held the same just views, as to the distinction, as
Adams phrased it, " between the federal powers vested in
Congress and the sovereign authority belonging to the
several States, which is the palladium of the private and
personal rights of the citizens."
Virginia had assembled in her Convention of 1788, a re-
markable body of men, the flower of her statesmen, sages,
patriots. It may fairly be affirmed that no other common-
wealth on thecontinent could have called together as great an
array of abilities. And yet Virginia had not exhausted her
resources; Washington, Jefferson, Richard Henry Lee, were
not included in this famous Convention. WiUiam Wirt, in
his rhetorical manner, has given a characterization of the
most conspicuous members. There were, among the younger
generation Madison, Marshall, Monroe ; there were " those
sages of other days, Pendleton and Wythe ; there was seen
displayed the Spartan vigor and compactness of George
Nicholas ; and there shone the radiant genius and sensibility
of Grayson ; the Roman energy and the Attic wit of George
Mason was there ; and there also the classic taste and har-
mony of Edmund Randolph; 'the splendid conflagration'
of the high-minded Innes; and the matchless eloquence of
the immortal Henry," '
On the one side were ranged Madison, Marshall, Pendle-
ton, George Nicholas, Innes, and Edmund Randolph ; on the
other Geotge Mason, Patrick Heniy, William Grayson,
James Monroe, Benjamin Harrison, and John Tyler. "Con-
spicuous among those who opposed the ratification of the
constitution," writes Flanders, "were Patrick Henry, George
' Wirt's ■' Life of Pttrick Heoiy." p. 363.
Mason and William Grayson ; a combination of eloquence,
vigor, and genius, not often surpassed and seldom equalled." *
Says George Ticknor Curtis in his account of the opposition
to the Constitution in Virginia :
" The State was to feel, it is true, the almost overshadowing
influence of Washington in favor of the new system . . . But
it was to feel also the strenuous opposition of Patrick Henry, that
great natural orator of the Revolution, whose influence over
popular assemblies was enormous, and who added acuteness,
subtility, and logic to the fierce sincerity of his unstudied ha-
rangues, and the not less strenuous or effective opposition of
George Mason, who had little of the eloquence and passion of
his renowned compatriot, but who was one of the most profound
and able of all the American statesmen opposed to the Constitu-
tion, while he was inferior in general powers and resources to not
more than two or three of those who framed and advocated it." •
William Grayson, the least known of the great trio in
opposition, was from George Mason's neighborhood, and
they were doubtless intimate personal friends. Grayson's
home was in Dumfries, and on his untimely death, in 1790,
he was buried in the family vault at " Belle Air,** the seat of
his brother, the Rev. Spence Grayson, rector of Dettingen
parish, Prince William County, whose country place was
near the county town. The Graysons, it is believed, were
first or second cousins of James Monroe, whose father's
Christian name was Spence.*
The Convention met in Richmond on the 2d of June, at
the " public buildings," or old Capitol, and Edmund Pendle-
> "Chief Justices of the United States," vol. ii.. p. 328.
* ** Constitutional History of the United States," vol. i., p. 63.
* Mr. William Grayson Mann, whose maternal grandfather, Robert Carter, of
"Sabine Hall," married William Grayson's only daughter, writes the author :
** I have at different times during the last thirty-five years attempted to collect
materials for writing the life of this truly great man, but in vain. No state
papers or speeches in extenso survived the destruction by fire of the old family
mansion at Dumfries, a few miles south of Mount Vernon, on the Potomac.
Col. Grayson had studied law at the Inner Temple, where I have found the
chambers he once occupied."
ton was elected president. A committee of privileges and
elections being appointed, Benjamin Harrison was named
chairman, and George Mason came second on the list of
members. After some preliminary business Colonel Mason
moved an adjournment, the Convention to meet the next
day at the *' New Academy on Schockoe Hill." This build-
ing, erected in 1786 for the promotion of the arts and scien-
ces, was used also as a theatre. It was burned down later,
and near it the new theatre was built, destroyed by fire in
181 1, on the site of which now stands the Monumental
Church. Here at the " New Academy " the Convention held
their sessions after the first day, and their meetings were
open to the public, visitors coming from all parts of the
State to hear the important subject under discussion. And
the assemblage was a most imposing one numerically. " It
was," says Grigsby, " more than four times greater than the
Convention which framed the Federal Constitution when that
body was full, and it exceeded it, as it ordinarily was, more
than six times." It consisted, as this writer adds, " of the
public men of three generations." * The army, the judiciary,
the planters of the State, were the three interests most
prominent in the representation, and the old soldiers were
generally in favor of the Constitution, as the habits of the
army officer naturally lead him to approve of the strong arm
in government, while the lawyer looks more to the questions
of principle that are involved, and is more jealous of liberty.
Of all this assemblage of more or less prominent figures
there were four, says our historian, who attracted the atten-
tion of strangers before all the rest. Pendleton and Wythe,
leaders among the Federalists, "with George Mason and
Patrick Henry, were those first sought by the spectator, as in
a convention, forty years later, were Madison, Monroe, Mar-
shall, and Fayette." " George Mason and Patrick Henry had
rooms at the Swan, a famous tavern on Broad Street, still
standing, and they were often seen together walking arm in
' " History of the Virginia Federal Convention," p. 34. Hugh Blair Grigsby.
• Ibid.^ note to p. 36.
arm on their way to the Convention. " George Mason was
dressed in a full suit of black, and was remarkable for the
urbanity and dignity with which he received and returned
the courtesies of those who passed him." '
A question had been decided on the 2d of June, the first
day of the Convention, of which we have an account in a
contemporary newspaper, with the arguments of George
Mason on the subject. This was, whether Robertson (with
his assistants), to whom we are indebted for our reports of
the Convention, should be employed by this assembly to
take down their speeches. George Mason opposed it firstly
as contrary to parliamentary usage, and secondly because he
believed Robertson to be a Federal partisan and, therefore,
not likely to do justice to the arguments of the opposition
members. A correspondent of the Fredericksburg Virginia
Herald^ one of the interested throng of spectators in attend-
ance on the Convention in Richmond, wrote June 2d :
*' It was to-day agitated whether the short-hand gentlemen
should be suffered to take down the business of the house for
public information. Opposed by Henry, Mason, Grayson and
White with success. Mr. Mason rested his opposition upon this
ground, that these gentlemen were strangers — that it was an im-
portant trust for anyone — for not only the people at large might
be misinformed, but a fatal stab might be given to a gentleman of
the house from a perversion of his language — that it was a breach
of privilege, and had been frequently determined so by the House
of Commons ; that to show the member who moved the question,
that his objections proceeded from those principles, and not from
a wish to be again a member of another Conclave^ he had given
his voice for an adjournment to the Theatre, where, surrounded
by his countrymen, he would endeavor to speak the language of
his soul. Mr. Nicholas was up several times upon this subject,
and had been the first mover of it, but at last relinquished it as
not tenable." *
George Mason refers to this matter of the short-hand
writer in one of his letters to his son to be given later. The
* Ibid,, p. 4 (note). • Marylattd Journal, June lo, 1788.
prejudice against reporters lingered long in the' House of
Commons, and was shared, it seems, by these eighteenth-
century Americans.
On the 3d of June, after the resolution of Congress on the
subject of the Constitution, the report of the Federal Con-
vention, and the resolutions of the General Assembly were
read, George Mason addressed the Convention. Grigsby
pictures the scene :
'' In an instant the insensible hum of the body was hushed, and
the eyes of all were fixed upon him. How he appeared that day
as he rose in that large assemblage, his once raven hair white as
snow, his stalwart figure, attired in deep mourning, still erect, his
black eyes fairly flashing forth the flame that burned in his bosom,
the tones of his voice deliberate and full as when, in the first
House of Delegates, he sought to sweep from the statute book
those obliquities which marred the beauty of the young republic,
or uttered that withering sarcasm which tinges his portrait by the
hand of Jefferson, we have heard from the lips, and seen reflected
from the moistened eyes, of trembling age. His reputation as the
author of the Declaration of Rights and of the first Constitution
of a free Commonwealth ; as the responsible director of some of
the leading measures of general legislation during the war and
after its close ; his position as a prominent member of the Gen-
eral Convention that framed the Constitution, which had been
adopted under his solemn protest, and his well-known resolve to
oppose the ratification with all his acknowledged abilities, were
calculated to arrest attention. He was sixty-two years old, and
had not been more than twelve years continuously in the public
councils, but from his entrance into public life he was confessedly
the first man in every assembly of which he was a member, though
rarely seen on the floor except on great occasions. But the interest
with which he was now watched was heightened by another cause.
From his lips was anxiously awaited by all parties the programme
of the war which was to be waged against the new system.'
M 1
There was a division among the Antifederalists as to the
line of policy to be pursued. Patrick Henry considered that
' *' History of the Virginia Federal Convention," p. 70.
the General Convention had usurped powers not bestowed
upon them in overthrowing the Articles of Confederation^
George Mason could not take this ground as he had been a
member of the Convention and approved of the change,
though he was not satisfied as to the final result. And he
urged now a discussion of the Constitution, clause by clause,
before any general previous question be put. He wished for
a full and free investigation of the subject, since they sought
to secure, " as far as possible, to the latest generation, the
happiness and liberty of the people." * This mode of dis-
cussion proved eventually of great disservice to his own
party, while it helped the Federalists. But as Grigsby says :
" The main object of Mason was to prevent a premature com-
mittal of the House by a vote on any separate part of the Consti-
tution ; for he well knew that an approval of one part would be
urged argumentatively to obtain the approval of another part, and
that, if the Constitution were approved in detail, it would be ap-
proved as a whole ; and so far as his motion postponed immedi-
ate voting, it was wise and well-timed." *
Yet, to restrict the discussion of the general tendency of
the Constitution and confine the debate to single clauses gave
the Federalists an advantage, as the historian of the Conven-
tion points out. However, the Antifederalists, who were
fully persuaded of the injurious scope of the whole instru-
ment, were not to be restrained from dwelling upon this
fact. Tyler, in the interests of the opposition, then moved
that a committee of the whole Convention should take into
consideration the proposed form of government. Madison
signified his assent to this arrangement, and George Mason
moved his resolution, which was agreed to by the Convention.
Thus was the plan of campaign laid down at the outset
by the two protagonists of the Convention, Mason and
Madison. They had waged a war of principle in the Fed-
eral Convention which had been merely adjourned, as to
its final issue, to the soil of their native State. Though the
* Appendix Hi. • ** History of the Virginia Federal Convention," p. 72.
party of Madison had been the victor in the former assem-
blage, yet was there a good prospect of the amendment
party triumphing here. Henry Lee, of Westmoreland,
wished the discussion to begin immediately, but the other
side was not to be hurried, as many of the members had not
yet arrived, and both George Mason and Benjamin Harrison
advocated an adjournment until the next day. On the 4th
of June the business properly commenced, the Convention
resolving itself into a committee of the whole, George
Wythe in the chair. Nicholas, Henry, Randolph, and
Mason were the four speakers on this day. Edmund Ran-
dolph showed his colors, coming out unequivocally for the
unamended Constitution, he who had a few months before in
the Federal Convention declared for amendments and a
" Second General Convention." Patrick Henry did not fall
into line immediately with George Mason, but rather over-
stepped the mark, and his first exception to the Constitution
was taken in somewhat free-lance fashion. He took issue
with the Federal Convention for changing the character of
the government " to the utter annihilation of the most
solemn engagements of the States.** There was a con-
fcderacy of nine States to be formed to the exclusion of the
other four, and this new confederacy was to form a consoli-
dated government. Henry then made his famous objection
to the phrase in the preamble, " We, the People," etc.* That
it was understood by the Federal Convention in any " con-
solidated ** sense, or as other than a convenient style of ex-
pression for the people of the several States, may be most
positively denied, or George Mason's jealous ear would have
been offended, and his voice have been raised against it.
Since neither Mason nor any other defender of the States in
the Convention saw fit to oppose the use of this phrase, it is
apparent that they were quite sure of its harmless nature.
However, it was to be distorted, as Patrick Henry feared,
from its obvious signification, and to be used by the party
of consolidation for their own purposes at a later day.
' '* Debates of the Virginia Convention,'* Robertson,
vol. ii — 15
The first and second sections of the first article were
under consideration. Randolph had spoken after Henry.
" He was followed/* says Grigsby, ** by Mason, whose words
were now watched with an interest hardly exceeded by that
which existed when he first rose to address the house ; for
he too had been a member of the General Convention, and
had declared in that body that, on certain conditions, none
of which included the words of the preamble, he would
approve the Constitution ; but though no parliamentarian,
he saw the snare into which his opponents were anxious
that he should fall, and adroitly avoided it by taking ground
which placed him in instant communion with Henry.** * He
maintained that the clause in the second section, " giving
the first hint of the general government laying direct taxes,"
changed the union into a " national government.** He urged
with great force the danger of leaving the manner of levying
taxes to those who, in the nature of things, cannot be ac-
quainted with the situation of those on whom they are to
impose them, when it can be done by those who are well
acquainted with it. He thought the general government
should have " the power of demanding their quotas of the
States, with an alternative of laying direct taxes in case of
non-compliance.** The same sum raised in one way, as he
declared, would be very oppressive raised in another way.
The second objection made by Colonel Mason was directed
against that part of the same section which dealt with repre-
sentation. He did not think it a full and free representation.
The Constitution did not expressly provide one representa-
tive for every thirty thousand, but it states : " the number of
representatives shall not exceed one for every 30,000.** So it
might be reduced without violating the letter of the law.
Colonel Mason concluded with reiterating his objection to
the taxing power given Congress. With this feature amended,
this part of the Constitution would receive his sanction, but
he regarded it as a sine qua nan} Madison closed the debate
with a few remarks, reserving a fuller reply to a future occa-
■ ** History of the Virginia Federal Convention," p. 92. ' Appendix iii.
sion. George Mason does not seem to have spoken in the
Federal Convention against giving Congress the power of
direct taxation. He had there urged the clause against
taxing exports, and further reflection had evidently im-
pressed him with the conviction that the power of Congress
should be limited, in this matter of revenue, to the duties
on imposts, as explained in the fourth amendment of the
Virginia Convention. Madison on the evening of the 4th of
June wrote an account of the Convention proceedings to
Washington, which the latter in turn retailed to John Jay a
few days later. It is evident the course taken by Edmund
Randolph had greatly elated the Federalists. Madison
writes disparagingly of his antagonists, Henry and Mason,
accusing them of making "a lame figure" in the recent
debate. Still he is by no means confident of the result.
" Kentucky . . . is supposed to be generally adverse, and
every kind of address is going on privately to work on the
local interests and prejudices of that and other quarters."*
There were fourteen representatives in the Convention from
the district of Kentucky.
Unlike the Federal Convention, which held secret ses-
sions, the Virginia Convention, as has been said, was open
to the public, and was attended by large crowds of citizens,
who gave the most eager attention to all that was said. It
is to be regretted that there were not some fluent scribes
among these spectators, to write down their impressions of
the scenes they witnessed, and to preserve for posterity a
record of the logic and eloquence there manifested. The
reports of Robertson, as will appear, were not wholly to be
relied on. And the Federalist Madison writing under the
excitement of the contest was certainly not to be trusted
in his estimate of the Antifederalist champions opposed to
him. But with the debates before us, as they have come
down to our generation, there seems no cause for the Feder-
alists to take any credit to themselves, up to this point of
time. George Nicholas had advocated the system of repre-
' '* Writings of Washington," Sparks, vol. ix., p. 370 (note) and p. 373.
sentation, but the ambiguity remained unanswerable, in the
wording of the provision. Edmund Randolph could only
put forth in his defence of the Constitution — and of himself
— the poor plea of expediency. To the three or four tangi-
ble objections made by the opposition to the first part of
the Constitution there was as yet no answer given.
From the 4th of June to the 13th, though still nominally
employed upon the first and second sections of the first
article, the Convention in fact diverged widely from the
point, and discussed the Constitution at large. The great
speech of the 5th of June was made by Patrick Henry in
answer to Pendleton and General Henry Lee. He brought
forward new objections. " How does your trial by jury
stand ? In civil cases gone — not sufficiently secured in
criminal." He thought also that the militia should not be
in the hands of Congress. And he dwelt upon the folly of
looking for subsequent amendments when it was in their
power to insist upon them beforehand. He quoted from
the Virginia Bill of Rights, the third article, on the right of
the people to reform or abolish their government ; the fifth
article, on taxation ; the sixth article, requiring the consent
of the people to suspend the laws ; and showed how each
was endangered by the new Constitution. One phrase here
is prophetic : " When the people of Virginia at a future day
shall wish to alter their government, though they should be
unanimous in this desire, yet they may be prevented there-
from by a despicable minority at the extremity of the United
States." He objected to giving Congress the control of the
custom-houses, and also to the inadequate reprpsentation of
the people in that body. Like the other Southern patriots,
Henry believed that the South would eventually be numeri-
cally stronger than the North, a pathetic illusion as was too
soon made apparent. The whole scheme of the government
Henry thought too extravagant, and the President, with
" the powers of a king," at the head of the army might
eventually overthrow American liberties. Another specific
objection advanced by Henry was the control given to Con-
gress over the time, place, and manner of elections. Again
he denounced the clause concerning the publication of the
journals " from time to time " only. Without the obligation
to publish their proceedings, they would be without public
responsibility. " The Senate, by making treaties, may de-
stroy your liberty and laws for want of responsibility."
Jay's treaty, a few years later, seemed to many, just such a
case as was here anticipated. Stevens Thomson Mason,
who was with Henry now in the Convention, mindful of this
doctrine of responsibility, which his uncle had also enforced
in the Federal Convention, was the senator, it will be
remembered, who gave Jay's treaty to the public prints in
1795. Patrick Henry concluded his powerful speech by
beseeching the Convention not to hurry Virginia into an
acceptance of the proposed government simply because
eight States had adopted it. They should insist upon its
being amended, and not fear this bugbear of anarchy that
was suggested. Pennsylvania he thought had been " tricked "
into adopting the Constitution. " If the other States who
have adopted it have not been tricked, still they were too
much hurried into its adoption. There were very respecta-
ble minorities in several of them, and if reports be true, a
clear majority of the people are averse to it. If we also
accede, and it should prove grievous, the peace and pros-
perity of our country [Virginia], which wc all love, will be
destroyed." * Edmund Randolph made the opening argu-
ment on the following day. He referred to a portion of
George Mason's speech in these words : " It is objected by
the honorable gentleman over the way, that a republican
government is impracticable in an extensive territory, and
the extent of the United States is urged as a reason for the
rejection of this Constitution." And he contended that if
the laws were wisely made and executed, the extent of the
country would be no bar to the adoption of a " good gov-
ernment." For the definition of a good government, how-
ever, the factor of territory must be taken into account,
* '• Debates of the Virginia Convention," Robertson, p. 55.
George Mason contended. A monarchy, though repugnant
to the genius of America, might be a good government under
certain conditions. A republic, to be a good government,
must be small, and a union of republics should be of a
marked federal character to make it secure of retaining its
freedom. There was, of course, no exact prototype of the
government now proposed, by which the fathers could be
guided. And the Constitution had its national as well as
federal features. But Edmund Randolph had objected just
as strongly as George Mason to the " national " theories of
Hamilton in the Federal Convention, and it was to bring
back the Constitution from its deflections out of the orbit
originally designed for it that amendments were sought for.
Edmund Randolph in this speech animadverted severely
upon the legislation of Virginia, meaning that his reflections
should hit Mason and Henry, who had been prominent as
its law-makers. George Mason had drafted the first land
law, and Randolph refers to complaints on this point.
Madison and George Nicholas were the other speakers at
this time. Madison at the close of his argument showed how
Httle he favored consolidation, though he supported a sys-
tem which came so dangerously near it. He said of the new
Constitution : ** I believe its tendency will be, that the State
governments will counteract the general interest, and ulti-
mately prevail." * His was indeed a short-sighted political
wisdom, as he lived to discern. Francis Corbin, the young
member of the legislature of whom George Mason makes
indulgent mention in his letter from the Assembly given in
the last chapter, answered Patrick Henry. Ikit in spite of
Corbin's compliments to the ** declamatory talents " of the
great orator, Henry appears not to have considered him a
foeman quite worthy of his steel. And then, too, Patrick
Henry wished to make the two-sided governor declare him-
self at large, that the opportunity for reprisals might be more
complete. Ldrd Chesterfield amused himself with a para-
graph that appeared in one of the London papers relating to
» Ibid,, p. 78.
the health of Charles Townshend, who was proverbial for his
fickle changes of party : " The Right Honorable Charles
Townshend has been indisposed of a pain in his side, but it
is not stated in which side.*' His Excellency, Governor Ran-
dolph had left the world equally in doubt as to " which
side " must be understood as that of his intimate convic-
tions, in the struggle going on. Patrick Henry now asked
him to continue his observations as he wished to hear all that
could be said in defence of a system he [Henry] found so
defective. Randolph responded to the invitation, and in the
course of his remarks, while on the subject of direct taxation,
he argued against the " expedient, proposed by a gentleman
whom I do not now see in the house [Mr. George Mason]
. . . that this power shall be only given to the general
government, as an alternative after requisitions shall have
been refused.** And again he replied to George Mason, to
whom he ascribed the observation, " that there could not be
a fellow-feeling between the national representatives and
their constituents, and that oppression must be inseparable
from their exercise of the power of imposing taxes.** Madi-
son followed Randolph, with a long speech, making quota-
tions of which Robertson gives pnly the substance, a plan
which he follows with a part of the speech itself. Henry
closed the debate with a comprehensive reply to the argu-
ments of the Federalists, and he took occasion to remind
" His Excellency ** of his former expressions of opinion. He
indulged in a little excusable irony, and caught up an incau-
tious word of Randolph*s on which he dilated, much to his
victim's discomfiture. Patrick Henry concluded his speech
with an ultimatum, under three heads, as "indispensably
necessary *' : a bill of rights ; a " general positive provision
securing to the States and the people, every right which was
not conceded to the general government ; and that every
implication should be done away.** *
The first week of the Convention had closed with Patrick
Henry*s speech of Saturday. On Monday the 9th of June,
' /W//., p. 114.
" Henry and Mason, who had, according to their usual habits
walked arm in arm from the Swan, were seen to pause a few
moments at the steps of the Academy, evidently engaged in
consultation, and with difficulty made their way to their
seats in the house/* * The crowd of spectators had increased
and filled the floor and galleries to overflowing. Henry rose
to conclude his unfinished argument. He brought forward
a subject of great interest to all present, the question of the
Mississippi navigation. Seven States, or the whole North,
as he said, were willing to relinquish this river which it was to
the interest of the six Southern States to retain, and under
the new government the South would be likely to lose it.
He reviewed the several dangers to which it was asserted
Virginia would be liable if she did not accept the Constitu-
tion, and showed the fallacy of these assumptions. And he
expatiated afresh on the objections against it already ad-
vanced. General Henry Lee was the next speaker, and after
him came the irate governor. The latter poured out the vials
of his wrath on Patrick Henry, and read a portion of his
public letter (objecting to the Constitution), to prove that he
had not been inconsistent. There was then a little scene
which must have caused a good deal of excitement in the
Convention. After Patrick Henry had disavowed any inten-
tion of giving offence, Edmund Randolph made answer, that
but for this concession "he would have made some men's
hair stand on end by the disclosure of certain facts.** Henry
asked him to speak if he had anything to disclose, but Ran-
dolph made no reply to this challenge, and proceeded further
in his own justification, throwing down his letter on the
clerk's table to lie there " for the inspection of the curious
and malicious.** He continued his argument, after this
ebullition, and concluded it on the following day. Monroe,
Marshall, Harrison, and Nicholas were the other speakers on
the loth, and the ball of debate was tossed back and forth,
each side reiterating arguments and making citations to
strengthen its position. Benjamin Harrison was one of the
* ** History of the Virginia Federal Convention," p. 151.
amendment party, but he only spoke in the Convention on
this one occasion, when he ably seconded the position of
Mason and Henry.
It will be seen from Edmund Randolph's remark in his
speech on Saturday, the 7th, that George Mason was not at
that time in the Convention. It is not unreasonable to
suppose that his absence from his seat on this day had some
connection with the arrival in Richmond of Colonel Oswald,
of Philadelphia, who brought pamphlets and letters from
the " Federal Republican Society ** in New York to the
leaders of the opposition in the Virginia Convention. Madi-
son reported the news of this portentous event in a letter
on Monday to his friend and ally, Alexander Hamilton, the
leader of the Federalists in New York : " Oswald of Phila-
delphia came here on Saturday, and has closet interviews
with the leaders of the opposition."* On the same day
Patrick Henry, William Grayson, and George Mason all
wrote letters to General John Lamb, Chairman of the New
York Society, to send back by Colonel Oswald. The Anti-
federalists had not been dilatory in their work of opposi-
tion. They had already formulated in their committee, of
which Colonel Mason was chairman, a bill of rights, and
some of the amendments they meant to bring forward in
the Convention. Patrick Henry wrote to Lamb that four
fifths of the people in Virginia were opposed to the Consti-
tution, and south of the James River nine tenths : " And
yet, strange as it may seem, the numbers in Convention
appear equal on both sides, so that the majority, which way
soever it goes, will be small. The friends and seekers of
power have with their usual subtlety wriggled themselves
into the choice of the people." In regard to General
Lamb's proposition that they should form in Virginia a
society like the one in New York, Henry adds :
" If they [the Federalists] shall carry their point and preclude
previous amendments, which we have ready to offer, it will be-
' •• Works of Hamilton,'* John C. Hamilton, vol. i., p. 456.
come highly necessary to form the society you mention. . . .
Col. George Mason has agreed to act as chairman of our republi-
can society. His character I need not describe. He is every
way lit ; and we have concluded to send you by Col. Oswald a
copy of the bill of rights, and of the particular amendments we
intend to propose in our Convention.'
» 1
William Grayson acknowledges the letter sent him by
Colonel Oswald, and says he laid it the same evening before
the " Committee of Opposition," and they had " directed
their chairman to answer it by Colonel Oswald. Some of our
proposed amendments," he adds, " are finished in the Com-
mittee; the others will be forwarded as soon as agreed
on." He speaks of their affairs as suspended by a hair, and
that " seven or eight dubious characters, whose opinions are
not known," will by their decisions decide the important
question.' The following is George Mason's letter to Gen-
eral Lamb:
Richmond, June 9th, 1788.
I have had the honor to receive your letter dated the i8th of
May, in behalf of the Federal Republican Committee of New
York, upon the subject of the government proposed by the late
Convention to the respective States for their adoption, and have
communicated it to several respectable gentlemen of the Conven-
tion now met in this city, who are opposed to the adoption
without previous amendments. They receive with pleasure the
proposition of your Committee for a free correspondence on the
subject of amendments, and have requested me to transmit to
your Committee such as we have agreed on as necessary for
previous adoption.
Although there is a general concurrence in the Convention of
this State that amendments are necessary, yet the members are
so equally divided with respect to the time and manner of obtain-
ing them, that it cannot now be ascertained whether the majority
will be on our side or not ; if it should be so I have no doubt
but that an official communication will immediately take place
between the Conventions of this State and yours.
* ** Life and Times of General Lamb." Isaac Q. I^ake, p. 306. • Ibid,
As the amendments proposed by the Convention of Massachu-
setts are the first which have been offered to the public, and con-
tain in them many things that are necessary, it is deemed proper
to make them the basis of such as may finally be agreed on ; and
it may also be proper to observe that an Executive Council will
be necessary, because power and responsibility are two things
essential to a good executive, the first of which cannot be safely
given, nor the latter insured where the legislative senate form a
part of the Executive. The judiciary, the exclusive legislative
power over the ten miles square, and the militia are subjects to
which our attention will next be turned, and we shall communi-
cate the result of our deliberations with all possible despatch.
The nature of the opposition here is such that it has not yet
taken any particular form, being composed only of members of
the Convention who meet to prepare such amendments as they
deem necessary to be offered to the Convention. If it should
hereafter become necessary to assume one, it is hoped that
system and order will everywhere appear suitable to the import-
ance and dignity of the cause. In the meantime it is recom-
mended to communicate with you, under cover to Capt. Jacob
Reed, Junr., of Queen street, New York, in order to prevent any
interruption that curiosity might give. We approve of the pre-
caution, and also advise that Mr. George Fleming, merchant of
this city, be made the instrument of safe conveyance on your
I have the honor to be, Sir,
Your most obedient and humble servant,
G. Mason.
Honorable John Lamb, Esq :
Chairman of the Federal Republican Committee
in New York.*
From the 4th to the nth of June, George Mason's voice
was not heard in the Convention, but he had been busy in
the Committee of Opposition, preparing the bill of rights
and amendments. He had left it to Patrick Henry to spe^
for the cause while he was occupied in writing for it. J On
the I ith, which was Wednesday, he rose after Madison and
' Lamb Papers, New York Historical Society.
made a long and careful reply to the arguments of the
Federalists. Grigsby says here in allusion to the circum-
stance that Mason succeeded Madison :
'' It has been remarked by one of the most celebrated orators
of the present age, that it is an advantage to a speaker of the first
order of ability, and to such only, to succeed the delivery of a
first-rate speech, that the attention of the audience is fixed
firmly on the subject in debate, and that there is a craving for a
reply. In this respect. Mason could not have been more for-
tunate, and in another not less so ; for the speech which had just
been delivered was addressed to the reason and not to the
passions of the House, and the eminent perfection of Mason
rested on his logical power, in his knowledge of the British pol-
ity, and in his experience as a statesman." '
He remarked first on the propriety at the present juncture
of discussing the Constitution at large instead of confining
the debate to a single clause. He maintained that the case
of Great Britain's representation, as cited by George Nich-
olas, was not applicable to the United States. Yet, he
asked, in what respect was the American system superior as
Nicholas declared, when Great Britain with a territory ten
times smaller had 550 members in Parliament, while the
United States had but 65 in Congress? He spoke of
the ineffectiveness of the clause restraining members of
Congress from holding office. There is a hiatus in the
report of Mason's speech here, as Robertson says he spoke
too low to be heard. He is found, however, soon after, to be
dwelling upon the " unconditional power of taxation " given
to the government, and fortifying his argument against it by
examples of its power for evil. He then read a letter of
Robert Morris to show the sort of taxes that were already
in agitation. The next point made was the need for a bill
of rights, as a check to the general government and a safe-
guard to the people of the State, threatened in their reserved
powers by the second clause of the sixth article. George
» •• History of the Virginia Federal Convention," p. iSS.
Mason in speaking of the small representation of Virginia in
Congress, while advocating the democratic, as opposed to
the aristocratic theory of representative government, made
an allusion to the famous phrase of John Adams. He said
the ten members from Virginia would be chosen, " if not]
wholly, yet mostly from the higher order of the people^
from the great, the wealthy, the well-born — the well-bm
Mr. Chairmarr, that aristocratic idol, that flattering idea, th^t
exotic plant which has been lately imported from the pon:s
of Great Britain, and planted in the luxuriant soil of this
country.*' John Adams while in England had written and
published the first volume of his " Defence of the American
Constitutions,'* against the strictures of Turgot. The book
came out during the session of the Federal Convention, and
was much read by the members, and was believed to have
influenced them in favor of a strong central government.
In the preface and in the conclusion, he seemed to advocate
a more aristocratic government than suited the romantic
republicanism of the American patriots of the day. j
George Mason then referred to a statement made by'
Nicholas in regard to the increase of representation :
''The worthy gentleman says that the number must be
increased, because representation and taxation are in proportion,
and that one cannot be increased without increasing the other,
nor decreased without decreasing the other. Let us examine
the weight of this argument. If the proportion of each State
equally and ratably diminishes, the words of the Constitution
[one for every 30,000] will be as much satisfied as if it had been
increased in the same manner, without any reduction of the
taxes. Let us illustrate it familiarly. Virginia has ten repre-
sentatives ; Maryland has six. Virginia will have to pay a sum
in proportion greater than Maryland, as ten to six. Suppose
Virginia reduced to five and Maryland to three. The relative
proportion of money, paid by each, will be the same as before ;
and yet the honorable gentleman said, that if this did not
convince us, he would give up. I am one of those unhappy men
who cannot be amused with assertions. A man from the dead
might frighten me ; but I am sure that he could not convince me
without using better arguments than I have yet heard. The
same gentleman showed us that though the Northern States had
a most decided majority against us, yet the increase of popu-
lation among us would, in the course of years, change it in our
favor. A very sound argument indeed^ that we should cheerfully
bum ourselves to death in hopes of a joyful and happy resurrection !
In the course of his remarks, after picturing Holland with
its free institutions in contrast to Spain in her poverty, he
added : "They tell us, that if we be powerful and respecta-
ble abroad, we shall have liberty and happiness at home.
L«t us secure that liberty, that happiness first, and we shall
then be respectable." Then followed another caustic obser- 1
vation, one of those touches, of ironic humor for which the \
speaker was famous :
" I have some acquaintance with a great many characters who
favor this government, their connections, their conduct, their
political principles, and a number of other circumstances. There
are a great many wise and good men among them. But when I
look round the number of my acquaintance in Virginia, the
country wherein I was bom, and have lived so many years, and
observe who are the warmest and the most zealous friends to this
new government, it makes me think of the story of the cat trans-
formed into a fine lady — forgetting her transformation — and
happening to see a rat, she could not restrain herself, but sprang
upon it out of the chair."
Of the desirableness of a general government there was
no doubt, George Mason continued. But, he added :
*' I hope that it is not to the name, but to the blessings of]
union that we are attached. . . . The security of our liberty!
and happiness is the object we ought to have in view in wishing!
to establish the union. If instead of securing these, we endanger
them, the name of union will be but a trivial consolation."
Difficulties with Maryland about the Potomac, the western
lands of Virginia, the magnitude of her debts, were pleas put
forward by Edmund Randolph as reasons for joining the new
government. Of the first, George Mason said he could
speak with authority, having been one of the commissioners
to form a compact with Maryland, and he knew of no cause
of alarm there. As to the second, he believed, if the Con-
stitution were to be adopted without amendments, the
Indiana Company would drive out the settlers between the
Alleghany and Blue Ridge, though their rights and title
had been confirmed by the Virginia Assembly. George
Mason proved to be a prophet here, as to the action of the
Indiana Company, as they brought suit against Virginia in
the federal court, after the adoption of the Constitution. Of
the third plea. Mason said : ** And shall we, because involved
in debts, take less care of our rights and liberties ? Shall we
abandon them, because we owe money which we cannot
immediately pay ? Will this system enable us to pay our
debts and lessen our difficulties ? Perhaps the new govern-
ment possesses some secret, some powerful means of turning
everything to gold. It has been called by one gentleman
the philosopher*s stone. The comparison was a pointed one,
at least in this, that, on the subject of producing gold they
will be both equally delusive and fallacious.*' Colonel
Mason then proceeded to give Randolph a home thrust on
the subject of his change of front :
*' My honorable colleague in the late Convention seems to
raise phantoms, and to show a singular skill in exorcisms, to
terrify and compel us to take the new government, with all its
sins and dangers. I know that he once saw as great danger in it
as I do. What has happened since to alter his opinion ? If any-
thing, I know it not. But the Virginia legislature has occasioned
it, by postponing the matter. The Convention had met in
June, instead of March or April. The liberty or misery of
millions yet unborn are deeply concerned in our decision. When
this is the case, I cannot imagine that the short period between
the last of September and first of June ought to make any
difiFerence." *
* Appendix Hi.
Grigsby explains the story of the cat and the fine lady as
having reference to a class of men in Virginia favorable to
the new Constitution, who had been disaffected throughout
the Revolution, who had " hung on the rear of the friends of
freedom, and sought to obstruct their progress when they
could effect their object safely and without suspicion."
From their high positions and wide family connections it
was difficult to assail them, yet Mason had the courage to
denounce their course.
Henry Lee of Westmoreland, a gallant and skilful soldier,
but no match for George Mason in statesmanship, censured
" the honorable gentleman last up ** for his endeavor " to
draw our attention from the merits of the question, by jocose
observations and satirical allusions." Grigsby thinks it
evident from Lee's remarks, that the story of the cat was
** not the only piece of fun with which Mason relieved one
of his ablest arguments," but, he adds, " there is not a
shadow of humor in any other part of the reported speech "
[?]. But to continue General Lee's remarks : ** He [Mason]
ought to know that ridicule is not the test of truth. Does
he imagine that he that can raise the loudest laugh is the
soundest reasoner? Sir, the judgments and not the risibility
of gentlemen are to be consulted." He also found fault
with Mason for showing the letter of Robert Morris, whose
proposed scheme of taxation he professed to consider as
merely the opinion of a private gentleman, though Morris
was the financial agent of Congress. But the same princi-
ple," he added, " has also governed the gentleman when he
mentions the expressions of another private gentleman —
the well-born — that our federal representatives are to be
chosen from the higher orders of the people — from the welU
born. Is there a single expression like this in the Constitu-j
tion? . . . This insinuation is totally unwarrantable.
Is it proper that the Constitution should be thus attacked
with the opinions of every private gentleman ? I hope we
shall have no more of such groundless assertions. Raising
a laugh, sir, will not prove the merits, nor expose the defects
of this system '* * Evidently the Convention had shown its
appreciation of Mason's shafts of satire. And they must
in turn have been amused by this solemn rebuke of his
levity administered to such a master of sound reasoning as
George Mason.
William Grayson made his first speech in the Convention
at this time, concluding his argument on the following day,
and his voice was a great accession to the strength of the
opposition. He too ridiculed the imaginary dangers sug-
gested by Edmund Randolph as the alternative of rejection.
And he saw evils in a Constitution where the executive was
*' fettered in some parts, and as unlimited in others as a
Roman dictator/* and where there was *' an inequality of
representation and want of responsibility ** in the legislature.
Grayson thought, with Mason and Henry, that the power of^
direct taxation should remain with the States : " Give u]
this and you give up everything, as it is the highest act </f
sovereignty ; surrender up this inestimable jewel, and y<
throw a pearl away richer than all your tribe." And he
made the prophecy that ** this government will operate as a
faction of seven States to oppress the rest of the Union."
In the further consideration of this subject Grayson said :
" An observation came from an honorable gentleman (Mr.
Mason) when speaking of the propriety of the general govern-
ment exercising this power, that according to the rules and doc-
trine of representation, the thing was entirely impracticable. I
agreed with him in sentiments. I waited to hear the answer
from the admirers of the new Constitution. What was the
answer ? Gentlemen were obliged to give up the point with re-
spect to general uniform taxes. They have the candor to
acknowledge that taxes on slaves would not affect the Eastern
States, and that taxes on fish or pot-ash would not affect the
Southern States. They are then reduced to this dilemma. In
order to support this part of the system, they are obliged to con-
trovert the first maxims of representation. The best writers on ^
this subject, lay it down as a fundamental principle, that he who
lays a tax, should bear his proportion of paying it." 4
' " Debates of the Virginia Convention, ' Robertson, p. 197 .
Vol. II— 16
4^0 I ll'ff ANn f:OMMHf;/'OA/fJ/iMC£ OF CEOkCE MAM/f.
\\\^ h\S\h^ %\i^^^Vn% on the 1 2th were Pendleton and
MmHIh/hi <or IIm* ('on<iflfiitlofi and Henry in reply. The lat-
\h\ itHlfl *«f tiiNiitlon } " 'Miln government subjects everythinff
Im IIm* Nffilhf'tti Miiijorlfy. In there not then a settled pur-
|«HM»' Im \\\%kV Hii« Smilherii Interest? We thus put un-
ImimmiIimI |Miwt»i iivn our property in hands not having a
iHMHUHM lMli»i(ittl whh UN." The navigation of the Missis-
MlppI wiiN imimIm Hm* lhrn«r of diNCussion for the following
\\\\\ And (liMUMid l.iM'. Monroci Grayson, Henry, Nicholas,
Ut^Hd^lpht iMul roihtu idl Npoko. Mr. Corbin had scarcely
u^\^M^^vt\n'd hU np^HHlu however, when a violent storm arose
wUuh u^\\\peUed \\\\\\ to cUvHc abruptly, and the Convention
Uh> ^\ i\\>i>^\^u\e\t \\\\ tho \l<^v.* rho subject of debate on the
\ \0\ \N^^ \MW \vt >ii\Mt iuteiVHt, us it AtK\rtcd Virginia and the
N\U\v>v Sn^v^iUx iMV\< >\h .^ »vx\dt ot the eKH|uencc and reasoning
N^ ^H^^ \\\Ut>s>e\s^hxts\\u tUedun^vrxxf U>singlhc Mississippi^
^>^\ N^'s^^ >M t^^^ t>M\\t\SH\ \tcU^Ates tv^ the Cv>:\\>aition from
K>*^^vn\\ nnMns^ \>*^h Ihe \^^^^vv<iti>N;v* rh<N>doric Bland.
nv*x \>^ \V V-^v^n^^^vaUx^v >fct\^W xv*, this vijiv to Arthur
^x,s ^ \ Vn'^vv ^*^^'^*' "^ VNxV^ >•• -^^x^r "t ■ vc i*t iJnog? ti>
V vv %V A* "V X '^^^ "-v^ftV** \ : -."XV*^ **^:?
>r *X,^X* *» •"» N • ^XNl^^-***- ' ; "•■^•liv -.sS^-V TV, - t^->r I^3Bt£
shore of liberty. I have but one ray of hope, and that arises from
an observation that they are yet in perfectly good humour with
each other. I have as yet sat as a speechless spectator, nor shall
I be induced to alter that character but as a mediator, and with
a view of concentrating the two parties now (after twelve days'
session) almost equally divided ; each side boasting by turns of a
majority of from 3 to 8, on the general question, of adopting or
rejecting, although I really at this time think there is a decided
majority for anterior amendments, that is who do not think it
prudent to mount a high-blooded, fiery steed, without a bridle.
The amendments which will be proposed will contain simple
propositions guarding the rights of the States, &c. . . . The
strongest efforts are made here to inculcate the absolute necessity
of posterior amendments, or unconditional submission, for fear
of losing, as it is called, the government, and strong dispositions
are shown to precipitate the Convention into that measure, but
hitherto the fear of miscarrying altogether, has restrained the
gentlemen on the side of the new Constitution.
• •••«••••
" We object not against any powers which shall not be hurtful.
That the government shall want no aids for its own support or
execution, provided that such restraints shall be imposed upon it
as shall support and ensure the State privileges, and the liberty
of the individual against oppression. We have yet proceeded no
farther in the discussion than the article of direct taxation, on
which point they have collected all their force, and I think they
have left hitherto the advantage considerably on our side."
Colonel Bland then tells of a duel that had just taken
place in Richmond, but the principals were not members of
the Convention. He adds :
" I mention this to show you that the heats have not yet entered
that body, although the thunders roll, and the lightnings flash
every day, both in the natural and political atmosphere. [There
had been danger of a duel, however, between Henry and Ran-
dolph.] Our chief-magistrate has at length taken his party, and
appears to be reprobated by the honest of both sides, but this is
too precious a morsel to be left out. Although lukewarm, he
has openly declared for posterior amendments, or in other words,
unconditional submission." '
On the evening of the 13th Madison wrote his version of
affairs to Washington, from the standpoint of federalism.
" Appearances at present are less favorable than at the date of
my last. Our progress is slow, and every advantage is taken of
the delay to work on the local prejudices of particular sets of
members. British debts, the Indiana claim, and the Mississippi
are the principal topics of private discussion and intrigue, as
well as of public declamation. . . . The business is in the
most ticklish state that can be imagined. . . . Oswald of
Philadelphia has been here with letters for the anti-federal leaders
from New York, and probably Philadelphia. He staid a very
short time here during which he was occasionally closeted with
H-y, M-s-n, &c.'
»* s
On th^ 14th of June the president was ill and unable to
attend the Convention, and John Tyler, an Antifederalist,
was unanimously elected vice-president to preside during
the inability of the executive officer. The subject of the
Mississippi was postponed, the Convention deciding to dis-
cuss the Constitution clause by clause. But William Gray-
son had something to say on the question of the great river
before the matter was dropped. He thought its possession
deeply concerned the Southern States. Without it there
could be no expansion westward. And he reiterated his
argument as to the " national contest " — that is, whether
one part of the continent should govern the other. " The
Northern States have the majority and will endeavor to re-
tain it. This is therefore a contest for dominion, for empire.
I apprehend that God and nature have intended, from the
extent of territory and fertility of soil, that the weight of
population should be on this side of the continent. At
present, for various reasons, it is on the other side." " The
* ** Life of Arthur Lee," Richard H. I^ce, vol. ii., p. 337.
• " Writings of Madison," vol. i., p. 399.
s ««
Debates of the Virginia Convention/' Roberston.
third, fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh sections of the first
article were read and commented on, Tyler, Monroe, Henry,
and Grayson urging objections ; Randolph, Nicholas, and
Madison making reply. After the reading of the eighth
section George Mason made a speech on the power of Con-
gress over the militia. He wished " such an amendment as
this — that the militia of any State should not be marched
beyond the limits of the adjoining State ; and if it be neces-
sary to draw them from one end of the continent to the
other, I wish such a check as the consent of the State legis-
lature to be provided." He was averse to a standing army,
and thought the militia the safeguard of the state. Congress
was to have the power to arm and organize the militia, but
they might neglect to do this, and Colonel Mason wished
that there should be an express declaration that the State
governments might arm and discipline them, in case the
general government neglected this duty. He also thought
the militia should never be subject to martial law but in time
of war.* The discussion of this subject was continued by
Madison, Henry, C. Clay, Nicholas, and Randolph. George
Mason, after reading to the Convention the sixteenth clause
of this eighth section, maintained "that it included the power
of annexing punishments, and establishing necessary disci-
pline," and therefore most ignominious punishments might be
inflicted by Congress, on the worthiest citizens. The speaker
then reverted to the subject of representation as inadequate,
which was " a conclusive reason for granting no powers to
the government, but such as were absolutely indispensable,
and these to be most cautiously guarded." On the power
of impeachment, of which he entertained great suspicions,
he said, " after a treaty manifestly repugnant to the interests
of the country was made," how was the Senate to be pun-
ished ? " The House of Representatives were to impeach
them. The senators were to try themselves. If a majority
of them were guilty of the crime [of bribery and corruption]
would they pronounce themselves guilty ? Yet this is called
* Appendix iii.
responsibility/' Referring to the ultimate power given
Congress over elections, he was called to order by George
Nicholas for leaving the section under discussion, but was
allowed to proceed : " He was of opinion that the control
over elections tended to destroy responsibility." He could
see no good reason for it and thought it was dangerous:
" I have no power which any other person can take from me.
I have no right of representation, if they can take it from
me. I say, therefore, that Congress may, by this claim, take
away the right of representation, or render it nugatory,
despicable, or oppressive." After some further argument
on this point. Colonel Mason took notice of a clause in the
fifth section, on publishing the proceedings of Congress, and
he urged that the words " from time to time " should be
replaced by others less ambiguous. The Confederation had
provided that their journal should be published monthly,
with certain exceptions. Here was an additional want of
responsibility in the new government. In conclusion. Colo-
nel Mason urged that the provision regarding adjournment
was objectionable. " Neither house can adjourn without
the consent of the other for more than three days. The
Senate might have it in their power to worry the House
into a compliance with their wishes, by refusing to adjourn,
and they could have no objection to long sessions, as they
were elected for six years, and would probably make their
homes in the Federal city." *
The eighth section was still under consideration on Mon-
day, the i6th, and George Mason spoke seven times on this
day. After a speech by Patrick Henry, Madison answered
him, and . concluded by having the acts of the Assembly
.read, which provided for calling out the militia. Colonel
Mason asked for what purpose they were read. He thought
" they militated against the cession of this power to Con-
gress, because the State governments could call forth the
militia when necessary, so as to compel a submission to the
laws ; and as they were competent to it, Congress ought not
to have the power.*' He was not satisfied with the explana-
tion that General Lee had given of the word organization.
The latter maintained that it did not include the infliction
of punishments. Whereas George Mason insisted that
organizing and disciplining the militia embraced the power
of inflicting punishments, which might be made severe and
ignominious. It was said the militia would only be subject
to martial law when in actual service. But what was there
to hinder Congress from inflicting it always? Madison re-
plied, and the subject was discussed by Henry, Corbin,
Grayson, and Marshall. George Mason said it had been
asked who were the militia, if they were not the people of
the country. He thought they did at this time consist of
the whole people, but they might at some future period be
confined to the lower and middle classes, under the new
government. Then ignominious punishments and heavy
fines might be expected. Discriminating laws might be
made by Congress exempting its members and others from
militia duty. George Nicholas professed to find an incon-
sistency in the propositions severally advanced by William
Grayson and George Mason, and asserted that they both
opposed the power given Congress on " contradictory prin-
ciples." Mason replied " that he was totally misunderstood.
The contrast between his friend's objection and his was im-
proper. His friend had mentioned the propriety of having
select militia, like those of Great Britain^ who should be
more thoroughly exercised than the militia at large could
possibly be. But //r, himself, had not spoken of a selection
of militia, but of the exemption of the highest classes of the
people from militia service ; which would justify apprehen-
sions of some ignominious punishments." The opponents
of the Constitution all feared the power given Congress over .
the federal district, and George Mason spoke on the subject
at this time :
" This ten miles square may set at defiance the laws of the sur-,
rounding States, and may, like the custom of the superstitious 1
days of our ancestors, become the sanctuary of the blackest
... If an J of their [the Federal gorenusent's]
or creatures should attempt to oppress the people, or shoold
actaall J perpetrate the blackest deed, he has wothhig to do but
get into the ten miles square. . . . It is an ipcontrorertiblc
axiom, that, when the dangers that maj arise from the mkmse are
greater than the benefits that may result from the use, the power
ought to be withheld."
Such he conceived to be the case here. And, alluding to
a rcmarlc of Edmund Randolph, he added :
** We are told bjr the honorable gentleman that Hc^land has its
Hague. I confess I am at a loss to know what inference he could
draw from that obserration. This b the place where the deputies
of the United Provinces meet to transact the public business^
But I ^ not recollect that thej have any exclusive jurisdiction
whatever in that place, but are subject to the laws of the province
in which the Hague is. To what purpose the gendeman men-
tioned that Holland has its Hague I cannot see."
George Mason thought that Congress should only have
exclusive power as regarded the police and good govern-
ment of the place.
Of the last, or ^ sweeping clause/* as it was termed, of the
eighth section, the Antifederalists had no opinion whatever.
George Mason replied to Madison and Pendleton on this
head : " Gentlemen say there is no new power given by this
clause. Is there anything in this Constitution which secures
to the States the powers which are said to be retained ? Will
powers remain to^the States which are not expressly guarded
and reserved " ? He then stated an imaginary case, not an
impossible one, of oppression arising under powers exercised
by the federal government, and protests being made by
public writers against such misgovcmment. Could not Con-
gress call this encouraging sedition, and lay restrictions on
the liberty of the press ? Here Colonel Mason anticipated
exactly what took place in the sedition law of the second
administration. As with the liberty of the press, he con-
tinued, so with the trial by jury and other personal rights.
He then referred to the second of the Articles of Confedera-
tion " reserving to the States respectively every power, juris-
diction, and right, not expressly delegated to the United
States. This clause has never been complained of, but
approved by all. Why not, then, have a* similar clause in
this Constitution, in which it is the more indispensably
necessary than in the Confederation, because of the great
augmentation of power vested in the former ? " At the con-
clusion of his remarks, Patrick Henry suggested that the
Bill of Rights be read to the Convention from the eighth to
the thirteenth article. George Nicholas then spoke in de-
fence of the Constitution as it stood, and was followed in
reply by Colonel Mason. He still thought the amendment
he had proposed was necessary. jThe people of Virginia
had reserved certain rights when they had formed their
government, and he asked :
" Why should it not be so in this Constitution ? Was it because
we were more substantially represented in it than in the State
government ? If in the State government, where the people were
substantially and fully represented, it was necessary that the great
rights of human nature should be secure from the encroachments
of the legislature, he asked if it was not more necessary in this gov-
ernment, where they were but inadequately represented ? . . . He
could see no clear distinction between rights relinquished by a
positive grant, and lost by implication.*' *
Speeches were then made by Henry, Grayson, and Nicholas.
George Mason rose to correct Nicholas who had asserted
that the Virginia Bill of Rights did not prohibit torture,
whereas, in fact, it was provided against by two clauses."
The ninth and tenth sections of the first article, with the
first section of the second, were debated on Tuesday the
17th. George Mason was the first to speak after the read-
ing of the first clause ; also after the reading of the second,
third, and fourth, and again after the fifth and sixth. He
called this a fatal section, '' which has created more dangers
» Ibid, ■ •* Debates of the Virginia Convention," Robertson.
than any other." He reprobated the clause allowing the
importation of slaves for twenty years. Yet at the same
time that the slave-trade was continued, there was no pro-
tection for the slaves already in the country. A tax might
be laid which would amount to manumission. ''So that
*they have done what they ought not to have done, and
have left undone what they ought to have done.* " This
clause was discussed by Madison, Tyler, Henry, and Nicho-
las, when the next three clauses were read and George
Mason said of the fourth, on the subject of a capitation
or other direct tax, that it was no restriction. ** It only
meant that the quantum to be raised of each State, should
be in proportion to their numbers. . . . But the general
government was not precluded from laying the proportion
of any particular State on any one species of property they
might think proper." And by laying heavy taxes on slaves
they might destroy this property. Madison replied to
Mason, and after the reading of the fifth and sixth clauses,
the latter spoke again. He objected to the publication of
the Treasury accounts " from time to time " only. The ex-
pression was a loose one and might mean any time, monthly
or once in seven years. It was urged that there might be
matters which would require secrecy. " But he did not con-
ceive that the receipts and expenditures of the public money
ought ever to be concealed." And now occurred a second
little encounter between George Mason and " Light-Horse
Harry." The latter ^" thought such trivial arguments, as
that just used by the honorable gentleman, would have no
weight with the committee. He conceived the expression to
be sufficiently explicit and satisfactory," etc., etc. Colonel
Mason " begged to be permitted to use that mode of argu-
ing to which he had been accustomed. However desirous he
was of pleasing that worthy gentleman, his duty would not
give way to that pleasure." After a justification of the clause
by Nicholas, Corbin, and Madison, George Mason answered,
" that in the Confederation, the public proceedings were to
to be published monthly, which was infinitely better than
depending on men's virtue to publish them or not, as they
might please." After the reading of the seventh clause
Patrick Henry made the first speech, passing in review the
whole section, which he characterized as the bill of rights of
the Constitution, or its substitute. And he pointed out how
far its restrictions fell short of the requirements needed.
Edmund Randolph replied at considerable length, and
Henry rejoined that he lamented " that he could not see
with that perspicuity which other gentlemen were blessed
After the reading of the first clause of the tenth section
Patrick Henry spoke again. Madison made a rejoinder, and
then George Mason took the floor. Henry had deprecated
the restrictions on the States — that they could not emit bills
of credit, make anything but gold and silver coin a tender
in payment of debts, pass ex post facto laws, etc. ; and he
feared one effect would be that Virginia would have to pay
for her share of Continental money, shilling for shilling, and
he asked if there had not been State speculations in this
matter. George Mason said that both States and individu-
als had speculated enormously. Madison had referred to
the first clause in the sixth article as protecting the States.
Mason considered this satisfactory as far as it went ; ** that is,
that the Continental money ought to stand on the same
ground as it did previously, or that the claim should not be
impaired. . . . Neither the State legislatures nor Congress
can make an ex post facto law. The nominal value must
therefore be paid. . . . The clause under consideration
does away with the pretended security in the clause which
was adduced by the honorable gentleman." After speeches
by Madison, Henry, Nicholas, and Randolph, George Mason
again addressed the chair, maintaining that though the
debt was transferred to Congress, they had no means of
paying it, because they could not pass ex post facto laws.
" And it would be ex post facto to all intents and pur-
poses to pay off creditors with less than the nominal sum,
which they were originally promised." He disputed the
technical definition of such a law, which Edmund Randolph
declared related only to criminal cases, whereas it was»
according to the ordinary use of words, simply a retrospec-
tive law. The federal court would have to decide, and it
would be their duty to pronounce such laws unconstitu-
tional. He proceeded to mention a remarkable effect this
Constitution would have.
" How stood our taxes before this Constitution was introduced ?
Requisitions were made on the State legislatures, and if they
were unjust they could be refused. . . . But now this could
not be done ; for direct taxation is brought home to us. The
federal officer collects immediately of the planters. When it
withholds the only possible means of discharging these debts,
and by direct taxation prevents any opposition to the most enor-
mous and unjust demand, where are you ? Is there a ray of
hope ? ••
What was here feared from direct taxation has come to pass
through another form of the power given Congress in the
eighth section. Experience has proved that indirect taxa-
tion was the more dangerous prerogative. George Mason
continued. It was said " the United States can be plain-
tiffs, but never defendants. If so it stands on very unjust
grounds. The United States cannot be come at for anything
they may owe, but may get what is due to them. There is
therefore no reciprocity." After Madison had spoken in
reply to Mason, asserting that the clause was merely declara-
tory, and things existed just as they were before, Mason
declared himself " still convinced of the rectitude of his
former opinion. He thought it might be put on a safer
footing by three words. By continuing the restriction of ex
post facto laws to crimes, it would then stand under the new
government as it did under the old.** Colonel Mason was
the first to speak after the reading of the next clause. He
objected to its restrictions upon the States, as preventing
Virginia from making " any inspection law but what is sub-
ject to the control and revision of Congress. Hence gentle-
men, who know nothing of the business, will make rules
concerning it which may be detrimental to our interests.
. . . Under this clause that incidental revenue which is
calculated to pay for the inspection, and to defray contin-
gent charges, is to be put into the federal treasury. But if
any tobacco house is burnt, we cannot make up the loss. I
conceive this to be unjust and unreasonable. When any
profit arises from it, it goes into the federal treasury. But
when there is any loss or deficiency from damage, it cannot
be made up. Congress are to make regulations for our
tobacco. Are men in the States where no tobacco is made
proper judges of this business? . . . This is one of
the most wanton powers of the general government."
George Nicholas defended the clause, and said a tax could
be laid to make up for the loss of warehouses destroyed by
fire. Colonel Mason replied "that the State legislatures
could make no law but what would come within the general
control given to Congress ; and that the regulation of the
inspection, and the imposition of duties, must be inseparably
blended together." George Mason rose after the reading
of the first section of the second article and expressed his
unqualified disapprobation of some of its provisions. " The
great fundamental principle of responsibility in republican-
ism is here sapped." This referred to the election of the
President without rotation.
" It may be said that a new election may remove him, and
place another in his stead. If we judge from the experience of
all other countries, and even our own, we may conclude that, as
the President of the United States may be re-elected, so he will
. . . This President will be elected time after time ; he will
be continued in office for life."
Turning to Edmund Randolph, Colonel Mason continued :
'* The honorable gentleman, my colleague in the late Federal
Convention, mentions with applause those parts of which he had
expressed his disapprobation. He says not a word. If I am
mistaken let me be put right.' I shall not make use of his name ;
but in the course of this investigation I shall use the arguments
of that gentleman against it.*'
The ** honorable gentleman " must have writhed under these
words, and the promise they held out of turning his own
weapons against him was not reassuring to the time-serving
governor. The danger of European influence was then
dwelt upon. George Mason thought " some stated time
ought to be fixed when the President ought to be reduced to
a private station," and he advocated eight years of office out
of twelve or sixteen years. As it was, he might remain in
office for life. The danger here dreaded may now seem
chimerical. And public opinion has decided against a third
term, so that eight years is practically the limit. But none
the less there remains no constitutional restriction against
the possible perils inherent in the article under considera-
tion. Edmund Randolph now proceeded to confute his
former opinions, but George Mason made no further reply
to him. The latter spoke next on the subject of the Vice-
President, whom he considered an unnecessary officer. He
had addressed the Convention twelve times during this day's
After speeches, on Wednesday, from Monroe and Grayson,
George Mason discussed the mode of electing the Executive,
as open to objection :
" A majority of the whole number of electors is necessary to
elect the President. It is not the greatest number of votes that is
required, but a majority of the whole number of electors. If there
be more than one having such majority, and an equal number, one
of them is to be chosen by ballot of the House of Representatives.
But if no one have a majority of the actual number of electors
appointed, how is he to be chosen ? From the five highest on the
list, by ballot of the lower house, and the votes to be taken by
' The punctuation of this sentence in Robertson is evidently incorrect, and
has been altered here.
* Appendix iii. '* Debates of the Virginia Convention," Robertson.
States. I conceive he ought to be chosen from the two highest on
the list. This would be simple and easy. Then indeed the people
would have some agency in the election. But when it is extended
to the five highest, a person having a very small number of votes
may be elected."
And in regard to the second section of the article on the
Executive, George Mason said :
'' It has been wittily observed that the Constitution has married
the President and the Senate — has made them man and wife. I
believe the consequence that generally results from marriage will
happen here. They will be continually supporting and aiding
each other; they will always consider their interest as united.
. . . The executive and legislative powers thus connected will
destroy all balances ; this would have been prevented by a consti-
tutional council, to aid the President in the discharge of his office,
vesting the Senate, at the same time, with the power of impeaching
Madison in his reply took issue with Mason on the construc-
tion of the phrase, " majority of the whole number of electors
appointed." However, the present mode of electing the Ex-
ecutive, by special conventions, the electoral college simply
registering the result of the vote on the nominees of the
conventions, is a wide departure in practice from the theory
contemplated by the Constitution.
George Mason was the first to speak after the reading of
the first clause of the second section of article second. He
was alarmed at the great powers given the President. That
of commanding the army in person he thought very danger-
ous. He believed a general superintendence was sufficient,
and he took occasion to remark on the virtues and magna-
nimity of Washington, who, had he been ambitious, might
have done much harm to the country: " So disinterested and
amiable a character as General Washington might never
command again." He thought the President should not
have the pardoning power. General Lee said the President
would not necessarily command in person and might only do
SO in case he was a military man and the public safety
required it. To this Mason retorted, that the President
might command if he pleased, and might make a dangerous
use of his power. George Nicholas compared the State and
federal governments, in the power of the former over the
militia and the latter over the army and navy, and George
Mason replied that ** the Governor did not possess such ex-
tensive powers as the President, and had no influence over
the navy. The liberty of the people had been destroyed by
those who were military commanders only. The danger here
was greater by the junction of great civil powers to the com-
mand of the army and fleet." Madison animadverted upon
Mason's objection to giving the Executive the pardoning
power, and said that it would not be proper to vest it in the
House of Representatives, because large popular bodies were
more apt to be swayed by passion. He instanced the case of
Massachusetts and Shay's Rebellion, where the same legisla-
ture at different sessions were actuated by exactly opposite
sentiments. To this Colonel Mason answered that " they [the
Assemblies] were both right ; for in the first instance, when
such ideas of severity prevailed, a rebellion was in existence,
in such circumstance it was right to be rigid. But after it
was over, it would be wrong to exercise unnecessary severity."
The second clause was read, and George Mason was again on
his feet, objecting to this most dangerous provision, " as
thereby five States might make a treaty, ten Senators, the
representatives of five States — being two-thirds of a quorum.
These ten might come from the five smallest States." George
Nicholas answered Colonel Mason, but the latter was not pre-
pared to agree with him in his argument as to the superiority
of the Constitution over the Confederation on this point.
The subject was discussed for some time longer, both Henry
and Grayson, among others, making speeches on this question
of the treaty power. On Thursday, the 19th, after Grayson
and Nicholas had spoken, George Mason continued his
remarks on the same topic. He considered this as ** one of
the greatest acts of sovereignty," and thought it should be
most carefully guarded. As it was, the President had more
power than the King of England. ** Could the King give
Portsmouth to France? He could not do this without an
express act of Parliament — without the consent of the legis-
lature in all its branches. There are other things which the
King cannot do, which may be done by the President and
Senate in this case.** The common law of England, he said,
was not the common law of this country. And there was
nothing in the Constitution to prevent the relinquishment of
territory by treaty. " No treaty to dismember the empire,
ought to be made without the consent of three-fourths of the
legislature in all its branches.** And only unavoidable neces-
sity could excuse such a treaty when it would doubtless have
the "general and uniform vote of the Continental Parlia-
ment.**' Corbin, Henry, and Madison all spoke on this
occasion ; the former exhibiting, as Grigsby says, " great
perspicacity in anticipating the real action of the Federal
Government,** in regard to treaties."
' Appendix iii.
• '* History of the Virginia Federal Convention," p. 274.
vol. ii — 17
The Convention had now reached, Thursday the igth of
June, a most important part of the Constitution — the first
and second sections of the third article, on the federal judi-
ciary. It was a theme, says the historian of the Convention,
" which, in itself considered, possessed an importance in the
eyes of our fathers that language would vainly attempt to
measure, which was discussed with a fulness of learning,
with a keenness of logic, and with a glow of eloquence that
it might well elicit, and which, though technical, and seen
through a vista of seventy [now a hundred] years, cannot
fail to strike a responsive chord in the hearts of every true
son and daughter of our noble Commonwealth." And it
possessed an additional interest as it was to be "the last
battle-^ound of the parties into which the Convention
was in nearly equal portions divided." ' Grigsby reminds
us that the experience of a century " will place a child
apparently on the same level with a giant, and the merest
tyro in politics with a Somers or a Mason," and he adds
" that the fears and gloomy predictions uttered by the oppo-
nents of the Constitution have, by the vigilance and caution
which they inspired, operated in a material degree in pre-
venting their own fulfilment." Edmund Pendleton having
first spoken, in favor of the proposed system, Colonel
Mason said he had hoped the friends of the Constitution
' Grigtbr's " Hiitoiy of Ihe Virginia Federal Convenlion," p. 376.
would have had the candor to point out the objections that
must be apparent to all. ** It is with great reluctance," he
added, '' I speak of this department, as it lies out of my line.
I should not tell my sentiments upon it, did I not conceive
it to be so constructed as to destroy the dearest rights of
the community." He asked what power remained to the
State courts. He could see no limitation to the power of
the federal courts, and Congress might establish any num-
ber of them ; while the discrimination between their juris-
diction and that of the State courts existed only in name.
'* To what disgraceful and dangerous length does the principle
of this go ! For if your State judiciaries are not to be trusted
with the administration of common justice, and decision of dis-
putes respecting property between man and man, much less
ought the State governments to be trusted with power of legis-
lation. The principle itself goes to the destruction of the legis-
lation of the States, whether or not it was intended. As to my
own opinion, I most religiously and conscientiously believe that
it was intended, though I am not absolutely certain. But I
think it will destroy the State governments, whatever may have
been the intention. There are many gentlemen in the United
States who think it right, that we should have one great, national,
consolidated government, and that it was better to bring it about
slowly and imperceptibly rather than all at once. This is no
reflection on any man, for I mean none. To those who think •
that one national, consolidated government is best for America,
this extensive, judicial authority will be agreeable ; but I hope
there are many in this Convention of a different opinion, and who
see their political happiness resting on their State governments."
Though George Mason had said he meant no reflection
on any man, there was one member of the Convention who
could not but consider his remarks as personal. Madison
alone of those present who had been delegates to the Fed-
eral Convention felt a responsibility for its work. Randolph
had changed sides, and George Wythe, though voting with
the Federalists on that occasion, had taken no conspicuous
part in the matter. Then, too, Madison was now hand in
glove with Alexander Hamilton, whose views were well
known to be inimical to State sovereignty. These two were
at this time writing the letters of Tlu Fedtralisi for the
enlightenment of the general public, while carrying on an
anxious private correspondence, in idiich their S3rmpathy is
seen to be complete on the subject of adopting the un-
amended Constitution. Madison, therefore, interrupted
Colonel Mason, and asked for "an unequivocal explana-
tion." To this challenge Mason made reply :
^ I shall never refuse to explain myself. It is notorious that
this \% a prevailing principle. It was at least the opinion of
many gentlemen in Convention, and many in the United States.
I do not know what explanation the honorable gentleman asks.
I can say, with great truth, that the honorable gentleman, in
private conversation with me, expressed himself against it;
neither did I ever hear any of the delegates from this State
advocate it"
With this explanation Madison professed himself satisfied,
and George Mason continued his argument. He passed in
review the powers given the judiciary, approving of some
unconditionally, of others under restrictions, but excepting
to some altogether as " utterly inconsistent with reason and
good policy." He dwelt upon the hardships and expense to
a poor man in case of oppression by federal officials.
*' Even suppose the poor man should be able to obtain judg-
ment in the inferior court, for the greatest injury, what justice
can he get on appeal ? Can he go four hundred or five hundred
miles ? Can he stand the expense attending it ? On this occa-
sion they are to judge of fact as well as law. He must bring his
witnesses where he is not known, where a new evidence may be
brought against him, of which he never heard before, and which
he cannot contradict."
While admitting that in maritime and chancery cases
jurisdiction as to fact was necessary, he thought in common-
law controversies it was inexpedient and dangerous. And
he proposed an amendment, which is to be found as corre-
sponding to the first part of the fourteenth amendment
adopted by the Convention. In regard .to controversies
between citizens of different States, Colonel Mason said :
'' Can we not trust our State courts with the decision of these ?
If I have a controversy with a man in Maryland — if a man in
Maryland has my bond for ;;^ioo, are not the State courts com-
petent to try it ? Is it suspected that they would enforce the
payment if unjust, or refuse to enforce it if just ? The very idea
is ridiculous."
He dilated further upon this case, and then proceeded to
consider that of the British creditor and the citizens of Vir-
ginia, and he thought there were many instances where the
federal courts could oblige the latter to pay a debt twice
over. Again, in regard to disputed lands he saw peril to
many in the community. " I am personally endangered,"
he went on to say, " as an inhabitant of the Northern Neck.
The people of that part will be obliged, by the operation of
this power, to pay the quitrent of their lands. . . . Lord
Fairfax's title was clear and undisputed. After the Revolu-
tion, we taxed his lands as private property. After his death,
an act of Assembly was made, in 1782, to sequester the quit-
rents due, at his death, in the hands of his debtors. Next
year an act was made restoring them to the executor of the
proprietor. Subsequent to this, the treaty of peace was
made, by which it was agreed that there should be no
further confiscations. But after this an act of Assembly
passed confiscating this whole property. As Lord Fairfax's
title was indisputably good, and as treaties are to be the
supreme law of the land, will not his representatives be able
to recover all in the federal court ? ** Next he named the
great land companies, who would now come forward :
" All that tract of country between the Blue Ridge and the
Alleghany Mountains, will be claimed, and probably recovered in
the icdcnl coon, from the {present possessors^ bj those companies
who hare a title to them. . . . Again, the great Indiana
purchase, which was made to the westward, will, by this jadidai
power, be rendered a caose of dispate. . . . Three or four
coanties are settled on the land to which that company claims a
title, and hare long enjoyed it peaceably. All these claims
before those courts, if they snccecd, will introduce a scene of
distress and confusion nerer heard of before. Our peasants will
be, like those mentioned by Virgil, reduced to ruin and misery,
driTen from their farms, and obliged to leare their country —
Nas patriam fugiwmSy et dmUia Unqviwtms array
George Mason then proposed an amendment, '* that the
judicial power shall extend to no case where the cause of
action shall have originated before the ratification of this
Constitution, except in suits for debts due to the United
States, disputes between States about their territory, and
disputes between persons claiming lands under the grants of
different States." ' This forms the concluding clause of the
fourteenth amendment recommended by the Convention.
Grigsby observes that " Madison manifested great sensi-
tiveness during the speech of Mason, and it is not to be
disguised that he did touch doctrines in the [Federal] Con-
vention which would have led the way to the plan denounced
by Mason ; for he is reported by Yates to have said that the
States were never sovereign, and were petty corporations." *
Though it was past the hour for adjournment, Madison rose
to reply to Mason " to break the effect " of his speech. And
on the following day Madison continued his argument.
" There was an evident interest shown," says Grigsby, " to
hear the speech of Madison, who, like Mason, was not a
lawyer, on a topic which was beyond the usual sphere of a
politician, and which had been argued with such eminent
ability by Mason the day before." * Patrick Henry spoke
in reply to Madison, and he was followed by Pendleton, who
* Appendix iii.
* " History of the Virginia Federal Convention/' note to p. 285.
•/W</., p. 290.
sought to refute the arguments of Mason and Henry. He
accused George Mason of making a mistake in his speech
** on the propriety of a jury from the vicinage." Grigsby
comments here :
'* Pendleton sought to make mirth with those gentlemen of the
law in the Convention who thought that none but lawyers can
understand legal questions. The fact is that Mason was clearly
right, and Pendleton clearly wrong. Mason did not contend
that a jury from the vicinage was the sole benefit accruing from
jury trial, but that it was an important one, as it assuredly is,
which a criminal, carried a thousand miles from his home would
lose. As Pendleton wholly excludes from his view this great
benefit, it is he that errs, and not Mason.'* '
Pendleton also referred to the case supposed by Mason»
that a Virginian holding his bond might, through malice,
assign it to a citizen of a neighboring State, and asserted
that this was not a well-founded objection. Colonel Mason
replied :
*' The honorable gentleman has said that there can be no
danger in the first instance because it is not within the original
jurisdiction of the Supreme Court ; but that the suit must be
brought in the inferior federal court of Virginia. He supposes
there can never be an appeal, in this case, by the plaintifif,
because he gets a judgment on his bond ; and that the defendant
alone can appeal, who therefore, instead of being injured, obtains
a privilege. Permit me to examine the force of this."
And the speaker proceeded to show that his objection was
a legitimate one, and he added : " The honorable gentle-
man recommends to me to alter my proposed amendment.
I would as soon take the advice of that gentleman as any
other, but though the regard which I have for him be great,
I cannot assent on this great occasion." Marshall occupied
the attention of the house for the remainder of the day's
session. He passed in review some of George Mason's
* Ibid^t note to p. 294.
objections to the great powers given the judiciary, and
pronounced them chimerical. Mason had said of the clause^
" to controversies between a State and the citizens of an-
other State," in reference to the land companies, that these
claims would be tried before a federal court :
'* Is not this disgraceful ? Is this State to be brought to the
bar of justice like a delinquent individual ? Is the sovereignty
of the State to be arraigned like a culprit, or private offender ?
. . . What is to be done if a judgment be obtained against a
State ? Will you issue a fieri facias f It would be ludicrous to
say you could put the State's body in jail. How is the judgment,
then, to be enforced ? A power which cannot be exercised ought
not to be granted."
And Marshall replied : " / fiope no gentleman will think
that a State will be called at the bar of the federal court**
Later events justified George Mason's fears, and necessitated
the eleventh amendment. Edmund Randolph had a few
remarks to make on Friday, to the effect " that the faults
which he once saw in this system he still perceived ! " He
unfolded his views on the following day, after an able speech
by Grayson. " It seems to have been a rule," said the latter,
" with the gentlemen on the other side, to argue from the
excellency of human nature, in order to induce us to grant
away (if I may be allowed the expression) the rights and
liberties of our country. I make no doubt the same argu-
ments were used on a variety of occasions. I suppose, sir,
this argument was used when Cromwell was invested with
power. The same argument was used to gain our assent to
the stamp act." *
Madison wrote to Alexander Hamilton on Friday the
20th, and also on Sunday the 22d. He spoke of the debates
having " advanced as far as the judiciary department,
against which a great effort is making." He referred to the
project of the Antifederalists to bring forward a bill of
rights and amendments as conditions of ratification.
' ** Debates of the Virginia Convention," Robertson, p. 402. Appendix iii.
'' The plan meditated by the friends of the Constitution is to
preface the ratification with some plain and general truths that
cannot affect the validity of the act, and to subjoin a recommen-
dation, which may hold up amendments as objects to be pursued
in the constitutional mode. These expedients are rendered pru-
dent by the nice balance of numbers, and the scruples entertained
by some who are in general well affected."
He was by no means sure of a majority, however, and
he adds :
'' It unluckily happens, that our legislature, which meets at this
place to-morrow, consists of a considerable majority of Anti-
federal members. This is another circumstance that ought to
check our confidence. As individuals they may have some influ-
ence ; and as coming immediately from the people at large they
can give any color they please to the popular sentiments at this
moment, and may in that mode throw a bias on the representa^
tives of the people in Convention." '
The last week of the Convention opened inauspiciously
for the needs of the future historian, as on this day, Monday
the 23d, the short-hand writer was absent, and only very
incomplete notes of the speeches were preserved. George
Mason spoke four times on the 23d, and made his last
heroic efforts to procure amendments. Only once again
was his voice heard in the Convention, when on the 24th he
rose to correct an erroneous statement made by Edmund
Randolph. On the 23d the first and second sections of the
third article were still under consideration. George Nicholas
urged that the Convention proceed to the next section, but
Henry did not consider the objections of the opposition had
been answered in a manner to give satisfaction. He called
in question a statement of Marshall's, relating to the trial by
jury, which the latter rose to explain, declaring that it was
as well secured in the Constitution as in the Virginia Bill of
Rights. Henry replied to this at considerable length. George
Nicholas made the succeeding speech (after Stephen), and
> '* Works of Hamilton," John C. Hamilton, vol. i., p. 462.
in the course of his remarks gave oflFence to Patrick Henry.
The atmospheric conditions were not favorable to coolness
of temper, either in- or out-of-doors, and the crisis of political
excitement had been reached, probably, on this day, with
the members of the Assembly, as they arrived in Richmond,
swelling the eager audience, too much interested in the
work of the Convention to organize their own Houses.
The president, after some heated discussion between
Nicholas and Henry, observed, " that he hoped gentlemen
would not be personal, that they would proceed to investi-
gate the subject calmly and in a peaceable manner." After
speeches by Monroe, Madison, Grayson, and Henry, of
which we have only the outlines, George Mason spoke in
conclusion, on the judiciary. "With respect to concurrent
jurisdiction," said Mason in reply to Madison, who had
observed " that county courts had exercised this right with-
out complaint," the argument adduced seemed to him very
'' Have Hanover and Henrico the same objects ? Can an
officer in either of those counties serve a process in the other ?
The federal judiciary has concurrent jurisdiction throughout
the States, and therefore must interfere with the State judiciaries.
. . . If we were forming a general government, and not
States, I think we should perfectly comply with the genius of the
paper before you ; but if we mean to form one great national
government for thirteen States, the arguments which I have
heard hitherto in support of this part of the plan do not apply at
all. We are willing to give up all powers which are necessary to
preserve the peace of the Union, so far as respects foreign
nations, or our own preservation, but we will not agree to a
federal judiciary, which is not necessary for this purpose,
because the powers there granted will tend to oppress the
middling and lower class of people."
After further discussion of this point. Colonel Mason sat
down, to rise again on the reading of the first section of the
fourth article. He professed not to understand the latter
part of this clause : " Full faith and credit shall be given to
all acts ; and how far it may be proper that Congress shall
declare the effects, I cannot clearly see into." After the
reading of the second section, George Mason spoke again.
He reverted to observations made at an earlier stage in
their proceedings, "on the security of property coming
within this section." He thought then and he was still
convinced that there was no security.' ** More than sixty
years after this remark was made by Mason," says Grigsby,
" one of his grandsons in the Senate of the United States
drew up an act to carry this clause of the Constitution into
effect." And he adds : " If it had been objected to the first
clause of this section, that a Southern gentleman could not
travel with his servants through another State without
having them forcibly taken from him, or in transitu to some
other State, the friends of the Constitution would have
answered that from their own experience no such result
would ever follow." '
William Grayson was the first to speak after the reading
of the third section, which in its first clause related to the
admission of new States, and in its second clause to the
jurisdiction of Congress over federal territory. Grayson
foretold the difficulty there would be in admitting new
Southern States into the Union, with a Northern majority
against them. George Mason here made his last speech in
the Convention. But unfortunately no report of it can be
said to be extant. The meagre record published by Robert-
son gives us only a faint reflex of its scope and purpose.
He " took a retrospective view of several parts [of the Con-
stitution] which had been before objected to. He endeav-
ored to demonstrate the dangers that must inevitably arise
from the insecurity of our rights and privileges, as they
depended on vague, indefinite, and ambiguous implications.
The adoption of a system so replete with defects, he appre-
hended could not but be productive of the most alarming *
* Appendix iii.
• " History of the Virginia Federal Convention," note to p. 304.
bjr ^XMerno^ t&at ^ trsstfid grirrVmra. vcnfd paxse be&cc
C/s^iec^atsccs-** Sccii » tbe bcicf snocscs oc tis ^=;a! ap-
peaL The eSoctignce aad farr:<tf-'jfc*& c€ dae speake
fcareiy «igg«stof to (ks, net ia snnrae reproduced,
tlkstr effect oa fa» hearers vas evadcsthr aot ^aglit.
ffitinaatk^ of thtf may be gathered frocn the speech oc Gai>
Cfal Henry Lee, which foOoved Masoo's^ m vhich the
federaJ adrocate sought to do avav with the impression his
opponent iuA nude.' We learn, too. what Madison thought
of George Mason's speech, thnxigh a letter written by him
to Washington, on the efc-ening of the 23d- Unfortunately
no report from the lips of friends remains to supplement the
ansympathetic relation of political adversaries. BatMadtson*s
letter is important as filling out, to some extent, the abbre-
viated journal of the day's proceedings. And we learn in it
that Mason was answered by others beside Lee, and that
George Mason concluded his arraignment of the Constitu-
tion, and his forecast of its perils, by ^ declaring his deter-
mination, for himself, to acquiesce in the event, whatever it
might be/' Madison wrote to his friend :
^ We got through the Constitution by paragraphs to-day. . . .
The opposition will urge previous amendments. Their conversa-
tion to-day teemed to betray despair. Colonel Mason, in par-
ticular, talked in a style which no other sentiment could have
produced. He held out the idea of civil convulsions as the
effect of obtruding the government on the people. He was an-
swered by several, and concluded with declaring his determina-
tion, for himself, to acquiesce in the event, whatever it might be.
Mr Henry endeavored to gloss what had fallen from his friend ;
declared his aversion to the Constitution to be such that he could
not take the oath ; but he would remain in peaceable submission
to the result/'*
' ** Debfttef of the VirginU Convention/' Robertson. Appendix iii.
* " Writing! of Msdison/' vol. i.. p. 401.
On the 24th, George Wythe proposed a resolution of rati-
ficatioHy and that amendments should be recommended to
Congress on its first session under the Constitution. Henry
declared the motion premature, and after a speech of some
length he informed the committee that he had a resolution
prepared, to refer a declaration of rights, with certain
amendments to the most exceptionable parts of the Consti-
tution, to the other States in the Confederacy, for their con-
sideration, previous to ratification. These were nearly the
same, Robertson says, as the amendments ultimately passed
by the Convention. And there is every reason to believe
that, though presented by Patrick Henry, they were written
by George Mason, the chairman of the Committee of Op-j
position, and a transcript of them is preserved among George
Mason's papers.* Edmund Randolph spoke after Henry,
and commented on Wythe's form of ratification, declaring
it sufficient, as a declaration of rights. He also passed in
review the various amendments proposed by Henry. In
regard to the seventh and eighth, he said :
'' I have never hesitated to acknowledge that I wished the
regulation of commerce had been put in the hands of a
greater body than it is in the sense of the Constitution. But I
appeal to my colleagues in the Federal Convention, whether
this was not a sine qua turn of the Union."
To this George Mason replied :
" It never was, nor in ray opinion ever will be, a sine qua non
of the Union. I will give you, to the best of my recollection, the
history of that affair. This business was discussed at Phila-
delphia for four months, during which time the subject of com-
merce and navigation was often under consideration; and I
assert, that eight States out of twelve, for more than three
months, voted for requiring two-thirds of the members present
in each House to pass commercial and navigation laws. ... If
I am right, there was a great majority for requiring two-thirds of
the States in this business, till a compromise took place between
* Appendix iv, y
the Xoftbem a&d Soothem Scales ; the Xorthera States agieeiiig
to the tempocuy m^tom^Miaa of siaTcs, aad tbe Soathem States
conceding in retnro, that narisatioo aad cocnmerdal lavs should
be oo the footiiig on which thej nov stand. . . . These are
iDf reasons for sajring that this was not a umt fmm mtm of their
George Mason was fcdloved by John Dawson, a yoang
member of the opposition, who addressed the Convention
now for the first time. To him succeeded Grayson, Madi-
son, and Henry. The latter made that memorable appeal to
his hearers which Wirt has so graphicaUy described, where,
as it was said, be seemed to look beyond the horizon, to the
^* beings of a higher order," who were witnesses of the im-
portant work then about to be consummated in behalf of
posterity, and as he thrilled his auditors with his eloquence,
a thunder-storm mingled its turbulence with the human
emotions the orator had aroused, bringing the scene to a
dramatic conclusion.
The next day, Wednesday, was the last day of the Con-
vention. Innes, the eminent lawyer, spoke then for the first
time, bringing all his powers of intellect to bear in favor of
the new government ; while the clear-headed, conservative
Tyler answered him in a zealous pica for the liberties
of the States. Other speeches were made by less prominent
members, Patrick Henry and Edmund Randolph closing the
debate. The latter made a solemn justification of himself
for the benefit of " some future annalist." The vote was
then taken on a resolution for previous amendments, and
It passed in the negative, eighty to eighty-eight. The reso-
lution of ratification with subsequent amendments passed in
the affirmative, eighty-nine for it and seventy-nine against it.
Two more days were taken up with the work of preparing
and voting on the form of ratification and amendments.
Though the committee named to prepare the form of ratifi-
cation was a purely Federalist one, consisting of Randolph,
* *' Debates of the VirginU Convention/* Robertson. Appendix iii.
Nicholas, Madison, Marshall, and Corbin, yet they stated in
unmistakable terms the doctrine of State sovereignty in
the assertion that the " powers granted under the Consti-
tution, being derived from the people of the United States,
may be resumed by them whensoever the same shall be per-
verted to their injury or oppression." The " people " here
meant precisely what it meant in the preamble to the Con-
stitution as expounded by Madison, "not the people as
composing one great body, but the people as composing
thirteen sovereignties." Virginia here declares the right of
secession, as a correlative of accession, for all of the thirteen
sovereignties. The committee to prepare amendments con-
sisted of the prominent members of both parties, including
on the one side Mason, Henry, and Grayson, and on the
other Madison, Marshall, and Edmund Randolph. George
Wythe, as chairman of this committee, reported a bill of
rights and amendments on the 27th. There were twenty ar-
ticles in the former paper, and twenty amendments proposed,
and they correspond in substance, with one or two excep-
tions, to those agreed on by the Committee of Opposition,
as may be seen by comparing them with the drafts among
George Mason's papers. The Convention adjourned on the
27th of June. The hard-fought battle was over, but the
victory was not altogether with the Federalists. They had
been forced to concede most of the amendments they had
so strenuously opposed, though they were not made a con-
dition precedent to ratification. The Convention had
pledged its delegates to the first Congress under the new
government to recommend to its consideration the objections
of the Antifcdcralists and their amendments ; the latter to
be acted upon as the Constitution required. The expedi-
ency plea put forward by Edmund Randolph, that it was a
question of " union or no union," as eight States had al-
ready ratified the compact, no doubt had its effect on the
weak and the wavering in the Convention, and brought over
the small majority to the Federalists.
Madison wrote to Jefferson on the 24th of July from New
York, where he had gone to attend Congress, telling his
correspondent of the last days of the Convention in Virginia.
He anticipates no " irregular opposition to the system." He
*' What local eruptions may be occasioned by ill-timed or rigor-
ous executions of the treaty of peace against British debts, I will
not pretend to say. But although the leaders, particularly Henry
and Mason, will give no countenance to popular violence, it is not
to be inferred that they are reconciled to the event, or will give
it a positive support. On the contrary, both of them declared
they could not go that length, and an attempt was made under
their auspices to induce the minority to sign an address to the
people, which if it had not been defeated by the general modera-
tion of the party, would probably have done mischief. Among a
variety of expedients employed by the opponents to gain prose-
lytes, Mr. Henry first, and after him Col. Mason, introduced the
opinions expressed in a letter from you to a correspondent (Mr.
Donald or Skipwith I believe) and endeavored to turn the influ-
ence of your name even against parts of which I knew you ap-
proved." '
Jeflferson had written that he wished for a bill of rights
and amendments. And he had made the suggestion that
. the object could be obtained in this way; the nine first Con.
ventions by adopting the Constitution would secure the
good that it contained, and the four latest Conventions,
whichever they might be, by refusing to accede to it until
amendments were secured, would force the others to assent
to them. Patrick Henry, and it seemed George Mason also,
though of this Robertson gives us no intimation, very natu-
rally counting Jefferson among the Ant {federalists, had
sought to secure in the Convention any strength that might
be obtained by bringing forward his views. But, as Henry
pointed out, Jefferson's advice could not be followed, unless
they were certain as to the course of the New Hampshire
Convention then in session : " They tell us," said Henry, in
' "Writings of Madison," vol. i., p. 405.
a speech made the 12th of June, "that from the most au-
thentic accounts, New Hampshire will adopt it [the Consti-
tution]. Where then will four States be found to reject it,
if we adopt it ? Do not gentlemen see, that if we adopt,
under the idea of following Mr. Jefferson's opinion, we
amuse ourselves with the shadow, while the substance is
given away? If Virginia be for adoption, what States will
be left, of sufficient respectability and importance, to secure
amendments by their rejection ? " As New Hampshire
adopted the Constitution on the 21st of Juhe, she made the
ninth State, and the four States that remained, containing
rnore than a third of the population of the thirteen, would
have been able, as Jefferson said, to secure amendments by re-
fusing to ratify the compact without them. Virginia's impor-
tance in the Confederacy we are made to realize by Grigsby's
statement of statistics : " Her population was over three-
fourths of all that of New England. It was not far from
double that of Pennsylvania. It was not far from three times
that of New York. It was over three-fourths of all the popu-
lation of the Southern States ; . . . and it was more than
a fifth of the population of the whole Union." ' Unfortu-
nately the slow methods of transportation at that day did
not admit of the news of New Hampshire's action reaching
Richmond before the adjournment of the Convention. The
intelligence was received in New York on the 24th, and not
until the last day of June or ist of July was it known in
Richmond by an express sent from Hamilton to Madison.
In the letter of Madison's given above, reference is made
to an address prepared by Mason and Henry to be distributed
among the people for their signatures. No trace of such a
paper is to be found, nor is there any mention elsewhere of
such a design on the part of the two great leaders of the
opposition. On the contrary, an anecdote has been pre-
served, which represents Patrick Henry as quelling the mani-
festation of feeling among the Antifederalists which would
lead them to obstruct the new government :
* *' History of the Virginia Federal Convention," p. 8.
vol. ii — 18
*' In the evening of the day of the final vote, General Meade
and Mr. Cabell assembled the discontents in the old Senate Cham-
ber, and after a partial organization of the party, a deputation
was sent to Patrick Henry inviting him to take the chair. The
venerable patriot accepted. Understanding that it was their
purpose to concert a plan of resistance to the operations of the
Federal government, he addressed the meeting with his accus-
tomed animation upon important occasions ; observing he had
done his duty strenuously, in opposing the Constitution, in the
proper place^ — and with all the powers he possessed. The question
had been fully discussed and settled, and that as true and faith-
ful republicans, they had all better go home, etc." '
The General Assembly, which met in extra session, called
together to consider a remonstrance sent them by the Court
of Appeals, remained in Richmond from the 23d to the 30th
of June. The governor and many delegates were members
of the Convention. But while the latter was in session
their attendance, of course, on its important deliberations
prevented them from taking their seats in the Assembly*
And in this connection, a treacherous action is charged
upon Edmund Randolph, which went far to secure the
federal triumph in the Convention. George Mason, as
a member of the Assembly, was doubtless present there
after the 27th, and some resolutions of his, evidently
written to be laid before the House, are found among his
papers, though there is no trace of them on the journal of
the Assembly. They reflect severely on the action of
Edmund Randolph, the executive, who is accused of sup-
pressing important papers in order to further the cause of
the Federalists in Virginia. Madison and others had ac-
cused the opposition of artifices to bring about their object,
though what these were does not clearly appear. The
counter-charge made by the other party it is difficult to dis-
prove. Randolph, it was said, had delayed his official letter
to Governor Clinton, of New York, transmitting the pro-
ceedings of the Virginia Assembly concerning the proposed
' Southern Literary Messenj^^ vol. i., p. 332. MSS. of late David Meade
Convention, from December until the following March.
And a letter Clinton had written to the Governor of Vir-
ginia in reply, " on the subject of a free and cordial inter-
course and communication of sentiments " between the
Conventions of the two States, was not only withheld by
Randolph from the Convention, but was not laid before the
Assembly until after the Convention had ratified t/ie Consti-
tution. The following is a copy of the resolutions of censure.
In the original draft there are some erasures and interlinea-
tions not materially affecting the substance of the paper.
** Resolved, that the official letter from his Excellency, George
Clinton, Esquire, Governor of the State of New York, dated March
the 17^^} to his Excellency Edmund Randolph, Esquire,
Governor of this Commonwealth, on the subject of a free and
cordial intercourse and communication of sentiments between
the Conventions of the States of New York and Virginia upon the
new constitution of government recommended by the late Federal
Convention, which letter was laid before the General Assembly on
the day of this instant June, ought to have been laid before
the Convention of this Commonwealth at their first meeting, for
their consideration. Resolved, that by the said letter's being with-
held from the Convention of this Commonwealth the Convention
hath been precluded from exercising their judgment upon the ex-
pediency of so important a measure as that mentioned in the said
letter from his Excellency Governor Clinton.
" Resolved that a committee of be chosen by ballot, to wait
on his Excellency Edmund Randolph, Esquire, to know his reasons
for not laying the said letter before the delegates of the people of
this Commonwealth in the late Convention, as well as for delaying
to lay the same before the General Assembly until the day after
the ratification of the new constitution of government ; and also to
enquire from what causes the official letter from Governor Ran-
dolph to Governor Clinton, transmitting the proceedings of the
General Assembly in the last session concerning the Convention of
Virginia, was delayed from the day of December to the
day of March in its conveyance to New York, and that the said
committee make report of their proceedings therein to the General
Assembly." *
' Mason Papers.
The letter of Governor Randolph dated December 27,
1787, is preserved among the Clinton papers, and is endorsed
in George Clinton's handwriting : " Letter from Gov. Ran-
dolph, of the 27th Dec, 1787, with act respecting Conven-
tion. Ansd. 8th May, 1788." There is no statement as to
when the letter was received. But in a letter from Clinton
to John Dawson, a member of the opposition, written the
following December, Governor Clinton, in reference to the
legislature then in session, says :
" The letter of the Legislature of Virginia is not yet received and
I am not without apprehensions that measures may be taken, to
retard the delivery of it so as to defeat its utility. You will not, I
am persuaded, ascribe my suspicion on this occasion to an undue
degree of jealousy when you recollect the circumstance respecting
my letter which was laid before your Convention.'
>» 1
This letter, as we have seen, was not laid before the
Convention, but was written for that purpose. And instead
of being written in March, as George Mason's resolutions
state, it was written in May, unless, indeed, there was a
March letter of which there is now no trace. But Clinton's
endorsement on Randolph's letter would seem to be conclu-
sive, as to the May letter being the one referred to in the
resolutions, and its context bears out this conclusion. It was
as follows :
" New York. 8th May. 1788.
" Sir,
"Your Excellency's letter of the 27th of December, although it
appears to have been committed to the post office at Richmond, did
not come to my hands until the 7th of March. The Act enclosed
was immediately communicated to the legislature, but it was after
they had passed their resolutions for calling a Convention, and so
near the close of their sessions, that no order was taken in conse-
quence of it.
" The system of government proposed by the Federal Convention,
is an object of such vast importance to the happiness of America
* Clinton Papers. New York Historical Society.
that it appears to me essential that the people of the different
States cultivate and cherish the most friendly sentiments towards
each other, especially during their deliberations on that interesting
subject. The Convention of this State are to meet at Poughkeepsie
on the 17 th of June, to take the proposed system into considera-
tion, and I am persuaded they will with great cordiality hold a
communication with any sister State on the important subject, and
especially with one so respectable in point of importance, ability
and patriotism as Virginia. I think I may venture to assure your
Excellency, that the people of this State are disposed to keep up
that friendly intercourse, and preserve that unanimity respecting
any great change of government, which appears to be the object of
the Act of your legislature, and which it is the duty of every good
man to promote and cherish, and I have no doubt but that our
Convention will possess the same sentiments.
''As the session of your Convention will take place before that of
this State, they will, I presume, commence the measures for hold-
ing such communications as shall be deemed necessary. I cannot
refrain from expressing regret that a similar conduct has not been
observed by the States who have already had the proposed system
under consideration. Friendly communications on the subject, and
temperate discussions would, it is to be presumed, have had a most
happy tendency in accommodating it much more to the sentiment
and wishes of the people of America than is likely to be the case
in the form it is offered by the General Convention, and acceded
to by some of the States. Should it be adopted by small majorities
in the larger States we cannot reasonably hope it will operate so as
to answer the salutary purposes designed. As I have no direction
from the legislature on the subject of your communication, your
Excellency will be pleased to consider this letter as expressive of
my own sentiments, but I have at the same time a well-founded
confidence that a majority of the people of the State over which I
have the honor to preside will concur in them." '
Randolph's letter " appeared to have been committed to the
post-office at Richmond," but when it was put in the post-
office, or where the detention occurred, must remain a mystery.
Edmund Randolph wrote to Clinton in August, asking him
* •* Life of Edmund Randolph/' M. D. Conway, p. no.
to look at his letter enclosing the law ** concerning our late
Convention." He speaks of the report in Richmond, that it
had been withheld " for a considerable time ** : " The back
of my letter," he adds, " will show the day on which it was
put in the post-office ; and I am desirous of knowing the
date which is impressed by the postmaster. If your Excel-
lency can inform me of any reasons such as your absence
from town, etc., which could have prevented the letter from
reaching your hands, as soon as it ought, iV^H thank you to
add them." *
This long delay of two months and eleven days prevented
the message from Virginia reaching New York until after
the Legislature of that State had concluded their business
and named a date for the meeting of their Convention.
The Legislature of Virginia had adjourned also, so that
Clinton could make no communication to them. There is
every reason to believe that had this resolution from Virginia
reached New York in the proper time, the two Conventions
would have co-operated and the Antifederalists would have
gained previous amendments in both States. The first reso-
lutions on the subject of the Convention, it will be remem-
bered, passed the House of Delegates on the 25th of
October. These, Governor Randolph writes Clinton, were
transmitted to him on the 14th of November ; the second
resolutions, which Randolph calls the " law," were passed on
the 30th of November and sent on to New York the 27th of
December. Here was a delay of twenty-seven days, of
which there is no explanation, in sending on the Virginia
resolves to New York. But the Federalists in the Legisla-
ture of Virginia opposed one of these resolutions, the one
which their opponents deemed of the first importance. This
was in reference to sending " a deputy or deputies to confer
with the Convention or Conventions of any other State or
States in the Union." Richard Henry Lee in a letter to
General Lamb of June 27th, replying to one from the latter
of the 1 8th of May, " but this day received," laments that it
> IbU.^ p. 114.
did not reach him sooner. He thought the plan of cor-
respondence proposed by the society of which Lamb was
chairman, " would have produced salutary consequences ; as
it seeins to Jiave been t/ie idea of our Assembly w/ien they sent
the proposed plan to a Convention'' * The mails seem to have
been tampered with in more than one instance, in the inter-
ests of the Federalists. Governor Clinton timed his reply
to the communication from Virginia so that it should reach
Governor Randolph before the opening of the Convention.
A letter dated the 8th of May ought to have been received
in Richmond about the 15th. It was very natural that
George Mason should have supposed that it had been re-
ceived at that date. Randolph, in communicating it to the
Legislature, as he asserts, on the 23d, the day the Assembly
met, says that " immediately upon receiving " it he laid it
before the council-board and requested " their opinion
whether it was of a public or private nature. They conceived
it to be of the former description, and therefore it is now for-
warded." * The inference is that there had been but a short
interval between its consideration by the council and its
transmission to the Assembly. Who was responsible for its
delay from the 15th of May, when it should have reached
Richmond, and its reception by the Governor about the 22d
of June ? Even then there was time, had Randolph desired
to act an upright part, to have brought it before the Con-
vention, for which it was intended. There was no quorum
in the House until the 24th, and none in the Senate until
the following day. The Governor's message and its im-
portant enclosure, the journal says, was only partly read on
the 24th and laid over till the next day. Good care was
taken evidently that the character of Clinton's letter should
not be known until after the Convention had ratified the
Constitution on the 25th. The Legislature was in sympathy
with the opposition, and Governor Randolph and his con-
federates feared its influence upon the Convention. Accord-
' " Life and Times of General Lamb," Isaac Q. Leake, p. 306.
* " Life of Edmund Randolph,** M. D. Conway, p. 112.
ing to George Mason, the letter of Clinton was not read in
the Assembly until the 26th. Clinton's communication is
not mentioned in the journal, which states only that a letter
from the Governor enclosing " sundry letters and papers '*
was laid before the House on the 24th and ** partly read '*
that day, and the reading resumed on the 25th. On this
day a letter from the Governor, stating ** several other maU
ters^' was received, partly read, and the reading concluded
on the 26th.*
The Society in New York of the Federal Republicans car-
ried on a secret correspondence with the opposition leaders
in the Virginia Convention, as we have seen. And on the
2 1st of June, Governor Clinton wrote from the New York
Convention to General Lamb, telling him that papers and
letters from Virginia, of which Colonel Oswald had been the
bearer, had been communicated to the Committee of Oppo-
sition in that body, and he now enclosed to Lamb for him
to forward, a letter from them " to Colonel Mason, Chairman
of the Virginia Committee." And he adds : " The letter to
Colonel Mason, you will observe, is put under cover to Mr.
George Fleming, merchant of Richmond, as advised in Mr.
Mason's letter." " No copy of this letter has been preserved,
and it is not probable that it reached its destination before
the Virginia Convention adjourned, if Colonel Mason re-
ceived it at all. So the Virginia Convention was precluded
from all opportunity of concerting measures with the Con-
vention in New York. And the ratification in Virginia,
without previous amendments, was followed by the same
course in New York a month later. North Carolina, all
honor be given her, refused to ratify the Constitution with-
out amendments, and closed her Convention, August ist,
with the passage of resolutions to this effect. Governor
Clinton had sent a circular letter from the New York Con-
vention to the several States, asking for another General
Convention, to be procured in the constitutional manner.
' Journal of the Virginia Assembly.
' *' Life and Times of General Lamb/* Isaac Q. Leake, p. 315.
In Pennsylvania, the able letters of " Centinel/* the Junius
of this contest, were addressed to the country about this time
through the columns of Colonel Oswald's paper, the Inde-
pendent Gazetteety in reply to the Federalist^ and to James
Wilson. Of the latter, this clever Antifederalist writer said,
he could ** bewilder truth in all the mazes of sophistry, and
render the plainest propositions problematical.** The " Cen-
tinel *' letters called attention to the bribery of the post-
riders in Pennsylvania by the Federalists, who in this way
held back New York papers of importance which might have
Influenced the Convention in the former State. The short-
hand writer in the Pennsylvania Convention was also bought
up by the Federalists and only the speeches of Wilson and
the one other leader of his party in this body were published,
a flagrant act of political corruption. It has been noticed
that the ten amendments afterwards added to the Consti-
tution bore a marked resemblance to the fifteen amendments
offered by the minority in the Pennsylvania Convention.
And it is suggested "that when Madison, in 1789, drew up
the amendments for the House of Representatives, he made
use of those offered by the minority of the Convention of
Pennsylvania.**' These were based, however, on the ob-
jections of George Mason as given in the address of the
Antifederalists in the Pennsylvania Legislature. Massachu-
setts, the first State to propose subsequent amendments
through her Convention, no doubt took the Pennsylvania
amendments as a basis for her own, as in Virginia, George
Mason says the opposition had before them the Massachu-
setts amendments, as doubtless had been the case in Mary-
land and South Carolina. New Hampshire in her twelve
amendments, acted, apparently, without concert with Vir-
ginia, but the thirty-one amendments of New York and the
twenty-six of North Carolina were framed with the Virginia
amendments as a basis, in addition to those that had gone
before. The Antifederalists were substantially in accord
' •• Pennsylvania and the Federal Convention, 1 787-1 788," edited by J. B./
McMaster and F. D. Stone, p. 19. '
throughout the country, except in case of the amendment
desired by the Southern States, requiring a two-thirds vote
to pass commercial laws. This point might have been
settled, as George Mason believed, in a second General Con-
vention, had Virginia united with North Carolina in making
it a condition of ratification. Though it was not one of the
amendments proposed by South Carolina, as it would have
unhinged the " bargain " to which she was a party in the
Federal Convention, it was well known that her people gen-
erally would have welcomed it.
If it is as a member of the Federal Convention only that
George Mason excites a national interest, and his autograph
is sought for by collectors, it is in his twofold character of
the framer of her first form of government, and the consistent
advocate of her State sovereignty and reserved rights, that
he has a claim upon Virginia's regard and gratitude. Not
Virginia alone, however, but all the States should recognize
here, in George Mason's States-rights record, his patriotic
wisdom and foresight. Certainly the South has had cause
to know him as the advocate of its best interests. Undoubt-
edly had he and his party secured all that they strove for in
1788, there would have been no war in 1861.
Judge Chamberlain in a recent paper read before the
American Historical Association makes the admission that
the acceptance of the Constitution of 1787 was the ** triumph
of the legitimate successors of the Anti-Revolutionary party
of 1775," and he adds that " the Revolutionary questions
from 1789 to i860 caused dissatisfaction in the States of the
South as great nearly as that between the colonies and Great
Britain from 1763 to 1775." He enumerates four points
which were grievances under the colonial system, and which
remained under altered conditions, engrafted on the govern-
ment of the American Union. The colonists had complained
of the King's prerogatives ; under the Federal Constitution
the Executive was clothed with still greater powers. The
commercial laws enacted by Parliament had been felt to be
burdensome and unjust ; yet by the provision of the Con-
itn ,,
stitution relating to navigation laws. Congress was enabled
to pass in its first session an act '' similar in principle and de- \
sign to acts of Charles II.," which with some modifications '
is still in force. So with the question of taxation without
adequate representation, as complained of in some of the
territories. And lastly, the powers of the judiciary under
the royal government were not sufficiently controlled by the ,
people ; the Constitution increased this grievance " to an '
extent unknown to the colonies." This condition of things*
to which the Federal Convention reduced the States "was
brought about only with great difficulty," says Judge Cham-
berlain, " for there was a large minority led by such men as .
George Mason, Elbridge Gerry, and Samuel Adams, who
strenuously contended that in adopting the Constitution of
1787 the people surrendered everything, except indepen-
dence, for which they had fought seven years." *
George Mason, as chairman of the Committee of Oppo-
sition in the Virginia Convention, left among his papers
two drafts of amendments and a draft of a bill of rights,
with several forms of a resolve that was to introduce them.* '
This declaration of rights, which was based, as were the
other State bills of rights, on the early paper written by
George Mason in 1776, is substantially the same as that
adopted by the Convention, with the exception of one
important clause in the third section. This was, " that
whenever any government shall be found inadequate or
contrary to these purposes, [the benefit, etc., of the people]
a majority of the community hath an indubitable, unalien-
able, and indefeasible right to reform, alter, or abolish it,
and to establish another in such manner as shall be judged
most conducive to the public weal." ' The Constitution
received ten amendments in the two years succeeding its
adoption. Of these, the first eight correspond to the eighth,
eleventh, thirteenth, fourteenth, fifteenth, sixteenth, seven-
teenth, eighteenth, and twentieth sections of the bill of
' " Papers of the American Historical Association," vol. iii.. No. i.
• Appendix iv. • Ibid,
rights recommended by the Virginia Convention. The
ninth amendment corresponds to some extent with Virginia's
seventeenth amendment, while the tenth amendment ex-
presses, though not in identical terms, the principle of
Virginia's first amendment. These two amendments, as has
been sarcastically observed, " meant something to the mind
of that generation ; to subsequent generations the meaning
depended upon degrees of latitude." * The first Virginia
amendment, as it was formulated by George Mason, was
taken from the Articles of Confederation, and was as follows :
" That each State in the Union shall retain its sovereignty,
freedom, and independence, and every power, jurisdiction,
and right which is not by this Constitution expressly dele-
gated to the Congress of the United States." * A few years
later, though George Mason did not live to see it, his argu-
ments, to some extent, bore fruit in th^ eleventh amendment,
which prohibits suits against States in the federal courts.
The most important of the Antifederalist amendments
which were not incorporated in the Constitution, related to
the powers of Congress in regard to taxation, navigation
laws, treaties, and the regulation of elections ; to the great
powers given the federal judiciary, and to certain features
in the composition of the executive office, and its duration.
• The iniquity of a federal election law, to be passed by a
sectional party, which has recently menaced the Southern
States, recalls the wise provision of Virginia in her sixteenth
amendment (taken from the third amendment of the oppo-
sition), in which the true intent of the framers of the Con-
stitution is clearly stated : " That Congress shall not alter,
modify, or interfere in the times, places, or manner of hold-
ing elections for senators and representatives, or either of
them, except when the legislature of any State shall neglect,
refuse, or be disabled by invasion or rebellion to prescribe the
same." * This was one of the questions argued in The
' Afagatine of American History^ vol. xv., p. 589. ** The Virginia Conven-
tion, 1788," A. W. Clason.
• Appendix iv.
' " Debates of the Virginia Convention," Robertson.
Federalist f and Explained there in accordance with the Vir-
ginia amendment. The first step in violation of this part of
the Constitution was taken in 1 871, by the act appointing
federal supervisors of elections through the circuit judges.
Jefferson Davis, in the Senate of the United States in
i860, referring to the debates in the Federal Convention, on
giving power to Congress to coerce the States, pays the
following tribute to George Mason, as ** one whose wisdom,
as we take a retrospective view, seems to me marvellc/us."
MnJDavis says of him : " Not conspicuous in debate, at least
not among the names which first occur when we think of that
bright galaxy of patriots and statesmen, he was the man who,
above all others, it seems to me, laid his finger upon every
danger, and indicated the course that danger was to take." *
One of the great dangers which George Mason had foretold
soon made itself apparent, the beginning of a course of
sectional legislation inflicting great injury on the South.
In 1800, Jefferson writes : " While the navigating and pro-
vision States, who are the majority, can keep open all the
markets, or at least sufficient ones for their objects, the cries
of the tobacco makers, who are the minority, and not at all
in favor, will hardly be listened , to." And comparing the
situation to the fable of the monkey using the cat*s paws, he
says: " It shows that G. Mason's proposition in the Conven-
tion was wise, that on laws regulating commerce two-thirds
of the votes should be requisite to pass them." * Twenty-
eight years later this was the result, according to Benton :
'' Under federal legislation the exports of the South have been
the basis of the federal revenue. Virginia, the two Carolinas
and Georgia defray three-fourths of the annual expense of sup-
porting the federal government ; and of this great sum nothing
or next to nothing returns to them in shape of government ex-
penditures— it flows northward. This is the reason why wealth
disappears from the South and rises up in the North. Federal
legislation does all this."'
' Speech in United States Senate, May 7, i860.
' ** Jefferson's Works." IL A. Washington, vol. vi., p. 323.
* Speech in United States Senate, 1825.
Direct or internal taxation the Antifederalists wished to
reserve to the State government while giving up external
or indirect taxation to the federal government. This proved
to be a mistake, and it was through the tariff that the South
was impoverished, yet the eighth Virginia amendment would
have secured her interests, and given her '' an absolute gua-
ranty of power." *
How much Virginia gave up when she entered into the
Union of 1787, and how great her prosperity had been
previously, Grigsby points out in his invaluable history of
the Convention that sealed her fate : " In the five years of
peace," after the Revolution, he says, " our tobacco, grain,
and other productions of the soil and the forest maintained
the grandest commerce that had ever spread its wings from
an Anglo-Saxon settlement in the New World towards the
shores of the Old, and such as was never seen in the colony,
and such as, with the exception of a short period, has never
been seen in Virginia since." He calls attention to the
instructive fact " that the period from the death of Charles
the First in 16^ to the restoration of Charles the Second —
a period of nineteen years — and the period between the
peace of 1783 and the adqption of the Federal Constitution
of 1788 — a space of five years — have been the most pros-
perous in our history ; and that of the two centuries and
a half of Virginia [this was written in 1858] it was during
those two periods only she enjoyed the benefits of a trade
regulated by her own authority, unrestricted and untaxed."*
The mistake of the Virginia Federalists was in the false
estimate they had formed of the general condition and
commerce of Virginia :
"It led, in the vain hope of sudden improvement, to the
hasty adoption of the present Federal Constitution without
previous amendments, and to the surrender of the right of regu-
lating its commerce by the greatest State of the confederation to
an authority beyond its control. ... It destroyed our direct
* '* Letters and Times of the Tylers," Lyon G. Tyler, vol. i., p. 144.
• ** History of the Virginia Federal Convention," p. 14.
trade with foreign powers. It banished the flag of Virginia from
the seas. Instead of building and manning the ships which
carried the product of our labor to foreign ports, and which
brought back the product of the labor of others to our own ports,
as some were persuaded to believe would be the result of the
change, it compelled us thenceforth to commit our produce to
the ships of other States, and to receive our foreign supplies
through other ports than our own. It brought about the strange
result that, instead of a large part of the cost of defraying the
expenses of the government of Virginia being derived from the
duties levied upon foreign commerce, these duties, though levied
upon a scale unknown in that age, will not suffice [in 1858] to
pay the expenses of collection by other hands than our own." *
In the last quarter of a century, or since the war, the
United States government has grown rich with the high
tariflfs which it has imposed upon the people in violation of
all sound economic law ; and statesmen and social reformers
see in a return to the principle of the early Republic, a tariff
for revenue only, the sole cure for the labor troubles of the
time. " Our present tariff laws," wrote the Secretary of the
Treasury during Cleveland's administration, " are a needless
oppression instead of an easy burden. All our customs
revenue might be collected by strictly revenue duties upon
a few score articles, instead of by extravagant or prohibitory
duties upon more than four thousand articles."* In that
year, 1886, there were a million idle working-men in the
land, while the treasury was groaning under its huge surplus.
The political situation since then has grown steadily worse,
with a faction in power opposed to every measure of reform,
and seeking to dissipate the surplus in extravagant schemes
of partisan legislation. During the century that has passed
since the formation of the Union, it has been seen that the
powers of Congress under the " necessary and proper "
clause of the Constitution have been augmented to an
alarming extent. The Antifederalists in reprobating the
' Ibid.^ p. 18.
* Letter of Secretary Manning to President Cleveland, 1886.
" sweeping clause," as they termed it, were wise indeed, in
their generation, and their fears of centralization have been
amply justified. The Due de Noailles, a French observer
of American government, points out that the constitutional
limitations of the legislative power have been almost entirely
neutralized by this dangerous clause.' Our great Southern
'sfatesnian, Jefferson Davis, noting the tendency to central-
ization which is the outcome of the unbridled power of
Congress, refers to Madison's fear " when the Constitution
was being formulated, that young men under its provisions
would not care to enter Congress, preferring the finer field
opened to them by the legislatures of the sovereign States.
What would he think now," adds President Davis, " could
he return to earth and see what centralization has done and
is doing? What would be his feelings when he saw one
house of Congress passing the Blair Educational Bill, while
the other was considering and finally passing a bill in regard
to bogus butter? " " The Senate, it was believed, would by
its dignity and wisdom balance any extravagant or inex-
pedient legislation in the larger and popular branch of
Congress. But the degeneracy of the Senate is a theme for
the diatribes of the American political philosopher. To a
river and harbor bill the Senate attaches " indefensible
jobs." Of a canal scheme, which would construct a canal
entirely within the limits of a single State, " a measure that
inaugurates a system that would lead to the most prodigal
extravagance — the inauguration of a class of legislation that
is in the face of the Constitution, if the Constitution means
anything," " the Senate is the patron. And the Senate is
responsible for beginning the extravagant pension legislation
which has become one of the crying corruptions of the
federal government.
One of George Mason's amendments to the Constitution,
which was not included among those adopted by the Feder-
alists of the Virginia Convention, is as follows :
* "Cent Ans de R^publique aux £tats-Unis," t. i., p. 22q, Paris, 1886.
• Southern Bivouac ^ August, 1886, "Jefferson Davis at Home."
» The Nation, July 15, 1886.
" That there shall be a constitutional, responsible Council,
to assist in the administration of government, with the power
of choosing out of their own body a president, who in case of the
death, resignation or disability of the President of the United
States, shall act, pro tempore^ as Vice President, instead of a vice
president elected in the manner prescribed by the Constitution ;
and that the power of making treaties, appointing ambassadors,
other public ministers and consuls, judges of the Supreme Courts,
and all other officers of the United States, whose appointments
are not otherwise provided for by the Constitution, and which
shall be established by law, be vested in the President of the
United States with the assistance of the Council so to be ap-
pointed. But all treaties so made or entered into shall be sub-
ject to the revision of the Senate and House of Representatives
for their ratification." '
The fear expressed by George Mason, that in case no
council was provided for the President one would grow out
of the great departments, ** the worst and most dangerous of
ail ingredients in a free country," proved to be prophetic, as
Washington did create such a council, and suffered its mem-
bers to guide his actions.* The supervision over treaties
which the Antifederalists desired for the House of Repre-
sentatives is to-day as much a living issue as it was under the
first administration. The House asserted its right in the
case of Jay's treaty, and the decision left the matter an
open question. It came up again with the Louisiana Pur-
-chase treaty; and lastly in 1867, when the purchase of
Alaska was made, the House reaffirmed its privilege. In
the bill appropriating the amount to be paid for the new
territory, the preamble attached to it in the House stated
that the stipulations of the treaty were such as " by the
Constitution are submitted to the power of Congress and
over which Congress has jurisdiction ; and it being for such
reasons necessary that the consent of Congress should be
given to said stipulations before the same can have full force
and effect," etc. The Senate refused to concur in this pre-
* Appendix iv.
• " Life of Edmund Randolph/' M. D. Conway, p. 139.
vol. ii — 19
amble and substituted another which was violently opposed,
and only passed at length by a very small majority, many
members not voting.
The amendment in regard to the Executive, " That no
person shall be capable of being President of the United
States for more than eight years in any term of sixteen
years," has become, it would seem, an unwritten law, to be
read between the lines of the constitutional compact. In
connection with the judiciary system of the United States,
a direct confirmation of George Mason's foresight may be
noted in the operation of the federal courts. In his argu-
ment on the subject in the Virginia Convention, he supposes
a case and says that even if a '' poor man should be able to
obtain judgment in the inferior court, for the greatest injury,
what justice can he get on appeal ? Can he go four hundred
or five hundred miles? On this occasion they are to judge
of fact as well as law. He must bring his witnesses where he
is not known, where a new evidence may be brought against
him, of which he never heard before and which he cannot
contradict.** Again in another connection he says : " How
will a poor man who is injured or dispossessed unjustly,
get a remedy ? Is he to go to the federal court, seven or
eight hundred miles ? He might as well give his claim up.
He may grumble, but finding no relief he will be con-
tented." Owing to the fee .system by which the federal
' official is remunerated instead of receiving a salary, the diffi-
culty as suggested by George Mason is made even worse.
The compensation of the commissioner before whom the
complaint is sworn depends on the number of warrants
issued, the number of days over which the hearings extend,
and the number of witnesses recognized. A recent writer,
who calls attention to this matter, says :
'' He [the commissioner] and the marshal can readily play into
each other's hands, the marshal by finding cases and the commis-
sioner by giving the marshal processes to serve. Then usually
one commissioner does all the criminal business for a district and
offenders may be taken before this one from the most remote
parts of the district, at great expense to the United States and
hardship to themselves, as they are called on to find bail and
counsel where they are strangers. The case is prejudged. The
prisoner must find bail, and if he admits guilt he must stay
in jail. . . . He may be in jail weeks, waiting bail for an
o£fense punishable only by fine or a small term of imprisonment.
If tried and acquitted, the attorney gets twice as much as if
he pleads guilty, and if convicted he is entitled to an additional
fee." '
George Mason in the Virginia Convention expressed his
belief that the great powers given the federal judiciary
tended to destroy the State governments. In 18 19 we
find Jeflerson writing of the judiciary as ** on every occasion
driving us into consolidation." He described them at one
time as "the corps of sappers and miners, steadily working
to undermine the independent rights of the States, and to
consolidate all power in the hands of that government in
which they have so important a freehold estate." * John
Randolph of Roanoke, agreed with Jeflerson that " the
judiciary gravitates towards consolidation," and he consid-
ered the District of Columbia " to be the novcroo and the
Supreme Court to be the lever of the political Archi-
medes."" If the federal judiciary gravitated towards con-
solidation in the first half century of the Union, its course
since has been fearfully accelerated. The modem Republi-
can in his interpretation of the Constitution takes the place
of the early Federalist and has developed his theories. The
" puissant doctrine " of the implied powers, Mr. Woodrow
Wilson contends, has made Congress omnipotent, and its
power over the States is to be extended still further;
while the privileges of the federal courts permit them to
"annul State action, but State courts cannot arrest the
growth of congressional power." * Elsewhere, in writing
* " Federal Criminal Procedure and the Fee System," The Nation, July aa,
• "Jefferson's Works," H. A. Washington, vol. vii., p. 134.
■ Garland's " Life of John Randolph," vol. ii., p. 145.
^ "Congressional Government," Boston, 1885, p. 24.
of the relations of the federal judiciary to the States of the
Union he takes occasion to notice the illegality of the three
last amendments to the Constitution :
'' The integrity of the powers of the States has depended solely
upon the conservatism, the conservative legal conscience, of the
federal courts. State functions have certainly not decayed ;
but the prerogatives of the States have been preserved, not by
their own forces of self-defense, but by the national government's
grace of self-restraint."
It is admitted that this royal grace of self-restraint was
not always maintained by the federal courts:
'' The actual encroachments which the latter have permitted
themselves . . . were not needed to prove the potential suprem-
acy of the federal ^government. They showed how that potential
supremacy would on occasion become actual supremacy ; but
they added nothing but illustration to the principle that there is
no guarantee but that of conscience that justice will be vouch-
safed a suitor when his adversary is both court and opposing
As an instance of the " strong instinct to keep within the
sanction of the law," that inspires the federal conscience,
there is adduced the case of the amendments. When these
"were being forced upon the Southern States by means
which were revolutionary, the outward forms of the Consti-
tution were observed. But it was none the kss. manifest
with what sovereign impunity the national government
might act in stripping those forms of their genuineness." '
Another political writer, in discussing the changes in the
federal government since 1789, finds this alteration most
marked in the department of the judiciary. He says of the
courts that they " have increased steadily in power and
independence, so far as their relations to the two co-ordi-
nate branches of government are concerned. The change,
silent, steady, has certainly transformed the governments
» The Atlantic Monthly, April. 1886, article by Woodrow Wilson.
within themselves, and to the Federal Union it has furnished
the main bulwark of its power.'* *
The biographer of John Randolph wrote in 1850, of
George Mason, calling him " the champion of the States
and the author of the doctrine of State Rights." " Many
of the prophecies of this profound statesman," he adds,
" are recorded in the fulfilments of history — many of the
ill-forebodings of the inspired orator [Patrick Henry] are
daily shaping themselves into sad realities." * Eleven years
later and Southern discontent had culminated in the sad
reality of war. "The predictions of George Mason and
others," writes Professor Bledsoe, ** in which they foretold
the wrongs and aggressions of the Northern States, if armed
with the formidable powers of the new government, Mr.
Madison just set aside as unfounded and uncharitable suspi-
cions. Now in regard to this point we need not ask who
was the wiser of the two, George Mason or James Madison,
nor need we try the question by any imperfect notions of
our own. For time has pronounced its irreversible verdict
in favor of the wisdom of George Mason." ' It was per-
ceived very clearly by Madison as well as Mason that the
Constitution was to be a compact between two sections with
wholly different interests and different social institutions..
And it was with the understanding that the Southern States
were to be secured in all their rights that the Union of 1789
was formed. How these rights were violated, notably in^
questions affecting the institution of slavery, is matter of|
history. A systematic endeavor to repress the expansion of
the South into new States was one feature of this injustice.
And before the generation that formed the new government
had passed away, the cloud was seen in the horizon, no
larger than a man's hand, out of which in after years was to
burst the storm of civil war. There were two Federalists,
* "American Constitutions/* by Horace Davis, Johns Hopkins University
Studies, Third Series.
• Garland's " Life of John Randolph," vol. i., p. 367.
» • * Is Davis a Traitor ? " p. 169.
members of the Convention of 1788, who lived to see and
deplore the tendency of the government which they had
urged upon Virginia. Madison, in his later public acts, in a
measure retrieved the errors of his earlier manhood. And
Francis Corbin acknowledged with grief to John Randolph
in 1 81 8 his conviction that the " centripetal force of this con-
federacy is greater than the centrifugal.*' He saw " that
men of a certain description are resolved at all hazards and
by all means, to break down the State sovereignties, our only
barrier against Federal tyranny, and to erect on their ruins a
uniform system of consolidated despotism.** * Jefferson
wrote in 1820: "The coincidence of a marked principle,
moral and political, with a geographical line, once con-
ceived, would never be obliterated from the mind ; that
it would be recurring on every occasion and renewing irrita-
tions, until it would kindle such mutual and mortal hatred,
as to render separation preferable to eternal discord.***
Again he says of the policy of the Abolitionists: "All
know that permitting the slaves of the South to spread
into the West will not add one being to that unfortunate
condition, that it will increase the happiness of those exist-
ing, and by spreading them over a larger surface, will dilute
the evil everywhere, and facilitate the means of getting rid
of it.*' ■ There is something most pathetic in the words of
this patriot of '76, as with mournful prevision he looks for-
ward to the inevitable issue :
" What does the Holy Alliance in and out of Congress mean
to do with us on the Missouri question ? . . . Are we then to
see again Athenian and Lacedemonian Confederacies ? — to urge
another Peloponnesian war to settle the ascendancy between
them ? Or is this the tocsin of merely a servile war ? That
remains to be seen ; but not I hope by you or me. Surely they
will parley awhile and give us time to get out of the way." *
' In memoriam of Benjamin Ogle Tayloe, Washington, 1872.
• '• Jefferson's Works," H. A. Washington, vol. vii., p. 158.
• IHJ., p. 194.
^ Ibid,, p. 200.
On the question of the ultimate course to be pursued, Jeffer-
son's voice gives no uncertain sound. And we cannot doubt
that George Mason would have been equally explicit. After
anticipating the "longer and greater sufferings" which
would justify secession, he adds : " We must have patience
. . . and separate from our companions only when the sole
alternatives left are the dissolution of our union with them,
or submission to a government without limitation of powers.
Between these two evils, when we must make a choice, there
can be no hesitation." * So John Randolph in 18 14, when
New England had serious thoughts of putting in practice
the principle of secession, wrote of the possible " Southern
Confederacy " that would remain, and while deprecating such
an issue in his letter to the inhabitants of the Eastern States,
he maintained that if there was hostility between the States
of the Union they should separate : " For with every other
man of common sense," he adds, " I have always regarded
union as the means of liberty and safety ; in other words, of
happiness, and not an end to which these are to be sacri-
ficed." • In this connection, the words of Hamilton in The
Federalist may be noted. Replying to the supposed case of
a combination of States refusing to appoint Senators, he
says, " it is not from a general and permanent combination
of the States that we can have anything to fear." But
granting the existence of such a combination of States, it
" would suppose a fixed and rooted disaffection in the great
body of the people, which will either never exist at all, or
will in all probability proceed from an inaptitude of the
general government to the advancement of their happiness,
in which event no good citizen could desire its continuance." *
The principle of community independence and sovereignty,
proclaimed first by George Mason in the Virginia Bill of
Rights, reiterated by Thomas Jefferson in the Declaration of
Independence, asserted in the Articles of Confederation, and
* Ibid., p. 427.
• Garland's " Life of John Randolph," vol. ii., p. 51.
» The Federalist, No. 59.
acknowledged by Great Britain in the treaty of peace, it
remains for the modem exponents of the American political
system to disavow. One of them gravely writes :
" There is no power granted or * reserved * to the local States
or its people which may not be taken away without their consent.
They possess no power which is not held at the will of a power
higher and outside of themselves. This view may not conform
to the intent of the framers of the Constitution or to later opin-
ion as to the effect of their work, but what is of more importance,
it conforms to actual facts as they exist. We have now reached
a point where we can afford to see these facts as they are, and we
shall escape much confusion of thought if we cease to talk of
Sovereign States and a divided sovereignty.'
II 1
If this be so, then have we realized the worst fears of the
Antifederalists. But if such was not " the intent of the framers
of the Constitution," it is expedient that the people who pro-
fess to live still under the institutions of 1787-89, should see
that the " actual facts " conform to the theory of the fathers.
A Democratic Executive has sought in the exercise of the veto
power to restrain the centralizing legislation of Congress;
and recent decisions of a Republican Supreme Court tend in
the same conservative direction, declaring against the dan-
gerous principle that the Federal Legislature can supersede
that of the States.* The doctrine of State sovereignty is
indeed the anchor to which we should cling as the only hope
of political liberty. To quote again from that wise Southern
statesman who has just gone from us, the President of the
Confederate States :
" By all that is revered in the memory of our Revolutionary
sires, and sacred in the principles they established, let not the
children of the United States be taught that our Federal Govern-
ment is sovereign ; that our sires, after having by a long and
bloody war Won community independence, used the power, not
> Letter on ** American Sovereignty," E. Burritt Smith, The Nation, Feb. 4,
' Decision of Supreme Court on Civil Rights Act, 1883, etc., etc.
for the end sought, but to transfer their allegiance, and by oath
or otherwise bind their posterity to be the subjects of another
Govemnient, from which they could only free themselves by
force of arms." '
The early Federalists loved to compare the Union to a
house with its thirteen compartments and its one roof shel-
tering all. The Antifederalists might have suggested that a
fit motto over the door of this house would be the words
which Dante saw inscribed over the entrance to the Inferno :
" Lastiale ogm sperama, voi eh' enirate."
■ Letter to Jaektan (Hiss.) Ciarian, Jane 10, 1885.
y Upon the adjournment of the Convention George Mason
returned to " Gunston Hall," and the following letters to his
son in France, written at this time, contain characteristic
allusions to public events :
ViRciNM, Fairfax Couin'v,
Gunston Hall, July at, 178B.
Dear John :
I have been so ill for these two days past that I have been
unable to sit up, and now write in great pain. You must there-
fore excuse the shortness of this letter.
I enclose you the two or three last days' proceedings of the
Virginia Convention, by which you will see the small majority
which has ratified the new project The minority are as respecta-
ble for their weight end influence as their number, and it will
require their most prudent eiertion to keep the people quiet in
some parts of the country. . . . The debates arc not yet
published, nor is there any cause to expect that they will be
authentic. The short-hand man who took them down being a
Federal partizan, they will probably be garbled in some such
partial manner as the debates in the Pennsylvania Convention
have been by Lloyd.
I have desired Captain Fenwick to send you some patterns of
sundry coarse articles which being in great annual demand in all
the States that have many slaves, if they could be made in France
and furnished upon equal or better terms than in Great Britain,
it would contribute greatly to increase the commercial intercourse
between the two countries ; and would be an inducement to the
country gentlemen as well as merchants here to ship tobacco to
France. I enclose you a letter to Mr. Je£ferson upon the sub-
jecty left open for your perusal, which you will please to seal and
forward. You will perceive by it, that I have some expectation
the French ministry will patronize the manufacturers in imitating
these articles for the American trade. If they do, and the hint
originates from your house, it may prove very advantageous to
its credit, especially if the attempt succeeds. You will there-
fore, if you find occasion, confer with Mr. Je£ferson upon the
subject. I have desired Capt. Fenwick to send with the patterns,
the British sterling first cost of each article. You can easily
compute and accommodate the difference between the English
and French measure &c. The fault of all the coarse French
woolens I have seen is their being stiffened and battered up with
paste or glue. The nearer the coarse woolens which our negroes
have been accustomed to are imitated the better ; and particular
attention should be paid to the width, which should be full three
fourths of an English yard.
The hoes and irons should be made of good iron, the blades
of the hoes hardened, and the axes well steeled and tempered.
The workmen should be informed that tar is not put over the
hoes and axes to conceal cracks or flaws, but to preserve them
from rusting. I am not able to sit up lon'ger at present, than to
wish you health, and success in your business, and to desire you
will let me hear from you, as often, and as particularly as you can.
I am, dear John,
Your affectionate father,
G. Mason. /
Virginia, Gunston Hall,
September 2, 1788.
Dear John :
This will be delivered you by Capt. Gregory, commander and
owner of the ship Commerce^ who brings a load of tobacco for the
Farmers General to Bordeaux ; and was so obliging to call
upon me, a day or two ago, to know if I had any commands to
the port to which he was going, and to assure me they should be
delivered with his own hands.
Notwithstanding Col. Fitzgerald's brig was delayed so long, by
his negligence, I was prevented writing by her, when she sailed,
by her going down the river, without my knowing it. I had
wrote you by her, about a month before, at the time she was
expected to have sailed, which letter, I hope has come safe to
hand, but am afraid the bag of hominy I sent you by her had
been so long on board, that it will be moulded or damaged. At
the time I wrote you by the said brig I was extremely ill with the
convulsive cholic complicated, I believe, with the gout in my
stomach ; which continued with little or no intermission three
days and nights, and left me in so debilitated a state, that I was
not able to go out of the house for four or five weeks ; and it is
not until within these few days that I have begun to recruit.
I enclose you a letter for Mr. Jefferson, respecting the French
endeavoring to supply us (from patterns sent) with some
particular articles of coarse manufacture, which hitherto have
been imported only from Great Britain. It is a subject of much
greater importance than you may at first conceive, and I think I
should not exaggerate, in saying that the annual demand for them
in the five Southern States, is not less than 10,000,000 of Livres.
Judge then what effect the French being able to supply us with
these articles upon equal or better terms than Great Britain,
would have upon the commercial intercourse between the two
countries, and the shipment of American produce to France. I
desired Capt. Fen wick to send you the patterns by the brig, but
forgot to ask him about them when he was here last. He is now
down the country, endeavoring to collect tobacco for a small brig
of Messrs. Forrest and Stoddert, which he has chartered, and is
now loading at Georgetown, so that he will not probably have an
opportunity of writing by Capt. Gregory.
A violent storm of wind and rain, which we had about the 20th
of August, with the almost continual rains for many days after-
wards, has done great damage to the tobacco, and I think will
shorten the crops much, as well as injure the quality of the whole,
which I believe will in general be unusually bad this year. I
think your brothers and myself have lost between thirty and forty
hogsheads of tobacco in our own crops ; our wheat has also suf-
fered some damage, and our hay a great deal. The Indian com
appeared at first to be greatly injured, but has recovered more
than could have been expected, so that the crops of com will be
pretty good. The shortness of the crop of tobacco will con-
siderably afifect the interest of your house ; if the crop of tobacco
had been as good as it promised about the first of August, your
consignments next summer would have been very considerable.
I have written to my friends in the Eastern and Southern States
in favor of your house, which I hope will have a good efifect
I did not apply (as you desired) to Mr. Alexander; my
acquaintance with him was hardly sufficient to warrant such a
request ; and his character in France (as I have heard) being
doubtful, I did not think letters from him would operate to your
advantage. My late illness has hitherto prevented my writing to
Doctor Franklin ; but I will do it soon, though I doubt whether
letters from him will be of much service to your house, as his in-
timacies were more among the literati than the mercantile part of
the nation. I sent you in my last letter lists of the firms of most
of the mercantile houses in the lower parts of Virginia. I would
recommend it to you, to endeavor to cultivate a correspondence
with the American minister, Mr. Jefferson, which I think will be
serviceable to you, and give' credit to the house. I hope you de-
termine to persevere in the line you set out, of giving no credits
whatever in America ; and I wish you to be very careful and par-
ticular in purchasing the goods you send to your correspondents
upon the best terms, it being a matter upon which your consig^n-
ments will in great measure depend.
Pray write to me often, and particularly, respecting your situa-
tion, your success and prospects in business ; what health you
enjoy, how you like the country you are in and what progress
you make in the language, or anything else interesting to you,
and consequently to me.
I send you by the Brig the proceedings of the Virginia Conven-
tion. I have not yet seen a publication of the debates. Notwith-
standing there was in the New York Convention a majority of two to
one against the new Constitution without previous amendments, yet
after the adoption by Virginia they thought themselves under the
necessity of adopting also, for fear of being left out of the Union,
and of civil commotions. They have drawn up amendments
nearly similar to those of Virginia and recommended them unani-
mously in the strongest manner, and they have written a circular
to all the other States soliciting their cooperation in obtaining
the amendments by application to the new Congress at their first
meeting which it is expected will be in March in New York, so
there is still hope of safe and proper amendments. The North
Carolina Convention has rejected the new Constitution unless
previous amendments are made, by a great majority. I have not
yet seen their amendments but am informed they are much the
same as those recommended by Virginia. Your brothers have
sent you a number of late newspapers, which will give you pretty
full information of the present state of American politics.
All your brothers and sisters who are at home, have written to
you by this opportunity. The family are all well, and desire to
be kindly remembered to you. I am extremely anxious to hear
of your safe arrival and am, dear John,
Your most affectionate father,
G. Mason.
P. S. Your friend Mr. Anthony called to see me, and spent
an evening with me last week on his return from North Carolina ;
^^ ili**^ where he tells me he has been near three months, and is to return
^"^ VoV« ^ thither again in October. If I am not mistaken he is about com-
^^ mitting matrimony with a Miss Hill, daughter of Mr. Whitmel
Hill, the most wealthy man in the State of North Carolina.
Virginia, Gunston Hall,
December i8, 1788.
Dear John :
Capt. Fenwick's letter from George Town last week, per the
post, having miscarried (as most of my letters via Alexandria do),
I knew nothing of the ship Washington being so near sailing,
until I was informed, this evening by express from Capt. F. that
the ship would be down to-night, or early to-morrow morning, so
that I have very little time left to write to you by her. I have
not received any letter from you since your arrival at Bordeaux,
but one of the fifteenth of August per the Coidteana^ Capt. Lime-
bourg, via Norfolk ; and that so soon after your arrival that you
were then able to give me little account of your affairs or situa-
tion, or how you liked the place. I hope to be particularly in-
formed in your next letters.
1 wrote you by Fitzgerald's brig, and also by Capt. Gregory
who was so obliging as to call on me on purpose, and promised
to deliver the packet with his own hand. By one of these oppor-
tunities (I now forget which), I sent you the proceedings of the
Virginia Convention, and informed you of the then state of
American politics. North Carolina has rejected the new govern-
ment unless previous amendments, almost the same with the sub-
sequent amendments proposed by Virginia, can be obtained.
Rhode Island has yet done nothing decisive on the subject. New
York discouraged by the adoption in Virginia, with a majority in
their Convention of two to one against the new form of govern-
ment, received it upon the minority's agreeing to recommend
unanimously amendments similar to those in Virginia, and voting
a circular letter from their president Governor Clinton to invite
the concurrence of the other States in an immediate application
to the new Congress for calling another Federal Convention to
consider them. The other States have all adopted ; Connecticut,
Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware and Maryland without recom-
mending any amendments ; New Hampshire, Massachusetts,
South Carolina and I think Georgia, with recommendation of
amendments. The Virginia Legislature now sitting have taken
up the subject upon the ground of the New York circular letter
and by a large majority have voted an application to Congress
for immediately calling a Federal Convention to consider the
amendments proposed by this and other States. Their address
to Congress for this purpose is a very firm, and in my opinion,
proper one. They have also wrote a circular to the other States
desiring their concurrence. . Colonel R. H. Lee and
Colonel Grayson are appointed members of the Senate for this
State. Virginia is divided into ten districts as nearly equal as
circumstances will permit, the rule of computation being the
number of militia in each county, each district to choose one
representative [who has been a resident of the district for twelve
months last past] to the new government, and it is thought the
elections will go very generally in favor of men who are for call-
ing a Federal Convention to make amendments. Our district
consists of the counties of Loudon, Fairfax, Prince William,
Fauquier, Stafford, and King George. Several candidates are
talked of by the other party, to wit Ludwell Lee, Dr. Stuart, Mr.
Fitzhugh of " Chatham/' Leven Powell and Martin Pickett ; but
they will hardly, I suppose, be foolish enough to start more than
one. The gentlemen for the amendments have not yet fixed
upon a candidate and I doubt we shall be at a loss for one,
several who have been applied to having refused. If we can pre-
vail upon a proper person to offer I think there will be little
doubt of his succeeding. Mr. James Monroe of Fredericksburg
(late member of Congress) opposes Mr. Madison in the Spottsyl-
vania and Orange district and it is thought will carry his election.
Beverley Randolph is chosen Governor of Virginia in the room
of young A — Id.
Several of our late Convention acquaintance are appointed
members of the Federal Senate ; John Langdon, Esq : from New
Hampshire, Caleb Strong, Esq: from Massachusetts, Dr. Johnson
and Oliver Ellsworth, Esq: from Connecticut, Mr. Paterson from
Jersey, Robert Morris from Pennsylvania, George Read and
Richard Bassett, Esqurs: from Delaware. So much for politics.
For domestic occurrences I refer you to your sisters, who I make
no doubt will give you a satisfactory detail.
Your partner Mr. Joseph Fenwick has written to me to desire
my interest in getting him the appointment of Consul in Bor-
deaux. Upon talking with your brother George upon the sub-
ject, I find he had recommended the same thing to you, before
you left Virginia, a circumstance I was not before apprised of.
But as Mr. Fenwick has written to me to recommend him, before
he knew of your previous intention (indeed before your arrival
in Bordeaux) your brother George and I are both of opinion that
it will be proper to make the application for him, in preference to
you, for several reasons ; first because he is an older man, and
consequently has more experience ; secondly because he will
probably remain longer in France ; and above all, because we
would avoid giving the smallest cause for any jealousy or mis-
understanding between you. You may therefore assure Mr.
Fenwick that what interest I may have, with our new rulers, shall
be most cordially exerted in his favor, as soon as the new Con-
gress meets ; though I have no reason to expect my interest will
have much weight in the new government, having, as you know,
warmly opposed it, in its present shape, both in the Federal Con-
vention and our own. In my opinion a letter of recommendation
from our Minister, Mr. JefTerson, would have a good effect. Pray
excuse me particularly to Mr. Fenwick, for not writing to him by
this opportunity. The ship's sailing so suddenly and unex-
pectedly has not left me time ; and I could have said little to
him but a repetition of what I have said, and shall say, to you.
The debates in the Virginia Convention are published, at least
one volume of them. As soon as I can get them I will send them
to you, though I believe they will be hardly worth your attention,
being, I am told, very partially garbled by the short-hand writer
who took them down and published them. This I always ex-
pected, as I understood the man was a federal partisan and they,
you know as well as I do, stick at nothing. He had the audacity
to desire the sanction of Convention authority for his work, even
before he began it, and got a member to make a motion for that
purpose on the first day of the Convention, but upon the im-
propriety and absurdity of it being properly exposed by Mr.
Henry and myself, the member who made the motion (George
Nicholas) was ashamed of it and withdrew it. So that they come
out with no other sanction than the credit of the publishers.
Some of the Federalists (as they call themselves) revised and
corrected their speeches. I know that some of the principal
gentlemen on the other side were privately applied to by the
short-hand writer to do the same, but treated the proposal with
One thing with respect to the appointment Mr. Fenwick de-
sires, I had almost forgot to mention ; I fear some difficulties
may arise from it, and being of opinion with Mr. Fenwick, that such
an appointment would be advantageous to the house, I wish to
have it in my power, by proper information on the subject to ob-
viate them. Hitherto, I believe, there has been only one Ameri-
can consul-general in France ; unless the arrangement is altered,
it is probable Mr. Barclay will be continued ; it may be necessary
therefore to show, that a particular consul will be requisite at
Bordeaux or in its neighborhood, for that part of the kingdom.
I am told there are a great many young Irishmen in Bordeaux ;
if we may judge of them by the samples we have here, they are
neither safe nor respectable companions. I trust I am as free as
most men, from illiberal national prejudices ; but yet I wish you
to converse with them with caution, and to avoid as far as good
VOL. II.— 90
manners will permit, all intimacy with them. Your not being able
to speak French will naturally lead you into company, and intima-
cies with those whom you can converse with easily ; this you must
guard against, and submit to a little inconvenience to avoid greater
evils ; and I hope you will soon acquire the French language.
In a letter Capt. Fenwick showed me from his brother, I ob-
serve Mr. Whitesides of London makes you an offer of a credit
of ;^iooo sterling upon his house, &c. You are obliged to Mr.
Whitesides for his friendship and ought to return him thanks for
the offer, but I would, by no means, advise you to accept it ; — the
custom of drawing and re-drawing being the most dangerous, in
my opinion, of all mercantile expedients. Put yourselves in no
man's power; an accident, or a sudden, unexpected call for
money, you could not pay, might ruin you in a moment ; a suffi-
cient reason surely for avoiding accepting credits, further than
you can clearly and safely see your way through, if you take them
at all. And if the business of your house becomes considerable
(as I think it will) your neighboring merchants and secret rivals
will look upon you with a jealous eye, and seize any opportunity
of destroying you. The older I grow, the more experience has
convinced me, that there are few men to be safely confided in —
rarinantes in gurgite vasto.
Stick to your first principles of giving no credits yourselves ;
especially in America where large credits must infallibly ruin
you, and small ones are not worth the charge of collecting. By
giving extensive credits you may, indeed, acquire a large fortune
upon paper ; but you will never have any anywhere else. Dili-
gence, frugality and integrity will infallibly increase your busi-
ness and your fortunes, if you can content yourselves with
moderate things at first. You will rise, perhaps, by slow degrees,
but upon a solid and safe foundation. It is a terrible thing for a
man to spend the prime of his life in business, to no other pur-
pose than to ruin himself, and others ; and yet this is the case
vrith the greater part of those who are called men of great enter-
prize — men of deep speculation, &c. Your business (after the
house comes to be generally known) will depend entirely upon
the prices you can render for the commodities consigned you,
and the prices of the articles you send in return — no man will
long continue any business, unless he finds gain in it.
I have written to most of my friends in the different States, in-
forming them of your plan, and recommending the house. From
the answers I have received, I have reason to think you will meet
with encouragement, both from the eastward and southward ;
I think it would be proper for you to write to the gentlemen of
your acquaintance in the late Federal Convention, and in Boston.
I have spoken also to a great many of my friends in Virginia ;
most of them express a desire of giving your house a preference ;
but vague promises of that sort are little to be relied on. I en-
close you a list of some of those I would advise you to write to.
The crop of tobacco this year in Virginia is a common one, as
to quantity, neither very great nor small — the quality bad, and I
think the price in the country will be rather low, not more than
18/ to 20/ Virginia currency per hundred upon Potomac and
Rappahannock. I applied to some of my Assembly friends
lately recommending the shipping to your house a quantity of the
public tobacco received for taxes ; I don't yet know the result ;
I am sure it would be to the advantage of the public, but I fear
our finances are too low, and the public too needy, to adopt such
a plan.
When I saw Capt. Fen wick about a month ago, I was speaking
to him, about chartering a small ship, to load with wheat, upon
consignment. I think one might be speedily filled up, and could
put a considerable quantity on board her myself ; but I have not
heard whether he has determined on doing it or not. I have not
yet received any rents, or got any of my own crops prized, and
therefore am unable to send you any tobacco by the Washington^
but shall send some by the first ship which loads here for your
house in the spring.
Pray let me hear from you often, and particularly, and believe
me, dear John,
Your most affectionate father,
G. Mason.
P. S. Your brother Thomson, and his family, have just moved
from Gunston to his own seat of HoUin Hall. Your brother
Thomas is at the Academy in Fredericksburg.
John Mason, Esq.:
Merchant in Bordeaux.'
' Mason Papers*
With excellent advice to his son on the conduct of his
business, and wise warnings against unseemly companions,
Colonel Mason mingles in these letters shrewd suggestions
of a public nature. He wished to see France, the recent
ally of the Americans in the Revolution, taking the place of
England in supplying the States of the South with the
coarse woollen fabrics used for their negroes. And he has
a proposal for the Assembly, that they should ship some of
the tobacco received for taxes to Bordeaux, consigned to
the house of Mason & Fenwick, a measure which would
be advantageous for Virginia, as well as profitable to the
firm. The political excitement of the Convention struggle
had subsided ; its unsettled questions lying over for adjust-
ment, it was hoped, by the new Congress. We get echoes,
however, from the late field of action ; an account of the
" federal partisan," the unappreciated Robertson, and his
efforts to secure corrected copies of the speeches in the Con-
vention. It is to be regretted that there was not an Anti-
federalist reporter there also, to whom Mason and Henry
could have given their confidence. As it is, posterity is
under obligations to the Federalist. George Mason's allu-
sion to the late governor — " young A — Id " — compressed in
two words all the scorn felt by his true and vehement nature
for the man who, as Mason believed, had betrayed his
country, Virginia, and thrown away the opportunity of
securing her dearest interests.
The Virginia Assembly in the fall of this year, under the
leadership of Patrick Henry, passed the resolutions, com-
mended by Colonel Mason, for calling a second Federal
Convention. This was urged upon Congress and upon the
seveleal States. And Richard Henry Lee and William
Grayson, two of the most able and determined advocates of
amendments, were elected to the Senate, and were pledged
to bring forward the subject on the meeting of Congress.
Madison, defeated for the Senate, was elected by the Feder-
alists to a seat in the House of Representatives. The
division of Virginia into Congressional districts at this
session, of which George Mason speaks, has been instanced
by a recent writer, upon very insufficient grounds, as the
earliest example of gerrymandering. The charge is made
that the districts were so carved out as to promote the elec-
tion of the Antifederalists.* Just the opposite accusation
was made at the time by the Antifederalists, it seems.
Theodoric Bland, whp calls the Federalists the '* Non-
Emendo-Tories," in a letter to Richard Henry Lee, tells of
" their manoeuvres ** to prevent the latter's appointment to
the Senate. " Much pains," he adds, " is taken to lay off
the districts so as to include the most consequent Non-
Emendo-Tories, but I expect this bill, which is almost
entirely of their carving, will be hushed up and served out
to the public in a more delicate form than it at present
appears in." * As it finally passed, George Mason thought
it a proper one, and he opposed, on constitutional grounds,
as will be seen later, a projected alteration in the formation
of his own district. The Virginia Legislature, in the fall of
1788, showed their appreciation of Colonel Mason's services
to the Commonwealth by naming a county after him. An
act passed for dividing the county of Bourbon in the district
of Kentucky, and the new county thus formed was called
At the January court of Fairfax County in this winter of
1 788-1 789, George Mason, as the presiding justice, used his
influence in upholding one of the great principles of free
government. As the record of the court states :
" On a motion for levying tobacco for the purpose of defraying
the expences of building a new court-house or repairing of the
present one, it was objected that the court had no legal authority
to levy any money or tobacco on the inhabitants of the county
for any purpose whatever, and the question being put whether
they were vested with that power or not George Mason, Charles
Broadwater, Martin Cockburn, Richard Chichester [and eight
others whose names are given] were of opinion that the power of
' Tyler's " Life of Henry," p. 313, American Statesmen Series.
• Lee Papers, Southern Literary Messenger^ January, 1859.
levying taxes by the courts was destroyed by an express article
in the bill of rights of this commonwealth." '
But ten of the justices, including Dr. David Stuart, were
of the contrary opinion. And with this order is found a
request of the public officers of Fairfax County asking the
advice of the council and the opinion of the attorney-general
concerning the power of the county courts in levying taxes.
A gentleman who was living in Baltimore in 1827, wrote an
account of a meeting in Alexandria, at which he had been
present as a youth, when this subject was discussed. He
recalled the fact of there being a score or more justices on
the ground and a large crowd of gentlemen, most of them
eager for the proposed measure. Just before the meeting
opened it was announced that Colonel Mason was coming to
oppose the project. But as public opinion was so strongly
in its favor, and there were known to be so many good
speakers who would advocate it, an easy triumph was antici-
pated. George Mason arrived, and when the question had
been argued at length by its friends, he rose and delivered
such a powerful and convincing argument as to its illegality,
maintaining that only the representatives of the people could
properly levy taxes, and the justices present were not such
representatives, that in all that hitherto confident assembly
there was not one dissenting voice, and the point was won.
These reminiscences, though they may possibly exaggerate
the triumph of Colonel Mason, prove at least that it was owing
to him that the court decided adversely to the motion, and
the impression of his eloquence must have been very vivid
and enduring upon his youthful hearer, since he attributed
to it such signal results. It may be presumed that the
council and the attorney-general supported Colonel Mason's
Interpretation of the law. And an act of the Assembly
passed the 4th of December of this year, which empowered
the justices of Fairfax County to levy a sum on the tith-
able persons within the county sufficient for the new court-
* ** Virginia Calendar Papers," vol. iv., p. 553.
house buildings and the two acres of ground on which to
place them.'
The following letters to Capt. James Fenwick, brother of
John Mason's partner, exhibit Colonel Mason in his character
of a busy and careful planter and farmer, shipping his tobacco
and wheat to merchants in Georgetown, to go from there to
GuNSTON Hau., March 8th, 17S9.
Dear Sir :
I am sorry I am disappointed in shipping all our wheat by the
ship Maryland ; but it was impossible to help it. The bad weather
which delayed Mr. McCarty's boat so long, also prevented Mr.
Linton's vessel from getting out of Quantico Creek, until it was too
late to send up any more wheat for this ship ; but I shall depend
upon getting room for wheat we have left, in the Becfy^ and as I
expect she will be quickly despatched it may probably make no
great difference to me, and I beg you will get the matter so fixed,
that I may not be again disappointed. The bearer, Mr. McCarty's
shipper, brings up eight or nine hogsheads of tobacco for my son
George. You will be pleased to let me know by a line, when he
returns, at what time the ship Becky will certainly be ready to take
in wheat, and I will begin to send ours up immediately, and if this
cannot be yet known, as soon as it can you will be good [enough]
to inform me by a letter per post, directed to be left at the post-
office in Colchester, as I shall be anxious to get our wheat up in
due time. My people went down again, as soon as the river
opened, to Chickamuxon, to inspect my tobacco and despatch
Messrs. F[orest] and S[toddert]*s craft, but have not yet re-
turned. I imagine the hard frost last Wednesday night stopped
up the mouth of Chickamuxon Creek, or perhaps the low tides
have kept the craft aground. She will surely be up the first
good day, and I hope will bring up my tobacco in time for the
ship Maryland,
I am, dear Sir, your most obedient servant,
G. Mason.
Capt. James Fen wick,
George Town.
' journal of the Assembly, 1789.
GuNSTON Hall, March 27, 1789.
Dear Sir :
The bearer, John Hill, brings up 550 bushels of wheat by our
measure which is all we have now ready ; this will fall short of the
quantity I owe Messrs. Forrest and Stoddert, in return for wheat
they were so kind [as] to put into the ship Becky upon my account.
But so soon as I know the loss in this last load, by the measure-
ment at George Town, I will desire Messrs. Fenwick, Mason, and
Company to place to the credit of Messrs. F. and S. the nett pro-
ceeds of as much of my wheat in the Beci^ as I am deficient in
repaying them, which I presume will be the most agreeable method
to those gentlemen of settling it, as it will amount to the same
thing, as repaying the whole now at Georgetown.
I will thank you to transmit me by John Hill, when he returns,
a statement of all our wheat in both ships, according to their
respective manifests, that I may see whether it corresponds with
the statement I have given in my letters to F., M., & Co. Upon
having the account of our wheat in both ships, with the measure-
ment at George Town of the load John Hill now brings, my son
William and I can easily adjust our respective quantities.
I am, dear sir, your most obedient servant,
G. Mason.
In case of Capt. Fenwick's absence, Major Stoddert will be
pleased to open this.*
Colonel Mason wrote to his son in this same month, on
the subject of the consulship which he hoped to obtain for
Mr. Joseph Fenwick. This letter is of special interest, in its
reference to Washington, as it bears testimony to the early
and intimate character of the friendship which had subsisted
between George Mason and George Washington — a friend-
ship which the former feared was likely to be interrupted by
political differences. Colonel Mason's visits to " Mount
Vernon," however, had not ceased in 1788. On the 2d of
November of that year, which fell on Sunday, he dined and
spent the day with Washington." But in the struggle over
' MS. Letters. Major Stoddert, Benjamin Stoddert, Secretary of the Navy
under John Adams.
* Washington's Private Journals, Toner Transcripts.
the new Constitution, the old friends had no doubt drifted
apart. George Mason, the Revolution over — in which he
and Washington had been wholly of one mind, — saw now in
the untried future new dangers springing up to which Wash-
ington was blind. Virginia and the South generally had
cause later to know him for the wiser man of the two. But
at this time he was in the party of the minority. And he
seems to have felt that he must justify himself in his position
of withstanding the current of public opinion. His con-
science could bear witness, as he says, to the purity of his
motives. A civil war bears witness now to the sound
"judgment" which guided his conscience.
K" Gunston Hall, March 13, 1789.
" Dear John : >
"... I nave not yet made an application on behalf of
Mr. Fenwick for the appointment of consul, as the President of
the United States has the nomination to offices. I thought there
was some impropriety and indelicacy in making application
before General Washington has accepted the office of President,
to which he has been elected by the unanimous suffrage of the
electors in all the ratifying States. You may assure Mr. Fenwick
that as soon as this ceremonial is adjusted I shall not fail to
exert whatever interest I have in his favor. You know the
friendship which has long existed (indeed from our early youth)
between General Washington and myself. I believe there are
few men in whom he placed greater confidence ; but it is possi-
ble my opposition to the new government, both as a member of
the national and of the Virginia Convention, may have altered
the case. In this important trust, I am truly conscious of having
acted from the purest motives of honesty, and love to my coun-
try, according to that measure of judgment which God has
bestowed on me, and I would not forfeit the approbation of my
own mind for the approbation of any man, or all the men upon
earth. My conduct as a public man, through the whole of the
late glorious Revolution, has been such as, I trust, will administer
comfort to me in those moments when I shall most want it, and
smooth the bed of death. But as Shakespeare says, ' Something
too much of this.' "
The letter closes with the following postscript :
'* Send me by the first good ship to Potomac River insured, six
half hogsheads viz. : about one hundred and eighty or ninety
American gallons of good cogniac brandy in barrels or casks of
about thirty gallons each, iron-bound or very well secured and '
tight, and covered each with a double empty cask to prevent
the sailors or the craftsmen in this country from making free
with it. Also a piece of silk, a pattern for your sister Betsy. I
would have it a handsome but not a very expensive silk, and
depend upon your taste in the choice of it. If trimmings are
necessary they should be sent with it, and sewing silk to make
it up." '
Colonel Mason wrote from "Gunston Hall'* to Washing-
ton ten days later on the subject of a coachman living with
him, whom the latter wanted to secure. He had been in
Colonel Mason's service, and Washington wished to know
his character. The man, a German, came to Maryland, " and
entered into an indenture to Colonel Fitzhugh," George
Mason's relative, " who thereupon paid his passage over to
serve him four years." After living two years in Maryland
with Colonel Fitzhugh, the latter recommended him as a
coachman to Colonel Mason, and he was founc} to be a good
driver and careful of horses, but lazy and quarrelsome. His
indenture expired in October, 1787, but he had wished to
remain at "Gunston," and Colonel Mason gave him then
;f 15 a year with his clothes. He only kept him, however,
he tells his correspondent, because he could get no other
coachman. No servant of his own was capable of driving,
and this man had never attempted to teach any one of them ;
only a small negro had " ridden one of the four horses as
postillion." The 'duties of the German were to serve as
coachman, to wait at table, occasionally work in the garden,
take care of the stable and horses, and keep the key of the
com house and give out the corn. But, in fact, he did little
more than drive and look after the horses.' Probably this
* Mason Papers. * Washington MSS., Department of State.
German coachman went from Colonel Mason's service into
that of the new President, and drove for him the famous
cream-colored chariot painted by Cipriani. This letter of
March 23, 1789, is the last one of George Mason's letters to
Washington which has been preserved.
The following letter was written by Colonel Mason to his
son in France :
Virginia, Gunston Hall,
May 14, 1789.
Dear John :
I have received your several letters, one via Norfolk and two
by the brigs Betsy and Nancy^ besides the former ones, the
receipt whereof I had before mentioned. Your brother George
has received a letter from you of a later date, via Philadelphia,
wherein you mention your intention to set out for Paris the
next morning. ... I have written a long letter by this
opportunity to Fen wick, Mason, & Company upon several inter-
esting particulars, to which I refer you, to save a repetition here.
I observe what you mention, with respect to overshipping goods
to some particular people ; perhaps in a few instances, now and
then, it is difficult to avoid this, but you should avoid it as much
as possible. The hazard is too great in large debts, and small
debts in this country are not worth a shilling in the pound ; and
there are son;^e people who would otherwise ship you tobacco,
that upon getting in your debt, will immediately discontinue their
correspondence. But when you were mentioning with regret
your having overshipped goods to a small amount, I am surprised
at your silence with respect to the more important afifair of Mr.
Whitesides. This has the appearance of its having been done
without your participation, or of your not being intimately
acquainted with the transactions and business of the house,
either of which may be productive of bad consequences. You
are upon the spot, ought to know, and haye a right to be con-
sulted in all important transactions. In order to entitle you
with the greater propriety to this, you should spare no pains or
application to make yourself well acquainted with business, so
as to be able to take a proper share in the management, as well
as to enable you to conduct the business of a separate house
yourself whenever it becomes necessary, which probably may be
soon, yocwjrtwygndfng I aadeiitaad joa aie fikdj to
jOttfseHres^ tliis ailair gn^s me much mcasaMSiy for tkoa^ I
fcare alwajrs bcaid a tcij good cKaiactcr o€ Mr. Fcavi^ aad
tiiat he is a diHgrnf, attcntiyCy dbcicct jonng aiaii, jcc tkis
traiisactioii shows a kmd o€ softness and milkiiirw o€ tespcr
liable to imposiaoD, vbicfa both joa and he oa^bi to goaid
agaiBst. Pnij eiplain this basiness of Mr. Whitcsides^ and kt
ne know without rcserre how it is like to terminate. ... I
beliere joor Cooreotion arqnaintance. Doctor McChirg o€ Rich-
mood, has shipped yoo eight or tea hogsheads o€ tobacco per
the Wasking0m, I would have 700 write him particnlarlj by
the first coDTenient opportonitj informing him of the prices
current, and what articles can be adrantagcotisl j imported from
Bordeanx. It may be a means of opening yon a correspondence
from James Rrrer, as Dr. McClnrg is a member of oor Execntrre
Council and a man of some interest in that part of the country.
But you should alwajrs take care to be accurate in your quota-
tions of the prices current at the time. This was not the case in
the list of the current prices transmitted in your letters of De-
cember and January, wherein you quoted tobacco from 30 lb to
33 lb per ct. instead of 28 Ib.-io.
You are under obligations to Mr. Daniel Brent, of ^ Richland,"
and his brother, Mr. Richard Brent,' for their utmost endeavors
to promote your interest here, and I believe to very good eflFect.
Your Stafford friends have not shipped you so generally as I
expected. One reason for this is that great part of their tobacco
upon low grounds was destroyed by the excessive rains last sum-
mer, and Another that I believe many of them are indebted to
the Scotch stores, and there is hardly a Scotch merchant in this
part of the country who does not wish your house at the devil. \(
I hope to hear soon that you and Mr. Fenwick have got to
housekeeping, for as your business is now grown considerable,
and there are of course many captains of ships and others to
whom it will be necessary for you to show civilities, I can't think
housekeeping will be any great addition to your expences, and I
am sure it will give some respectability to your house, besides
that it will be much more agreeable than living in a boarding-
' These were sons of William Brent of '* Richland," whose wife was a sister
of Mrs. Robert Brent of ** Woodstock."
house. I still continue of opinion that it will be very imprudent
in you to come to America this year, but that it will be very
proper the year after. Indeed, the more I have reflected on this
subject the more I am confirmed in this opinion.
I mentioned to you in my letter by the Becky that it was not
then in my power to ascertain the respective quantities of wheat
shipped by me and your brothers Thomson and William. I now
send you, on the other side, an exact statement of all the wheat
we shipped you in the two ships, the Maryland and the Becky^
according to which, separate accounts of sales are to be rendered
us, notwithstanding the bills of lading for the whole may have
been taken in my name, as I would avoid blending your brothers
accounts with mine. You will observe that sixty-seven bushels
of the wheat included in your brother William's quantity properly
belongs to William Green, who, being very desirous to ship you
something, got your brother William to include it with his, as
the ship did not take in any wheat but from our family, except
Forrest and Stoddert's own. For this sixty-seven bushels your
brother William desires a separate account of sales may be
rendered to Green, and an account rendered to himself for only
his own proper wheat. It will also please Green mightily, which
is some consideration, as the man seems to be much attached to
you, and I believe intends to ship you his tobacco also. You
will observe too that Messrs. Forrest and Stoddert are to have
credit by me for the nett proceeds of fifty-four bushels of my
wheat in the Becky^ and my account debited accordingly, it
being the quantity I still owe these gentlemen for what they were
so kind to lend me. On the other side is also a duplicate of the
list of goods I ordered in my letter per the Becky, I wish the
brandy may arrive before the new duties take place, and I hope
it will be of better quality than the brandy sent me last year by
Mr. Fenwick, which, though at a very high price, is exceeding
bad ; the man who furnished it must have been a knave, for I
make no doubt Mr. Fenwick expected it was good and paid a
price accordingly. The piece of silk ordered is for your sister
Betsy, and I expect you will choose it yourself.
I enclose you a list of the members of the new Congress, in
both Houses, by which you will see that a considerable number
of the Senate are our Convention acquaintance.
I send you by Capt. Bond a barrel containing eight hams. I
wish they may arrive in good order, as I think they were exceed-
ing good hams when they were packed up. I should be glad to
know whether the barrel of hominy and smoked beef, by Capt
Rose got to hand in good order. Your brothers sent you by
Capt. Rose two female and one male oppossum.
• •.•■•..•
We have had a mocking bird for you ever since last summer
which is quite tame and domestic, and intended to send it out
this spring, but it proves a female, and they seldom sing ; this
hardly attempts a single note, and therefore we shall not send it
abroad, to disgrace its native country. I would turn it out of the
cage, but I am afraid its liberty, after such long confinement,
would only make the poor thing a prey to the first hawk that
came in its way. We will endeavor to raise some young ones this
summer. I will also endeavor to raise a buck and doe fawn for
you this summer. . . . The family at Gunston is reduced
lately from a very large to a small one, consisting now only of
your sister Betsy, your brother William, Mrs. Mason and myself.
I most cordially wish you health and happiness, and am, dear
Your affectionate father,
G. Mason.
Mr. John Mason,
Merchant in Bordeaux,
per the Washington^ Capt. Bond.'
The new Federal Government went into operation March
4, 1789, and Congress met in New York. Richard Henry
Lee brought forward the Virginia amendments, and William
Grayson wrote to Patrick Henry on this subject on the 29th
of September :
" With respect to amendments, matters have turned out ex-
actly as I apprehended, from the extraordinary doctrine of play-
ing the after game ; the lower House sent up amendments which
' Mason Papers. There were 1000 bushels of wheat shipped by George
Mason and his sons in the ship Maryland^ and 1298^ bushels in the Becky.
held out a safeguard to personal liberty in a great many instances,
but this disgusted the Senate, and though we made every exertion
to save them, they are so mutilated and gutted, that in fact they
are good for nothing. . . . The Virginia amendments were
all brought into view and regularly rejected. . . . Their maxim
seems to have been to make up by construction, what the Consti-
tution wants in energy."
Ten amendments, however, proposed at this time were made
a part of the Constitution in 1791. They were in substance
equivalent to some of those on the Virginia list. The tenth
amendment, which was endorsed by the Conventions of Vir-
ginia, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, and North Carolina, as
moved in the Senate by Richard Henry Lee, was in these
words : " The powers not delegated by the Constitution to
the United States, nor prohibited by it to the States, are
reserved to the States respectively.** Ellsworth, of Massa-
chusetts, moved to add, " or to the people,*' a phrase which
was perverted from its plain signification, " or to the people
of the States/' and used in later years as an argument against
States-rights and the doctrine of secession.
George Mason from his retirement at "Gunston Hall"
must have watched with great interest the course of events
in Congress, and the action of the Virginia Legislature upon
these amendments. Stevens Thomson Mason was in the
Virginia Senate, and doubtless in correspondence with his
uncle, by whose side he had sat in the Virginia Convention
and whose principles he had made thoroughly his own.
With his father no longer living, and his uncle's political
career closed, Stevens Thomson Mason represented the
name in public life at this time, and upon him, in some sort,
the mantle of his elders had fallen. The journal of the Virginia
Senate records that the House, on the 8th of December,
went into committee of the whole on the resolutions of the
House of Delegates ratifying the amendments (twelve in
number) proposed by Congress to the Constitution of the
' '• Letters and Times of the Tylers," Lyon G. Tyler, vol. i., p. 165.
United States. They came to the following resolution :
That the third, eighth, eleventh, and twelfth amendments
be postponed until the next session of Assembly. The
others were agreed to, and then the motion was made, that
all or any members who voted for the postponement of the
above four articles be allowed to enter upon the journal the
reasons which influenced their vote and all or any of their
objections. On the 12th of December this was accordingly
done, and the entry is as follows :
'^ The Senate of Virginia having determined to postpone until
the next session of Assembly, the third, eighth, eleventh, and
twelfth articles of the amendments to the Constitution of the
United States, recommended by Congress, we, the underwritten
members of the majority on that question, deem it incumbent on
us, not only from the respect we owe to our constituents, and our
responsibility to them, but in order to prevent doubt and mis-
representation, to enter on the Journals of the House the con-
siderations which have influenced our decision on this subject,
and our principal objections to those articles. We are satisfied
that the people of Virginia would never have ratified the Consti-
tution of the United States, but from a confident hope and firm
persuasion of speedily seeing it much more materially altered
and amended than it would be by ratifying the propositions lately
submitted by Congress to the State Legislatures. That although
we consider some of the amendments offered as similar, and
others nearly equivalent, to a part of the amendments proposed
by Virginia and other States, yet that some of them which seem
analogous to other amendments so proposed, are not substantially
the same and fall short of affording the same security to personal
rights, or of so effectually guarding against the apprehended mis-
chiefs of the government ; of this description we consider the
3rd, 8th, 1 1 th and 1 2th articles. We conceive that the 3rd article,
which seems given in lieu of the 15th, i6th, 19th and 20th
articles of the bill of rights proposed by the Virginia Conven-
tion, will not bear a comparison with these articles. The 15 th
expressly declares the right of the people to assemble together to
consult for the common good, to instruct their representatives,
and to petition for redress of grievances. The i6th asserts the
right of the people to freedom of speech, and of writing and pub-
lishing their sentiments, and secures the liberty of the press.
The 19th and 20th hold sacred the rights of conscience, secure
to every religious sect or society the most perfect equality, and
effectually guard against any religious establishments.
** The 3rd amendment, recommended by Congress, does not
prohibit the rights of conscience from being violated or infringed ;
and although it goes to restrain Congress from passing laws es-
tablishing any national religion, they might, notwithstanding, levy
taxes to any amount, for the support of religion or its preachers ;
and any particular denomination of Christians might be so
favored and supported by the General Government as to give it
a decided advantage over others, and in process of time render
it as powerful and dangerous as if it was established as the
national religion of the country.
" This amendment does not declare and assert the right of the
people to speak and publish their sentiments, nor does it secure
the liberty of the press. Should these valuable rights be in-
fringed or violated by the arbitrary decisions of Judges, or by
any other means than a legislative act directly to that effect, the
people would have no avowed principle in the Constitution to
which they might resort for the security of these rights.
" The right of the people to instruct their representatives, and
their right to consult with each other for the common good, seem
too evident to be questioned in a republican government ; yet,
these rights are denied by Congress, and they have refused to
allow any amendment declaratory of them, as we discover by'k
their Journals ; and even the humble privilege of petitioning
against oppression is not fully asserted or secured ; as this privi-
lege may be abridged or rendered nugatory without any law upon
the subject ; not to mention other means, it might be defeated by
a rule of either House, without violating the 3rd article of the
" This amendment then, when considered as it relates to any
of the rights it is pretended to secure, will be found totally inade-
quate, and betrays an unreasonable, unjustifiable, but a studied
departure from the amendment proposed by Virginia and other
Slates, for the protection of their rights. We conceive that this
amendment is dangerous and fallacious, as it tends to lull the
apprehensions of the people on these important points, without
affording them security ; and mischievous, because by setting
bounds to Congress, it will be considered as the only restriction
on their power over these rights ; and thus certain powers in the
government, which it has been denied to possess, will be recog-
, nized without being properly guarded against abuse.
• " The 8th article of the proposed amendments, so far from
securing the valuable trial by jury of the vicinage in criminal
prosecutions, leaves Congress the same power to abridge this
right as they possess by the original Constitution. They have
already by law fixed the districts co-extensive with the respective
States ; and they will at all times possess the power of regulating
the districts at pleasure, so that there appears to us nothing in
this amendment to restrain government from carrying a man
accused of a crime, out of his own neighborhood to any distance
within the limits of a State, to be tried by strangers, perhaps
enemies, where the advantages of this excellent mode of trial
might be entirely defeated, and where a person obnoxious to
Congress, might fall an innocent sacrifice to their resentment.
''We do not find that the nth article is asked for by Virginia
or any other State ; we therefore conceive that the people of Vir-
ginia should be consulted with respect to it, even if we did not.
doubt the propriety of adopting it ; but it appears to us highly
exceptionable. If it is meant to guard against the extension of
the powers of Congress by implication, it is greatly defective, and
does by no means comprehend the idea expressed in the 17th
article of amendments proposed by Virginia ; and as it respects
personal rights might be dangerous, because should the rights of
the people be invaded or called in question, they might be re-
quired to show by the Constitution what rights they have re-
tained ; and such as could not from that instrument be proved to
be retained, they might be denied to possess. Of this there is
ground to be apprehensive, when Congress are already seen
denying certain rights of the people heretofore deemed clear and
"We conceive that the 12th article would come up to the ist
article of the Virginia amendments, were it not for the words * or
to the people.' It is not declared to be the people of the respec-
tive States ; but the expression applies to the people generally as
citizens of the United States, and leaves it doubtful what powers
are reserved to the State Legislatures. Unrestrained by the Con-
stitution or these amendments, Congress might, as the supreme
ruler of the people, assume those powers which properly belong
to the respective States, and thus gradually effect an entire
" We consider that of the many and important amendments
recommended by the Conventions of Virginia and other States,
these propositions contain all that Congress are disposed to grant ;
that all the rest are by them deemed improper, and that these are
offered in full satisfaction of the whole : and although the ratifi-
cation of a part of the amendments that have been prayed for by
Virginia would not absolutely preclude us from urging others, yet
we conceive that by the acceptance of particular articles, we are
concluded as to the points they relate to. Considering therefore
that they are far short of what the people of Virginia wish, and
have asked, and deeming them by no means sufficient to secure
the rights of the people, or to render the government safe and
desirable, we think our countrymen ought not to be put off with
amendments so inadequate.
That being satisfied of the defects and dangerous tendency of
these four articles of the proposed amendments, we are con-
strained to withhold our assent to them ; but unwilling for the
present to determine on their rejection, we think it our duty to
postpone them until the next session of Assembly, in order
that the people of Virginia may have an opportunity to con-
sider of them, and judge for themselves ; and that the members
of the Legislature may be enabled to consult with, and know
the sentiments of their constituents on the subject."
S. T. Mason was one of the eight members of the Senate
who signed these resolutions, which were published shortly
afterwards in the Richmond paper.' The House of Dele-
gates appointed some of its members to confer with a
delegation from the Senate on this subject, and Stevens
Thomson Mason ' was one of the three senators chosen for
^ Journal of the Virginia Senate, 1789. The Virginia Independent Chronicle^
January 13, 1790.
' Stevens Thomson Mason was the grandfather of Stevens Thomson Mason,
the early *' boy governor " of Michigan, one of the States carved out of Vir-
ginia's western territory.
the purpose. The Senate, on the 14th of December, ordered
that Mr. Mason should acquaint the House of Delegates
that they adhered to their determination not to ratify the
amendments except in the conditional form declared by
their resolutions. The lower House of the Virginia Legis-
lature at this session was under the influence of such Feder-
alists as General Henry Lee. But in the Senate, the coun-
sels of George Mason, of Henry, Grayson, and R. H. Lee
bore fruit.
Jefferson returned to America from Paris in the fall of
1789, to take his place in Washington's Cabinet. John
Mason had written to him offering him a passage on one of *
his vessels, early in the summer ; and Jefferson in replying,
on the 1 6th of July, says : ** I beg you to remember me in
the most friendly terms to your father. I have put off an-
swering his letter because I expected constantly to make
my voyage to America and to see him at his own house." '
He sailed from London to Norfolk in October, and visiting
friends all along the route from Norfolk, reached " Monti-
cello " only two days before Christmas. Setting out for New
York on the ist of March, 1790, Jefferson stopped, on his
way, in Alexandria, where the mayor and citizens gave him
a public reception. He did not, however, go to " Gunston
Hall," owing to the badness of the roads at this season.
On the 1 2th of March, 1790, William Grayson, the distin-
guished Virginia Senator, died at Dumfries, on his way to
Congress, and George Mason, it was hoped, would be in-
duced to fill the vacancy. Governor Randolph wrote to \
him announcing his appointment by the Executive, as the
Legislature was not in session :
Richmond, March 25th, 1790.
To CoL. George Mason.
Sir : — I do myself the honor to enclose you a commission ap-
pointing you a senator for the State in the room of Col. Grayson
' Jefferson's "Works/' 11. A. Washington, vol. iii., p. 72.
Permit me to intreat your acceptance of this commission. The
very important subjects now before Congress, so interesting to
America in general, and more especially to your native State, call
for the counsels of the wisest of her citizens.
Impressed with the fullest conviction of your abilities and zeal
for the welfare of your country, I cannot doubt your compliance
with the unanimous wishes of the Executive.
I am, &c.,
Beverley Randolph.*
The Richmond paper of the 31st of March announced:
" The Hon. George Mason, Esq : is appointed a senator of
the United States, in the room of the Hon. Col. William
Grayson, deceased.** "
But Colonel Mason was not to be prevailed upon to take
the office, and Governor Randolph, on the same day issued
the following proclamation :
Virginia to wit :
George Mason, Esq : who was duly chosen a senator for this
Commonwealth in pursuance of the Constitution for the United
States of America, having refused to act during the recess of the
Legislature of the Commonwealth, I, Beverley Randolph, being
governor or chief magistrate of the Commonwealth, have there-
fore thought fit and with the advice and consent of the privy
council, or council of state, and by virtue of the said Constitution
to appoint John Walker, Esq : to be and act as a senator for the
Commonwealth until the next meeting of the Legislature thereof.
Given under my hand and the seal of the Commonwealth, this
31st day of March, 1790.
[seal.] Beverley Randolph.*
At the meeting of the Assembly in the autumn of this
year, James Monroe was elected to fill out Grayson's term,
and for the next succeeding six years..
' Execntive Journal, State Library, Richmond.
• The Virginia Independent Chroniele^ etc., 1790.
' Mason Papers. i
Colonel Mason alludes to his appointment to the Senate
in the following letter to his son :
Virginia, Gunston Hall,
May 20tli, 1790.
Dear John :
I take the opportunity per the ship Confidence Capt. de Bore*
to send you, via Havre de Grace (where the ship is to touch for
orders) a duplicate of my letter of the 27 th of April last via New
York, together with a duplicate of my letter of the same date,
and by the same route, to Messrs. Fenwick, Mason, & Company,
covering the first bill of a letter of exchange on Messrs : Thomas
Clagett & Company merchants in London for ;^5oo sterling,
payable to me, and by me endorsed to your house. I now
enclose the second bill of the same etc.
Capt. Fenwick has been obliged to charter the ship Confidence
at a very low freight rather than send her back (unchartered) in
ballast, which has been the fate of many of the ships sent out to
America for wheat and flour, and has reduced freights this year
lower than ever they were known before. My reason for remit-
ting the above mentioned second bill by this conveyance, via
Havre de Grace, is, that it is uncertain when your ship the Wash-
ington will be ready to sail. I fear it will be very difficult to pro-
cure a load for her ; for the confusion and uncertain state of
afifairs in France makes people cautious of venturing their prop-
erty there, which together with the low price of tobacco at that
market last fall, discourages everybody from shipping thither, and
it will not answer to purchase on your own accounts, tobacco
now selling here from 18/ to 20/ per hundred Virginia currency
and expected to be higher, at the same time that exchange for
bills on London is at 15 to 20 per ct.
I heartily wish the French nation success in establishing their
new government, upon the principles of liberty, and the sacred
rights of human nature ; but I dread the consequences of their
affairs remaining so long in an unsettled state. Their finances, ^
their commerce, and some of their most important interests must
suffer exceedingly by it ; besides the risk of the most respectable
part of the people (which is always found in the middle walks of
life) being disgusted and worn down with so long a scene of doubt
and uncertainty, not to say anarchy.
• ••••••••
I have lately been appointed a senator for the commonwealth
of Virginia, in the Senate of the United States, but have refused
to serve.
• ••••••••
Your affectionate father,
G. Mason.
John Mason, Esquire,
Merchant in Bordeaux.'
In this letter Colonel Mason speaks of having ''just
recovered from a three months' fit of the gout," and doubt-
less his state of health had something to do with his deter-
mination to remain in private life. He wrote again to his
son about two weeks later :
Virginia, Gunston Hall,
June 3, 1790.
Dear John :
This will be delivered you by your partner Mr. Joseph Fen-
wick, and as he proposes going by land to Boston, and embark-
ing from thence, or from Portsmouth in New Hampshire, it will
hardly come to your hands before the latter end of September,
before which it is probable I shall have other different oppor-
tunities of writing to you. Mr. Fenwick's long stay in America,
and the necessity you will be under of staying in Bordeaux, some
time after his arrival, to adjust and fully settle your affairs, so as
to take away all cause for any confusion or dispute hereafter,
will, I fear, prevent your embarking for America this year ;
unless you can get a passage to South Carolina, so as to arrive
there in the month of November, for I would wish you to avoid
a winter passage, especially after your late long ill state of health.
And therefore I think you had better stay in France until next
spring, than risk passage in the depth of winter ; more particu-
larly if you come to any of the northern or middle States.
Should you spend this winter in France, and find Bordeaux still
disagree with your constitution, I would advise you to go to
^ MS. Letter.
Marseilles, or some place in the south [of] France, and return to
Bordeaux in the spring ; as you will probably not meet with a
passage from any of the ports in the Mediterranean, and even if
you could, the danger of falling into the hands of the Algerines
is such a shocking circumstance, as I would have you by all
means avoid.
I would strongly recommend your availing yourself of every
means and opportunity of making yourself acquainted with the
commercial customs of France, and what of their produce or
manufactures will suit the respective States here, and can be
imported upon advantageous terms, so as to be able to give satis-
factory information to the merchants in our different sea port
towns, which you will find of infinite advantage to your house,
when you make the tour you propose through the United States ;
which I still think it will be proper for you to do.
• ••••...a
Adieu, my dear John, and believe me.
Your most affectionate father,
G. Mason.
John Mason, Esq :
Merchant in Bordeaux.*
Colonel Mason had written to Jefferson recommending
Mr. Fenwick as consul to Bordeaux, and Jefferson replied as
follows :
New York, June 13, 1790.
Dear Sir : — I have deferred acknowledging the receipt of
your favor of March i6th, expecting daily that the business of
the consulships would have been finished. But this was delayed
by the President's illness, and a very long one of my own, so
that it is not till within these two or three days that it has been
settled. That of Bordeaux is given to Mr. Fenwick, according
to your desire. The commission is making out, and will be
signed to-morrow or next day.
I intended fully to have had the pleasure of seeing you at
Gunston Hall on my way here, but the roads being so bad that
I was obliged to leave my own carriage to get along as it could,
and to take my passage in the stage, I could not deviate from the
* Mason Papers.
Stage road. I should have been happy in a conversation with you
on the subject of our new government, of which, though I approve
of the mass, I would wish to see some amendments, further than
those which have been proposed, and fixing it more surely on a
republican basis. I have great hopes that pressing forward with *
constancy to these amendments, they will be obtained before the
want of them will do any harm. To secure the ground we gain,
and gain what more wc can, is, I think, the wisest course. I
think much has been gained by the late Constitution ; for the
former was terminating in anarchy, as necessarily consequent to
The House of Representatives have voted to remove to Balti-
more, by a majority of 53 against 6. This was not the effect of
choice, but of confusion into which they had been brought by the
event of other questions, and their being hampered with the rules
of the House. It is not certain what will be the vote of the
Senate. Some hope an opening will be given to convert it into
a vote of the temporary seat at Philadelphia, and the permanent
one at Georgetdwn. The question of assumption will be brought
on again, and its event is doubtful. Perhaps its opponents would
be wiser to be less confident in their success, and to compromise
by agreeing to assume the State debts still due to individuals, so
as to put the States in the shoes of those of their creditors whom
they have paid off. Great objections lie to this, but not so great
as an assumption of the unpaid debts only. My duties preventing
me from mingling in these questions, I do not pretend to be very
competent to their decision. In general, I think it necessary to
give as well as take in a government like ours.
I have some hope of visiting Virginia in the fall, in which case
1 shall still flatter myself with the pleasure of seeing you ; in the
meantime, I am with unchanged esteem and respect, my dear sir.
Your most obedient friend and servant. *
Jefferson on his return to " Monticello " in September
travelled again in his own carriage, Madison with him,
stopping two days at " Mount Vernon," and it is highly
probable he visited ** Gunston Hall " at this time. George
Mason in this year, or perhaps a little earlier, resigned the
* ** Jefferson's Works," H. A. Washington, vol. iii., p. 147.
office of justice of the peace, which he had probably held
since his early manhood. His name is given, with those of
Washington, McCarty, Bryan Fairfax, and others, in a list
preserved of the justices of Fairfax County in 1770.' Twenty
years later the records state that on the 21st of June, 1790,
the clerk of the court of Fairfax County, after certifying
that the court recommended George Augustine Washington
and others for magistrates, gave a list of justices, and those
marked removed, dead, etc., as a true statement of the
justices of the county :
" Robert Townsend Hooe, sherifif ; George Mason, resigned ;
Alexander Henderson, removed ; Charles Broadwater, dead ;
George Washington, president ; Martin Cockburn, resigned ;
Richard Chichester, resigned ; James Waugh, resigned.'
M a
Jefferson in his letter to George Mason had referred to
the question of assumption then before Congress. It was
one of the " fiscal manoeuvres " of Alexander Hamilton,
which was believed to be a violation of the Constitution,
and injurious to many of the States. The debts of the
several Commonwealths were put down, on a rough estimate,
as twenty millions, and the people generally assessed to pay
this amount, whereas some States had a greater, some a less,
indebtedness than others, and the law thus acted unfairly
upon them. It was discovered also after the accounts were
settled, that the estimate had been much too large. Eleven
millions would have been sufficient, but by the operation of
the Assumption Act, an additional debt was created, reaching
in a few years to over ten millions.* The Virginia Assembly
in December, 1790, sent a memorial to Congress protesting
against this measure. They declare that "neither policy,
justice, nor the Constitution warrants it " ; that a large por-
tion of the debt is already redeemed by the collection of
heavy taxes, but by this act " a heavy debt and consequently
' ** Virgina Calendar Papers," vol. i., p. 263.
• Jbid.^ vol. v., p. 172.
» Randall's ** Life of JcflFcrson," vol. i., p. 608.
heavy taxes will be entailed on the citizens of this Common-
wealth from which they can never be relieved by all the
efforts of the General Assembly, whilst any part of the debts
contracted by any State in the American Union, and so
assumed, shall remain unpaid." The act without the smallest
necessity, as they averred, extorted from the General Assem-
bly the power of taxing their own constituents for the pay-
ment of their own debts, in such a manner as would be best
suited to their own ease and convenience, etc. "Another
light in which it appeared more odious and deformed " was
this : During the discussions of the Federal Constitution,
they, the memorialists, were taught to believe " that every
power not expressly granted was retained." Under this
impression they ratified the Constitution, but there was no
clause in the Constitution authorizing Congress in express
terms to assume the debts of the States.** Stevens Thomson
Mason as a member of the Virginia Senate endorsed these
views, which were those also of his illustrious uncle.
On the loth of January, 1791, George Mason wrote two
letters, one to his son John, and one giving the news he had
received from France to his friend Thomas Jefferson.
Unfortunately the less important of these two epistles is
the only one of them that has been preserved. The one to
Jefferson has been lost, and it is only through the latter's
reply that anything can be known of its contents. Colonel
Mason's letter to his son is as follows :
^GuNSTON Hall, January 10, 1791.
Dear John : x/
As I presume you have left Bordeaux before this time, and that
this letter may probably find yo^i in the south of France, I enclose
you a copy of my letter of this date to Fen wick, Mason, and Com-
pany to save myself the trouble of repeating its contents sepa-
rately to you. This leaves me little more to add except telling
you that if the Washington sails in time, I shall send you, as you
desire, letters of introduction to some of my friends in South
Carolina, particularly to Col. William Washington, a gentleman
* Journal of the Assembly.
for whom I have the greatest regard, and with whom you were too
young to be acquainted when he went into the army. I have the
pleasure to inform you that all your brothers and sisters are well,
as is also the family at Gunston Hall. YMrs. Mason returns you
many thanks for your acceptable present of the political fan, and
gloves, and joins in our best wishes and respects to you, with, dear
Your affectionate father,
G. Mason.* V
Jefferson wote to George Mason, in answer to his letter of
the loth of January :
Philadelphia, February 4, 1791.
Dear Sir :
I am to make you my acknowledgments for your favor of
January loth, and the information from France which it con-
tained. It confirmed what I had heard more loosely before, and
accounts still more recent are to the same effect. I look with
great anxiety for the firm establishment of the new government in
France, being perfectly convinced that if it takes place there, it
will spread sooner or later all over Europe. On the contrary, 1
a check there would retard the revival of liberty in other coun- I
tries. I consider the establishment and success of their govern- f
ment as necessary to stay up our own, and to prevent it from
falling back to that kind of a half-way house, the English Consti-
tution. It cannot be denied that we have among us a sect who
believe that to contain whatever is perfect in human institutions ;
that the members of this sect have many of them names and
offices which stand high in the estimation of our countrymen. I
still rely that the great mass of our community is untainted with
these heresies, as is its head. On this I build my hope that we have
not labored in vain, and that our experiment will still prove that
men can be governed by reason.
You have excited my curiosity in saying there is a particular
circumstance, little attended to, which is continually sapping the
republicanism of the United States. What is it ?
What is said in our country of the fiscal arrangements now
going on ? I really fear their effect when I consider the present
* Mason Papers.
temper of the Southern States. Whether these measures be right
or wrong abstractedly, more attention should be paid to the gen-
eral opinion. However, all will pass — the Excise will pass — the
Bank will pass. The only corrective of what is corrupt in our
present form of government, will be the augmentation of the
numbers in the lower House, so as to get a more agricultural rep-
resentation, which may put that interest above that of the stock-
I had no occasion to sound Mr. Madison on your fears
expressed in your letter. I knew before, as possessing his senti-
ments fully on that subject, that his value for you was undimin-
ished. I have always heard him say that though you and he
appeared to differ in your systems, yet you were in truth nearer
together than most persons who were classed under the same
appellation. You may quiet yourself in the assurance of posses-
sing his complete esteem.
I have been endeavoring to obtain some little distinction for
our useful customers, the French. But there is a particular inter-
est opposed to it, which I fear will prove too strong. We shall
soon see. I will send you a copy of a report I have given in as
soon as it is printed. I know there is one part of it contrary to
your sentiments ; yet I am not sure you will not become sensible
that a change should be slowly preparing.
Certainly, whenever I pass your road, I shall do myself the
pleasure of turning into it. Our last year's experiment, however,
is much in favor of that by Newgate.
I am with great respect and esteem, dear Sir,
Your friend and servant. *
No doubt Jefferson received later an explanation of the
remark which so excited his curiosity, ** the particular circum-
stance, little attended to, which is continually sapping the
republicanism of the United States." But for us there is
no answer to the query, though we may surmise that it had
reference to the powers given the Federal courts. The Judi-
ciary Act of 1789, which created the inferior United States
courts and so greatly extended the jurisdiction of the
1 ««
JeflTerson's Works," H. A. Washington, vol. iii., p. 209.
Supreme Court, doubtless filled George Mason with alarm.
The fears he expresses to Jefferson lest Madison might be
estranged from him, it is pleasant to know, admitted of a
satisfactory reply. More and more as the years went on,
and the younger statesman watched the issue of the work in
which he and Mason had both been leaders, must Madison
have understood that they were " nearer together " in their
systems than many who were classed as of one party. Or
rather Mason's system was to be acknowledged by Madison
within a decade as that on which the liberties of his country-
men depended. The report to which Jefferson refers was
delivered on the ist of February, 1 791, and related to the cod
and whale fisheries.'
The following letters were written in April and July to
John Mason who was about to return to America :
Virginia, Gunston Hall.
April i6th, 1791.
Dear John :
Enclosed is a letter (to which I refer) written in January and
intended to have been sent via Baltimore or Philadelphia, but
hearing of no ships from either of those places to Bordeaux, it is
now sent per the Washington, She has been so long detained
here by the winter's frost, by having considerable repairs made
to her, and above all by the difficulty of procuring a load of
tobacco for her, in the unsettled and uncertain state of the
tobacco trade in France, that I think it probable you may have
embarked for America before her arrival at Bordeaux ; neverthe-
less as you may perhaps have waited her arrival, I enclose you
some letters of introduction to my friends in Charles Town,
South Carolina, which you will seal and deliver if you take that
route, though I think it a bad season of the year to come to that
warm country, and you will have a very fatiguing journey from
thence to Virginia, in the latter end of the summer, which may
be injurious to your health after your long indisposition. I
therefore really think if you expect to arrive in America before
the beginning or middle of September you had better take your
' JHd,^ vol. vii., p. 538.
passage to some of the Northern or Eastern States, and make a
tour to the Southern States in the course of next winter, and if
you purpose to establish a house in the commission line upon
Potomac River, your principal American consignments here will
be from the Eastern States, and therefore a tour through their
principal sea port towns, on your way home, in order to settle a
correspondence, may be an object of importance. However with
respect to your embarking for one of the Southern or Eastern
States, the season of the year, in which you expect to arrive will
be your best guide. I have shipped per the Washingion thirty-
three hogsheads of tobacco. . . .
I have received your letters dated in October and November
last, and rejoice to hear that your health is in a great measure
restored. I rejoice also to hear that I have been mistaken in my
opinion respecting the paper money, yet I think it was founded
on reason as well as experience ; but really the French RevoluV
tion from the beginning has been attended with such extraordi-l
nary circumstances that the man who judges of it by comparisonl
with anything else in the annals of mankind, will probably findl
himself mistaken.
No doubt you have heard that an act of Congress has passed
for fixing the permanent seat of government of the Union, after
ten years, upon [the] Potomac, at such place as the President
should direct, between the mouth of the Eastern Branch and the
mouth of Conogochieg (about sixty miles from each other) with
the power of laying off ten miles square for the jurisdiction of
Congress, and fixing the spot for the public buildings, confining
the public buildings, however, to the eastern side of the river.
The President has had the ten miles square laid off in the follow-
ing manner. Beginning on the upper side of the mouth of
Great Hunting Creek and running north-west ten miles (which
includes the town of Alexandria), thence north-east ten miles
(which crosses Potomac River a little above the Little Falls, and
includes all my tract of land there of about two thousand acres),
thence south-east ten miles (which includes George Town and
the navigable part of the Eastern Branch), thence south-west to
the beginning. He has also directed the city for the seat of
government, within the said ten miles square, to be laid off in
the following manner. Beginning on Potomac River on the
lower side the mouth of Rock Creek (just below George Town)
thence with the meanders of Potomac River to the mouth of the
Eastern Branch and up the meanders of the Eastern Branch
about two miles to a point called (I think) Evan's Ferry, thence
a course to strike the main road from George Town to Bladens-
burg about half a mile from the ford, thence with the main road
to the ford of Rock Creek, and with the meanders of Rock Creek
to the beginning. These last boundaries contain about four
thousand acres, and the proprietors, I understand, have agreed to
give up the whole of the land (reserving the right of selling the
wood on it) to defray the charge of the public buildings, &c,
on condition of being paid the value of their houses and receiv-
ing again respectively half the lots after the town is laid off
and the streets adjusted. The spot for the public buildings
(which is the most important point) is not yet fixed. The Alex-
andrians, as usual, are very much buoyed up on the occasion
and think their fortunes made forever, although it is evident
to any cool, impartial, sensible man, that if the inland navi-
gation of Potomac and Shenandoah is effectually completed
and the seat of the federal government fixed near the harbor
of the Eastern Branch, Alexandria must become a deserted
Adieu my dear son ; this, I expect will be the last opportunity
I shall have of writing to you while you are in Europe. God bless
you and send you safe to your native country and friends. I hope
I shall soon have the pleasure of seeing you, and assuring you
personally, how much I am
Your affectionate father,
G. Mason.
P. S. Your friends here are all well, except your sister Cooke's
children, who are under inoculation for the small-pox, but I believe
are in a good way. We shall begin to inoculate here and at
" Lexington " about the end of May.
John Mason, Esquire,
Merchant in Bordeaux.
By the Washington, Capt. Chilton.'
I Mason Papers.
GuNSTON Hall, July la, 1791.
Dear John :
I did not receive your letter of the 13th of May via Nantes,
until Saturday the 9th instant, after that day's post had passed,
so that I had no opportunity of conveying a letter to Norfolk, until
this day's post. Herewith you will receive a packet (containing
several letters) which I have put under cover to Mr. John Brent,'
as you desired, and hope it will be in time ; but should you have
arrived, and have left Norfolk, before my packet reaches the
hands of Mr. Brent, I have desired him to send it immediately
after you (per post) to Petersburg or Richmond. The letters are
all left open for your perusal ; you will easily distinguish which
are intended as complimentary introductions, merely to entitle
you to civilities, and those which may be of use to you in the line
of business, or in making you acquainted with the most respecta-
ble merchants, for I have myself so little acquaintance with the
James River merchants, that I am not able to recommend such
as it may be proper for you to confide in. Most of my letters
are to gentlemen in Richmond ; since the death of my worthy
friend Colo. Bland, I have no intimate acquaintance nearer Peters-
burg than Colo. Heth and Mr. David Ross. Colo. Heth having
been some years a member of the executive council in Richmond,
and having married some years ago in the neighborhood of
Petersburg, and lived there a good while, and from his office of
collector of the upper district of James River, must be as. well
acquainted with the situation, and character of all the merchants
there as any man in Virginia. I believe he lives near Cabbin
Point, or at Bermuda Hundred. You will find him a man of
information and good sense, and I am sure his friendship for me
will induce him to do you every service in his power ; and I think
you can confide in any information he gives you. Mr. Ross is
also a particular friend of mine, and I think will be ready to do
you any good offices in his power. I have also received many
instances of civility from Mr. Alexander, who is a very intelligent
man, and well acquainted with business. He resided many years
in France, and is perfectly acquainted with that country ; but he
is a Scotchman, and has the character of an artful, designing man.
With this caution, I think he may be serviceable to you, and if it
' John Brent was a nephew of Mrs. Mason's.
does not in any way interfere with his own interest, I make no
doubt will take pleasure in being so ; and I think his acquaint-
ance is well worth your cultivating. Mr. David Ross is well
acquainted with all the merchants upon James River, and is
generally thought to understand commerce better than any man in
the State. He is a man of uncommon penetration, and depth of
understanding and judgment, by which he has acquired immense
possessions, but is said to be very much in debt. He is a very
plain man in his manners, and I have always found him a very
friendly man, but he too is a Scotchman. I thought it necessary,
however, to give you the outlines of his character. Mr. Ross
spends as much of his time in Richmond as in Petersburg.
The Governor, Colo. Harvie, and Mr. Marshall are all very
worthy men, and intimate friends of mine, but they have never
been in any mercantile line, though they may be serviceable to
you, in making you acquainted with the most respectable mer-
chants, and in promoting connections with the country gentle-
men, if you have a mind to form such. Mr. Hopkins has been
many years a commissioner of the Continental Loan Office. He
is well acquainted with everybody in that part of the country, has
been concerned in trade, is a man of good sense, and has always
supported a good character.
It is proper to inform you that Colo. Wood's, the Lieutenant
Governor's lady is a distant relation, a second cousin of ours,
and the daughter of the late Reverend Mr. Moncure, the most
valuable friend I ever had in my life.
Should you have occasion to lodge money any time in Rich-
mond, the iron chests in the public treasury will be the safest
place. Colo. Harvie is a very intimate friend of Mr. Ambler, the
treasurer, and Mr. Marshall married one of his daughters ; either
of these gentlemen can procure you leave to do so. The present
price of tobacco at Richmond and Petersburg I am told is from
17 /j to 20 / Virginia currency, upon Potomac 13 /, and I
believe almost any quantity could readily be bought here at 14 /
or at most 15 / . It is unfortunate you did not, immediately
upon the decree with respect to tobacco, charter and send out a
French ship or two. If you had at this instant three or four
French ships in the Potomac, they could be readily loaded upon
consignment ; but I doubt you have lost the time and that it is now
too late to send orders for that purpose to France, as I have rea-
son to believe several of the merchants here have advised their
correspondents in Europe to charter French ships as speedily as
they can.
Pray write to me as soon as you arrive ; a letter per post will
reach me in four or five days from Norfolk, and in two or three
from Richmond. I long to see you exceedingly, and so do all
your brothers and sisters ; yet I think if you load the ship in
James River, you had better not leave that part of the country,
until you despatch her.
Your brother George is in much better health than he has
been for two years past. He thinks he received much benefit,
last summer, from the use of the Augusta Springs. He and your
brother William spend this season there also. They set out the
day before yesterday, and don't intend to return before Sep-
I wish to hear as soon as possible how your health is, and what
effect the voyage has had upon it ; I hope a good one, and am^
dear John,
Your most affectionate father,
G. Mason.'
Of the friends and acquaintances spoken of by Colonel
Mason in this letter, several will be recognized as prominent
names of contemporary statesmen. Colonel Bland, George
Mason's ally in the Convention, though a silent one ; " Mr.
Marshall,*' his able antagonist, who as Chief Justice was to
do so much later towards moulding the plastic form of the
new Confederation into its permanent shape, and giving it
that bias towards consolidation so much to be deplored;
and Colonel Harvie, a member of the Continental Congress,
who was long a resident of Richmond, and afterwards
removed to ** Belvidere,** the beautiful country-seat of the
Byrds on James River. David Ross was a Scotch merchant
who acquired a large landed property in various parts of
Virginia's broad domain, and was the original owner of the
* Mason Papers.
■t.-tir/.T' ^3£ Tr^asETST. -ro 2 sat :f K3caard Ait^ftfr cf Yocfc-
^:>v:t. -»■> 3ad seaa 2 ETBii xb£ cj^-^iTrnVTr cc Coknd
3taa<un jccacT-. AatiCeico&Waod-yatcjMBeerof»Jaia«
27 3Q=T5ifg£. aa 3e bs saJcL Ejcxics rxoL 2 jcc^ of Vb.
'X'wf s ia3>£ aeaa gri«x ^ 1 firmer ^^jotrr- CoKadSor
asioi^ iun ' r^ s: ss r^=T£ ~ =: ^ ^2*e aJce ^s 'jKobat
SKsa. caTiftf 31 cigacaig- ~ Tbe :cpcTse=a=Tcs ~ ^tkc Ex»ly-
of Mrs. aJTabtfth Lcwsds oc BboriTtbm^ a .i^hrc xs
-was Xrs. Carter, ^r^f :^ Hoc Be=3x=== Ta^e:^^ vfisesCoIo.
ai Car^r. - ars d^szT^ced vrd rry c;Qd=ict = taebaataoa
s^ts^jcjoi before. a=d w« iars =r=t=a2T dk^aes toq to
bear asd (jetermine tii« aartcr c< T^t.~ Hk 2cxh o< Scp-
ttmher vas naauii aa t^ tfaie aacwin:e»i tar tae ieaacm,
nith <iaXe apparestfy csScrfcicd vhh bcagpss of Cbiood
Xaaca's, and ha ajcrespoodezt tberetore prooosed tial the
foraier shcoZd aopAc: " brxh t=c-e asJ pUc£ fee- tike bearing
erf the matter." '
The new government had not been long in operation be-
fore the contingency anticipated by George Mason in respect
to the Indiana Company arose — the company bringing up
its claim against Virginia. There were other land schemes
agitated at this time also, such as the project of Moi^an
and Gardoqui, which were calculated to affect seriously
Virginia's interests, and which were closely watched by her
representatives in Congress.' Colonel Morgan issued a hand-
bill, " inviting a settlement under the authority of Spain at
New Madrid, near the mouth of the Ohio, on the Spanish
side," as William Grayson writes Patrick Henry in 1789.
The colonists were promised the free navigation of the Mis-
sissippi, and a market at New Orleans free from duties for
all the produce of their lands. Moigan was a member of
the Indiana Company, and at the session of the Vii^inia
Assembly, October, 1791, he presented a "memorial of the
proprietors and share-holders of a tract of land called
Indiana." It set forth "that in the year 1776 they did
inform the General Assembly of the title to the said tract
of land, by a memorial then presented to them ; that al-
though the legislature did afterward direct the said land to
be sold for the benefit of the State, and did refuse to allow
the memorialists any compensation therefor — yet they are
convinced that this proceeded from a want of information
' " Vitginik Calendu Papen," vol. iv., p. 534.
not then attainable ; and praying that their right to the said
land may be investigated in the manner most satisfactory to
the General Assembly, and in case it is established, that such
compensation may be made to them therefor, as is consist-
ent with equity."* Roger West, one of the delegates in the
Assembly from Fairfax County, consulted George Mason as
to the course to be pursued, and the latter replied in the
following letter, from which extracts have been given in a
preceding chapter.
GuNSTON Hall, November 9th, 1791.
Dear Sir :
Your favor of the 4th did not come to my hands until last
night, and the post leaving Colchester early to-morrow morning
does not leave me time to answer you upon so important a sub-
ject as the Indiana claim, either to your satisfaction or to my own.
I have searched all my papers, endeavoring to find my former
argument in the Assembly, when I was appointed to collect the
evidence and manage the business on behalf of the Common-
wealth, which (if I could have found it) would have given the
fullest information, but I imagine I must have lent it to some
member of the Assembly, who has never returned it, and con-
ceiving the matter after so full an investigation and positive de-
termination as it then had, forever at an end, I was the less
careful in preserving my notes and papers. Several depositions
were then produced and some witnesses examined at the bar of
the House, proving the mysterious and clandestine conduct of
Sir William Johnston (the King's agent) at the treaty at Fort
Stanwix, when the Indiana Company obtained their deed from
the Indians. The council books were also produced, in which
were many entries, previous to the Indiana Company's purchase,
for lands much further to the westward. The Indiana Company's
deed from the Indians was set aside and a declaratory act passed
upon the subject, as well as my memory serves me, in the May
session of 1779, principally upon the following points. First, the
purchase of the same lands from the Six Nations of Indians, at
the treaty of Lancaster in the year 1744, for the use of Virginia,
and paid for with our money. The book containing the records
* Journal of the Assembly.
of this treaty and the deed of purchase was then produced, but I
have understood has been since destroyed, as well as all the other
Indian treaties, made here under the Icing's government, with the
books and papers of the council and of the Committee of Safety,
when General Arnold's troops burned the foundry at Westham
in which they had been placed upon tbe enemy's marching tow-
ards Richmond. Second, because the Six Nations, who claimed
the lands by conquest, had lost their title (even if they had not
sold them at the treaty of Lancaster) by the same means by which
they first gained it — conquest — their tributaries and tenants, the
Shawnese and Delawares, with a mixture of the Six Nations
having been expelled, and driven over the Ohio (from whence
they never returned) and the lands on this side the Ohio con-
quered in the war which happened a little before the Indiana
Company's purchase. Third, independent of the above reasons,
the deed to the Indiana Company by the law of Virginia ought
to have been recorded (like all other deeds) either in the county
where the land lay, as in Augusta, which was the then frontier
county of Virginia, or in the General Court, that for the want of
this the deed (if there had been no other objection) was void as
to all subsequent purchasers, and that the settlers upon the land
under Virginia titles, of which there were a great many before
the deed was recorded in Augusta, were in the equitable con-
struction of the law, to be considered as purchasers. Fourth,
because the consideration of the deed was a compensation to the
Indian traders, for the losses they had suffered, and it was
thought they had no more right to require compensation than a
merchant who had his ship taken by an enemy's privateer, or any
other sufferer in the common calamities of war. Fifth, because
the traders to whom the Indian deed was made, being every one
of them citizens of Pennsylvania, from which this trade with the
Indians was carried on, if they had been entitled to compensation
at all, ought to have had such compensation out of the lands
under the chartered territory of Pennsylvania (for whose benefit
the trade had been carried on, by her own citizens) and not out
of the lands of Virginia, and this appeared in the strongest, or if
I may be allowed the expression, more barefaced point of view
as Pennsylvania had at that same treaty of Fort Stanwix made a
large purchase from the Indians of lands within her own charter.
I presume the legislature cannot regularly give any decision in
favor of the Indiana Company without repealing the before men-
tioned declaratory act, and the consequences of such a repeal
may extend much further and produce effects which may not at
first be foreseen. Among other things it would certainly open a
door to the revival of Col. Henderson's and Company's claim to
Kentucky, nor can any man tell when it would end.
In my humble opinion the matter's having been fully investigated,
the Indiana Company heard by their counsel at the bar of the House,
a dozen years ago, when there was much better evidence both
written and oral, than can now possibly be had, and a solemn
determination then made, is a sufficient reason against giving
any decision upon it now, when some of the witnesses are dead,
some removed we don't know where, and when even the record
evidence has been destroyed in the events of the late war. The
present applicant Mr. Morgan is entitled to as xsiw^ justice as any
other man, but surely a man who has endeavored to depopulate
the United States by seducing their citizens to quit their own
country and settle in the Spanish territory has little pretensions
X6 favor from us.
I have thus, sir, given you the best information upon the subject
the short time I had would allow. I remember the Indiana Com-
pany when their claim at their own request was before the Assem-
bly in 1779 produced in Williamsburg some English lawyers'
opinions in their favor, upon a printed state of their case. To
show you (and if you think fit the Assembly) what sort of opinions
the English lawyers were accustomed to give, when the poor
American colonies and their rights were in question, I enclose
you an opinion of Mr. Attorney-General Pratt's in the year 1760
upon a dispute between the then proprietor of Maryland and the
people. Yet this is the same Mr. Pratt who has been since trans-
formed into Lord Camden, the champion of liberty and the
defender of the rights of the people. I have long kept it as a
curiosity, you will therefore be pleased to take care of it and
return it to me.
I thank you exceedingly for getting Mr. John Hooe's petition
for a ferry postponed until the petition against it comes down.
It is still out among the people of this county, but I will endeavor
to get it as soon as possible and forward it to the Assembly, and
have no doubt it will prove Mr. Hooe's projected new ferry not
only unnecessary but productive of much injury and oppression
to the people in its consequences, and calculated merely to serve
a local job.
I am with great respect, dear Sir,
Your most obedient servant,
George Mason.
Roger West, Esq:
Now upon the General Assembly in Richmond.'
The Indiana Company brought suit in the United States
Court against Virginia, and the Assembly of 1792 pronounced
upon the illegality of this proceeding. The committee, after
quoting from the journal of the Assembly for June 9, 1779,
to show that the claim had been already decided, passed the
following resolution :
'* That the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court of the United
States does not and cannot extend to this case, it already having
been decided on before a tribunal fully competent to its decision ;
that the State cannot be made a defendant in the said court, at
the suit of any individual or individuals ; and that the executive
be requested to pursue such measures in this case, as may seem
most conducive to the interest, honor, and dignity of this Com-
monwealth." *
The claim had been prosecuted by the company for
twenty-nine years at an expense of over eighteen thousand
dollars, and it involved a tract of country embracing nearly
three millions of acres.* Its final overthrow was a benefit
both to Virginia and to the Union.
The opinion of Attorney-General Pratt, afterwards Lord
Camden, to which George Mason refers, is doubtless the one
given by him sustaining the claims made in 1757, by the
upper House of the Maryland Assembly to the appointment
of officers and the supervision of the acts of the lower
' Mason Papers.
• Hening's ** Statutes," vol. xiii.
' •* Virginia Calendar Papers." vol. vi.
House. The upper House was the Council and consisted of
the appointees and creatures of the proprietor, Lord Balti-
more. The opinion of the English lawyer concluded with
these words :
'' The Upper House should take care how they admit encroach-
ments of this kind, when they are supported by arguments drawn
from the exercise of the like rights in the Commons here. The
constitutions of the two assemblies differ fundamentally in many
respects. Our House of Commons stands upon its own laws ;
whereas Assemblies in the colonies are regulated by their respec-
tive charters, usages, and the common law of England, and will
never be allowed to assume those which the House of Commons
are justly entitled to here, upon principles that neither can nor
must be applied to the colonies.'
»f 1
Mr. John Hooe's proposed new ferry was to have been
across the Occoquan River. And it seems, from the fact
that it was not established, that George Mason's views con-
trolled the action of the Assembly. It was in this year,
1 791, that Colonel Mason wrote his last political paper. It
relates to the division into Congressional districts. Virginia
had been divided into ten districts by the act of 1788. Of
these George Mason's district embraced the six counties of
Prince William, Stafford, Loudoun, Fairfax, King George*
and Fauquier. It is proposed, writes George Mason, at the
next Assembly to lay off the State into twenty-one Con-
gressional districts. " The five counties of Stafford, Prince
William, Fairfax, Loudoun, and Fauquier (leaving out the
county of King George, to be added to some of the lower
counties) will now form two complete districts, and it will be
attempted to make Fairfax and Loudoun compose one of
these two districts ; and Stafford, Prince William, and Fau-
quier compose the other district ; by which means the sub-
stance of the right of suffrage, in electing members of
Congress will be taken from the people of Fairfax, and the
' Scharfs ** History of Maryland," vol. i., p. 503.
name or shadow only left them/* He gives his reasons for
believing that such a result will follow, and in a footnote
states what he thinks is the real motive of the " nefarious
project." This was to secure the election of Richard Bland
Lee, a Federalist. Colonel Mason's suggestion is that the
three small counties, Stafford, Prince William, and Fairfax,
should compose one district, and the two large counties,
Loudoun and Fauquier, the other, as in the districts for the
election of State senators, and in this way the small county
of Fairfax would not lose its voice in the election, as would
be the case if it was associated with a single, much larger
county. In the following year, 1792, the Assembly in
December, two months after George Mason's death, passed
an act forming nineteen Congressional districts instead of
the twenty-one anticipated. And the principle George
Mason contended for seems to have been in some measure
regarded. One district was formed of the large county of
Loudoun with the two small ones of Fairfax and Prince
William, while another district comprised the large county
of Fauquier and the two small counties of Culpepper and
Stafford.' George Mason's paper, which was probably writ-
ten to be circulated among the freeholders of his county,
and to be used by its representatives in the Assembly, is full
of digni^, and is a clear and logical presentation of his
subject, basing its argument on the fundamental principles
of free government which its author had so often expounded
on greater occasions. But though the matter was not one
affecting a continent or a commonwealth, it involved a
political right and was therefore of value to the true patriot
and statesman, and makes a not unfitting close to his public
Colonel Mason's son John was still in Virginia, and some
notes to him from his father written in December, 1791,
bring to a conclusion the year's personal record for the
subject of our memoir.
> Hening's " SUtutes/' vol. xiiL
* Appendix v.
GUNSTON Hall, December 6, 1791.
Dear John :
Having occasion to send the bearer, negro Charles, to Dr.
Craiky I take the opportunity by him, of informing you that I
expect my overseers, Green and Tugate, or one of them will go
to Alexandria to-morrow or next day, in my little boat. I will
direct them to apply to you, and you can let me know by them
whether you have sold my wheat, &c. I have also to desire you
will buy for me in town, upon the best terms you can for cash,
and send me down by the overseers, in my boat, the articles per
list on the other side. It will be best to have them ready for the
overseers before they come up, that the boat may not be detained^
and I will repay you the money for them when you return to
Gunston. I forgot to ask you whether you had taken out for me
(as I desired) from the Alexandria inspectors, the notes for my
little Hunting Creek crop, of which I gave you a memorandum.
If you have not pray take them out now, and bring them to me
when you come to Gunston. Notes have not been issued for any
of the said crop, except one hogshead, for which I gave Mitchell,
the overseer an order.
Since you went away I have been reflecting upon the situation
you are in with the ships you are now loading, and that if you
don't get the tobacco speedily they may perhaps be stopped by
the ice. Rather than you should incur this risk, I will ship you,
on board of both, or either of your ships (besides the notes
already delivered you), sixty-five hogsheads of tobacco, which
I have by me, four of which are in Aquia, two at the Falls, and
all the rest at Chickamuxon, Dumfries, Colchester, and Alexan-
dria. Lindsay at Colchester owes me five hogsheads which he
has told me were ready whenever I called for them. If they are,
and I will send to him to-day to know, you may have them also,
as they may enable you to leave out the tobacco at Aquia or the
Falls, as may best answer your purpose. If you find it necessary
to take the tobacco I offer it will be proper to advise me of
it without delay. . . . The reason I did not incline to ship
this tobacco when I gave you the other notes, was that it is com-
mon, ordinary, light tobacco, and I was dubious of the quality
answering the French market, now that the emulation among the
individual manufacturers will occasion a demand for tobaccos of
superior qualities, though considering the present low price and
unpromising prospects here, I think I can hardly lose by shipping
in French bottoms.
I am, dear John,
Your affectionate father,
G. Mason.
GuNSTON Hall, December 15, 1791.
la o'clock.
Dear John :
Your brother George having occasion to send to Alexandria, I
take the opportunity of writing by his messenger, and wish to hear
whether most of your long expected craft has arrived, and whether
you have secured tobacco enough for both of your ships, &c.
Thinking you would be glad to hear how your craft in Occoquan
is going on, I sent this morning to know. Mr. Bayley writes me
that the craft which took in tobacco from Colchester warehouse
for you, a few days ago, got out of Occoquan yesterday, and he
imagines is at Alexandria before this time ; and that another
craft of yours, I presume that which went to Chickamuxon for
my tobacco there, is now at the wharf at Colchester taking in 23
hhds. of my tobaccos and 5 hhds. shipped by Mr. Carter of
" Nomini " and will go off this evening. The mercury is now at
40 degrees in Fahrenheit's thermometer, 8 degrees above the
freezing point. If this weather holds another day it will cer-
tainly open all the creeks. Indeed I expect the creek at Dum-
fries will be open this afternoon, so that if the shippers of the
craft do their duty, all your tobaccos from these warehouses will
be up this week. About Christmas, or two or three days before,
the winter's frost may probably set in, before which time I hope
you may be able to get your ships loaded and down the river.
After you have made your arrangements, with respect to my
tobacco and got it on board the ships, give me the earliest in-
formation you can, that I may have my letters, &c., ready. You
know it is my custom to enclose exact lists of the marked numbers
and weights [gross, tare, and nett] of my tobacco, with the bills of
Pray tell Mr. Wilson I am surprised at his not having sent a
vessel for my wheat, being very anxious to have it taken away
before the frost sets in ; and therefore desire the opportunity
this fine weather affords may not be lost.
I am, dear John,
Your affectionate father,
G. Mason.
P. S. Please get me a good closet lock and send it by the
bearer — if from Mr. Hodgson's to be charged to my account, if
from any other store you will please to pay the cash for it.
John Mason, Esq :
X GUNSTON Hall, December 23, 1791.
Dear John :
Enclosed you have my letters for Bordeaux and Marseilles,
which I hope will be in time for the ships. Indeed I fear last
night's hard frost has blocked them up, though if to-day and to-
morrow turn out mild weather, the river will open again, as the
ice is but thin yet. . . . And you will give the proper direc-
tions about your brother Thomas's watch, and about the four
pieces of coarse grey blankets I have ordered from Bordeaux, ij^
The overseer gave me a little bit of small cordage you sent down
to see if it would answer for leading lines. Leading lines should
be a very small size larger, and twisted in a different manner,
viz., what is called cable-laid ; they should also be made of the
soundest, strongest hemp. ... I have ordered the bearer,
Joe, to carry up a portmanteau, saddle and mail pillion, as you
desired, and hope to see you at Gunston on Saturday.
I am, dear John,
Your affectionate father,
G. Mason.' ^n.
This last letter, written two days before Christmas, shows
us that John Mason was expected home for the holidays.
And no doubt there was a happy family party assembled on
this occasion. Geoi^fe Mason from " Lexington," with his
wife and children, were near enough to drive over to
"Gunston" at any time. William Mason was then living
with his father, though he afterwards removed permanently
' Mason Papers.
to " Mattawoman," the old Eilbeck place in Maryland.
Thomson Mason's house, "Hollin Hall," on an estate in
Fairfax, adjoining that of " Mount Vernon," was built for
him by his father about this time. Thomas Mason lived in
Alexandria in these years, though he settled later at "Wood-
bridge," his estate in Prince William County. John Mason,
after his final return from France, made his home on Mason's
Island, near Georgetown, bequeathed him in his father's will,
and there called Barbadoes. Mrs. McCarty was living at
'* Cedar Grove," in the neighborhood of ** Gunston Hall."
And of the three other sisters, two of them were located in
adjoining counties not far distant. Mary, Mrs. Cooke, lived
at " West Farm," in Stafford County, and Elizabeth, Mrs.
Thornton, at " The Cottage," in King George County. Ann,
the eldest daughter and her father's house-keeper during
his widowhood, had been married now some years, and her
home was at "Aquasco," in Princfi George County, Mary-
land. These brothers and sisters were an affectionate and
united family, and John Mason wrote of their early home-
life together as a very harmonious and happy one. And
he says :
" I can add with truth as I do with infinite pleasure, and as a
just tribute to the memories of my brothers and sisters, all of
whom have now for some years departed this life, that the most
sincere, constant affection and interchange of kindly offices sub-
sisted afterwards among us all. And that there never was, to the
best of my knowledge, a single quarrel or even a transient cool-
ness that ever took place between any of us." '
The affection between George Mason and his children was
very close and tender, as the letters of the former to his two
sons amply testify. As the daughters were all settled so
near him, but little occasion arose for correspondence no
doubt, as was the case also with the three sons who did not
go abroad.
' MS. of General John Mason.
Early in January John Mason left ** Gunston " again for a
trip to Philadelphia and New York. His father was suffer-
ing at the time from an attack of the gout, as we learn from
this letter to his son :
Gunston Hall, January 23d, 1792.
Dear John :
I received your letter from Baltimore of the 7th inst. and am
glad to hear you were like to meet with no disappointment in re-
ceiving my money from Messrs. Smiths, and making the payment
I desired to Mr. Dulany. I was in hopes he would readily have
given up the interest during the war, as I believe every British
creditor who has received his debt, without a suit, has done it ;
and the Supreme Courts in this State, and I believe in most, if
not all the others, have constantly deducted it. There was, I
understand, an opinion given in the federal court in Connecticut
(though I believe not a final one) that interest upon British debts
was recoverable, which I suppose is what Mr. Dulany alluded to.
I wish I had thought to have desired you, just to make the ex-
periment, whether he would not have given up the interest during
the war, by telling him that upon those terms only, the money
would be immediately paid. I am very anxious to hear the last
news from France. I presume you got your letters by the ships,
that had arrived at Baltimore from Bordeaux, the day after you
wrote to me.
I am also anxious to hear that you keep your health, being
apprehensive that this extreme cold weather (which is probably
still more severe to the Northward) will not agree with your con-
stitution. The snow is now as deep here as it was in the hard
winter of 1740, indeed I think deeper than I ever saw it, except
in the winter of 1773. It will occasion, I expect, great losses in
the stocks of cattle in this part of the country, badly as it is
provided with provender, from the short crops of corn and
I have just recovered from the fit of the gout you left me in,
and am now able to walk about the house, though still a little
lame. In every other respect, thank God, I am in good health.
It has proved, however, a pretty severe fit, though a regular one
and remained confined to one of my feet.
Present me to my friend Col. Monroe, and tell him I should
have done myself the honor of answering his letters sooner, had
not the gout forbid me, for it is not without pain that I am yet
able to sit at a table and write.
I have received a letter from Mr. Stoddert upon the subject
of the projected bridge, in which he gives me at large the
same reasons he did you to persuade me that its effects will be
favorable to a town on my land on this side the river. I verily
believe he is of that opinion himself, for I know him a man of
great candor. I enclose you a copy of my answer to him, by
which you will see I am willing to compromise with the gentle-
men, upon fair and reasonable terms, though I thought it best at
present to leave the matter open, to see if they are inclined to
offer me such. Besides that I wish to act liberally on the occa-
sion, I have some particular reasons for desiring to avoid any
dispute with them, which I will communicate to you when I see
you. The effects of the bridge as well as the practicability of
the execution are very doubtful, and I am at some loss to esti-
mate what will be a just and reasonable compensation. I would
not willingly ask more nor take less. What do you think of
agreeing to take, forever, a certain part (say about a fifth) of
the gross tolls or money received annually for passengers &c.,
without my having any concern in the building, repairs or
expences of the bridge ? I wish you would endeavor to make
yourself acquainted with, and inform me, of the tolls or rates
taken at the bridge from Boston to Charles Town, and the
annual amount of the money received. It is probable Mr.
Gerry, or some of the Massachusetts gentlemen in Congress,
can inform you. Or if you will write to Mr. Gorham he can
give you the fullest information being, if I recollect right, one
of the proprietors and managers. I should be glad also to
know the length and breadth of the Boston bridge, the width
of the spaces on each side for foot passengers, and the space
in the middle for carriages. Pray let me hear from you as
often as you conveniently can. Tell me how you have your
health, whether you have determined to go any further east-
ward than New York, and when we may expect to see you
again at Gunston. Your brother George and his family are
well : he keeps his health this winter better than could have
been expected, for I dreaded the effect of this severe weather
upon him.
I am, dear John,
Your affectionate father,
G. Mason.
per post
Mr. John Mason,
If Mr. Mason should have left Philadelphia, recommended to
the care of Mr. Joseph Anthony to forward to him.*
In May Colonel Mason wrote the following letter of
business to John Francis Mercer:
GuNSTON Hall, May 12th, 1792.
Dear Sir :
I yesterday received a letter (forwarded by Mr. Johnson) from
you, dated the 23rd October, 179 1, covering an old letter from
Mr. Rutland to you, respecting some land he said he had upon
James river. Had this letter come to my hands in Rutland's life-
time it might have enabled me to have examined into the title,
situation and value of the land, and perhaps, by it, to have
secured part of my debt ; at present I do not know that it
will be of any use to me.
I wrote to you last fall, respecting two bonds from the late Mr.
George Frazer Hawkins, to me which I had formerly put into
your hands, and enclose you a memorandum of the dates and
amounts of them ; but I have not been favored with any answer
from you upon the subject, and Mr. Johnson tells me you do not
recollect having had them. If I now had the bonds I could find
means of obtaining the debt, and must entreat you to search for
them. I remember, at the time I gave them to you (in my own
house) seeing you put them into a pocket book you then had with
you. They must certainly be somewhere among your papers,
and if carefully searched for, I have no doubt may be found.
In case you cannot find them, I have to request that you will
advise me what manner I shall proceed to ascertain and recover
the debts ; for the sum is too large for me to lose, if the loss can
» MS. Letter.
be avoided. The said bonds are regularly entered and charged
in my ledger. I can prove by Col. Lyles (who transacted the
business with Mr. Hawkins for me) that he took two such bonds
from Mr. Hawkins, on my behalf, though perhaps he may not
recollect the precise dates, or respective amounts. These bonds
were both put in suit in Prince George's county court against
Mr. Hawkins, and the suits abated by his death ; and it appears
from the records of that court, that the two actions of debt,
George Mason vs. George Frazer Hawkins, respectively corre-
spond exactly with the bonds charged in my ledger ; that is, the
said suits are exactly par double the sum (as the penalty) of each
of the bonds charged in my ledger. Upon the abatement of the
suits, on Mr. Hawkins's death, I withdrew the bonds from the
clerk's office of Prince George's county, and after having kept
them some time by me, gave them to you, that you might join my
claim to those of some of the other creditors, who I understood
had filed a bill in chancery, in order to subject Mr. Hawkins's
lands to the payment of his bond-debts, during the minority of
his devisees. Perhaps you may have lodged them in the chan-
cery office for this purpose. I have cause to believe there are, or
soon will be assets in the hands of his executors, or rather in the
hands of his administrators, de bonis non. I beg you will let me
hear from you upon this subject, as soon as you have had time to
make the proper inquiries.
I am altogether unacquainted with the present state of my suit
with Mr. David Ross. I have wrote to Mr. Luther Martin once
or twice lately about it, but can get no answer from him, and
have reason to believe it has been very much neglected by him.
When I conversed with you about it last, you were of opinion
that it would not be proper (Mr. Ross's father having obtained a
patent for the land) to venture a trial at common law, upon the
ejectment, until we had either obtained a patent from the land
office, upon Mr. Bladen's certificate of survey, of many years'
older date than Mr. Ross's patent, survey, or warrant, assigned to
me by Mr. Benjamin Tasker, Mr. Bladen's attorney in fact, a
patent ordered to be issued thereon to me, and the patent to me
actually drawn, but before the governor had affixed the seal, and
stopped by a caveat from Mr. Ross's father, and the caveat never
tried. Or else that we should by a bill in chancery, endeavor
either to vacate Mr. Ross's patent, or compel him to convey to
me so much thereof as is included in Mr. Bladen's certificate of
survey for the tract called the " Pleasant Valley." The papers
and statement in yours and Mr. Martin's hands, give all the in-
formation I am able to furnish, and I hope you will now be able
to attend to it, for I am extremely anxious to have the matter
fairly and speedily tried, upon its real merits, so that the title
may be clearly and finally settled, and enable me, if settled in my
favor, to sell the land, in order to close the Ohio Company's
affairs as speedily as possible.
I am, with great regard, dear Sir,
Your most obedient servant,
G. Mason.
John F. Mercer, Esq.,
Colonel Mason seems to have suffered some annoyances
with his Maryland lawyers. First Mr. Thomas Stone, as he
thinks, is a little careless of his Virginia client's interests,
then Luther Martin, his Convention friend, proves forgetful
and will not answer his letters, and lastly his relative, Mr.
Mercer, cannot find some bonds that had been put in his
hands while on a visit at " Gunston Hall." Doubtless
George Mason, with his orderly habits and prompt methods,
could not always make allowances for the busy advocates
who were managing his affairs. Subsequent letters from
George Mason of " Lexington," written after his father's
death to John F. Mercer, show him winding up the Ohio
Company's concerns as Colonel Mason's executor. The
latter had left a statement in his own handwriting of the
Ohio Company's funds. The dividend when collected
would amount to ;^I02 \2s. 9^/. James and John Francis
Mercer, as members of the Company, were to receive their
' The last letters of George Mason that are known to be
extant were written to his son John in May and August,
• MS. Letter.
GuNSTON Hall, May 32, 1792.
Dear John : V
Your man Lewis arrived here this morning with letters from
you and your brother Tom.
I am glad to hear my tobacco on board the Auguste^ Capt. Ca-
bella, is insured, and thank you for the directions you have given
Messrs. Cathalan's respecting it. I have never heard in what
manner this vessel was lost, or whether her crew or any part of
the cargo was saved ; nor have I yet heard anything of the French
brig you loaded at Alexandria for Bordeaux, on board which I
had fifty hogsheads of tobacco. As I understand some very good
accounts of sales for good Virginia tobacco have lately been re-
ceived from London, I think it probable you may be able to resell,
to advantage, the tobacco you have purchased if you should find
it necessary.
The prodigious fall of exchange between France and foreign
countries, and the great and continuing depreciation of their
assignats, are truly alarming circumstances, such as I very much
fear will be productive of general dissatisfaction and confusion,
and render it extremely difficult if not impracticable, to keep up
an army and support an expensive war. This summer must, I
presume, bring things to a crisis, and show the nation with
certainty, what they are to expect from the great powers of
Europe. Prussia, I have no doubt, would be ready enough to
guaranty the Low Countries to the Emperor, but I think the Eng-
lish government will hardly hazard so unpopular a measure,
y As I shall forward this letter by the first post, I am in hopes it
will find you in Norfolk, and shall therefore trouble you with the
execution of a piece of business there, which though at first
a trifle, is by the unexpected delay I have met with in it, now
become an object of considerable importance to me. I wanted a
few, a hundred feet of c)rpress scantling for the columns, rails,
ballusters &c of the piazzas and steps to your brother Thomson's
house. None of this scantling being large, it might, I dare say at
any time have been procured in a fortnight, if attention had been
paid to it. )^ About this time twelvemonth or sooner, I wrote
to Mr. John Brent and enclosed him an exact bill of this scant-
ling and at the same time a memorandum of a large quantity of
shingles I wanted, and desiring to know if they could be got at
Norfolk so as to be landed here in the course of last sum-
mer or fall. I limited the price of the shingles, but as the quan-
tity of cypress scantling was small I limited no price to that, but
desired Mr. Brent to have it got as soon as he could, and sent up
by the first vessel to Potomac river, to be landed about five
or six miles below Alexandria, just at the upper end of General
Washington's estate, and a very little below the large Pocorson,
that runs from the mouth of Great Hunting Creek two or three
miles down the river. Mr. Brent wrote me that the shingles
could not be procured at the price I had limited, but that I
might depend upon the scantling's being immediately got and
sent up by the first vessel, at all events in the course of the sum-
mer (viz. : last summer). It not coming I have wrote repeatedly
to Mr. Brent, twice this spring per post, but have had no answer.
The captain of the packet from Alexandria to Norfolk was
desired to speak to Mr. Brent about it. Mr. Brent told him
the scantling was got, but had not been brought to Norfolk
but that it should be at Norfolk, ready for the packet when she
came down the next trip. The next trip the same excuse was
made and the same promise repeated. In short I find Mr. Brent
so careless and inattentive a man that no dependence or con-
fidence can be placed in him. When the packet was at Alexan-
dria some time ago your brother Thomson gave the captain a bill
of this scantling, and desired the captain if when he went next to
Norfolk Mr. Brent had not the scantling then ready for him to
depend no longer upon him, but to have the scantling got and
brought to Norfolk himself and bring it up with him. The
packet went from Alexandria a few days ago, and is now, I sup-
pose, at Norfolk, where perhaps she may continue some time. I
have lately got all the shmgles, which with all the weather board-
ing are ready to put up.lNThe house will be raised next week, and
I am in danger of having the building stopped, and half a dozen
workmen upon my hands, doing nothing, for want of this small
quantity of cypress scantling, without which the piazzas can't be
raised^What I have therefore to beg of you is to inquire imme-
diately oif Mr. Brent and the captain of the packet, and if neither
of them have already had the scantling got that you will endeavor
to have it got with all possible expedition, and sent up by the
packet now there, or if this can't be done, by the packet the next
trip, or by any other vessel which may happen to be coming
to Alexandria soon.
y^ Your affectionate father,
G. Mason, y'
\ GuNSTON Hall, August aoth, 179a.
Dear John,
About four or five years ago Mr. Henderson imported from
Scotland, upon annual wages, two stonemasons, James Reid and
Alexander Watson, very good workmen. Since the expiration of
their contract with Mr. Henderson they have been working in
Dumfries and about that part of the country, and last year made
some free stone chimney-pieces for Col. Cooke which I think
are well done and upon reasonable terms, to the best of my recol-
lection, a guinea each. Being desirous to get these men to make
four free stone chimney-pieces for your brother Thomson's house,
I sent down to Dumfries three or four days ago to get one of
them to come up to take the dimensions of your brother Thorn*
son's chimneys that they might immediately get the chimney-
pieces, but was informed they are both at work at George Town,
I suppose about the new bridge building over Rock Creek. I
must therefore beg you will inquire them out, and see if you can
get them to do your brother's chimney-pieces, as soon as the Rock
Creek bridge is finished, which I am told will be by the last of
this month, and that, in the meantime, the sooner the better, you
will endeavor to get one of them to ride down to your brother
Thomson's to take the dimensions of the four chimneys, for which
he wants free stone chimney-pieces, and also of the fire place in
his best room, and give directions for a marble chimney-piece to
be sent for to England, unless one of those you have to dispose of
will suit it, or can be made by them to do so, which you will know
by getting the man to examine them after he returns from your
brother's. If you can get one of these men to go down to your
brother Thomson's you will be kind enough to let your man
Lewis go down with him to show him the way, and you will hire
a horse upon my account for the man to ride. I purpose that
these men shall get the stone themselves for Thomson's chimney-
pieces and hearth stones, either at Aquia or at the quarry near
Dumfries, whichever they think the best stone, and I will carry
them from thence to your brother Thomson'sJf
This letter will be delivered you by our cousin, young George
Mason of Pohick, by whom you will let me know whether you
can get these men to do the chimney-pieces ; and also how com-
mon tobacco in George Town warehouse sells at present, and if
likely to rise ?
I see in a late Alexandria newspaper notice of an intended
application to the Virginia Assembly at the next session for their
projected bridge over Potomac River, opposite, or nearly opposite
to George Town, and for a condemnation of land to join the
Southern abutment to, and for a road, if necessary. You should
take care to be fully prepared in time with a true plan and repre-
sentation of the situation of the place as connected both with
George Town and the federal city, the comparative width of a bridge
in each of the places (that proposed by them above and that to and
from the Island) ; the true depth of water in both places should
be ascertained, in which I would not have you trust to any repre-
sentation of theirs, and everything so done as to be authenticated
by affidavits : the new bridge over the mouth of Rock Creek
should also be laid down. And I think it would be of great im-
portance if by writing to Mr. L'Enfant you could procure his
opinion, with his reasons, in favor of a bridge at the Island, not
letting the George Town people know that you make any such
I am something better than when you left me ; my fevers have
left me, but I am still very weak and low.
I am, dear John,
Your very affectionate father,
G. Mason.
John Mason, Esq :
George Town, Maryland.
By favor of Mr. George Mason, Junr., of Pohick.*
What were George Mason's sentiments regarding the gen-
eral government which he had seen inaugurated with so
many misgivings? We have caught a glimpse of them
through Jefferson's letter of February, 1791, and from the
same source, in connection with a significant phrase in one
of Washington's letters, George Mason's views may be very
' Mason Papers.
clearly determined. Jefferson wrote to Washington on the
23d of May, 1792, urging him to come forward for a second
presidential term, and giving him a remarkably candid
review of the objections that had been made to the admin-
istration of the government. These objections Washington
repeats in a confidential letter to Alexander Hamilton,
classifying them under twenty-one several specifications.'
Washington writes Hamilton on the 29th of July, from
'* Mount Vernon," and says that on his way home and since
his arrival he had sought to learn '' the sentiments which
are entertained of public measures.** He finds that even
the moderate men, friends of the government, are alarmed
" at that system of policy and those interpretations,*' and he
adds : " Others less friendly, perhaps, to the government,
and more disposed to arraign the conduct of its ofKcers
(among whom may be classed my neighbor and quondam
friend Col. M.), go further, and enumerate a variety of
matters, which, as well as I recollect, may be adduced under
the following heads.** The " variety of matters " as given
by Washington, in Jefferson*s words, are evidently to be
traced through the latter to George Mason. This is the last
time that Washington mentions his old friend, in his corre-
spondence, and it does not seem likely there was much
intercourse just then between " Gunston Hall '* and " Mount
Vernon." There is nothing, however, in George Mason's
letters to show any diminution of the friendship between
himself and Washington, though it is evident from what he
writes to his son in March, 1789, that he feared some such
alienation would arise. The objections, then, of George
Mason, Jefferson, and others, to the measures of the federal
government, related in the first